Bille Committee. --N-q.e- him-FRASER denied thetbe bed. either by word or menner. during the lieeneeb: of this question before the Printe Bille Committee, manifested e eplrlt of bigotry. m (the epeeher) went on to reed from the document in " hand end said, thet extrecte from it went to show that there wee e greet deal of intolerenoe in the Society. By the 1 book the Roman Cetholiee were not euuded to en M they were loyal eubjede, end they the loyelty of the Province wee concentrated to Orengeiem. He read eleo to ehow that the owihizatioa wee eatabliahtsdto put dolrn rebellion and protect the lives and libertlel of "loyal" men, and in thet reaped: it W" ehown to be e political institution. A pleiner declaration of e political eearetprgen- ization could not beehown. It wee not I lccel institution but e gonerel one, and it weethie very Society which ceme to the House and eehcd for co rate powers in the lend' Be was free to 32m that there were many nae: in the Orange body who were of liberal mind, end he hen wondered often thet euch men could be no after teking the Orange oath; but he maintained thet the greet muse _ of thoee who joined the body were not acta. ated by thew liberal principles, and they ' T R I could not be so actuated after having that UR - ilf illl A oath edminutered to them. He then reed the Orange oath, commenting upon it pere- - --_--- greph by paragraph, maintainiitg thet the $illall nil'MlElir--ttMlii1 ttaM. creed of the body ehowed more charity to pegnne end infidele than it did to Cetholice ; - - that it wee intended to pleee e ban upon Thtrnsursv, ah Mdreh, 1873. . ('ethclice; and wee en ettempt against the Tho Speeker took the eheir et 3 o'clock. civil and reggioue liberty off the people a; the . r . ', country. mm the ru ea or expulsion rom PRO ATE 1""iUPM""E 3 RE . the Older. he gathered that it w... considered . _ by Olengemen more sinful to merry e Cath. Mr.MERRICK and Mr. PsYKERTargued, i o ie Women than to live in edultery. that the concurrence in yeetmley'e report of _ m had proved imm the living present, with. the Private Bills Committee should be out going back to the past, the strong roe. brought up to-dey for the opinion of the zone he had epinet the incorporation of the Bouiie. Orange Society. Would it be wise for e Ben. Mr. SCOTT said that the proper, Home representing Ueqholica " well " Pro. comes wee for the honourable gentlemen, if teetente te, 8"? l, gti. rights to such an insti- they wished to amend the report of the Com. WWI"? The pethohce comtred. 0'19 fourth, nutter, to piece a motion on notice to that _ " might be "id, of the populetion, and did tfre ot. honourable gentlemen who "t'irtt them I The SPEAKER ruled thet it wee in order I " atrt, d " 'h?,, other.. C W flunk .tt for eny honourable gentleman to more the w? . NS oytg t em Justice to gteer an In. e dopti on o' thes report etitution, politicel and secret, such power-ens , . q ' I were asked for it ' If he came to the Legie Hon. Mr. I ARDEE moved that tho 22nd iature with . isibiiLi a Cethclic Secret report of the Committee on Private Bills be with such objects in View " he had 'f,t'e'l,', now adopted _ the Orenge .Aeeocietionto have, -spite ageiuet Mr. MERRICK then moved in amontl- thoee diihtiug from them in religious faith- l moat that the report be not now received, would not the manure be strongly opposed , , but sent beck to the Committee with inetruo- m would deem himself here if he did not hone to report to the Home, the reasons Oppoee eny hills which had for their urpoee which moret them to etete that the preamble the perpetuation of religion etrife. Ill 1868 of mid Bi led not been proven. lie Mid the Orange body had demanded ot that it we not neceseery for him to nuke 1neorporiiuon in this very chamber, had eny further romerke " resent; but he would tlun Yetu very properly refused. ll' on Pat. me. that tho Bil? in quoetion, having i for relueiog en Act of Incorporation " even for rte object the irtcorporUfon of the Loyal greeter now than it wee then, beceuee now Orange Aurmiatlon of Baton: Onterio, w" en Orengemen had to - thet he ie not t1 town out by the Committee by e majority married to e Untholio women, which had not ttt twos while another Bill for the iaeorpord. then been the CMS. In England the whole i ton of the Amrooiation of Weetern Ontario oeder had bccm blotted out, Although wee eubeeqnently_ reputed, end he did not tdterwariia it we. revived. m then ere Why Bills hung in similar object in View _ read from the reply of Lord Palmerston in Ice differently treeted. [ 1857 to en Ulenge deletion, _in which be Mr. MACDONALD seid hie feeling in the stated that the association did not belong to metterwee in the direction of eeylng nothing the proeut Btie, and that the future should at the present time no to the deteile ormerit. be looked to end not the past; that, in fact, of tie two BilU. Be had had the honour of it would be better to dissolve Lthe body on. Introducing the gm, Bille, the object ' and de. tin-lye thet it mould be wine inthe spirit of tails of which were iderntioar-thi, only dili'or. conciliation to lrelend to sever the bond ot ence being that one wee for the centern and CODDPCiMnl which now kept Ureagemen the other for the weetern portion of Ontario banded together. He (Mr, Fraser) naked " m could not eee why thas two Bills should hon. gentlrmi-n if these .etatemente did ; be treated diligently, m therefore moved tot apply with equal force to the genius of T in emendment to the emendment that ell the our country and ttttt Tirit of our timea. Why worde after "tho" in the mendment be rhould be, e netivc-born Canadian, be attach cut, end the following inserted t - lrought to the underetanding that an eucal- That the send r.ttport be not now received then could be incorporated in his native but that end Bill, en Act to incorporate GI f country which had for its only object the Loyal Oren" JUgoeiation of Emu", Ontario ksoping cown--the oetrecizing -oi himself he referred been to the Committee with ii'. and co religiomtro. If it wee right for e men [ rtrnctione to conenler the preamble theroot 5 to near that he would not merry e Catholic, l eeprovon, and to proceed to the consider the logical remit of the Act of 1noorporatiori i anon of the eoreral clauses of the traid a," would be that it would be unlawful for e men "',ef',,t','t',t to do so. f It would be e eed day for the r. ASER re ted thet he re b f country i , ineteed of ue all livin in on very mph that be m to teke JglYtirf "d unity, all would he3 utr,'.' dlecueeion H. 'u sorry that . qua-tied of ul by iceorporating e society which the eort should here been brought into the ehouhl not exist On behalf ot himself House. He contended that in View of the and co-religioniete he protected egrinet my people of tine Province being of difrareat Act of Incorporation being granted to en creede, and of the .Orengo institution being . orgattiration which had no rightful cleim to politioel. emulation. this meeeure should the power. it ouuht to obtain. There were not receive the suction of Parliament. Thu hot-bred: on Loth eidee, and whet would the orgenizition wee e tpoliticel one u would hon. gentlemen think if Catholic h ot.he ade prove iron: rte couhtu on, . copy of which called upon the Home for the ineorporetion , bed econ before the Privete an]. Coat. of e mmder t'etholio organization elihering notice, and e copy of which he had procured. to . 'r't'eisponth'ng pathy m dir,chsitned eny He wanted hon. gentlemen to dleehuae their bigotry or illitseranity in hie own cherecter. minds of the idee thet he wee bigoted in this Thi, w" ttttt titat time he had ever been matter. p alleging?) to }any e word or make e speech of . re n ; ut e thou ht that he would be NJ. MACDONALD we that the hon. utterly unworthy of S,', aidomtion---that he gen omen wee one of the meet bl cted men Id be it I 1n the Province, on he had ehown by hie ec- you almost beyrth roeetel"iiQ, IIT, Wound" and to-dey before the Private lug what he bed within the leet or y-elll '#