"_"'-'"'--" 'Tr,, " _ " "-..... W", , g N. r'-", " ' V V 's I V v.7 r , 'i.' ' - "from can ar, r, . ..rw .' -» - "was"- - , .. '3rN ir) A ttet it) 'gghl,htdp,t to Marxian: ttttit t' $31 yt/Ut, did not believe " "g"'"., 'm V o In. "omega 0 dnotbttievetur: . not be in the future to the 'grad/tttt the Orange bodeas new a political 'l'r'2ldT l tr,t,N,t,'f, he should remain a member of two or lb mam are would not be "divided. huh ones, butsc long as he was in the l Formerly the Orangemca were nearly all Inghlature he would act as his conscience Conservatives, but now many of them were . prompted him to. ' . to look ITttt upon the Re. . Mr. MoCALL referred to the clause which form . Marina to e refund of the . had forms rly been on the Statutes, precluding old Parliament of Canada to irytorporuo the i Orangemen from beln policemen or con- Orange organization, he "id tut it RM the l stables. and congratulated the IIonse and titt1tr ot the House at that time I A country on the advanced liberality that new wht had we"?! the Pulpit of the i L- prevailed in the country. m believed that mm . Films] Soc: " Act t , may," Acts 2'rt'"dtr ie:??, l',tutg, l ii,t,o,t,',et,il' op'hii,'h,2t"gtLt,f watch: , had encased in t . cusew io Wore . I' as ofrettiwo to Protestants as those no; tmsoidant thhtr,"gt It'", two Bills. IT, before the House could be ft, 2t,hth The If ttfeet',),.',',',',':,',',',, :1 d matings: . = , "i,teNitgtlit,t."1 'lt"t,'ft'e,"d tl ttp l Who did. not care what the result was; hi; . L: rt the amendment of the hon. member for l believed his Ight. to be a "met one, and ",rl, gods, and believed that in so doing he was ' therefore he k, it. . . ',i' doing no less than even-handed Justice to Mr. MACDONALD said the discussion "i':, Catholics. With Tel fo a stitsment had takena wide PHP, induced no doubt "t made by the me'mger or hortihdYorlz, "in; 3y the remoarksfwhxgl 113.31 P,tc,',tt by l ' man rommen ran men I no w s e mom ' or renv e. _ oug an r the gage of these ISI',', he quoted from a Urangeman himself and a Grand Master, he ' circular issued by the Grand Orange Lodge, was member for South Leeds, and thus re- . allirg upon tll friends all the Orderf tohuse ',g,gftPUttt ot the people. EH]: l eve means secure e use 0 o t ese won no voca any measure w to '/,1'3,i'll'l'. p g l would hear unfairly upon any men,no matter ' ' 9:; Fewest; ti,ht,', have" I n"::;:2.*:.1:e:r:.'r:hm£§ham: ' vii won er e c on - e mem- "'t'. trams of We": 1.1go, as"? "fat: ed film: Jett,1ir'ote,1, ittsli,ii(i? , , sp are ran o voca mg an e- i . . . - _ raging their Order and the Bills brought _ we tfmtPt,t,l.?2l,eAMi5 i','a,,1,,t,'ge,i I forward by it, tttttt his?" thatlrfleienoe l r::&:t;"di:0rd in the House p 'lTEhZSBBill . t2tt, Jat,t',te, mo? o2t2e"tl"t 'al, F Eras sakes for lgboth eastern and western l l " we been?» defend the" BilU. That F Associations of e Orange body, and at their , iiUnee wen: . wt '.y totrardg msking l mquest he reused the Bill DOW bisfore the g' him honey. that the object of the promoters House. A'ir"il'la11 it asked was that Orange. of the" Bill. w" not . good one. He main. men should have rimilar privileges to those F talned that those, gentlemen deserved no _ already granted to other bodies, such as the °'°""{2;"'é'§.',-'2-"°'Bi"h'",2'i§§1"TE"i >llgl1§etin§li 'thtttt tf t2,' T £3.32: I :18: so 'd'hell,"t'ltu'd" til: two on"; 'll?, L Bill had been itu'gete,d it was support- _ believed thatas the Orange body had new a , ed by 37 members from Upper Canada and legal existence consonant with the laws of opposed by only l5; and among those "all '"",1gi'n d We" tho "w: 2o smash; $33.3"?th co no en t a corpora _ . t,"t,'rdt""', lBill, tleg,,':, as framed ; it,"ttttgtu't"Lapg, ""lftel fe,',', e ' ace con ice much too lil '"P . . extensive provisions, as though its promoters said by the mambo; 3:" Jeg,', t%t,t - , wished to have it rejected. He reminded Orangemen we??? toe iflh1U', b t fl', were: hammers", t 1,tle he the a rehash". has: a u u . f,thtdutt 323%" the 'ge, te 2lioht'il,T, te'E,t"laTItt',d2t e a . necessity for the t'ln1'in'l'lff,,,"ortlf,', Side? Cameron, and L' Majesty w" graciously This expression of opinion, however, had pleased to receive it. That was the best been overturned by the great masses of the 'ehrt' 1tt/et,eNhtd",1,t. o! IN"? Order. ll , trad to th tat t cas e. l res so e princip as o 1 member '/gtretlid $31: this 2'et2,t,,t; the association, thgy were such that no man f'/':'tt,'hegu't'2."d,g,itu2 'thee, 'er,', new. ",'t1i2Aaflitu"laty' h _ t . 0 y In . p V l this 'ryr'lti2.dS.e'h' that the Churgl: of Home he might belong .u. . Orangemen were not il was aggressive in its character, and the oath aggressive in their principles, but simply de. ' was defensive and not aggressive in its trusive, and all they asked for was simple character._ It only maintained the rights of justice. m was sorry that so much had British citizens. Could our Roman Catholic been said about the .Biil under discussion; "dg"t 1t'gdttyi'gihf,otr, 1.loing we" 2Sh,r,'2rLtrl,ig,ttrr1d2u'gtt e cons ere err u in racism [ e . , they aggressive character of Ill 'l1',1,',2f, it shoulll be remembered that they were not of Rome, and in doing what they believed induced by any thing that had been said by i "as required ot them " Protestants in main- , gentlemen on his side of the House but by ' i, laining the British Constitution? Rightly the remarks of the member for South Greu- i (r wrongly Orangemen believed the Catholic ville. T 1 (Much wu aggressive. and therefore they . Mr. CHRISTIE said he had great sym- ', acted " they t ottght.tyt the doiunsive. A patby with those hon. gentlemen who said I good deal had 1.reetn sai/.t about the oath, but that they occupied a ditfiealt position with I there was nothing particularly secret about regard to this question, but perhaps not for l it. T . the same reason. One cause of his perplex- . Mr. Fh'.AtuT.rter.rtietud the speaker that ity was that he delt that he had lost his ' it a member divulged any of the secrets lader--tut the principles on which he had [ if the Order he woe, d be expelled. been elected had been ignored by the Premier l _ Mr. FAIRBAIRN said that that rule lp- he had come here to Iupport He did not , plied to all other secret moieties. He alao understand why associations of this charac- T A thought it an 1ieht,1r1ry,n,sytt made use of tor shouldcome tothis House and ask for by the member for Grenville, that if Orange- I incorporation. 1l,"g,1"t,': Ythonlh one 'tttdl/lt $3333. t','tt t' 2ttrg, 'ft (/'Jardlithei'hd it 1LthiiU, is 'd,hll a ' mus n , , " n.ake it nnlaa ful for them to do so. i committ 1th": f,e,thf errati- it had committed _ - - since 1 en in ems once. new; at: fi", 313?? at,S,",' 2:35, i Mr. RYKERT "id tint though an old to do or not to do a certain thing, the logical I Orangeman himself, he " not in favour VI, oonolurion w" h... such m who adarnia. l tSt1ttgdg,r..hl,gietiq,tututg i, turd the oath, if they had the power, would l 'd) 3" that Ora,n omen should deal with l _ til' hfft,h)h whtt they wanted as the l their own property8 as they pleased lie 0 an . i . w o , . i went on to allude to the remarks made by yt. F AIRBAWP', went on to "Y tut.tht I the member for Grenville, and charged that object of the mtgtutlos "a to spud against gentleman with traftieking with the feelings the inaoyo of Uathulion. and t. e oath as to ! of his co-ggligionilh. in trying to draw the the marriage of . members with .Catholic , Catholics together for the purpose of redeem- l I"""" originated m that wBr. Thu 03mg" ', ' ing the Tory constituency of Brookville r , than, as well as that as to the education of But the question was. whether the eastern "1-) children of Remltrp.w.e eattirely . vytuatarr , Association of Orangemen were entitled to J Li: _". . sue. Pr. did not think it became Catholics i be incor rated or not, and he thought they l E3." to t"ti.t tht, Ortyws body " a political or. were. 'rl',', member for Grenville showeda 2...;11; ttil':,'.,'?'?,; for it was well known that the s irit of intolerance in his remarks. and had 'rs',: ' ':auto.iits, phurch l"'! one of tU greatest Poli. claimed that men who had done all for the 'é,,' . f , .titat inttittttiona In the world. In all coun- Catholics that they could were intolerant. L l" " wtil - Witch!" .'u . no" no (thes tsalurr Laid tut the balk of the l -aot aiiermeftiitiooetgim M"! mhdics felt Ip/less; was due to ' - - - _-..-.-.,--.-..,.,..,.---,--,,