' " ._ Wv_,' - 7~v " 'miiii%eaaot theamounts id . it be. . ofwhateverth'e f . rd _ ' T 7 '7. . . It T , 0580.130 when" J 1 J O evident that the dimming ee an?» . '33: 'li (1'il,ii',!i'i'e'i(t',. and further, what was quite r' E Blower, but a want of m' Ito pr. This had I as important as anything else, they hid to . ', . tll2,", created 2ilt,t "an". on the art of ', set themselves to work to consider, a mode "at" mumcip that have "if trout, g by whlehto provide that inthe luturejth'ere- _ s" it e to tune, and they were led to feel that , ruining debts of the municipalities, what-7. ' s was no use to pay, the. those who did not E ever they may he, shall be paid. gum, ' J ttg were py.slititig by the omission, and that 1 ' hear.) link. that was aceomplishe any *f ' I t8osctwho did pay ware receiving no advau- I statement that the _Government might pyro- ", - ' C, 1tit/it, making the payment; and gradn- 3 pose would he a - delusion. u- , E , .tlumy whoyaid in the f'uutnatutae die i ess they could find some means of ' . l continued paving fl m Will sun, the II )uaa accomplishing that which W. found _ " ,1 ', Imuld agree with him that this mode of pro l incapa le 0 being accomplished either , F . feeding on the part of many of the munioi. under the Acts of 1856 or 1859 there was no wr L, Elllhel was moat disgramful to our country. use in making a statement. They would , 1 he effect was to diminish the value of up only retend to start from a new point, when i niclpal securities generally. and the tendency i in M they had no new point to start from. E , Te to corrupt the moral some of the pepplc l, They had had to solve that problem,and they , "uh mferenee to publio obligations. ("931 now were able to submit to the m . i hey) Be did not know anything scheme far the purpose, which 'rotsidtttt" , which PY! moHt alarming to tut upright mvt, little open to objection as any otherand less ', , F? or enlightened politician, or lover of his opentiiotriat8ttyt than any othersuggested , , country,tbananytliingthattendstocorruptthe by any one that he had heard,.either in prr l / p, . moral sense ot the people in this way; and vate or public. Now what were some of the y ' i " there we: nothing that we could more abhor suggestions that they had not thought oper _ t . than a State repudiating its obligations; and to sdopt t One proposal w" that 1lrt','l'l', - we should .wttch carefully against anything incurred for railways should be cancelled. I Iha.t ttmuin.th.e direction ot the view that Well now just see what the effect of that I l it I'. les, criy.ti!ta.1 or dishonourablc for a _ would he. , That of course would relieve a " 7 " tiny." repudiate it. ty,.reiet1tle? for " large number of municipalities, but the 7 r itrdis "ylel to do BO. Ths 931mm"? of the _ amount that it would involve would be enor- laat thirteen or fourteen years. counting from moue and not only that. butt many ot the the realms of the second orthotwo Acts to I iiiiriiiliiriitiG that iiii;iii'riii railway debts , which he had referred showed Qhat these , . . ' ' hed been paying large sums u on them. debts, .though or the nominal value of oven while some had paid little 'dlr22 had ' er; millions, were not of a greater value than paid nothin Further thine were many C, ll: no million dollars. [lo believed that that arts of the %huntr 'Gi/u' have not bernefitod F t':trt,oa""'ti,ng of tho valatr which '3' by these railways, hut which werenowbuild- i, am '1, to them when the Per, iog railways for themselves and givin bore uas before the arbitrators betwcen Quebec , . drug . use to large amounts for the bail of 3nd Ontario; but, however that mi " be, th and . dit a old he extremal um I , it was plain that that was what had been . era; t ' ' "i . _',hi1l'l1; incurrin' t','l,L for the practical value ot this fundto the Pro. Ju' . .,l','d"J,"1lt'l, ffl ha a? d be: vincc since 1559, lie wished to mentiona 'ei'll',r, rtrt gap} on hll it ttlm rt? T _ few tiguressto the Mouse in order to show pa: ythe T','."it?,' 'll :13?pr "P, 'i'. how till: end was worked out. Be had of the country "he b " Bott 1MOt r.tir * found t at the average amount received ways out of their own pockets should receive aim e 18va for the fourteen years had been ' nothing. The. House a.m1 the country would $150,000, thus representing the capital he nothave tseai,te,Uheiraihrt!,ng thpttheory had mentioned- -thrce million dollars. The u . 1'N It. relieving some ot thee indebted l sums, however, hid varied very much. In i municipalities. Another suggestion that had 3531' the amount received was $32,000: in ' beep nude 7" that ti" Government should new, 3103.000: in itWd it fell to 3.20.000; I ' credit to those municipalities that were less in 1552 to 886,000: then it wanton inure". i able to pay, a tmftieient sum either to l log a little, and in [869 the Government] put "1 end to tho indebtedness altog1sthfr damaged to collect nvcr SISI,000; that an." I or. to reduce it to a sum that would be was exceeded in ierN, wbon it wassl.vW)0i _ within the completence of the murdoipaltias , but in 1970 it fellto $156.0C0. and in 157! to my. and att came time accounting to l to $35,000, and in he": $3,000 --nor, mach all the other municipalities in the Province more" The... "yum... capitalised at 20 por for'a corresponding sum in proportion to ' cspt ' would rcotose.nt cosvile rahiv their population; but the effect of that would less than . million of capital. Hg, be that we would have to raise probably Fcrthcrcal1ed tho attention of the House to several hundred millions. Be "W in the I the fart that Without some champ- in the ptr return brouaht down Itat 'ear that one i aition of there dome. the amount of thee: hundred millions would be involved; but ' psi} month would no doubt continue to dimin. even that, he thought, was under the msrk, 'i, sh. from the growing sense thet pay-' and the scheme out of the (nation. The . nfentzs sum-creamy and also because the prim question of the Province L11IQ that sum i v". M it bring paid all bysomr of the indebted wait not to be thought of. A third propot municipalities. Now, he believed that in sition he had seen varied from that second i d: she; with this question the "mud feeling plan in proposing that in connection with the 3 in a that a liberal pohey should be adopted credits he had when of an account should , . (hm, ire-N , The Government had consi'l lit taken ot 'ht,',' publicdmpney tdv/ttht', cred the m, te . . . t evarioue 'tiee an or t eir one t, policy of that. 'fill', tMTU, 'ttttlg: I or which had been expended in the various _ that it was no use maintaining a nominal , localities, throughout y." /yii,ie/, , obligation on the rt of the mu nl ,lpariti" ' whether for railways (including? the Gran , t. _ when 'dl'2,'ldrl'12 it-when it is merely limit, Great TI estern, and Northern) or . matter ot hook-k . . In maneution for gravel roads, or anything cine on which with that it is in our?" thegeneral con- money had been spent in the past, He was sideuationtg of ',ttgfrt, had a hen ti t satisfied, however, that if the settlement of the" indebted municipalities I,0,fli mil. all these matters should be. tahen into Bit. ' _ under . In" of owing men wh' . count, and the several municipalities charged it was their duty to pay and "an "in with these sums, as against the amount we" not puma. The effect of that 'u I','. which tie, to be allowed to them P order . jurious to most of these nymiojpa1itism, be. .to place em "f on anequal footing, it would cause it prevented p0pu1ation from florrin l involve a very argcsum, and that the com- into them, and mounted men from improvg plicatlonIe invulved in it would make the ins their "mom. and 0","wa its effect scheme impracticable. m had made some _ was "ti; adverse to the prosperity of all attempt to work out t scheme on that pancr- l, these localities. The problem which had to ple, but had found it impracticable. He had L' besolved '3. how to place the Munici tl considered not merely these three schemes i . tl Loan Fund itsel' on th more satisfactory 't,Q of which he had spoken, but everything else. , l ing than " preent. He would herd show a which he had heard, orto which his attention , ' the goose how some of the different munici- had been called. Ilia hon. friend ttte "' s palities had been paying off their indebted. Treasurer, shortly after he tMr. - M ) J 'e. For instance, the tomt of Guelph paid I came into ofh'ee, had given him some Ili, nothing .hym .1867. until n872, and it h a valuable tables and information which he . i l paid nothing since 1872; the city of London . had been able to collect for the purpose of V ' F paid nothing from 1359 until the pmaent devising some scheme. He had ad disour i time, with the exception of810,000iri186,5,. 1 lions with his colleagues from time to ll . my? and Renfrew "id nothing from 1861; l, time and had received from them valuable _ , to. 18.0; the township Jst Middleton paid suggestions. m had had a valuable table trifliog sums it) to 1361; from 186t submittcdto him, some time ago, by the "e _ to jobs it paid. nothing; "no, member for South Ontario, and a very , 1868_ it paid nothing. Niagara paid I 2,'g,et,1? prepared paper by the hon. nothing since 1865; the township of mem r for W est Durham also; butall these _ Ops paid ':,htliglyt 1364; the 'town of merely dealt with a few of the considera- _ Prescott paid. not mg since 1866: the town: tiomt which it was new-try should be of St Cnthnnnea paid nothing a". 1869; taken into account. Reference had been i and so on. The object before the Govern. mode. in connection with the preparation of ' ment 7.. to place these debts oeth more leat- thin scheme, to the hon. member for S nth "funny footing and to ms1Uve the sense of Brant. Therewae no one horn whom he would > _ injustice which exists in ther amtnhttpalitu. be more delighted to have had a scheme pro- _ which have been parittgrtoofrirt " the same I pounded ttt h't mt R,'tgTht.ll.ll) "we commnll . . . DOWlng. " e . W, " to. . i at" tion to other locum" as a finaacier, arid the close attention which