" . ' , ' . 51,"! avaEm " ll "4. . . -"'-'"- v or; 1L_rL1?i,'.3 n 'r, - . ' , . '1'. m. I ar, a. l .. -dri 2m: - ee , _ s ' M 'd NP, ',1't ' 9.- . in tt ' . j '1 V e - E "iii Y, ,rsili')fti!!t,?iti!s', Big "$3.25; _ "vrcri" " _Gr 7' / 'i $123323??? "INN" gf - 'fl Mode is"? 'i-,-',,:'.?.?,,)!,'!):?:?!, Illl I / , teiatr in this." onghtmenwere growing l DRAINAGE WORKS. ' . _ _itii,iivrl,'s,'ir,5st,_ir,"'w',. . 'these old ind-331mm "et'tlt "I" ', o u of n Mi, u noun. . N ' $553" " . cease a and" m n mo on on. . c _ _ "2%.: ""tt7ic':sriitbii' . f b 2:01:13 Eire". ,'",1','",t',2,',tt,pte,t and ' thth of the Committee on tt Rubi? . ' "/,' .'r, it", ' n 1 , ' wee no . ow necessit _ so oiiaas a. further expenditure Pl io, ' 3., I ll, tue,it2,tit' "a u strong eno'Egh 'g money for drainage win. "new. "r"'""',"'. lIb: item" 1tltttt I)"; Tim £33033 BETTER ADMINISTRATION or . _'- 'r'J,% , . cola-or the people Altho h t l JUSTICE ' _ 'Aa r", , ' . "a . . . . ug Pt? tt . . --,_jc'la ~ C magmas?! a'"',' "P0130? to opreJudloe. Attomey4htnsrat MOWAT moved that _ W " t have inherited heal"! t 'al III who thereport of the Committee on the Bill prof , 1iit',illlll ' mm be subdued .313 w thh',',',".' g,1:tt .vidind for the betteradminU trttieotpti.t1e '"il8jllil , blow to our country'- ".1 tl, onset. some? In the courts of Ontario be received. Corned. y , tttf, mung such lnllsmrnsble netures. The ',, WHITBY AND PORT! PERRY RAIL. l 3.01: wig? this Bill 1land received gulc- i WAY, . ' H . one won not most sne- . fully against Canadian interests in the mother The goose went i.1tt.ot3oee.'tutt on the 1811 , country. It would produce discord where respecting the position of the Port Whitby 7 T harmony now exists. and would in all ro- " Port' Pe railway camped, tmder gu I "him! bring on other ringers end wig in A?" in aid '3 nilwsys, and ieported the the future which our gummy. children Bii1--Mr. Csmeron ststing that he would would deeply regret. All would prefer that move sn amendment to it on its third . . t"hr't',it:fl'h',t In ,the old land end excuseblo reading. ' ' s on ro rem s11 who lsndo these T . shores. (Bear, hear.) m sppeeled "d the , he House then (11 p, m,) unearned. , Philanthropy, honour, and Patriotiaat of hon. . V 's' gentlemen to. spare the country the dinners RESOLUTION 3. i/ which ttft,', srrse from the passage of tho - fh end oped the movers ot if would tied I. That it is expedient to provide for the if err pleasure on reconsideration to with. Pfrrangetnent of the Municipal Loan Fund ' , row It. debts, lone tosecure the due and regulsr .' . Mr. PRINCE ssid he thought no stronger pnymrnt of tmoh of them, or of tmoh portions _' F, I'S',"r,f, digit!" the Bill could be needed thereof, as "s to be paid. ' t 1 en t .e con not of its supporters in desiring 2 That it is ex . L q . . . pedienu to distribute , "Pl? 1f throneh. amongst the Municipalities of the Province , e Bill wss allowed to stand. for local purposes, the future produce of the _ MUh ICIPAI, LOAN F'UND. t,tifghl,t',', end so much of hthe other funds Tho debate was then resumed on there o. l o ". rovmce " may, wit the produce of i girlie?" tt,tt.i'ted on the Municipsl 'dt i 1tht,S2t,t,2,',, glad to tho allowsnces r . uni so ems. ' e ' ' '- Mr. RICHARDS thought tho Premier ' V 2.Auy with "erect to those debtsto the u . was not altogether disposed to adhere to the Munieiel Loan Fund, Ott which " "INF " ple laid down when the resolutions were . I ment of live cents in the dollar on the usess- ' framed, but considered that .tgt,.t,t,t', had ed annual v.oyr of the property of the in. born mode that were not (sir, an instanced late) municipality in 1858, w" not nulli- . Niagara. He thought the Government cientto pay the interest, the practical 0390* ought not to aak the municipalities to hand of the Statute 22 iistoria, c. 15, (entitled An over their "curities. Act further to amend the Consolidated Hon Mr. MUWAT pointed out the noces- Mtuticipal Loan Fund Acts), hat, been to , sity existing for such securities. r/ifttr,eJ.e.ht,tfglti, on the broth-day"? eccmr a, esumonwie e r Mr. WOOD (Brant) WY. clearly t.1trtt.t?n" asid rote (if five cents in the dollar would l streted the nature of ousting peculiarities . . In the in dobte dness of oeveral mani. psy_lntcrest " ftve per cent; that it is er- 3 cipslitics, and expressed his entire oonddeaoe pedient to accept this reduction es t.h.e !!tsi' - I in the scheme which he chimed wee o of snow settlement with all maaic'ipa1itim which would chsllen the ii n tiaurn of a" which desire the benefit of a settlement on Homers opposed to ffl, Government. 3;; that basis, and togive to other municipslities claimed that the Attorney-General htd done a??? ['1'y,'e,ttt m respect ..thtssp.t by himself infinite medlt in the Preparation of 1ng tttle other mu.n.ictrpalitiea the 3" this scheme. It was s question of great '°w"',°" hereinafter provided. . ' magnitude, end beset with many dillicultics, 4. 'I.'Ut for many years ituabetsnthe policy , 2nd the AttomerGemyral had done more "this country to give public aid to usetul than any other person before him to settle railway enterprises; that the late Province . this dillicnlt question. ' of Canada largely sided certain railwevs in Mr CAMERON enquired of' the lust ' Upper Census; thst other railway, in Upper ' week's r if he had not taken particular in. Canada were built without any sid from the . (crest in the preparation of the scheme. Provinalof CW." tit., 'f,,h/t,gt, aid harm _ Mr. WOOD replied that he had nothing if" 0 Q imam-'1' m" . '99" Cana p, t", to do with it nor bed he ever mentio l y_tsking stock m the "a", compsnies i haath, rd ton; member of the 'llll'd','T, which were to construct the sold railways, CC21'l't'iC,, withythis matter He wss re- and by making loses to the 'ei.d comp mics, - - " d to B tford iso with . pth which stock wss tsken and which losns were cl J 'pre mar; a',','1',tl'l'i munici d'tiesm '3 I made on the mistaken representation to the 2'lfl ith. it had we: no: lid 'Jfl ssid municipslities, and in the delusive ex- P _ t WI been, T P tb F l" I i pectstion by them that their advances would . r" Ill future boatrhstoetaad mutton without be ode cod out of the rrrfits of th rail. r I special intluenne. being brought to bear by i ee. he h il p ti 1° id d I him Hethen repliedto vhrlous insinuatious we", t {it t e ry ways sorespec v.e y tht e! ' . cast-by members upon himself end that mu- by tilO'IMd Provinee sud bythe said muni- nicipslity. From the time iilii he entered prslitIes hove been greatly instrumental P the Government of the lots John Sendlield develop mg the wenlthhnd resources ot th.it ' r . Ma, , l d until h withdr cw from it he Province; and think-With respect to the cord ' , never endeavoured to do anythinq that might Film" l? built witltout any Provinois1 aid, E be construed intos favour for Brantford. As it Is expedient, In View of the sold fleets; to RI, to the merits of this scheme he rested new credit to such of the said municipslities us ' Et tent with leaving it to the good "I", of the I? not benefitted bnghe'Ststutc 22 l let, o. r " House. For himself he would give it his 15, ssum equslto 2,tlilte mile of raileay l f S' F. tron gcst support. so aided, "mild sum tl,'2i.tlt,1,, amongst i I i 4: ' , , , _ T , the municip es respect " y, in proportion I w it I Mr. CAMERON asked tf Mr. Wood s . . . . , Kp view wee not that municipalities which are to the amount ot their end contributions, and , i able should be ma d c to My " to be ftrt2t tttgr' s psyment tp' . . " 7 n l n ' , . 'ir' Mr. WOOD replied that tlwy should pay 'i',? of itg de t there or being "e.'""', '14 1 just whet they were required to my by law. D. .Thst .u!t.r. the Confederation of the . I ' ' ., . . . Provinces In 1807 and before passing of the MR., , i t'ON called the attention of the , . . ' w . . , , Mr. SEX . . . Itaiiwsy Aid Act of 1871, divers munieipal. - Government to on Pa'".".'?." m the tigarea ities, which will not be benMttod by the said f i relating to tht, 1urunty f, " e" .1T"th.: _ Stetuto, 22 Vic. c. 16, have given sums of . Tis At the "quest of the opposition, the mat money by way of gift or bonus to divers rail. , tor we: laid over till Mon my week. wsys, or portions of Mpg: which, if not , . 'e: T . ' " T . . 'OLLEGE AN D y . commence prior to " 0 December 1870, l Et?, AG111 it) LTC Pliliifrmm. IO ','a1,1112r.."'2'ct, entitled to aid "In. C, i " _ / . on c ; P, esums so given were lar. t Ik,,, Bon. w 1,y,iel:ibluTe',d earn-I: an thes new... hem-mm , IIE': 'rve.r go with "Wm. C,", ,, " t '1" Co C. ia.id s'tl'"tg', received out from the Pro. © ," new" an. .u tumble»! .a-. ', I- nun- Vince 1n Y! some myss the Act of 1871 . I E T . provided With respect to railways commenced 3 h' " "at the Stud dtitts ', ttl it is expedient to . .. _ . make to these mumcip ities on nllowsnce, es ' s a of thelst January, 1878, st the rote of $1,000 T C " . per mile of the. portions of rsilwsys aided b _ l ' p . the end municipalities respectively: such ellowence to be divided smonzst the said _