I" , I s, , I I - . _ _ m the force, homme, 'd,thhigeettt, l -,F, l J. o he patients y lnnne asylum: and 50 per _ he than httherowas scare ,arsqFxtstrutrtiytt ' " .a. A: ' cent. or the demons of prisons werethcre di. in this in" who was not puma ttt taka . , rectly or indirectly through the use of strong hold of the subject with a v gour ttrat they ' drink. m hoped the intioaunr.ot. the Bi , never felt before; but luch were 'ee.t would take a vote on its second reading. and stances that surrounded the /Pr.tlo? that then it could be amended in Committee. my Act of 2t,tttt thtltl tg','g,'1 l t . r strainin theerilso t 0 tquo' ' ' ', tct, ' td'id,ie,tl,',,0,ttte)tt1,tthto21tg.s bio-arom'lwimhetrowmwm Its'.: a - v ' high he nod in: W through t IE _ l member tor North Norfolk, will also the hon. the Aet w here ' many valuable . , member for South Ontario, for bringing tho the . Home t Examined nearly . I question ot temperance so prominently tor. lim'ms' but they tatuto book becsuse - ward. Notwithstanding, however, the tie- ) u'ead letter upon the III forced The , . . clarution made by tho inhmluccr or the Bill i they were et amps!" 1'l,"ll,'ltlut(i", l ' i new under discussion, that the use of ardent has!!!" h.ad intiodigc h? would be like F _ t spirits was on the hem, and 00?W"h' I rug that License Asst, 2,ii, an old gsr- t I Standing the sat mount of information Ott I tmtting tt ragassil old path up: introduced . a the subject (it; that gentlemen pow-"d l meat. (Lauahtlsrr An, "I: Ill, and in the I, , and the statements per rapiln made by that V by the member for North who for South ' Bt gentleman,' h. (the speaker) bagged most, one introduced by the mom ea rovxsiOlll . submissively to demur from him altogether. ontario were the ulster!" dll r'd,'l,'i' into ' The temperance men and the temper-sues which would make a Bill wine ' t m under F' g organizations, and other persons attxtotttr law and backed up by , troiiao 'ff' oul d tp . for the wall-being of the country, whether the oontrol ot the povernmcn, LQ,' r BI 1 they beditswd to these organizations . niectusIlly meet the evil, m was "It I', ff, ti' . ornot. had given expression to the Inca 9f puttuw such slaw on the stat}! e 112d te 2 that the public sentiment of this country. which the evrls of the liquor trulhc as h r,?. ' which was the sanotionofalliaw, would bo for, but tttch . law would make strc', I f.), , brought to that point that the vending of radical changes that he cauld scarcely 613030} I i liquor, except for medieinal,'mamttatu'tttitv4r that at such a stage of tho session the elm. . T if, I and mechanical purposes, would in done amount would be pmer.td to come down l IA i away with. (Hear, hear.) The advucicy with such a measure, and it Ishouhhnot, be l III, of this at ntinwnt and principle had forced it- done unless success Joyntd. in the instance l ,1 self upon Ministers o the Gospel, and the to regenerate mankind; Jrrcsr, he"), A , l carol st desire for legislation Jrtreht5,. the strong expression of opinion on the subject l L',", sale of intoxicating liquor h brought itself was desirable, and the Government might , 'l'i' l home to every iudge in the land an " every t;t their house in order so that a Bill of the 'kr , magistrate. Grand jurors have hsd their kind aekr,d for could be introduced. Pos. it?" I attention direotedtoihe evil sets?' pr the coming; the constitutionality ot. such a Er?, l liquor trailit: from their examinations of fsw, no had 1,0 sir to dual "til tlwur- ' ttis l gaols, and hadbrouglnt in' reports contItcu- sinus affecting the preservation .05 i i ' Q ally ahowing the diretul tulicnitiea thcliie and health of our people, and police ' ', brought upon the mind and body of man by regulations were made by us, and certainly l " I the use of ardent liquors. Our Gaol Inspec- lbsrefore it came within the province of this . l tor had submitted to us the ma that out of Leg1a'ctttv-'ts to pass a prohibitory 1vv. It I I . gaol population of six thousand, fipy tlyp. t one within the pnvcr oi the States of. the .. l sand were inmates of the eritiyttt.i'oyitT American Union; and it had been attested I ' & I r tions in consequence of tho use of xntostt- 'rg the Supreme Court there. To the h )uosr ' I ', ins: drinks. The Inspectors of Lnfnlh' and glory' of that Court it h ul dochred their. l ', Asylnms in the United States and ti.tut not on! upon technical grounds had the e Britain showed that thrve.tictu of the States L, right to P." prohiWory laws, l E _ lunacy we? directly traceable to the same lot it would be sorry to see 'ttty country l II; ' cause. I For every five men tTrl with which had not the, power to pro- ; - l grave OWL-1:26! and high Ic1.oas,h.turof tup; led; its people from what was s l l adbccu brouaht to that r,"""""!.?"! co."""l foul deeirover of its race. (Hear, hear) r T', ticnthrough the direct inllncnceot rutoucst , He hoped that. we should soon do 1 " f mg drinks' o.nd ita tTtusdut,t'a. Ttttso he" [ away with the sale of intonating liquors : _ were, attested to by Ministers of the flosp:l ' from one end M the Province to the other. I ', and tmedical men-attested to 2 the Ja.die, (xcept for manufacturing, medicinal, and . I . of the Imnntry who had tr ed crnnmnls u-echnnical purposes. (Applmsg) Without . lathe doth. and by grand Jurors rho had going into "ititttice--without going into g; memoir! 'I-ur tmoh and examined iato the arguments which rolled up mountains high, ', causes which brought pcrmntatothose place; l he would conclude his observations by ex- g, attested .to also by all who had tl,'hlff, o pressing the hope that if we could not have , observation, because they forced t emseli'e l a prohibitory measure this session we would a f, uponIthe observation of every one. m was , have one next session, and thst it would he . I al udrng new only to the p yaleal 050th of t oshmscd in every corner of the Province, it i drink "POD tho population, tdr he should ' it would cost ninlllion of dollars to do " . I leave it tothohon. member for 8ottth on. ,' (Applause) When it come to that point . p . e o s ' , , i tario to dwell upon the moral IR'?' s.tt tis the expense attending its firat introduction ' i use. . If the mind was immortal in i.ty na. could be gradually withdrawn, for ublie I -; ture, If f!" impressions made upon ittuyl I sentiment would be sllthst would be re- r l... l tlu, trpittierg It react-ad were to remain I wired tot the proper cam ing out of thelsw. FII? . throughlsg our??? W: we? taught mgr i mud cheers) " tF' i we."'., . l was Bt) tAt Pro nce Plym t a Mr Lil'UEl'. wanted to know how Mr 9'," l mind ,ert I'",", by. tho. liipurr Em". . . The Wood could speak as he had just done, sce- l i when any" on ucstmyeu, but if 1 ing that he had, in a recent debate, declared 'i ' the Jewel itself which it contained was also f that it woe not possible to cure itttornptsraaee l I I I I c'eatrpyed, the loss won d be very great. He i, by legislation. m did not believe, in sham , . I would "for to another nspcct of the case. , ttsoltitions. It this were carriedto ssecond i . I I He te 001100th vohtmiGo notes on the f reading the Government should take it up as l F':] site, but when he spoke upon an import i a matter of policy. It would do away with , , . l ant1 I matter he foreot till about the notes , the Inobdati, Asylum at once. The measures , ati1v.erxutud along with it, f9? .it hit-1 l of the Government, however, were so far 1'st II I 1rd1'tttinTt',"",yot to carry Inn ahrag, quite opposed to sprohibitive policy. But fit: A i.a.td certain 'A", '1t?i,5, no Wily"! b, "'O' it shcul not be left to a private member to a IE','.',',".'"' iii-II." along- -..e "5013.0 matrfru 1.'is.ia currv out such legislation. He would vote t ."f= l' , country, through he we of P"'".'-?":,' I for the lhll, desiring to promote an measure l " air, use greater than throng} any cti er l tending ttUitheoartqie nu ','G2,'lil%"d'tl, in . ; cause. 1'0in Mills or the Ipmpensm ',, HIch , liquors. He believed, howover, the Bill was A t, 'trect (IfIthis eeil. The .rittees'. tlut'w :1 id , not intended to he proceeded with during . before mm were tuttywditigr. in led than ' this session. " I ik "as a total of ih'.5. 400,000 515210111 of foreign I The ATPORNIQYQENERAL 1nd only i ry, , will sh'.'.'n1i/r's',,'t,'t',i,t.urt liutror f'..yy',ilvit! l, been prevented from speaking sooner by the l .' , ut the t Il.':?', k Y.tb' 't 'tatt, ',:'ettl'..r. li I'll- ', haste with which the two previous speakers F) I '.;;" . upon 15ffff'H: ten IN", to N? vggua, ind 3, had_riscn to address the House. tG donut [ 14': 48911 W "Wm WWI te'-? 006%ng & 'RIP, oi s honourable members were aware of the dilii. 'es"' ( thirty it", they "Mild "as. from. hasten i culty of dealing with a Bill of this descrip- P". , to Ban l'rmolsco and back atptie;orit "will i tion that a responsible Government must .. I is enough to fill sIcunal fourteen feet wide, ' feel. Every one knew the intense earnest .:- i '.'t ur feet deep, sue one hundred miles long. i res: of the mover of the Bill on tht . " . ' 'ro estimate the amount of money invested . . . . s tlast" I, . . . . l. non. All would rejorccil it were possible . . J m liquor hauled our comprehension l bat the l. to find some means of carrying out the obie t ' Br "may thus spout weal-lg} far enough in l, u his measure. No one could kl2'lutht'l By,' , two yrurs to my oil the natioual debt ot tlv, ! enormous moral and physiosl evils reduced l ' ji' l'nited States Asia was spent now, it left. i by intern runes. Attention rt . ' "it . b hi d tsseont in the inn .3 a . I" tev Mt the- - ' , no assets e tl ' 1 . tt a y I neuron had Been called to the subject own; I b' / 't Imus, m the wtrtk-hoaics, m the gaoU, and m to-the numerous petitions that hail been L _ the Isms and the alleys, when death and ilt'l- presented. A committee, too, had been ap- ' I: t traction, moral and physical, acted upon the pointed, and he hoped its labours would be il '. ' whole atmosphere. (Rear, hear.) lie do! » useful. He (the Attorney-Generallhadoon- 'l h'c. ; not wonder "temperance men becoming RIO. sidered whether it was competent for this l . nemaniscs on tho subject, for he ushered ' House to deal with the question, and he had, a n that he himsell up tid become crazy should although most reluctantly, come to the com l U t, his mind dwell upon the question. h'aeh .s.li1PE he was about to state. He will!