CT", . .3 . , r', .' - 'tsm, . r ~ _, " "' _ ' , 'ried' awn ts A .. _ "l Ir"." _. "lhriUtmg that it felt boundto secure an. if F!" ' mnvcnienyce if the consideration of the g T' - . deuce from some person who was entire! x- , F ' . ..., the farm to Toronto . ' , . .,,. " . Guelph,, however. was a railway our"; disinterested in the matter, and therefore , [ and '3. accessible from a" ik' Professor Mills had been asppointed, because of the country " goo d " 2' a. he was presumed to be entirely "prejudiced t m.trent on to explain that there could be "iii, in the matter, and becauseho was celebrated ' assistance extended to the College if placed on the othtr side of the line for h1a know- , at Minder; by the Professors st'the UniVerai- ledge of agricultural science. After an exa- . t ty 1: 'loronto. Entinly irreasp'tehiro ot no somatic; of tholgroundbzhat singed gentle. ' , duty imposed upon him as . member of the men a entire y mas; rate t e opinions Government. he could no; help cintendiu" expressed by the rd of Agriculture. \ T tuttuti.,eot, Guelph was by all mew: The": to thow that thy GPvmmm Waig trot r " preferable to that at Mirnioo . - hasty, a further examination was thought do. ' . sirable, and as it was thought that there _ Mr. BOU LTER end the only trouble th " should be no political feeling" in the matter , l seemed to atlrct the Government was the the. body of men in no wise interested ii wt of changing tho lite from Mimtco to the matter phould I). 39190th to report ttpon ' Guelph. T c beat way of tttt our tho the alta. This was done and the report diiticulty would be to rave the arm when _ of these gentlemen "in iurther precluded I it was, lie was one of those who visited the the possibility of the Government's going on . fun. at Mimico last year. and hliuplllilll with the works " Mimloo In reference . was that Ms varied will alien-d the best. to tho Stone farm, he "id that it poeslblr: tile for an cle'I'lluo-ntel form lln oontained all gum of nail and was a moat _ nosed that at the present time it is not rim .1; ibhs aite Ho amintained no" emphati- eirable that the Pr prinrial Treamry he l"in 2f,' that il, retirement from the Govern. dmLed "ml the ma'r,tenattec ot 'ttl agricultu- meat had no connection with the selection i . ml farm ' of the Guelph farm not vice versa. He had r, Mr. CAMERON moved an amend. retired before the commission referred to ' merit to the .mevdatrsnt It appeared to him I wasasked to Whit ihuslph, and that visit had l, , very strange that the patrons who had lateay i not been made at his request. Ron, gentle. C' I examined the farm ut Miinico had not paul I mad who spoke so slightinglv ot the Guelph some-attention to tho report made by tu, i farm knew nothing of stock raising, nor of . practical farmers in the neighbourhood The I the nature of the (arming country in that ' opinion hold by the Minister of Agriculture, neighbourhood. It w" . 10" well known to that 1yeytw"ly?t farmera came from and all those who took any interest in those lived P the neighttoarttood that their opinion matters that Guelph and Wellington ware ' was binned thereby, was indeed very Hatter. away in the foreground of any other part of , log to the yonmenry of the country. we Canada in respect to the excellence ot their 1P.rtason, for the change was that the Han. farm produce. Guelph had "pottdod . Minister of Agriculture had always had a I very hirge sum m the establish- . incurable eye nu tha site at Guelpmavan ha. l ment of show buildings, and yearly T t fore the late Puninciai Secretary luft tho i hold an agricultural show whieli W" Government He could not see why tho Go. I hardly second to the Provincial exhibition. vernmcnt would have passed over th" Pro I There was. he milked. no part of the fessors and attticttlturUta that we have in country that was in a position to claim this country, and have gone to the Unit ad equality with Guelph in the matter of agri- ' States to fied a person to examine the and culture advancement, and the authorities of on the Human farm. He then went on to the Agricultural College, if it was established read the letter addressed to Prof Mills of there, would have much to do to keep up to Hichigsn, from which he argued that name the ordinary farmers of the neighbourhood. _ former correspondence had been had with He thought that the excellence of the Stone Jet _neutleman tjylter b the Cogmieeiousr farm was of itself a very strong case in favour 'iiiTU, Clarke, F whom wasfanxicus of the action taken by the Government. in to have the nelph.where he r». addition to the rest tttee of being lo. tided. farmers who hm outed near a raifwey centre,t t farm had on T examined farm showed that the it a splendid new building which had never site and ' was in every way been occupied, and which had beenin pro- . gnawed inspection. Ha cess of erection for the last seven years, the . , "iter " Whitby would tnarbumantalpienotriustbesiogp.ut in, The ,t to hat at Guelph. The Govern- cubbuiloiurs had stone foundations, and "tr theiirst time showing an a;.. were built of stone one story above the pares: pt to save some of the publh' ground; the fences wereof the very best me ' . a expense of the farmer. of thu terial and pattern; a great portion of the .- ooun'. They might have exercised some farm was in a high stateof cultivation and ot that ec:nouiv more boetetipially in the underdrsined; there was on it ave large matter of the Inebriate Asylum. He he orchard of imported fruit trees. IT alto. laevodthe object of an agricultural farm w," gether the farm was one upon Which the to teach farmers how poor land might be College authorities could go to work " once 'r made productive. and how good laud (nigh and make it self sustaining, whereas the i) l hobs-ought to boar fruit ttpe. what they Mimico farm would need the incurring ot a F ' hadjnown of before The imico farm had great deal of preliminary expense. In the " the advantage of will)! all the "mm, matter of economy the Guelph purchase was , kinds of soil which were n.g...¢y_ lie be. by long odds the preferable one. At Mimico heved that it had been prevalent courtesy lt' would have been n6Cet$Bhry to tstiersd 7 that a new Government should not undo 325000 for outhouees, while on the ", what had been done bysprevtoua Govern. Stone farm far better ones than could t ment, unless upon strong and valid reasons bs had for that money ware already [ 1"1 I Be then went on tooritieias mum], me". standing. Re wished to be understood as I t t'lftl tho accounts for inspections, and com diselaiming most emvhatioallv that " w. uded by movrng, as an amendment to the retirement and the selection of the present I "tttepic- l site had any connection whatever. Hie re- , " all the words in the proposed amend. tin-merit had been an entirely personal ins-'- ; l Itll after the word " House" be struck out ter. an}: the'followmg words atthrtitutod therefor: Mr. (honors raid that from his personal ' in gwyhstandmg the report' made may". inspection of the Mimico term he thought _ 3 Ac ands acquired by the Province; f... that the crops looked about as bad as they _ . an .giicultnral Farm and. 0.1103. in the could look in any part of -anada. He could _ ' f we ll'l of hmhicoke, in view of the Very have carried an hero's crop of - away on I' l tYour i','iteeT,'p"' and representations of his back Shuly rand stone and sand pre- I _ 'l'l,firtl dunes of and lands by Messrs vailed. There was no water, and-the whole 9' I in? e. 1i .titoc.k, and W: 2grdorotteat t place wanna dry as duet. The man mart be I 5" , LTIL'.',' ""8 m the nvighhaurhu of said I next thing ton maniac or a fool to buy ', . l A. and thoroughly acquainted therewith, such a farm. l, " 'flUlt',i,r., productive character in tho Dr. CLARKE said that he had never re- l (i, past, as, J', View of the great loss and ex ported in favour of the Mimlco farm, and 'i) pence t a will be enta' ed upon the coun- . rof. Bucklend explained that hie ordeal L" l, h" " aryt.td " Pt, h" thaa $30.000, by a were to tind a fare. within thirty miles from ' ' 'lllllfl of site, this Home would not he jun I Toronto, and he thought that the Mimi. ' ti 'ti, in sanctioning any chaneein the [mm co farm wee the best he could select C I tl or "Ch orllego 9051 farm from tho site m believed the Guelph farm was all that t l ll ectedJ try, the ANminutratiort of the late was represented, and spoke of the great ad- i _ [ dt on. elm Ssndiitld Macdonald." vantage of havin a stream . h , k m-'. It? {Meadow use that when the thcfarm g tug t rough l, , _' I ms to removal had first been introduced Mr. BOULTBEE mono. 1 ", l i 1dLhtl,gm,tatt that no removal should credit of the House, it Woiildt 1t,,t,ut,', Jt; ' 'it' i th Rd in t out the beat of T"?"; but if this discussion had been conducted with t .. . , l? t Th""; 'yrtinst keeping the Agricultural closed doors, because he observed some tar. iii q, T , i Gown: Munroe was so strong that no more in the gallery, and: he thousrhbetut, , t - . vernment dared " its face go on with the ' from what they had heard they would not. I . ., ("- c'" l lie/tt of 'lt farm-houses thtrs. The ac- _ have a very exalted idea il the agricultural I f "r; _ this that: Y the Board of Agriculture in knowledge of' the gentlemen who had tak'en . I I /i, V pmible tf'.' are" "dun that it wen im. pert in the debate. [is observed that one of I v t 31 _ was . 'dust,'",,',','."."'" ,'t say the site the most "irntiiio men in the country, Pro, I le " ' 3tirgtrsd to the Government in thi: 2't'X'g, I lessor Buplrland, had reported in favour of . , _ t I've- the Mimioo site, and that they must u. V . drove that the men who had livedon the farm, t-i-i--iag-=aizs--satc_nrie-r_e_, _'____L_,___' page," . _ _