I the exercise of some sounded in their 0 n- The re rt of Mr. Buchlsnd , i, tttmtg. TU report referred to ty a" l 'lhhy'ltle'lold',m'i'l; spoke of the in: l I drawn It by a menu " the Clean a Hotel. I in the immediate neighbourhood of Toronto. ' , hetero t e Board met. He said that Mr. As to the cost of lurking the change, he said 1 Clarke's report which represented the Boil " it had been shown that the same results could [ Mirttittoeb.o!?g "a we" urinary our," dit. be derived for hall the expenditure The lend materially from the other reports upon advantages of having the Stone farm in prtr rho subject, which represented the sell rm". to the one " Minion were " great " and" Ile oontendod th." tty' that there was but one course open touhe action of the . G'ovarmntatt . In Ito Government it they wished to do their full matter was undignifUd, because in auhsoting duty in tho matter, even though it set them a rite by which they declared themselves for the moment in antagonism with some of ( pl _,1't't,ft', stand or Il,) itqg1teft,. I',"',','; their own friends. l hon..get 'P'"' oppoa1 m " pou lor? o r. LADDER he of the variance in l "ritstt to important, tnePtrtrt' on both tside., thropinions of 'tdrl'hl'L'd( who reported to aid and support them in forwarding their " n the soil of the farm at Mimico. and of ' \inu s. Be and that the country would sat "in: fun which Prof. Kedgie, of Michigan let agreat tioaneial loss by the change .of was in tho habit of poking at this Proving; . t , site, and would be doing a _serious luyusticl for sendin him up paroets of earth for m. _ [ to the farmers in the neighbourhood, the al "a. Sl accused the Govm°nr l, price of whoselands would be depreciated to 'l? an attempt to introduce the Am; ' , I an alarming extent. fie hoped hon. gentle. erican system of changing the selection men would act in this matter according ad b former Government! for the pur- l _ to their independent judgment; although he m b y . 1 d ti r ' pose of throwing a s ur an a a gun up m was sorry to say that some hon. gentlemen I their predecessors. Some of the members o'. who had formerly .exprtyHI themselves in the Government were in their departments] lavcur of the Mimioo site had, within the . . ... . . l t t l h ted th . action endeavouring tol'oster pohtlcal spine ".' . wettty. our ours, reata err and pattizesah.iy. l'ethought the people ot 1 09mm" West. York, if they had any apirit left, l Attorney-Gerreral MOWAT said the Gov. would resent the action taken by the tlov. crmnent did not charge the late Government oument in this matter. The speaker Wong wizh any dhhpnest or improper motive in on to say .tturt the oost of tramderring thrs selecting Mimioo as the site of site would be very graft. "tst tlysrtt would the agricultural farm; but that Gov. be nothing beneficial gamed by it. Br the ernn:ent had made a very great removal of the 00'1980 the Government Wprrt _ mistake indeed in this matter; and the mass uneettling the purple of York, Peel, andHal- l of evicenoo now bolero this Government, ton. He was iatiigied that the second ind:- which the old one had not had the advan- mint of this Home was against the femoral tags of, made it compulsory that a change of the College from Mimico. I tl'tuld take place. He was iatutied that the Ben. Mr. MCKELLAR replied to . mtg. I cluntry would not lose its money it One ment made by the previous speaker that be ' hundred young men in each year attended bud "mud the farmers of Etobicoke, or F this College,. and went out on totheir own wade use of improper language towards tam Emiluamied with 'll the betst pltns.oi them. That was entirely incorrect; But he . u orlurg lands. _All his own personal m. did say that the report drawn up by Messrs t climatic" and interests were in favour Noble, Stock, and Burgess abounded in ct Toronto, so. were those of the hon. "uttttnenttt which were not true. He did Treasurer. Political and personal reusous not know any of these gentlemen, but _ were very strong. in.deed, for the mice 1 Mr. Burgess had written a letter ', lion 9' the "tar as " WM, In leavmg about him (the Commissioner) in the the we the .Govmment you" have Ind Mail in which facts had been stated which no Mice-1W"! Ibr.trpt.hiy 'rxeaitt their w. re altogether at variance with the our: sense of duty pointed towards keeping truth. 'lhe letter showed the animus of the the, " ulureit stood, but the mass of tm. I um", and was not worth answering; but dence "FY "t that Polity was h, .gret that sooth r letter in reply to the former she wed '0 Bttr' hiatstttttsgut" 'e1t.tsotu.id,. tn tha "I he worthleseness of the statements in it. cuts" the country, to adv-men change. up (the Commissioner) had no object in ' The very . tt f".'""', who hid bsm ms1ecasd m mounting the farm " Mimico, hat his aim i 'n Mount ct ins ability in report for the l was to place the Agricultural College where are syortrtsytt'n'o1in this matter had bun I . it would be a credit to the country. tho tirstto bring thte matter tteiore them. Mr, CRAIG (0lengarry) regretted that on _ Mr. CAMlellUS said tho. Mr. Cl W c this occasion he should have to place himself liad'bpprowd oi the Min-loo site. in opposition to the views of the Board of Attorney G, can] Mowat' said the? the Agriculture He was only too glad to sup- hm. ltoutictrwts cnmd have been ttwler a . port the Government when he could. and "at triutalst,. rumour; that getttustutui'a would be glad if he could no so now without you. lie had winner! against that site. "OWE! violence to h," own honest couwetiontg. I in. was ' gcntrtuota,not only a good agricul- . He had some practical experience as a farmer I wrist hut a Mini-leer of the " "tel. mo a and knew good land trom bad tie !Pr a u-mpeble of inlsilyin- b _, statomw bad report of the tits. at Mimlco published ,l or contmcinting his mm -r stature vi! by the Board of Agriculture, and went to '; l rm. Attorney General then went on the late Mr. 8ar,dlield Maodonald and asked I I to read extract»- from 1.t war-he's rep" him "but he meant by locating the College I m immurof 011.1311 Swirl) bu; Mutt-m ' at that place, Mr. Miuxionald told tum tn l unultl not-xpecr that. in 'he (35:6 of all th go and see for himself, and he dai so He s:sririttaoe tstiordrd to them against the M um wwt there, and had not gone over six acres l Grm,tta, Hovewmen' coqu ad -w rm. wok or the land till, according to his judg. t ( 'heretosoout The Government had not r. ment, the report of the Board of . l man en uni-lied with Dr. Clarke's minim Agriculture was incorrect, and his l .4 Ir tv' ail tren hum be wan t. musk on th. opinion was confirmed by the report l .ubjwt- but had obtained tram rtherg in given by Messrs. Stock. Noble, and Burgess I imam-d in the advtusceuvuttof Mrivulturn Ameeting had been held in Mlmico the 'lw ir siewt, on 'ln answer and all had made , 1 other day at which this report had been con- ti, shim that it would haw l, on rm ti", m. tiatied. It struck him that the evidence l proper thing for the Givrrnment, m the {we iaktn by the Government was all on one . ', , t all them warn-age, t ' go nu wrth this lug» ride, and not trutricumt care had been taken 1 exvebditm o of the public money. "he charm to get evidence on the other side favourable l mambo Government had hen inllat.need by to the present site. Toronto was the most I puii'ical feeling in this mal tor was peHeetl* central and convenient Place for the College, '), ll'bb'ld, when the strong and o'vsmwretavd "Id he did not think it should be removed '3 4 m idiom zip-inst the Mimi?" Mil in law-"l! pl I from this locality.. As a farmer he' give it ,' l t'ra Guelph farm was taken into considera- asbis opinion "it the IOU, under proper t: n lie mntendrd that the whole management, would yieldss large a. return t sch-no would he laughed at it s of crops» aisrotheiinthy Province. He T rite , was chosen wh re. with all the believed )lhat we wanted an Agricultural . scrutino appliances practicable, the results College. or this was a farming country, and ' would rot equal those of average farms In the interests of agriculture should be care- t tnt, Province n would be tmpmmitl, to fully pmnaorid, lithere was slugs sumte , uecure the attendance ot young iarmerr" be spent for an Inebriute Asylum, surely t u noel tum "hose prodm ts were not . something could be afforded for a College to those of the farms uorkdd by ttseirtau, a for farmers. He knew nothing about the 3 3 ttnd brothers The! T.tat.ld laugh, and thtuit Stone farm beyond, what he had heard con- they hmw more than their teacaers. It was gluing It, but if Mr. Stone was the farmer well known that two of the lbur gentlemen i that had been represented he was he did not chosen tomsprot the sites were Conserve think hits farm could be much improved. _ lives, and yet they united with the other Young men could not lbs taught l _ two m reportiy will" the adaptability of to tarm in a plate that was al- 3 Munroe site without an extravagant outlay ready in a high state of cultivation. s' Hm gentlemen opposite darr11 nor-9y that He felt convinced that the Government ' I that was not an honest opinion given by were making surest mistake in removing the competent men Those to whom he had site from Munico; and it was with great re personally "Mikel! on the subject laughed at . lnotanoe that he would have to mmoue them ' the Idea of the Minion farm being selected model lam ot the Province. l l ai-------,--.-..,--.-.,