l ,7 V own--*-- 1 ys.thtumaturtortiGai"irx' one"? . than in" it could be disposed. of for the price I l J 0 There had been pothing that 'ftftgttt, paid for it, whereas the Miaieo farm could . _ ! him no much ea tho mport of the Bttned ot onlyhe eold " a ye, and a still. greater lav F7 l Apicultlre, because he had much respect would belncurredif an expensive building t" _ foF "out! he could not account for the way wan erected there. ,f f. 'd qetiiastt the) had spoken of the Maia Mr. ROBINSON had always been opposed , "In. He had no doubt that the Govern- to theeatabliehment of an Agricultural Gel ' 'de', would remove the lite, and .it placed loge, believin thata very large outlay would i tt'h'le',,r, some difficulty m Oppneing tten, _ he made wi'gont an adequate return. He l Td :Would havettoamsinutt to his coutltu thought. however, that d we had a model I to do 1i."ugr,','gt ,"gl trpe, t't.,',eTd form " all we should have 0 got-1:10,". Hr. a", an d it I: "3;; faith in tty a" vWeld therefore rte against the motion of lite i'd would 'lJ'll'l,', I" 0 "UPV he to]: the hon: moniker for East Toronto, and for "Don the memory of 'dlp,, L tet govern ed the 'motion of the hon. member for North the country faithfully and well. 'petit . . . ' Mr. BEACON said he had read the ft . ulfmoers were then called in, and Mr. ' ' on the "ttriect of tho Agricultural 'd'lt,f, ct {fin Iron If,",,":',",? wee lost on the following l and from them he could not come to the con- t Nina!" as 3t, a" s 40r-- l union that the site " Mimico was " bad as 3 us- Mesarr, auer.on, Mandonald, Per, 7 "presented IIehad read a" tltd analytl- Luann, Ardaph, Meredith, Merrick, Boulter cal report of the Michigan professor, but he ""3"" Ltutdrr, P/ees, Gulls": Coyne, V had not mmttt_faithine2perurheswuiudnstur. , 's'ytiy Lmell), Calvin, Memento. Noisy. take the ctatemente of the people liviul ."-eott (fyts), It/rad, (20'1" Ihttsttt, trit.rirr in the neighborhood of Mimico. If the loll If": Lorhy, Craig" ("I'DB'nllo Hamilton, _ . was no bad there how was it that the people byhgd" Gifford, Mom'all, Patterson, Bar. b ' in that locality mauagedto live? He thought 1;: "g,tlti and Bohl?r.st "l, I . the whole thing had been "oooked ;" that a dit tV.- le.". Mount, 1JrooU, &sott F peat deal of time and trouble had been taken (W 1'r,,t,): y/tkip, Panteo, b.faKtua.i., Goe, ', I together evidence prejudicial to Mimic) and il ht', t',1e,iltPk Iete, Elmxth, !Y.w i none to get evidence in its favour Perhaps tit "tttl Home", 1Jtt, album. GI"- . f . the next Government would got a professor to 'ithd "be Hemmer. Clarke (Wellms i note theatone farm and tiud "tutwtattta" 'ttl, roche. t.?Urko (hicrfolk), Munch iy1.o" in it, end a,lct of other things that the Home e1,ttdPietyr,iuon.,ytrulii,' Paxton, 0'19"" aid not understand (Laughton) it weaagreat Sexton, Fairbairu, Vt ells, Graham, Robinson, _ pity that it Mimico was so badsome other Harrington, WWW": Snemnger, Wetter place in the vicinity of Toronto was not chos worte. bmclair, Finlayeon, Haney-40. l 'n ' for people from all sections of the oouu Mr. WOOD ( Victoria), stated that he had 1 try visited this city " times. an! would per- 1 paired against the amendment with Mr. Mo. hope like to visit the college and see how the F lac for a; . V operations were conducted ' but they were Mr. FAREWELL said that it was with ' not going to travel up to Guelph to do so In T great pain he felt compelled to make a un- V ; the face of the slim evidence prejudicial to , tion which was against the leader. of the _ i Mimico he did not think the Government- party 'hich he honouredaml with which he "rr. would remove the site from that chosen by i-ad always been connrooed. He intended to l .. their predecessors. Ho was sorry that on more that tne modal farm he removed to * 'le occasion ho should have to vote against Whitby, and regretted that the respect , _ t n Government, for.he had hitherto support unbelore him dun-eating thehon t,'hef of r. in them. ',tfti'igtehtgt,',t, he hadoftLen worked . Mr COYNEre rotted thatthel": ivormn'rn~ "tt w. on alohlg. "WWW l auditor) . had thought wager to deal with the queu- t)t/,t,1,thhe,et,iititut,t, '2i,t',g'tt :2: C'., urn under discussion as a art one. On , f . r of the objecte sought for in peelczting a. ttite 2T,t'ysttd proceeded}: expntlate upon , 'or tho Agricultural College was that it , nze, auty,and Map utility of Praia pf . "I. I should be Within easy acceee of Toronto; and outtle, for the PP'W required J'hy buiybl "in" I the present Government did not pretend to "g " Pk, was not " all suited tor the i Ear' l my that another site could not be found in impose. 0 moved en amendment to the ', 7';- tho county of York for the inatituti-m, and 1Ptnduttttt to the efteut that the site ot the 2'i'i1 an that way alone an injustice was done t.. "'stritthe tPet " Whitby. Cg 3 this notion of the country. The statevneut~ l l r _ Pd.', i.il.tol e?! that as. h. believed it I and reports sent out by the Coaurtlaaioaertr' 'lt', the hitby building and aite "a" pre- Wi l Public Work-had donemuchto deorooiatethe creble to_thoee at Guelph, and ache hellev'ed - ig, i value of land in the neighbourhood of Mine. the. .eleetion of the latter we by the Gov. '33 l co. Be charged that the Commissioner had ~rnmfnt had been made on other grounds IE ri' srmettt to preiu dice members of the 11ottor her: in the Interest of the country, he Would b" rennet the prtoent site by holding out ttte rave to vote in fewer of the amendment of Kj, in on com out that another might be found in me hon. memher for South Ontario, elmouqh l a: Iheirown tronatitttenetst, while " the norm he reert.tted tsing oompelled to "up.ert t ' _ vime he believed the Commissioner had hired ll"? "Pu"'! of that hon gentlemen consider- 'd J,, u "at Guelph as the site "* his when in this matter. _ I 3"" l ' . The SPEAKER ruled the amendment out f P "9,'t' Mr WOOD tVietoris) oolus of the great of order as not being pertinent to the amend . a," importance that ought to be attached ment, but applicable to the original in moo P. 1,, to tho reports of the Board of Mr. RYKhlttT moved in amendment that! Itlllk',' Agriculture and tho persons ac-lecfed ton-port it was the opinion of this Home that it the} f - ' u tht. subject In the face of those reports _ Agricultural College was not to beat Mimic). a , f no Gowmmcnt wold have dyed. no IP' ihat Woodstock should be selected as the liming In en selected. to have hhrsad the one site. k'; u. Mimico. As no workha-i been done on A division was had and the motion lost. i a ' , _ 'hat Bile he claimed that it w" the duty of I leing voted for try only the following mem- _ ItlBf rho Governmrnt to see that some other rerr.-Meotsrs. Ilylwrt, Meredith. LindenCal- "if; p'aee was 'selected. The Kim-lull farm W3- sin, Corby, magmas" 11),,Monteith, l'ooley, IiB' _ from 'e1,tige,e:glti1'l,i,t 'i,',,?,", 11r: h, scott (they), oliver. You, 10; In", " ,( . o. the roneo 0 P0, In Won save . , . . _ ""F g .'.Ci. 000 He considered the he action o' 2il1leoei,fa'::,1, a 1:313!" amends 3: iii/iio%GLG in making ti. .1uoetion not i" n d m 'Cer,,"..' I), "ld was a." b": an open one was the correct one, and that a?" 'sl',','),))", '"'d'd rt Eye" C uy 'lit' thes Government should in all much Ct: e ' Cifif, "m .9d 'll .011 in; , oak, raig ' 3' also a bold stud and accept the conso l Iuttte , n f on - I bv"), _ "we". fl 3: r. It: Pe, '30:)?! l ttlt _a'ilnendin:;rt YI' . - . an acre Ollt seec mt mar i- Iiik _ i gt SCOTT (Grey) Thntmeken itaparh, m- of ten miles f,rgitc,tst,'a.et of its IB, f I '0 e. . . . iroximity to, the capita o e roviuce. my. WOOD Victoria) said that the Re l . . , if." l J2d of 1Ulft2', might, perhaps, vote , so22ttldeitlto','er" declsrm1 lost on tU 'dilt / fiio,rentiy ttport ".1"! wreftotr, brd tr, Ynes~hleears. Cameron, Macdoneld, Per. if?" . Pm) of tho 1'1t'tdt'ui,tt,1.tii? I; (IC', prison, Meredith, Merrick, Bykert, Lander. " ' 2000118 cats, "l it . to . I - l Deacon, Grange, Coyne, Gifford, Richmls. I sreok about " pl! 3' vo T i k'. . ardeph. Fitisimmous, Code, Guest, Calvin, *, . Mr. FERGUSON supported -"° meta: ot Craig: (linden), Tooley, Monteith, Boultbeo, , 5,. the number for but Totem-0- McCall, Ctotrby, Patterson 24. Fil' Mr, DEBUCBE said that on.- ot the erg-i. tlass-Mew. Mownt, Crooks, Scott (Ot. . 5" ' n "to of hen getstlettuert "t "le" ol ag, tawa). Deroche. McKim..Pardee, McKellar, V l i, i, 'anu W" that the lend 'nnre Woe Gow, Williems (Hamilton), tlodgins, Oliver, _ f ' bl n t '0 ' ' , , l r; 3 v, r, Iroor. If they wanted Ind leis-l t1 y Baxter, Smith, felonious, Berber. clerks l, _ts, l could come down to Addingtwi, who e troy 21t1ietette.l, Springer, Wchh, Farewell, K': l "on" ttot u. bad land ae they wented, anal Grhaon, Gibbons, ' 'ook, Striker. Paxton, FIrr,, I iiiTiA than " elimioo He helix-Vol! tav _ Wilton, Clarke, (Norfolk), Sexton, Fairbairn, k', . 'd hon. members intended voting t , nirh'. Chtutie, McCall, Monk, Wells, Sinclair, Ar 'i'- l 90m? th teelin.g .510wa to new d.srsvl ind. w, dash. Graham, Caldwell, Finlayson, Hamil- 'IT 1 'dltld belirV2d that there was a veeling m ton, Harrington, Henley, Sneteiuger, Wat. m , 1:11 toUto intorettttg "f our country which terworth, Robinson-til. ft) 1ellW'f, smear weight with all uvuaber Mr PATTERSON moved in amendment Li, it the House. In one thm Comic turned on I'? the amendment, that owing to the con-r " a lailuve the farm " (lurloh an "19 btvld dieting nature of the information alforded to i, - .me Home remacticn the dualitv of the land