sum», the Home min toh, batter ' vmd an to the fitne" or nnlitneaaot f,t other lite proposed, and that a tUleet Com mittee ahonld be appointed to enqnim into and rope" an to whether the lite be anitable ur not. . Mr. TOOLEYmoved theadj onnunentof the -"ebate. Loot Year, 22; naya. 45 After lone debate the Home divided on Mr. Patterson's amendment, which wan lost, Yen 26; naya 39. Yrras--hie-. Cameron, Ardagh, Fergn- I nun, Merrick, Meredith. Code, Read, Craig lineal.) Calvin. Beruitesr,'ArVrt, lander, Hrange. Richards, Mord, Hamilton, Craig 'msargaerrl, Gneet, Deacon. Tooley, Moa. teith. Patteraon, McCall, Boultoee, Scot: Grey), ctoelsr-26. bur--Mee Kauai, Crook; McLeod, SootuOttawa), Deroche. Pardae, HoKollar, now. Swinger, Baxter. Clemens. Barber t lark (Wellington). WOtt, Gibbtr'mhibaoq William INatittUV Hedging Farewell, leayaon. Cook, Striker, Oliver, Paxton, Wilson, Christie, Sexton, Clarke (Norfolk), Monk, Walla, Smith, MoKim. L'sldwor, Sinclair, Robinaon, Graham; Wathrrrorth, Queuing". Harrington ~39. Mr. ou LTERIthen. to nave a diviaion, withdrew his amendment Mr FAREW ELL renewed the motion lw bad previously made in favour of Whitby, at d it was declared lost on division. The original motion was then put, and dee elated carried on division. RE PU ttNS. Hon. Mr. PARDEE prrenuiLttopit, of further cone-pendent» with neveral railway run iea. the W, G. & B., T., G. &B, , 'i'diell', Northern Extendon. , Auo--ruturn of number "rt tavern and ; ahn lictneee iuued in 1872. I (iid Home than adjourned at 2:35 am. -----r--.-,