__ fl -" - --"'-'"""l'"l"""l'l"'lr+le.""e. I hendment to section I after the o ' " n 8. Woods and Lionel Johnson, L"g2: A man J. Lillie. J emu Keating, Andrew Elliot, and George D McPherson." Amendment to section 2 --A?ttsr the words, "vil.age of Petrolia as convenient for said Railway Company," add " thence to a point on tho Grand Trunk Railway, " or near the village of Errol, in the township of Plympten, and thence to the shore of Lake Huroni" and to be added at the end of the third sectlbn, " Also, tha the said Company may within five years _ constructe branch from some point on its l main line, commencing at or near the town of Chatham. thence to the village of Wallace burgh. and thence to some point on the " Clair River." Also, after the words. " pro- posed med of the said Company," the follow. mg addition, " But in case the said Erie and Huron Railway Company cannot make satin factory arrangements with the said Dresden and Oil Springs Railway Company, than that the said Erie and Huron Railway Com pany may construct their line from Dresden to Oil Springs, independent of said Dresden and Oil Springs Company." Amendment to section lr-Aft" the words " shall be held," strike out " in the city of Toronto," and insert after the word ' Day," " as the Directors may determine." Amindmcnt to section M-Strike out " in ' he city of Toronto." AN ERROR. l Mr. BYKERT drew the attention of the sprakerto the fact that in to-day's Votes and Proceedings of the House, a division list eppi'ared, in an amendment moved by the member for South Ontario, in reference to the location of the Agricultural College at Whitby. The fact was there was no divi. siun taken on that amendment at all, but it was declared lost without the eyes and hays Ling celled for. From the list it w mid also appear that the member for South Ott. terio had voted against his own motion -th-i Mlumlllii tlf MIAR'O Ayes being 26, and the Nays 39~but it was all incorrect. - ---i----- f,,tgrg,de,r,! Fr',.5t.'l'g'hl that the I revicus apes er was rig t, or no division , "Willi MtlMElir---lEMlttl $ttllltit, i lied been taken on the amendment referred to. The oversight would of course be rccti- 1 _------------ ' lied. _ \Vuumnu'. March P?., 1573- f ESTATES or museums. ; o ' l 'l he Spun? took the chair " 3 l? clock. ', Attorney-General MOWAT introduced a PETITION-5. , Bill respecting the administration of the es- . . 5 tatce ot intestatcs in which the Crown is The following petitions Wttr6 presented: -- interested. Mr. Graham-Ot the (but? Conueil M WHII'BY AND PORT TERRY RAIL- 'Uwe, praying for certain "uoathnouta to W AY. the Municipal Act. . 1 . Mr. Pmptaorr--0t the Township Cyanail i Hon..Mr. CROQKS moved that_the Bill of Innisl'l. praying for certain amendments respecting the position'of the Whitby and to the Bill to arm-n d the Aotineor..r.P.ryiatt l Port .Perry Railway Company, under the the Hamilton and Northwestern Railroad , ttt Mt Md of Itaileayi be readatlnrd Company. I . _ '" (if the Executive Committea ,' Mt., RYKER'I' moved in amendment that "a; $2223th New Conumiou Church of i the Bill be read this day three months. He Can-do preying for but," amvudrn nts t, ',, remarked that the town of Whitby and the the Bill to amend the Act roqiocting " 91,. 3 townships of i.iet.sotsJteugog and Port Whitby. . I " , which bad all given bonuses to the railway tiu'ui5 unwind" _ i Inuueatton wered rived f th $1,000 . Ot tho C'oanry Council of z .Y ' ep o , '."' per V W..Farowe.11 ', mile allowance under the Municipal Lian I "who. penned" "PM" "u arUo n" l, Fund resolutions, while it was designed to [ rpeotimt 1diph tichool biPicu'. ' i tp, money to a railway company which had l, Mr Oliver (if Ch.n "nasty and oth rs, I orscrne time been in tinandial ditfiuuttits.. I of Sonlh Nt'lvivh; of N, T. ts'eott and othsta, l A public meeting had been held in Whitby of Derohem; of Spencer Day and others, of i the other evening " which a deputation was illetnstim, of Fund! Em and ousers, of ; ttttttfeat,",",'., with the Government in Blandford; of lliram Shattuck ani otlicrw. oi,' ". re erence to the Bill before the House, and South horwich; of limb [loss andothors.o,rt he thought the views of that deputation 1 Blinheim: of Robert Vanda?!" and when should belully learned before themeasure was i of But Ox'ord; of The. Daiul and 0m"! pushed any further. There were numerous l of Blenheim; of John litre and otturets, 0 railway companies in the Province seeking l West Zone; of F. Comiort and others, l for Government aid and could not gotit-- South borwieh; and of Henry Mott not snoheethe Wellington, Grey & Bruce, the others, of West Zone, att ["ng for 00ml") Toronto, Grey & Bruce, and the Ni. nmrndmentstoihe School Act. pissing mirage-end it was unfair to One tition in favour of a Pro1vGitsrg 'ing eout 0 Whitby road " oneto receive Liquor lieu weft: denied to others. gtfwaa yi'gflo,'e! _ . ' -., t eiirltattonttst was ache orb the roa- ti0T ILLS Oh MOTION. tyeend it would he a bad [Handout it Mr. Ardasdt-Thar, on the third roe ling theBill were allowed to pass Instead ot of Bill Yo Pt respecting municiyl institu- . "Int hing made to, those municipel cor lions he will move that it be re rred beak WEN?" whiuh had aided the rosd, it WM tothe Committee of the Whole House. with designed to put money into the pockets of instructionsto win. out of clause 74 the a "new company to relieve them from words, "or she keeper licensed to sell spiri- financial embarrassment. He asked the tucus liquore by rote'lf' In other words, Y.otyo nest to countenance legislation of thts making such .hop.kgeps rs eligible for election ', kind sought for. to a Municipal Council. I Hon. Mr. CROOKS said the hon. member Hon. Mr. MoKellar -. That when the ', evidently did not understand the dilicrenco House isin Committee of tho Whole on Bill i _ that existed between the circumstances of So. r19, to incorporete tho 1hio & Huron '; this railway .and those ot the other railways 'leilwey Company, he will move the follow- _ he had mentioned. The Bill now before the in; "nindmentc-- lion" gight t,ygat"ihl'rege down 2 the - u s a a cue! . e uncipe o. Mend-mute to preamble , To. Tll, this!" Bill IT, to relieve pthis Coat point 'tl or: 'ff, the villager of 2'hiu,t', puny from a technical objection which f,tt't?'ddPgt,'eplfh'iC',, tho words, prevented them from 'pled, _applicstion " a. town of an"... _nnder the Railway Act, he 0 'ttset WM to Ill-i-q-i-u-o-----, -, -m.-. - - " _----------------