g c", ' .' 3WD 'Nttgigim--sftM8 $83.10!. 's", _.-------'--- ' . Fsumw, March 14, 1873. The Spea'w rt took the chair " thrse _ o'o'ork . COLONEL BALD WIN. _ Mi. BOULTBEE presented the report. of . the Select Committee appointed to steam" ' into the case of the late Colonel Baldwin. THE ESTIMATES. The House again went into Committee on the Estimates, Mr. Wood (Victoria). in the chair. On the item of 81,0t0 salary for a short- i hand writer inthe Crown Lands Department, I Mr. Rykert wished some explanation. l Ben Mr. scor'r stated that far more ; businesshad been done in that department _tluring the past ear than in any other, either 1 before or after 'd,'hu'21i'l'a',' and he found I it absolutely necessary that the servxces of l a short-hand writer should be obtained. The speaker quoted figures to show thatthe reve- . one of the department had vastly increased under his administration of its tdfalra, and he had disposed of many cases that had been before previous Commissioners for twenty years. This great increase in the business, hkthought was a tsuffioiegtt iuttir'ies- tion for his emplozing whatever ofIisiale might be necessary or the efficient working of the departmental affairs He might also mention that in 1868 the letters received at the Department numbered 11,000; in 1869 and 1870, 15.000 odd; in 187 l, 17,380; while in 1872 the number increased to 21,614; and during the two and a half months of the pre-, sent year they had increased " the rate of over 30,000. Hon. Mr. RICHARDS at great length criticised the details of the Crown Land: ex- PmditH,ea'gting into the items: for telegraph- mg, oflice furniture, advertising, 810; and was replied to by Mr, McKim. After some remarks from Mr. McCall the Committee rose. After recess. PRIVATE BILLS. _ The following Private Bills were reada third time. Mr. Deroohe--To incorporate the Three 4 Silver Mining Company or, Thunder Bay, Ontario. 0 Mr. 1?raatsr-To authorize the Corporation of the Town of Clifton, to pass by-laws for licensing and regulating hacks and carriages, and their drivers, and for other purposes. Mr. Scott tqrey)-rT?o further amend the Act incorporating the President. Directors . and Company of the Credit Barbour. Mr. Meredith-Por the construction of Water-works for the City of London. Mr. Waa--To incorporate the Clifton Water Power and Manufacturing Com- pany. Mr. Demche--To incorporate the ma. bard Silver Mlniug Company of Thunder Bay. Mr. DermtU--To incorporate the Beck Mining Company of Marmara. Mr. &nith--lN incorporate the Agricul- tural Emporium of Ontario. Mr. Gibson-R-sting the Methodist New Connexion Church of Canada. Mr. Gifford-- To incorporate the Cobourg Hotel Company. Mr. Christie-To incorporate the Dundas Wesleyan Institute. Mr. Wh-To amend and extend the provisions of the Act incorporating the Sim. one and Port Ryerse Tram or Railroad and I Harbour Company. Mr. Williams "ramiwmh---To amend the Act incor rating the Hamilton and North Western gilway Company, and fo enable them to extend their line to Collingwocd. Mr. Williams iBami1to)--Tp amend the l Act incorporating the Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway Company, and to oontirm oer. tain agreements for granting running powers ( to other Companies over their line ot Rail. , way, and for other purposes. l Eon. Mr. McKr,1Ur.--To incorporate t the Erie and Huron Railway Company. ! Mr. Oliver. - Respecting the Fair :. Ground of the Count-"got Oxford, and the l . Public Square of the own of Woodstock. . - q Mr. Grtmona.--To incorporate the vil- lage of Exeter. Bon. Mr. Gow..--'" incorporate the _ f