TT . _.' " _ 7 _ t Te 'Wdt f) C' F t _ br, _ . " 3.}. MMI , ' - . . F, ' with" t ', I it. . ' l . -ateeededinthesBWTiiiti gl!, discussion 'c. . _ "illiherel then the Orengeuien, been? e Bitt would be setisfied with s more! lew. Vw meow-Me "PM!" 3mm ttt Mr. BOULTBEE sold he had voted for the pa'ef the Wt". without t?,gt 1'r'lll1 reoommittel of one of these Orenge Bills to . th- o?" 'ti..hel been OPP'. h . _ the Privete Bills Committee beceuse he did y. Faun" had "man 1ogX,"dt . 'l"lllf, not see why one Bill should be treated dit. -r, that there wes er. iunilaritr 'reset tt ferently from soother. m did not then, nor fi instin - in!" . aottolaatlo one, "pon did he now, withdrew his opposition to the ' . . to the ever-1 FINN» aad the other . n't princiges of these min. m regretted that ' e T order. . IIs, "award that. why l . these ills had been introduced, and meny member for Esst Toronto wee. in the (My lending museum! elso regretted it. as Council hm he tyyNht in l till, or T, . trusted thet no further aodinonioo debate my to is, the object of which we! to cop would he indulged in by hon. members on men out of the police force who belongel , this 'xtttimtt. wy "or" g,t'g "th "oh "°" 'll" 33, l Mr. BEACON repudieted the charge that T ("it to . pro 'N' l d p ll l d for my ecrimony lied been shown on the port of _ . mu. on} lsyw.oou t " tt " l i tho nu rters of the Bill "t the who e France? It the member PP0 . . . for Eat Toronto wee right then he must be I My... WOOD (Yictoris) sud that the . l . wiong now. He the speeker) deprecated Christine Brothers Bill bed been brought mythic» thetwoulii stir up strife retWeen' before the Privefte 313:0th in its .4 ' the religion seote in this Province, _end for proper ordrcr, es "ff new, A. that r. - he wee opposed to the Bill P.5P- Mr. FRASER end he had never intended ing His opinion wee thet old euimosities i to {mpnte my blsme tothe hon. member. ' rl l tttfimld be to"rod to rttt, whte. they Ong" Mr. WOOD eooepted the emienetlon, and i ..'e T 't ( nate d, and if "I! mut did trot like tha lam, continuod to sey thethe could see no meson i T 't q ', es edministered here he ought to keep out of why the Oranges Ietooqtotahioet Bill should i t, . the oonntfy. Home!" . "W ynmrh the not be put-rd. In his own Riding. the i " course tehen by the Premier in this matter. Ceiholicl WWW fully . tons-ti: of his con- I . Thet hon gentlemen wes the chief adviser stitnents. end there was the glt,1" unity 1 ot the Queen in Unterlo, and es such he l between themsedtheir Pro tent follow. f I ehould not here attppttrtert1.tty.s Bill, the pruv ' citizens. He should, therefore, be very l T cl 1. of which was "mi-now tho 0mm - that enythlng should be done to die. "rowed by tho Imperial Parties" ' Tyt furl: in the Iliahteet degree the emiceble PreinUr, ho-ar, had come out m . ' shit.. feelings thet existed between the Cetholics 'or/tffl',, n 1"'l'll'l; .lld in tthp P,,'on"lt,tt and Fromm" h m. Province. Ag for the o speech no or won or the nice-ore. He felt that by the Premier's Bill now before the been he Td'lh2", conduct in this mstter he (the speaker) had . tteetUdTllll"lhl'll' vote for it.' lost h. lend er. . A division " then tekeu on the motion Mr. FRASER had hoped thet the Bill for the second gmdin of the Bill, which we: would heve been deleyhd for e few days, untried on.the ("was division. -Yeel t tit, when it might have been disposed of site. neys, " macho wey or other. m opposed the Yaua- Messrs. Cemeron. Msodontld, . It.-teit" "' . "m" otMt, Meredith, Merrick,Boulter, Rykert. binder. end theoeth adtninirteied by " en illegal pm Hemilton, Corby, Fitzsiatatotth and um judicisl one. No legislation hsd Guest, Code, Reed, Scott (Grey). Craig (Rus- ever been peseedin Euglsnd incorporatinqe sell) Willing. (Din-hem), Gtttord, Gran secret society. The whole tenor of thet hem. Cone, Robinson. McMen-u, Deroohe. legisletion wee in the contrsry direction. iriiraii,' Wood (Victorie), Ferewell, Ho. The Orange organization "I . po1itioal or- Lead, cum (Norfolk),Monk, Webb, Mowet, ganiauipn, elthough tf,'er, not in e party I Barbor.--32. sense. He did not feel we enough to spunk _ N are --MestorI. Cronin. Scott (Obtain), further on the subject, but would oppoie Fudge, McKeller, Freser. Baxter, Clemens, the Bill " e future siege. He would not isutt. I Williams f.Hatniltttil. MoKim, Hedginl. mit to being bound to "Pm" I Brit Clarke (Wellington), Cook, Gibson, Dewsou, lncorporeting en order which he lieved wes Striker, Oliver, Christie, Boultbee. Wells. th standing insult to himself and his oo. Ardagh. Calvin, Cnldwell. Oreig (Glengerty), altt,"'dlf, hie angled tt attention l the Snetainger.--24. _ i onse tot e not " t e hrietien ro. . f . . 3,. them' hill end the Father Mathew Bill hel M: 'M/tet,',, "grim $3033.? 3:21: 'tt ,'Eg': been introduced before the Orsnge .Bi.11s. with Mr. Finle Jil, against it; Dr. Wilson, Is . but had certeinly not been seudwiched aqninxt with 'iff. Heney for , Mr. pawn, in between them on the order of the day in "yams; with Mr. McRee.for; Mr. Pattar. _ he Private Bills committee. hon, 'iGiiii", with Mr. Feirbeirn for; and Mr. WELLq leid that,logiealV end theo. hit Springer against, with Mr. WoodiBraatl rcticelly conside'ed, there wee nothing wrong for the Bill. in the Bill; bum opposed it bee-mm Mr. MACDONALD then moved the second Protestante were in e lsrge mejority. and it reading of the Bill to incorporete the f lrenze tfhsuted the feelings of thet minoritr, there- Aaaooiation of Western Ontario, which was fore it would only he megneniinous on the carried on the ssme division. pm of the t'it",', to yield f the an"? of NEW NORMAL soieoo Lil. . tht m.ieoritt t Wasn m" mat " tt . Mr. 1'0an esked whether it is the "mm-"t, of tht. Protestants under whose _ intention of the Government to make any earpiece the Bill wes brought {oi-word. provision during the present Session for . Jhg,"tre,,,il,o','d', tt1,1t,1vg2t,'g,'Liht1l,r, the erection of sny edditionel Normal Schools, 1 while it, wee l small msttea to their: xiii Bo, how meny, and where to be 1°" it wee noteotot e " oice, no it yOIll Al o MOW I said it was Ir,'? tigg"rh'", ttte '.ep."tr to uAerd;'o) 'tg'USI,2di to establish the "a eso t . minority tn . case lilo three Normal Schools -one " Ottawa, one w. at Kingston, and one some where in thel . Mr. MoCALL was in favour M the Bill, west. It wee not, he said, the intention to l an.d./ien.ief that the Orange Institution w" nieke provision for more then one of these ' political. fore large number of the members aohoolh this session, and that one would were informers: He thought it showed probably be eh Ottawa. _ illiberelity of spirit to oppose the measure. JOHN MONTGOMERY. : He remembered thet some yeers ego the old 7 A ' i Parliament of Canada ttntttralized and pro. I Mr. PAP/ll'?,? moved for the oppoint hated the Jesuits, who were turned oat of I mont of e Select (minimum to inquire into Fience, and who weie well known to be one' the Butte? of the oiaim ofJohet Mortteoatery, mine of fire institutions. Thet wee magasai. and. explained the n.tture of Mr, Montg tin _ mous; end it would only be right to let the 9'7 tt otaim. TU motion msaaosrried. _ mi: Bill pen, /'gte,alt I.would ft no _ LA N or EVIDEN 0E. . 9n! "chi it "on 0 won not Mr. YKERT moved that the Billito voter for it, "he berlUved in protecting the main! Fthe Lew of Evidence be rcfermd the trrak team-t the strong. , back to Committee of the Whole, with ja. t a Mr. BOULTER did not think the Bill we: ( 1ttrttotiona to, by adding a priMrmott , l, e engine onCntholios orwes intended es such, I .reytyt1ng tho evideneo of persons of weak _ and coniyered the Orenge oath with the intyuot. . . . i I Coroneti'on oath toattow the similerity. lie 'bome discussion took place, end st ii: i _ WM the Oethollc denominetion, end in. o clock tho 8peaker left the chair. 1 ', ,, tended to offer no insult to them. g After recess, ' .. j 'Fr Attanq-Generel HOWAT seid that et The motion wee cerried, end the House J, .'.r _ tehe Ore-3e Society held reel estete ( went Into Committee, and amended the Bill, . 1 t; trusts", l','ht"ft,'t of en dt of lt which wee then reed the thiid time. l . j corpcetion w enehle em to o I '. j themselves whet they elreedy bed I right to l, PUBLIC BILLS- ! do byhuetees. _The Government would be i The following Bills were psssed through _ i to magi in , gonersl lew on the I Committee of the Whole t - l meeting mm which "N no' ; Mr. Baums-Bill to amend the Act res- I m- N,1"id',t,',lfug',t'22 "it? of MI ', , venting the Partition of real estete. l ' I" "My ' -, the"LewB.e H _ A, - --_ --- _ - _-------..-------....---.-. 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