" liliISLATURE Ili: (NIL-lull} -----i------ SECOND ngiyttttiir---tttMtll SEN-fill. -----i------ TUESDAY, March IS. The Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock p.m. PETITIONS. " The following petitions were pre-ttttdt--. By Mr. Paxton-Ot Township Council of Reach, that no aid be granted to the Port Whitby and Poit Perry Railway, to the ds. triment of the Township; alao four petitiona hom Reach that the School Act may not be amended in the matter ot Diatricte. By Mr. Farewcau-0t Township Council of Whitby, that the bonus granted by them and oher Municvpalitiea to the Port V hitby and Port Perry Railway be refunded proportion- ately. By Mr. Lauder- Ot John Klein and others, of Biuce, for Mm ndmenta to School Act re- specting the German population. MR. STliIKER. Mr. STRIKER called attention to the fact that the veracity of his statement of his not having pared with Mr. Gilford on the mo- tion for the reception of the Report of the Committee on the Eastern Orange Bill had been queetiomd; and no that gentleman was now in his seat he brought the matter up for lettlcment. He had aired with Mr. Gifford only " a member of the Committee. hir. MACDONALD aaid he had not quee- tioncd the Lou. gentleman', veracity at the time, nor did he do so now. Mr. GIFFURD fully and frankly corrobo- rated Mr. Sti-iker's statement. TORONTO, GREY, AND BRUCE RAIL- WAY. Attorney-General MOWAT? moved: "Thtt thia House doth ratify the Order in Council approved by hia Excellency the Lieutenant- Governor on the twelfth day of March, A. D. 1873, with reference to the aid granted to the Toronto, Grey, and Bruce Railway Com. pany, which Ordcr in to the following J.tfeitv.-TU Commit-cc a Council have h under comidtration 'he application of the 1hrorto, Grey, and Bruce Railing Conn pony, and they ad.ae the former rder of ; .ne Web of March, 1872, boing oonaiderod " lapaed, " to the raid Uompan ; that anb- l feet to the rahltiettiop Irf this that! in Ihyyy bil by resolution of the Legislative Anaembly (in default of which ratitiuation this Order in Council to i:gt1rt/iig1 the pa ment which waa by the eai Order of the with of March, 1872, author-ind to be made out of the Rail. way Aid Fund to the raid Company, of alum equal to $2,000 per mile, for that portion of their railway between llarriston and Wing- um, under the condition therein mentioned, in favour of the Wellington, Grey, and Bruce Railway Company, be now made to the To. ronto, Grey, and Bruce Railway Company, freed from such condition, and that the and int mentioned Company be entitled to re- oeive yment " the mile e rate aforesaid, 'ii',,','.,',',?',', the number of 'dy, between Har- rieton and Wingham, for that portion of the aaid Company'a Railway which is between Bartiaton and Teeawater. The Committeo further adviae that the raid grant be subject to the following oondition," nameir.--the Railway Company atoll, before the tirat day ot July next. tarnish proof to the antisfno. tion of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council of the exiatehoe of a bona tide and auffLient con. tract for tho completion of the works, ex siu. aive of track laying, on that portion ot their railway eaten ing from Harrieton to Teea- . water. The Committee further advise that pay ment be authorized in respect ot any Pore iou of the railwa between Hatrieton and Teeewater (limited to the extent ot the mileage distance between Harriston and Wingham) not less than twenty miles in lentil. on the fulfilment of the condi-