r F. l """ a , l t t U It 1gg,'eeht of Fit. more until he had l . en . . gtud - ' . 2rg,1iglt,iS1t1,'d think that "44 TRAINING SCHOOL FOR YOTT ', r _ Government vrse 2il" in sttempting to push IDIO Ill. t,t matter throng without silowin the Hon. Mr. PA1tDBE said tint it wa' "not ouse " opportunity ot seein the petitions ' the intention of the Government tog proceed on the subirct. He UllSl'lh that the aid the Session with the erection of a taming mow to be granted would not be spplied wheel for idiotic sud imbecile children, std to.iinUh the reed, but to ossh oertsin pro- he therefore moved that the order foe the urinary notes tut had boon made by the Bill providing for the establishment ot that ',', _ Pe,'r,',,t Bo did not think that this mode school be discharged. Carried. I4 _ . ',)',,gi,t1,',tht,'g'ir',tr"tid Itll" within the son 001. or PRMor10AIy SCIENCE. . "B. Attoroe .09 Bon. Mr. CROOKS, in moving the second , the 'pgdertittlW, 2:11"; that reading of the Bill to establish at School ot '. liquid." noto floated by the Compeoy- Practical Science, said it wss not intendei l It use very music for the hon. mem. to ask for any vote ot money for the school, l; her for North York to accept as feet! what as the institution had been instituted tt the 7 7 he heard Mated on the other side of the late Government, and the sum of $00,000 limes. Every proof. had been given thst ef originslly been Voted for the purpow. J the aid would be applied towards completing the property on the corner of Church sud I r' F the road. This had been admitted by "a, A celaide streets, In this City, had been sc- I '1 T drputation and every petition he hid qt.sirff for the sottool; but no sole'!!", ot "y I _-r"g sun on the subject. There we: no i.iiHi. had been introdaoed to det'p.iHr - 1 4" I road in the country that Watt more im. isblish the school when the 4su01ect was " portant and more deserving of sid than tirst brought up in the House, either In the . "I this one. The petitions which had been enspe ot snAct ore resolution. lhe course , presented to-dsy did not pretend to soy that aisvyted by the former Govoysrne.nt I"'! ly l _ . they had discovered anything, new in the "884 Introduce sn . item for the Institntmo or that the Railway C'ompaasy ought not to be in the estimates, and to explain ' sided. What the petitions allied for we: s 'he objects for " Whlch the school ' thoussnddoilsresmile for the municipalities. "at' to bt established It w" tlow / That "quest had nothing to do with the thought desirable that there should be some 7: ' I, (Nation I cw briore the House. That was a Ayt under the WOVEN" of which the MV I , matter for considerstion under the Munici- muttttton should tsave , lei-ill "hWn'wr and 5; pal Loan Fund resolutions. Instead of being proper machinery for tttt regulation provided. "f "hi-med, the hon. member for North 0ntsrio 1'tits tull introauced propued to ","mmb . on ht to be proud that he and his family had we school and to. frame a system for tta gov- , 'f/fl,'.;',' aided this railway by subscribing ervment. Be pigh.t mam" tty", the polloy - I for its stock. of the late 1e,1u2t,Ce,'o'l which pert',,', . t. Mr. FAREWELL contradicted mu the them to "Wk-h the tte, N 011004 We" , st ntement that he had delayed the presints- no 1?eyc',f', tf, of wluch h; ttyt,',.,"',',::' , f'h' than of the petition from Whitby. Tint '; 1h'"il,'ttl I', 1rt,1dl111C", _ f U avurg I: " petition had been presented as csrly as was i H," to tho. e! "on" tsyt' mo . Tlb') V ' iocasible. lain? 'eit,t'uh', t2tit?;1i'f21rt; " , _ . I a , e ' c . e w 'id Mr. ItYKERT opposed the resolution. l great disidcrstum, for it would supply a t , ' 'd Mr. WOOD (Victoria) said that the cause want which hitherto, it sppesreu to him, had 'd, of the "nurraornettt of the road WM that it not been provrded for In our educational I had not been aided s your ago. lie believed weir m. in unrest every other respect that (M that not one dollsr ot the notes of the meal. r) item wss complrte,but for training In those p, her for North Ontsrio went to pay up his practical arts and sciencee which had now on l, (r: F stock. If the hom member ot South Grey much to do in promoting the pregress of the I _ _ did not know exsotl what were the facts of country and iuiucretustng1us wentth,ourtryteut I rr the csse ho shouldy remain silent in such of schools made no provision for sccomniish l , s personal matter " this. It w» mg these desirable results. In England. ot , lic. ' i most sbeurd in the hon gentlcnun new ye" s, the people had become thoroughly . 6; to "Y that the want of $10,000 would convrncrd of the advantages arising from a ' 3* ' I ruin ten of the host men in the crunty oi thr study of practicsl Science, and the tirst to tario. suit of that conviction wse sn 1atproveu1euv Mr. BETllUNE said that the hon. warm in the course oi study connected With tac , 7 _ her for South Grey had been guilty of s gross ".ttsonal utuvertitiy. Isa.' "I?" W" some misatatement in ssyiug that the hon. member thing more required, "fl Mt huglsud tttere I A l for North Ontario would be ruined ifthis Bill hat1 been whoohs established for the ex pretm , l was not pureed. He (Mr. Bethune) had been purpose ot auppistpg the need felt. In there il . who t d " counsel sgnlnst this compiny in schools the ethocnts Were ens-bled to supple- ' which the question of the payment of the tttttit theoretictst .1sy pracuesl "5.13mi. ta" shares of the hon. gentleman csme up, sud to become useful "I. the community. .t'tie . the most conclusive evidence hid been olfer. student might be titted tor some precursx q ed that the stock had been fully paid up sud WNW" 18, lilv, 'steal u that of . mtu ' . bot by promissory notes. The hon. member mg or rsilwsy engineer, and the strain i ,5 for South Grey had been himself not 1nag might hnve further knowledge in connection .'L' ego whining before this House because .i "Ht." tnit every day .ocu'ui"uue, imparted, _ I .1 newspa r hid attacked his personal chsr is "huh "(Add reuder him more ettivaeat. tic. i if; tor, sud)?" he new took occasion to stuck had . report of the tKieuots sod Arts pe ' r the 9"de "a tbuocial character of s gen- hnriment under the control of the Privy g tltmsn more honourable than himself. t, ouncri tur the year 18'i' I, and in eoaue.t?u a C, Mr I AUDEII rose to 3 col; but ' l 441 ohptathetral Board there were ests'riish- ' , t f 1d ' p w sru L msnts In (inherent puts of England much fi) on o Ot "I "iforded prscticul training, and these were 'r'C, The motion m- then corded- principauy in conuiciion with the dill'ereni o, . SITTINGS OF THE HOUSE Mechsmcs' It stituloe In other words, turn [ir,?.', f . ' ' u until gsve We to a number of other insti- 3 On motion of Attorney-G ausral MOWAT uiions. Bis own Opium was that a shun ',r/" li),) s resolution w" passed by which it we! "r. Esr s) stem iii-gm. be adopted here and that F, u dered that for the rest of the session except it c might take sdveutsge oi the school estiih. ill o,n Sttu.rd?" the House thail meet at on' lished in the - mailer sswssdone in r ' 0 clock Instead of " three. hum m did not think tt mu be w "it ' REPl ms. to asMno the sdvautsgel of the school l H M PAI'DEE ted to the srtlzsns and meehsnics in this ', . on. r. '. prelcn 8 return of at, stones, 3nd In the interval in. 3'; the lots patented Mt 1i%tarsr, ote. tween this session and the next he intended I: / Also the return moved for respecting the to take steps to utzlize the Meohsnlcs' Initi- . Elgin Animation tlt so that iiti,'di1g'trtl'ls)'h2t Iti- _ , ' . 3 TLN science con s orded in e . crest , ' GOVEI'EMFN ll ORDERS. ' towns. In Ireland ed'orts had been nurle . ". The following Bills were read a third tilnlllr tothose in England in the wsy of es- , ' 'Ill time '.--- _ tsbiishing mom: for alrording instruction in " 4 Hon. Attorney-General Mowat--Bill for ' practical science. A college ot science and I 1 the bettcr Administration of Justice in the l srt had hem formed s yesr or two since, sud .4 I Lourts of Ontario. . he had its first report sud programme in re- ..i l Ben. Attorney-Genersl Mowat--Bill to fer-once to its ed-icstiensl engagements for I mind the low respecting the election of Wif-iii. Thia iytif.yfep. wasin7to-opsrUjon ', members or the legislstive Assembly, Bad filth different institutions throughout Ire. 74 respeoting we trisls of Iugh Elections. irud, snd4wse remsrkqbly successiul. When 1 . . the quotation of estshiiahin the school here p. Bon. Mr ooola--Bill tooonaoruUte, end eves tirBt before the random" its bi t I amend the laws having reference to Mutual was not " clear) uud good l,', 'lt t . lnsursnce Compsnies in the Provmee f W y "I . y t e tftrtt _ o Housesnd there seemed to be e dimsrtsatrtt ot Ontario. 4 l opinion " to whether or not it would be s & lion Mr. Mohellsr -'ru report of the rivsltotiie University; but since that du. , Committee on resolution respecting Agricul. trtutttttn took ple We G"veratmaat ttad had tural Faun and College wss received. In Opportunity of getting vslnabie prsctissl " estrous from gentlemen of experience Jllrftllflfnd'd" with tho subject. The late