The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 19 Mar 1873, p. 2

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V , ' P" a etrR1eyiN the Atto% . A i" Cd ' " T" . lp . 7 fl -r s - -.. 7 ~15! Edy}; Ill" err, ._ ,. trt m, Je 'C"' 2, , p C . eCcnrts shonldbe held in buildings that 1.'"C' ._ mgNKrdN w Cs" . 1'.ohpftlt,'ttit "d, tt stlrd"Itl'f/ ," ." ", - "?" belonged toe private moiety. and "there"- i; ". 'r" 'l'51)tBi'it! 'M l Ct-, m. an 'gg,', Ltt it would bevel! to J . lotion was carried into effect the "tmilling' i" , J". .gm'eé'i d f _ , e CrtllTg, rum " the right to sell liquor would belonc to the Crown. ( 2 , ",s'i,ii",r'i'f,: flu . ' ' The Bill." then read I The resolution was then carried. l ". "'1cl'A;"r'j'i'l'ili,fii,t 5 I It ,' 0390001; 1;: ond time, IRE ESTIMATES. '.,,,'_is.i:,j,r'i'!,.%tti, Br, l Attorne G L, The House again went into Committee on My?" 3534;, "i',i,u ' ') 'this Bo ' errors] hf0WATenovU..-"rhat ' rv.', the nttigig't','t in the Estimates, Mr. 1'2» P. , , hy, f his (l'll'll2g1'l1" of the cancellation by Wood (Vioto l in the chair. ' . ,-. 1lNl , "f' l he nun ','l'l"U, '4 Jd,",',,",'.',',',,",,',"':,':,',:,',',':,, it on the. item of $43,000 for immigration 1.» r, B:' " tte 20th June, 1846. always: Igenoles in Europe, including printing and I ' ((.4fl g I, Otiety of U r s a expenses, 1 ' ' p,,siiii "I _ ', men: of the ill'," 'e,te,t during; 'ai','; Mr. LAUDER objected to the large sum "f 33': l r' 5 "new" to be on condition iiGU IM.' d of 811,000 being set apart for renting halls _ if"? 8 'r, §oeiety "rrendor to Her Maiast th i',' ltl In Great Britain. He knew that in the " , l r we: and lands belonging to tin siid 1lllll . towns there the authorities would be glad to Cr/ , F new Hed. for the we on mo dation of" "fr give the use of the halls free for lectures on "r.,: ; ' Sum Courts, namely the centre art Immigration, The agents were well paid at ' " h" , (Including the engine-house) an a the driest 8150 s month and " s day for travelling ex- I l 1 " l Wing of ' building in the city of Toronto pauses, and out of that money he thought ll. s. l thereon, known" 1hgood e tl all with the lan d a they could afford to pay a few dollars, if e ', "For: which the said building "hag. the land ', V quasar-y, for lecture.hitla. m would also l l I north, south. and west of the said centre l like to know what Mr. Thomas Menu-ray, _ 2tiii,t'M",1, West wing And on forth Who published a small paper in Muskoks, j . dition at no buildi . . er cow. was to be paid $832 for. As to the bonuses I . mg or erection be put up ' . . t l on the land retained by the said Soclet and gin on to Immigrants, he thought the Govern. l l for hung part of the Osgoode Hall progeny merit had been impos1sd upon in this matter, _ , l smelt or the use and occupation of the said 9 persons comparatively well off had bean ' V Sotitv, and that no building or erection be included among those entitled to receive 1 t PM " for the use or occupation of the said a 'fell',',; , e of and y would vt,utie'2, i ', Sceie . . l 1 urge pot one emoney set spa or t e , i of 'ithi':,ite2it,thtigt,T tttgrae Ber. Horrochs Cocks, who, he did not be- pro . . to be made for all 1:185" hove, was a suitable person to be Chief Im. of "r and pus-go Jti'a"tettlidfl's' 'tii'-."'?,,',,':',' {ism f," 5""11"dim 2""de , G v . r. cc I now a on agr on " war at 'g,',r21tu,t'gu't','rtgLggfg;"fi; I?" "We? It ii" t?,sgtyt,1f,t ' li bebuil I is reveren gen eman, a r e a re- " ', with ittprlygpt,fat,p1t't ttttht! ceived a hundred dollars for his passage lating thereto . the Law 80.0 ety to continue . money, went to the Alians and asked for a . to have the odntrol of the rooms known as l pass. It that was true the man was not en- , the Library Benches, Bar risters' an d Secre- ntled to et,r,nHey,oa; The sending of Mr. [ Ury's rooms . the Society to "iiiiii into ll bite to England had been ot use, bat he : covenants iorh lag the grounds connected I did n.otypprovt of so large a number of per" - A with 1hgetode a in pro r order and con- fen; being sent over Great Britain and Ire - _ ' dition at the expense of th: Society, and the an . t , . . . _ ht corraellatiun to be sub'ect to such other Mr. McMht; US said that a friend of his .. trims and conditions as {its Excellency shall had called upon lu. 1J.oclH m .Londw' at bats i' i deem proper tor carrying out the said ob. ofiioo of the Eaiigratioa Society which he 1' ' 1 jeots." 1fg,t'gtl, t3 represent, and that he (Sir. I _ i l He explained the reasons for bringing in the 'it,ttf" that he was the whole society K. f resolution. stating that in 1846 a contract . - , . . l". g was entered into by the Law Society with Hon. Mr. Mold-ELLAL .tsaid this was a I l the Government, ty which, on payment of subject that was of great importance to the l ti the sum of £6,000, the former agrsed to pro' country, and should be discussed dispersion. ' V , vide accommodation for the Superior Courts att1y. Be denied' the statement msde by _ _ BI and keep the building in a proper condition the. member for bouth Grey that, he had C; ' t for all tune; but after some years the increase 5 tras ell9d through England lecturing with ' , I of business rendered additions to the build. Mr. King. He also denied ttet. he had em" I ' l ing necessary, and the Society found it iar eppgsed the sending of Mr. IN into to ly'ag. l F. pcaihle for them to adhere to the terms of an .He believed that that gentleman ha I l _ the origin al agreement. The Government, 2:39 his work well, and that his servrccs to h , therefore, on different occasions, voted large "edceiintry were vahtabhs. Fut he C9tV l, I ' ruins of money-in all 200,000--lor additions l " e was that the expenditure then tor a , s and improvements to Osgoode Hall, and by (as amountof work was greater than he ' this action the contract made in 1846 was new r,i'i'gotfi,. Them Te . very great e regarded virtually "cancelled. Practically, competr 'll', against yo obtaining of emi- 'r, , the Society gave for nothing the property grantsbtgth sundae New [salami "d Br/eil j upon which the public buildings connected gem c, ""3,an ernigrttn? free. In" l 1 l with the Superior Courts were erected. It on o 'Cl"l'oth', agents m Alsace and - was felt that having them in Osgocde mu "m?" . both been 'sxpe11tsd frotn those would he a convenience. Since the original ceuntrres, and therefore w." had to rely upon . LI i contract was made additional Courts Were Great Britain for our emigrants. 'llhe Gov- F ', . I constituted and more extensive accommodn- 'd'd,'t,'e had , pointed Rcv. Mr. Looks to C ' ' tion was rendered ueccssary. In 1865 the a e edge o that agency. The 'chern- " l , i sum 0132.000 was voted by the Legislature tttg {hind many surges. against Mr. ~' 1 ll, 1 for repairs, and there was a subsequent grant oc ' Ant . mtu1ss all possible .t't'1Prn . l I I for the same purpose made by this House. but. had failed to find tut, substantial cttarge f" ar, I Parliament had practically treated the con- against him. The Government had written _. i I tract by which the Society was bound to to the Duke of Manchester, who was said to ', _%= I Plovide amtommodntion for the Courts as have made strong representations against , . cancelled, and the Society was under the idea Mr. Cooks, and they had .his reply stating : l, I that " was not only intended to be cancelled, that,he ye nothing 'veciyt that gtrptlte I Ft but that legally it waa so. The man s private character. the amount Mt400 l , position, assumed by the Society was disp ited m the estimates W" for use of lecture'rooms . if by the late Mr. Bandtield Macdotuld,and the and bull. and not for W. Cocks own 1 question was brought before the Courts so pocket. he w" q.u/ "hailed tlat the K, that the parties. might know what their rights 0ppositio? should mm"? .to the fullest ex- B' were. In the Court of Common he is the tent the chnraeter and ability (if the agents , , induce were divided in 'tttl on the matter, employed. Gentlemen opposite had said i ,r . but it was generally hel by them that, while that the Government had selected these gen- Et' l, in point of law the Society was still b mud tlemen because they were of the same party Ili/ ht the original contract, they had a very of politics. The fact was that the selections Ml . Wong claim upon Parliament, as they had had been made because the gentlemen Were _ pt; _ originally been of opinion that no further able and well suited to the business they F, buildings would be required than these pro- Were inten.ded for. Surely the hon gentle- ilbc' _ vided for in 1346. The page" was carried men opposite did not expect_ that the G) Fr I before the Court of Error and Appeal, and vernrnent would go to their side of the r.,, th 0 opinion of the judges was that the con- Bones and ask advieo as to the men to be " tract was legally in existence. Negotiations appointed. (Laughter ) H0 h.ope.d tut , 'it,', "we tlutrmiiyuitly entered into by the Hocie- some arrangement would be arrived at be. 'ri , I ty with the Govehsment, and the former was tween the Government and the steamship It?, I iiiling to .3". to the cancellation ot the company by . which half of the p" , {a I contract upon the terms set torth lathe reso- faro df emigrants to thia Provimx, / . . t lution now before the House. a. ttatt it would be paid. He believed that this f _.', . tbr, i would be on tom new; rot,'. 1'rt,eriyhtot,T;nf,'eotSntlge,tie, f I 9: . mtat e e oo-o ra ',' - bl,' the" Mun.. lt did not - t to ' 1 in this scheme of Mr. Pose, the 'fl1l,'l,ft'2,','l at _ Li) 2 Minister: of Emigration, who was doing more ' I t In the direction of the promotion of cattle i& merit than any other man who had preceded /' MI ' / him inthat position for years. It Was wail . T. :3: known that the best emigration agents for a r ' 1 eootry were the emigrants themselves :whc .. 1 aLrotrs hramsfo their friends; and he believed ", ' W L, ---. _ b " v . a " - ~" , _ ttear-TLT, as v A " 'tx."--- _ q, "' '- . ' _. g- , , "Be Vee. V ,1. 1 rvr' 'r "at"? u .. ii "

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