of} I ' a . __ _ . 'lv, i r _ t . , - - . _ '1tiillili. .st'rr . I m tendin tha . 1 I . " ' qttittu3uhtnunittetshad been struokto en- . " t . Tr II._I"'. r 1 /i sum fl money 'd t1,lhg,tgWi'",td,i't . _ ". _ "C"e I . .qnire into the exiltenoe of these illq'al socis. i§:"A'_I?f~ V 1 'w ' r I; ' was granted, and actually deprivin the , ties. as "a were then called, and the result ',C-, ', a "t 1 ' a people of the boo. sou lit to, Pd': ' wasIthat e Grand Lodge of Ireland w. I 1, i " '9 'wanted the money why dill they hot takeg ' abolished. . A committee had also l i (<5: i . ' '/. {masonic other fund instead of fiiching it been appointed which had power to 1 s" 19 - I ' " '8 l from the poor settler. After the state- enquire into the 1'ti,h of a" . I, v al ' i meats he (the Speaker) had made he order in the old Province of anada. He1 . . :~ ' ' . . E,' i thought the Commissioner of Public Works quoted from a speech of Sir Robert Pool in . Al I a L' 1' , was JUtifiod in saying that the for", a". I835, when Chancellor of the Excitation." _ w"; v I ' r moment placed accounts under wron hewU the effect that the best plan of dealing with , _ , I» a II... I' At all events, he (a). Commissioner) fd,'t'lil Ireland was to avoid language which tended :1 ' 1 . t !;I " 1 " the chug. of which the otUr side of"? l to keep up sore feelings, ind "id that the G, If" 1 I' -1 rl pm fairly and openly, and made no Grown in sending answersIto Orange " 1 1a. ' I; . ' , Remy about it. The old Government mint dr-, did not iiitond to "I"? that thal if ' i _ have thought there was lomething wrong otganimtitrn was lawful. tNo. answer, he 11 rr t q about their elm-g. bob," the undertook thought, had ever been received by the J) P, "'9" it r' A . to unify the, mu" he may mentionod- Orangemen of Canada to the address they 1 ' i 11 -. In tolerance to the oUrge made by ths had presented He went on to quote from Ei s' .. '- member for Lincoln that Mr. McMillan had Sir Robert Peel to show that that stated. Ja' 1 l , i been tried for some otfoetoo, the hon. gentio- 't'e',',h,grie',e WM that tho "mm" ot I I . mu should Nmombar that those who live in these ies w" illegal. _ , I glass houses should not throw stones Other At this point the speaker was interrupted .1 o,/' ttttttf, been tried for diwruditabU oi. by Mr. Crooks, who said that the Private , -,. ences, and come had escaped only against Bill hour had expired. the charging of the judge. ' FS'l'IM " i a 1. Mr. MACDONALD thought the member " ATIIEB. . . J 1 , for Stormont showed very bad taste in l The House then went into Committee of Ct I . making charges agtdnat those who were 1 _8npplr, and resumed the discussion of the A' r ' 1 absent; and repeated some of the statements ', item for emigrntion. F . i ' made by other hon. gentlemen rettpeu'tiag Mr. COYNE said that the present Gov-1 "Iii .1; . Mr. Cook!- eminent was guilty of ten-fold more serious t r' , It being 6 o'clock. tho "on" 1.1,". crimes than they charged against the late ' T . 1 i After Recess, i Gmexnmont.' ce . Mr BOLLl'LEE thought that the mom- I IA E'I'l'lli. berdior 'tgat had allowed himself to be i " , .- . . ' . use as e 00 r 'lteANtltttt'toi'iiutg beside . ,.1 ihe llouse trent into Loinmittcc oi the _ ,", tr'7r. Bill to incorporate the village of l'" tster, I 'etItt he charged the late Government1 :, , which was reported sud the Bill read a third wit (i mg; ttttil that u mu" M." foal that I 'l' tuno. " he ha acted imprudently and " a way to i III , . ' hurt his position in the House. That hon. 'C' FEB ELOY FALLS RAILWAY. ss':','.':,,!,',',",;::,,,",,, :Iquirmed and twisted to l . " .. I t . Iva}. ms mg a cI urge against the hm. mem. t d,,,t, 3 'l,2, get at,), 'g"",'f,,,'h,,t'pt' .btr!orArart while attno some time heIdi'._ v' . amend the Act intimlod " An Act to incor- 'ld lf, te,yt To Tt charge: againSt ', l F i potato the Fcnelon Falls Railway company," 1"d tt i'dt /,NId'/'rulil girth: ttpts Jf,t,: p and the Act intltuled " An Aut to amend p be _ id have more " ard tor private an Act intituleil 'An Act to incoroorate the me? rs l'il") th 1.10," gand ring; lea _ ' Fenehm Falls Railway Company.' " fee me an or e ' 9 that should actuate gentlemen. ith re. Mr. ,FQIFBAIRN ""10 to . p ilnt of order. snout to the item before the Committee, he , The Bill P ite, present shape W" coat-y tt slid that the Commissioner should' hare _ _ i, , the standing rules and orders ofIthe House. been able to give the Rouse much fuller I; I1 1 T50? were, cttgtaitt provmoIns in it Which information as to the many charges asexual: _ , wer not authorized by Parliament. Mr. Cocks. 1 'i.', Mr. WOOD said that the ohhsetity, made Mr. FERGUSON claimed that it was in. F', shonld have been done when tho Bill was I proper to place .0 large a sum of money t . I i before tlt Comnuttce. 1.t '" ty late TMMF l under the control of, and to place so much . I '., on the third reading to ""9 a point of order. 1 authority in. the hands of a person against After some further discussion on the point whom so many grave charges had been mode M" 1 of order, the Speaker requoitedI that the " were now standing against Mr, Cocks. _ I patter be allowed to stand over till to-mor- Ph Mr. M, KELLMI'; 5.143113% it (1,111 I. 1 '1'.) 1 . _ ' P qCN 1 I . not d to the respects ility o onoura e I" j, i r y ORAZ'GL A'39)C,'ihTrON. gentlemen on the other side who indulged in , 1 ll 1 Mr. MACDONALD moved that the House personal attacks, and agreed with the mem' 1 , l go into Committee on the Bill to incorporate ' yer for North York that the discussions in 1 F L' i the Loyal Orange Association of r', atom On- this House should not degenerate into por- t g I tario. sonalities. 1thtt character was to be ' ' l 1 Mr. FRASER said he Intended again to taken up and Ieboted upon, he (the speak- ' C ' '1 protest against this legislation, and he hoped or), thotight " would 00mm fwouubly ' ' his remarks would not he any more offensive with any honourable gentleman on the other 1 I than they had been. He contended that his side. (Hear, hear ) He rose now, however, _ tome; speech had not been in any way la. to make a short defence of a gentleman who . I. 'r ilemmatory. He traid that the member for wad, absent from the country. and unable. by ' South Brant had stated, when the Billws, word or deed, to defend himself. Titat 1 11 [l, . first introduced, that the House could not gentleman had boon gtotsa1y attacked, tsud I; 5 page any Bilisto hicorporato political ornni- 0 (tho speaker) had been charged with ~5 2 mtinns, and yet had taken very different negligence in not using due dili. Q , ground when this Bill come for around road. genes in putting thWoasu, andcountry in pos- I , tt log, although both ha and tho hf n. member session o smch evidence " he had to oontro. I i , 'r for F. M. Toronto said they W01; ii ho glad it vert those charges a aisst Mr. Cocks.uc He ' 'ij' r'; this organization did not mist. lion Bingo. was ina position of Meastneatsry evidence . Kr') men opposite complained ot t'rss harm dots to acquit that gentleman of the charges a J to Catholics of this country by riov. Fluriocks against him. The Ron. Mr. Allan was anx- 1 E ", _ Cocks, snd tet, thsyIavicd 11.151 Bili, whish ions to learn what evidence he (the speaker) I B). " would do the Catholics much more issti 1.4 had on this matter, and had sent a note ask- 1 II N "a than halfidozyy Herman Ihykr.. 11., ing him for the documents. and he had not 1 ir' j" would not my anythtug " to ih., fur-Ii: com got them back yet; but before concurrence in l W" parisons which bad been riIiicsViIurscd to ( the estimates was taken he Would produce T I V be up ul'. him-won llllit "ill I and , tliosclcttersintho House: m hailacopv wr . " 'e. the Bill incorporation! the Christian I of a letter sent to the Duke of Manchester b I _ t M Brothers audItho F.1ther Moth-w Tempo" Mr. Coclo and the Duke's reply 'lf,',",.',,;,'. i I , i anCO Association. 'lt. ne.? YI?,',,"',! upoa which was much to the same effect as iii/iii', 'i, i5 , the. House tho fact that a, w9ioa ttt this he hadrcad from tU Duke on q rev! r, 'l F , mattlarnas dictitci' by "orogtsrdtcsto whe- occasion. He had alsoalctter J', 'il/ III , I the! he would ever come back to the Home ' Cocks himself den in the l te am r. I 't rr root. lie objected to tho Bill on. the, 1 h r , g 3 * '3"!!! lat he L . It C . ad in. a speech alluded to the Catholics of 11 , gre and that the organization was a secret Ontario in an offensive manner. Certain . c, _IIII. " 0. a poha'co"e1itft.oe one. and a 'tef,y honour ble gentlemen had made charges '/ 'tr, notual menace against Catholim- m in Q1'f,Sifl Cocks based on a letter signed "C"'; .' ' not madean infurnrnatorr speech. and did without any name attached. Was a man's I not intend doing Mt new. BI. would not " character to be slundered away on such evi- ' _ 1 ferto any statements or writings ot hie " deuce as that! The member for Lincoln ' 'd .1 "1rtioeify, but would refer to the action of 1 had made a grave charge against Mr. Cocks . i 'i, the British House of Commons and o' the to the cfftct that he had picked up a lot ik " E. King. and he hoped that this would not be I emigrants sent out by other persons tj, t.' , considered infleP.tot, The, old P'dlr'; and obtained six dollars for each of a ' T ' merit of Canada had 11118113. by . Tttts of Do they; and a charge had also been made dll C, . m 13, passed . TAi11 prohibiting any secret against the Government that they had paid . , I I, I omrutiea of this kind, and at , later year had away a thousand dollars without the slightest , '. refusedtopasljust such a Bill as was now _ evidence that the arties for whom Mr. _ i If. h . a ked to be passed. In England the action Cgcks claimed it had) been paid. These in 1..\ .of Parliamenthad been against the order. i "mute had been Swims out all summer. ----- ' I I " r--~. " . 7. ' ..-_; i "7' I ._ , " _ - " mrq "Am "Jr-own Leri".'.'PP= w, _ -'>"~~ i _ I - . 'J