rm "lltllitEltt--4ltMtitl m. l . ------- _ hm", March 22. The Speaker took the chair at 11 o'clock. MELON FALLS RAILWAY- After routine. of th Mr. RYKE " moved the rear. tion tt report of the Committee on 'iii?F.i"i. onu" upon the Fenelon Falls Railway Bi . . Mr. tantalum rose to.Y poiat ot order. After a short discussion the Speaker ruled . that the motion was in order. Mr. BOULTBEE then movedin amend- ment that the report be not reoeived, I?" referred back to the Committee on Standing Orders to be reconsidered. lie proceeded to state that he objected to the folio mug 01311868. and gave reasons for so dohtgr-- l Notwithstanding anything in the said or an other Acts contained, the Townships of 8d,'ll',", Cavendish, Snowdou, Glamor-gen, Monmouth, Minden, Dysurt, Dudley, liar- oonrt, Stanhope, Guilford, Harburmaud Bra. ton, or any two or more of them that msv choose to join together for the purpose, may ' ive aid tttho said Company by way of gonna to an amount which shall not involve the le ing of a rate of more than three cents in 'dfl%'S, and in estimating such rate any liability of the raid townships in respect of any indebtedness or liability contracted by the County of Peurlrorough for railway pur- poses shall not be taken into account. The County Council of the County of Peterborough shall within three Weeks after a petition, under the third sub-section of section five of the Act passed in the thirty- fifth year of the reign oi Her said Majesty, and chaptered sixty, shall have been loft with the warden of tho county or the clerk of the acid council. submit a by-lew to be voted on by the duly qualitied voters in such townships " may petition therefor, and forming part of two or more local municipal- ities, and shall pass the sumo if it shall have been carried, and shall issue the debentures i therein provided, which debentures shall set forth the authority under which the same i are issued, and shall have coupons attwhed ; to each debenture respectively, for the psy- ( ment of the interest accruing thereon, haif. 5 yearly, until such debenture becomes due: i shall be signed by the warden and clerk of the said County of Poterhorough, and sealed i with the corporate seal thereof ; and shall do all other acts and things that may be neces- sary to give effect to the object of the pati. ticners. A long debate ensued, in the Course of which i Messrs. Crooks, Pardee, Craig (Gleturarry), i Cameron, Boultcr, Wood ( Victoria), and Wood I (Brant), spnke against the amendment, and i Messrs. Foirhaim and Read in favour of it; i alter which a division was taken on the i amendment, which was ltnt--Yeas l3, nsys ', 32. Tras -Metmr. Baxter, Bonltbee. Caldwell, Denoche, Fairbairu, Ferguson. t1ifiord, Ham- ilton, McCall, Merrick, Reed, Webb, Wil. tiao0h1thatn).-- l3. tlass--- Messrs. Boulter, Calvin, Cameron, Clarke (Norfolk). Clarke (Wellington), Cook, Corby. Craig (Glengsrrv), Dawson, Finlay- son, Fraser. Gibbons, Gibson, Graham, Lau- der, Macdonald, McKellar, Mokim, McLeod, Melisa, Meredith, Mowat, Pardee, Paxton, Rykert, Smith, 8neUinirer, Springer, Striker. Williams (Hamilton), Wood (Brant), Wood (Victoria)- 32. _ Tho original motion was then carried. Mr. WOOD (Victoria) moved that the Bill be referred to Committee of the Whole l House on Monday. Carried. l DAIRYMHN'S ASSOCIATION. Hon Mr. MCKELL AR moved the House 'tt Committee on the following resolution..- That the Dsirymeu's Atmtaiahionof Ontario shall be entitled to receive from 1mappropri. ated monies 'in the hands of the 'l'reasursr of this Province, a sum not to exceed seven hundred dollars in any one car, on the like condition, as far as applicable, provided in section forty six in the case of County or Electoral Division Societies. In reply to Mr Cameron, Hon. Mr. MOWM? said that His Excel- [tr'lg. had recommended the said grant of l . Mr. BYKERT hoped that the Commission- er of Agriculture would, between this and Monday, endeavour to persuade His Excel- lencyto recommend a further grant to the Fruit Growers' Association.