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AG a ti'f,Weygiu.lsijiiiiiiii 61896Rtn88antg 2 .... -:::...:: t iii:" {3, . f, c t,?ty,t,r1t1dis moo 1470040 4130000 '. iii:. .'.i.i..'.iir:!iy,l', '.iii 'SI,), ESI, lftta11,'itii.iiri; 800000 was 440200 : i':.:': '.t.'tl'.C'. iiittttiiit. q MINE: cum?" rm... 1200000 1001140 5148 10 ", l : l .' ::: l CCI F.. EV :. '.'. RI my?! Du undo ...looooooo 5023400 10143022 '. ..c:i.'.j,?y.:.':il,.ti': '. , iii'. , "3537* 2lth, do ...5200000 001040 11021160 .i,i,ii,ii,iiiitTii..t:jt/ iii:" , " v i'irl)llilt'grik 122.3333 'ltlftg Alrlld .' i E 5 t : : : t t iE '. l p: g: ii '. I i. 5-" Magoo": ' ':iiii.iii.ii.ti'i:C.it,".r. .... . _ . . " r.... 8800000 8568806 1030004 uv"-'--"'-'--.'-'-'-"'-"""-""---"---,',"; a ~. " Gm d .... m m : " ,f tr 'e'llt.'eryat'o,urj. dllltltl We?) "'dllfl . _ tl *9;EP*: 539 9331'3 a y, 3:555 l x. m M , 'f,",,",',?,",,' do .... 8000000 286 9928018 Lbs: ',i/ftiti. gg 235 y g aiiirr', , ' Il . ii;l'l)'itl'gt'/'r 1'tllvll 33:3 "/h'tlill al 't.U5 tti',",',?', tlt'.',' 'il .. gt... t . / . _ "nth-so do III: 167000 t0 10044533 mu 0: 3 5511838: we 6attttet 'u-v--.'?-.'-':?-.'-";';-':-,'-,': MII 33:3.::~~~ tl'dl'tl 33:: 133:: 3.23.. gs iii : 3 'it.',,.;':'!? ' ,- ' .... " 23:9» 'r.'"..".'.?'.'.,," _ " ymdoypttf..C. amoooo 7301055 roman LIE: : - -. . '..' l I'. '" . 't , cg 'st,',':,?,,?,',',),'),,",':',) 30000000 10301"; 1320047 20 ifi, ..'lti. tWy:. ii'.. t ' 3%: E _ . "ati "I l : . . . . . l '. '. _ .} brooke......... 2000000 25072 " 683437 tilrtc'f?:i.ht..,g2!?cu.c.U2..,.cu =' W. '28:" ... E . B "r.' , . 1r.idtitetu1si'iLy. 53000 402235 1604 26 CP H H _ a. G '" 'a' siil/. . ':hS8 Niagararo,/if.y.', 23000000 5013317 410mm t t.r'Ar.tsevs'i2A'r" gap " g 9;... tt " o',ri'j'!a ,,ll/rl.ltric,;iUi,tttygt 23:3 3:33 *I "ti'ig'ttrieTrai, . * °° 8 s; M ~ t'afir q 'om _ e o . " i ll T,'?' 1t',',1cit'errrc. 2000000 38347 " 0002 " tg 33g8°8888 3:8 8 tt " e ;'i' , I cf, ':e"i, l i'i'i'iiii,?'ii:i::. 111'gg 13:33:}: 1332333 itil p.bt,tutrai,r'ilor: :33 ' g iitiii'il'i gl ' 'im' ope oun.seoooooo 14043428 928662 - "btS'ra'u'bAa'k'a; Cust m ' . ' l iii" 1 k'hhlif,',ttf': 'tfltl'g 'lri'ltyl! 'i",1tlf', ' 'i'rttrtyc'a!lo'it%,'-', iht,r,t.t a s 533%]; , = 'r l. own ...... ii,',ifid5t'i,ttgtgt?, app 3 a s c; tt - ( I Prescott Toxru....1r0tytytt 00 11434 " mum " 31 WW"- "*°° 7,- ""N._"t ___ -t--- M00016 do .... meow on 47696 " "not a . ---.6 -- Tee? rr-. - .- --- _ -----.-e__-rt . --- .-- --- _ l 2.83000Mdedt00178 5734a , j 1lgtrg'titiiii, 1333 33: , 3:: 3 mg;33333033333..."o...........,...,...: ~ - .1! Simon: 13m: noon on 11890 91 225453 iil named by the Province. that ot Stanly, $7,840 76 , _ 3mm do III: 100000 00 m n 20:31: so applied oniite teu tgQtatNuttitalti it n ' ' ("me am: , _ 'l/ttttg "In? l00000 tt 1133: a: fr/e,. g g: 3109:3130 calmed 2 McGllllvny and 810ch11), .ii,' gamma bun. 100000 'll WI?, g "Ill", a to: 111;: 14:38:31 2lll 030131 {51m deducted 86.002 00 for I ""'"t"""2et.t.it. .22; ..--..- t:ii,iiti"ii,iiitiiiiiitiiihi,it)y,' 2l,t0t'gh"g'lif/i,t,'i '. O; In V c " Total ........1000000 00 an": 8t "P."! 06 'va'ihtl'ltt'lh'l? ffld proportional balance to 8t. . Thetotel peg-ut- of would" when "m... "my 11ttht "t'llt,5ttt2t2f, {a , I - r , , __ at M by ttorhoubttm"rtrig MuHMratt. 'li"g,tu','dll,MU,gfl'l to the 'idl of the County. fl r 4 tie. iron 1859 to 1872 lnclulve, have d Wttttt an, amount; tlug! flhtdttt'd tt , i . .00 an ' ' " amounted» 82,0ttit610, or en nver'BO of f,el,S2'oNe,esdht'tS't Norwich,md South I' ' $149,472 16 per when. The highest poy- 'ifiii?t'i"ie'iii'ii'it (gt?,""""'""'" 310.905 87 'r . . 1- tort or" o e o . ment mode w my oe" ye" w" to 1839, e Out ot this sum FortErIe l: entitled to 85.53053 4 which melded 8195.054 Oli. l f Out omn- sum Dunnvllleu entitled to i8,419tm '1 2. Municipalities whale debt- nre entirely l g Clergy heurves "tuned 81.068 51. cancelled and which will neither hare to re. C h Clergy Reserves retamed 82.698 00. ' cexve not pey anythitw--. I I Clergy Beaertm 1tittl'lll,t, , Dundee (Town). . J clergy Rescues name; 0060510 iii _ ', Norwich (now North Norwich end South 00101:! P"'T?'t "will"? . r [ ; Norwich). _ -- --d-ud=.uUiiaUiLi-'=.='rdh"d. 1 PM» f),',",',,','? 7. Mtytittipslituts not indebted to Fund, a l 'Yee ( orml. and entitled to receive a follow :- t l Windham. tr.tl _ o . a T.: ' ( Woodhonee. , 9.53 gag - 3 u Peut?.... . . g... 3.: 'i" r l 3. Munlmpnhtlel when not indebtedness t iitt miie., FSI a ,eiliataatdaifotlo their debt- not Inning y " " a i been 1G1'e'edt'tl'hJtl'dt't'ld rule or 2 l s ' eta. 0 cu, ", I cont mut-. y "mulls-i a I t I mucky! . Bran excmvo o i, NOM- 'l'2'J'etW'gl't'i i 'g,',',',,,', ot Bnnt- u ' It and (notional... 0228.665 itt lord cud Perle and t . l re'llrlllttli1'l.'f, oe tit township or ' I . in: " Braottord......... 20200 ......... 20:9000- . i tet,'2,tuNg,'t'A; [ orieton.... .. .. .. 43478 ......... 43.7300 " I arto 'irGiiruai ..... 143708 tr, --rontennc .. .. .... 32620 ......... "02000 a _ (Mun (.'ily............ 37.11885 Hammond, exclu; P, , Burle.......... ....... "lilft tiJht'ditit'r,,oi Ct-it..... .......... no a Gmlph (Town).......... 52.221 " t Bherbtooko ...... 40086 ......... 4308600 F "thari ......4... 166,t8248 Halton.,.... ...... "in noun-co WW I St. intsb --- 0024.212 21 Kent. exclusive ot 00520 0052200 , 4. Municipalities whore debtttevydyced; i,,',,'),',"',','"?.;;,;;,.,:;,: - .....og.t , " i by the 5 Chat; and who» mdebtedneu I ?ril t' 2'd y fl, Jil. , witanda. 0110'"?- , 0 0 . _ villa-nu mot _ , [gunk and Denim .... "32,069 93 a Township! ot u , BonttoedWrm0...-... 1M0" 89 Iaixabeth&axtord 41550 ..'...... 8155000 f . 'hath-.."..............)') iatratoondAdding. 1'? F.tirnttqttttogrtt .......... 98,847 " t ton.............. 75416 ......... 75416012 ' ood-................ 1':itllt .j mailer" iGiG 133538 22540 lit 16107857 P, H ...r......r.......'. 33-on . excmve a _ 1"Yitiii ijiiroicr.yc'tl,td tl l tof Tomt Ig,',',': ' o u too. , A . C, s2atl,'t?.te.'tl:::: Tom " 33.3.3? si'i'll'll: "e,,-. . u Wmdhouee.. 33954 'e'.., .. 3305300 , "I. 6. Mnmdpelltlee more bothby the 5 "mam "an". I . 1 cent and 2 cent My no when indebted- ot il, uh, tu. l C, n". iiiua.totittmt- l ondge,md8cott 72776 "...-... 7277600 _ ' , 00 Peel. bxthmive ot CM' l -vtttet............ '"ifd 62 Albion and Cate. . . g,'t'yltl't::.cc.' g:1'l'l'l ctltiiicic-cc 32733 ".r.'... 3273300 , Ott-........-. e r tou ex- bit" ...'...'..".. 'i't'ltyll elusive 'lf Town f mum-W 4701480 "ammonium. 40434 B........ 4043400 , - l opr.-...--. = TM.4r2 10 ":i'k'i1l'lil'h'lllaui 71982 ......... 71m." , l - .crdc'LL" 'i,li',e'teet,',1av, "'" .'....... WW I , ItttatamortntrqaNe .........2.520.210 ' iiGi'd and Mono 113738 ' ......... 11378800 I . then! to, will, titer tuning in the stormont Dunn-e, , _ Thu, ' . and ihGiiG"r'"r", _ cee due under the epploprlnt . the .lloqragt o 'rxehtaivtroectratc . "on a. hethe noted nun (82.5-0.- watt............. 112510 .."..... II ', t m tttt need t m the indebted Victor", exclusive 251000 , Tr , "' ' 27% N h P. m m . ibttti 010;»me und- " Iv tiesaodnvtttuttlo for data on l' iiet1itlt . let, l /ll'diiayc,aics; 45002 ......... 4500204 I "or, I "t'Sll'C,lel'll'ld new to Fund, but "tl"tat"i "h't . o r' V t l P; h either the 5 cent or 2 cent 'PT.? GliGi;; 7:200 ......... 730000 . _ i I unafecw l. "elm . ll tt 1 "which hen bounce-to receive a cinema, Chippy I rttlA .-- q-ortr,ttndWaitdtiit 33404 ....o.... 2840400 8 E) I totien" . --.---.-- - . r _..-.-.------- _ W ' . tr y _ my F , I ~ ___ _ _ . ._ - Grd m... 3 .3." Fc'ttt'1edCrer, 're """"Be ' ' f _ u. m.-.-------'"--"""-""",' "'-"s,".", --'""- ., V"ma. »~ _ Wa%a"l .. EiEEES, Kr - _ 'r,','.,',,,