, , - wsl I',.""', 4",»1. r E) ' 'IN. '1 b" ' -, t t I. . 7 I . " _ 1'iiC? tr"' H I T/til _ _ I _ 7 . . A I", C .. - VF " r H .. _ ,", :- . 7 mending of the-Order But In askol the ' Dr. CLARKE (Norfolk) said there had . If 'u' . Bonnets stay its band now. Re believed l ' been an anomaly in having the Eastern Bill e that it this Society was inc ted it d 5 ot Irurorpttratipn thrown out and the West. " i lead to o. "mg for whim IIT,?, ', em one pas-ed so that he had vow to m ligions societies. The tune had L',',',', Shier; , the report of the Private Bills Committee G. "t., I gumbo should be given to the belief that fg,rt2theit, tttut,',', it 'felt b; Bean , i?' . as no further neces . f rt 0 a . howt eir e sion sen arrive a . e 56 ucluded by moving, 1'gotill"eig, had aho voted for the second reading of the L SON, . ' Bill, for he liked fair play,nnd was anxiousta learn what its promoters had to say in fsvon ? That all the words in the motion after of thepmposed legislation and what thosis / "That" he struck oat, and the followina who were-opposed to it Ind to say against . voids be substituted therefor ..-"hliiGGil the measure. m had carefully he as , the constitution and laws of the Argo. tentd to the 'arguments brought te. oration proposed to Imineorporated by the said ward on both aides oi the question. a, , tll: it appeal! that each member of the said must frankly1 stretch, 1tp,vthdtt, an? rsocration upon his admission ther to . hasinglistcne to e YIBWSO esu par . made to take an obligation under oath in this: era and Itteete!,t! oraupsisar, he 0013'} no.) 30568 or form foliowhur, "Wkly, "I A. R . ) say that the 'ocisty was of meh benefit t , " uo :thsayt.1r, Ind voluntarily swear, that! l Lansda. Bis original opinions on the " all}? latihfhléndobear true allegiance , matter were crhT'if; "if Itfti, . " 8,16- ueen 'iatori d I was one , .- r l " to her lawful heirs and "assets-e , here. He (the speaker) qu ohsd from Blue's _ "in the sovereiqnt . of Great Britua two/Ito show that the organization was 01 _ . g " and Ireland, and) of these Provin the whole a pernicious one. The strong arn »"-oss dependent' on and belonging to the of the law had been invoked to pat down / " s'aid yuyd.eneo long as she or they shall Orange lodges in the British army. Th: _ c xmamtam the Protestant religion and the , question was whether the principles t, tha " mar: 'fl',','.',',','; on: will .to tr 1 "rent? J"L"'a',taadt,,t "it"; . u l t . ' traitorous l'lUli',"aruh"ei 'a'lhtifTlifal attention in Kin aston in 1819 of the Orange ".', " shall knowto" be against her ' "13,13; organization, MLDOgle R. Gomttt brough' E7. "them, that I will steadily maintain the coa. tori ard a retohrtacn asking that the Earl of T xx xnectro'n between the Colonies of British Elgin be impeached. Other leaching gentle- l' " America and the mother country, on! be men in the _Urder warmly .'.,',1.,1,Te?te,i the f/t " tye.y.rta.dt to resist all attempts to weeks": lumen, basing, their been!" tithe: no: 0 t \ " British influertes, .or dismember the British man on his "tivan, m "Elms! h 2: :Cbaulu . l I " empm; that I mu be true and faithful to Losses Bill. No longer were t 0 {women I every brother Orangeman in all just so- to be loyal than while the Sovereign was as I (.' £1.01". neither monglng him nor knowing l'rotestant. By 2ai'te,',ty't,",it tul'i'1", l '"iill'v'i',, It,' dwrongetdi Gallium?" without ihtaPld,',e,n Ziggy 213:3; iiiiuiiiiiiiiie' i no N. u ventigg it it in $01,337". "fl to? $215-1 , to justice. T.here were other features about i _ J will e'venhold in.reverenoe the new, of the organization ght2t goggghnz: g: . .. ,'hti'd'?ogige, Deliverer Kieg W uhrun u, , present allude tt orf i'lh'hl"l',,' thing like i I. 1; "Beef of Urangie, in grateful 'm. under'the maple f,',',', t,f, WE ,1'S', . young at???" rBnco o whom 1ohrnuiiy. P'?t11tss, "inform? ry pit not to be distorted in l il'. inmy power, to celebrnte hi, victsry nation, an we th'l . of Old World "over denies "the Reyna. in Ireland, by our.grewth T, 6 039108 "51 House an d I /fa1'/d,"it'g, mthumy brethren in their gttltt; "eggs: giggled ghoulish Ita. '8 oo ' "ineé'eiy 39:, "l .33'312: r'1,'T, 25th" tionS'EEcic-yty, letting the old differences sink .uever'oul b: a Roman Catholic 's/pal,?'; inthe waves of the Atlantic,_ and allowing I 2,',trr,T, I IT, tTe] tt.t nor will I ever mustang?" (531131158 1tL1ig2r'iltf i3 " emit:infill]2:2'2222ugolrfigfit;, "i'.' l Elixir to tyrinnize over us. A leading digai. . 'd '?,',t"tittdei'1t,tt', _,li.i)g1t,e Catholic fli/,'t ii ir, ',. tg, fd hfft'tl'ff,'af,'t',rt/ ","2,1,1yil,Vg1 , 1( "WV-Tn t, nor am n A' n .- euo m . . . CIP,', will he I'. member-puny Society o'rybe 1,: and flrd'tr, while ft ss."atla,l'rg2,h2,ltt " 0 men f..li.tttyye.ry.e to l!er, "ninety avi had been the "l',5','ilfli., esuch he 'i'i",i'is' d . " our (.lorwns Upmstit'ceiott;thatt new: Wt', himself. "id apes ',,""istu'liit to roznote _ I " 3'11}, I),",.?,?,',',',"',::,", tlst', bi:',],','} :prelndal or 'ggthh,"a1n1"d'ptl"i't)eiliil be wiaiidmu F 5 In ' on my run-4):; on o. farthcr . ' C' 1e1hyrr.ta,t, i will do mv llt'nigt ballpolrt There was no (has: tnlg"uittolii1 'lit, u i'i:1rvri,':'iii,.ttiur,f,y L '.) al Urmge Intt,itdtioa. 'ete,g'riyd he £29641 it would not, in ten 1 " in} th"iiiui " 1T"Pnyr'. and pay ct, who"; now the promoters of it would _" . " ,1: iii f,' 1,"llr.?"i"t0 In l onset-re tad y " kful for it An Englishman himself, ' "0} ey tie /rii.'f,ufieu and in re of tire Ur. fe an . 't"i's, oountr he yet loved i, ear: and lastly I mm: that t will alw " a and loving hm no no y, . . i " ccnwa' and now" iv, . , " , .. still more Canada. the land of hia adoption, I " dim be, cr w ii, C,' ")wa WM s '8'": and was therefore in favour of doing away l, " the .sigrs it"? :.u" rim," any p3rt, o, with all prejudices which stood in the way g . " about who pyiv::.: C. el?..'f/,i',1,'2le1.,.ip:', ,",','f of Canada becoming a nation in which all its in "New 'q',e'g1t2'g'gfiopf2,t'r'ao2J,1/S' ; f p 'rt'att'.'iicrt test? t c Ora:aze Instit l r. ' . "', 2t trill." my. 'd"'i'; iv' i-iii/i,'?,, ht: tee xiit,ii,ii","siciil?t'iiuji,iii',- 23,2» , . ' . " me et " veg up here " asaem . r '"'.t,tC"y) '.tt thu, 1ny Uiuapsauu'ts olrti. 'ttl', t1it'tegint,t)r"1ite,t,2t,f.?)1g'ld b l t, 'omo In 0 " _ "I . Andi ',r2' .'. . ttheart" .. tr t at "srisemightsayinare. eo.s1)'t'ftl'liageii1t2'o, on: 1i'd.1'llf,1d'/'1;' I i'it;1,t,tts2ifaj,,'l'irritfl, afria 1tle qaer s id " ' I t., . , . ' . . . . , d'sowslou. ore was . 3:! (liif't11arti',e,,1',11?ir5 or fli',lin, 1i,fi.'tis,y; th r,gtc1,',f','vU1,,i.; a: Urmgemen taking I Bullets-ace or. my; 73".: at Ot . mg} or ti, an ugh to tipped "the King or Queen so E dew» or mush}: 'lr't"rde'//2,'i' 'ii/trt long " "w ProteMatit "Him Ttye,",: . Lodge ., irrr .t 1' r hem. As or 0111' ' (d1'i'i;h/'yty.eiiip,, ggtso?n:lcul..».ige J/til,',', F mitigionbyof ttln World feuds, tt "ll , antenna?) y,1,(1tr,1erraueletiiif:'/'s' (an; imst 21 muchh 2,es,tl, 2a'tgi'i,e,e, d','., his 'it/'t or in, business tPtt'tet1.m1rt, in the kin Jhac.'lvy hour, 1od " in all parts of CUt'2't')1'iUs2'1t'itit'if H' tramspired, or tellt )'l'/i1'ig"2i?'infof,1'f property, only or who shall 3:131:01" e to lie bly a brother, 1 ? JI anther Bill 1iiiiiiiFi sanction in re- any 'r!l'/.'llllif,','1l Ci' 1tin); Calf to I' published "2:3 to their holding real estate. Their trans- rsi ction ot this" Lodge or these!) 33303,,E2: Slit,',,',', their bylaws and discussions woold i filial-m T/tly, yyil lo deemed guilty of a 2 1.t.tsar i1ilig1,tifutr'tgl, .tu1a,wt,y,1fteiti, l uadieu o his obligation, and shod be ex. , illegal entertaine >3 hem. Commissioner of it; (if I tttalt' tf,', with. Entire nujor- i the trg2heitl2t't, out against lin And lose i,'l', ") 'stermine. . . E (i'yg'se evening that by the introduction ted matte m3 " ram ttyr foresaw; "up of the Bill he air, towing the seeds of dia. , ll th roan otherwise-it appears to this [ t and thought tui the charge l louse at the. and aeoci.u.',ut is a politics [ 1 "mid l with more truthfulness P. rgxous tr?ciation excluding persona of , won app , f th Bill. . q. dimye.ntirertiona, and using secret signs and to some of tlit @3311;th the 8,Ult1' 1 . ' ( . o e a. r 33:33 0:13:33: by meatttt of associated tg,tg,'l;',' sent to the Queen after the - A d ." visie of the Prince of Wales to this coun- n whereas the floors should not on. try he reminded the House that 'son {Signed ae.oe.iations exelndmg por' W, Majesty lud a pointed a special day . I o d erent nh§10u_nnd using 'tttera) for receivina the gi'll'la'l'L' bearing thtt i ' ,ugnean symbols an acting by means of address iG2'thi; orangemen of Canada, and i' associated Lodges or branches. a had given them a veibal "never. thereby N B311; ofore be it resolved, " That the said giving them greater honour than was J,',?,,' '\\ ( "t fllh','Ultn":drg2ti,t tiy.tes bat that «v worded to tuldrtttatsa Ti; ty,1titf,igt', $23. , " tea . third tune thu dar three F made by the hon. member for renv e ls r In», mmttha. from 1nihUlg and persons ot the some stY 1 ', 1s the hon. member for Norfolk. The hon. ' i