The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Mar 1873, p. 4

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E . WF , _-...------.---..--, - _ 1,ic If. 5'15"?" _ P.F. T0315}! Ct,, r . ', . i, 1 a f .1" f"" 07, '1'? - 'gi Pi')' . tended inthatdimtttioas. Lord Russell had IN'- Pr'", Pr" it... _ , I 66rd reasons why the League should trs" id , é 'ii. passed a Bill called the Religious Titles Act, _ r . - formed. if he so desired. No persons were if r 3 . r "v, Ste preventh ttli.gasy tlth"d" ot marinated by it, but persons were by the 18ltr,-'% G a ~.el gttl"ilt?,'f, titles; but sAct was ' e .Oranue Sooiet . Be (Asgmrtttd the notion " 1 '7' f a?" called into ores, although no? dipl- taken by the gunner in regard'to the mea- . l ti ies of the Church of Rome is dsnclr 'sure, and had hoped that the vicwsot that 359-4 - ' b i tlea. Jrtraleooontondedthat no Orangeman honourable gentleman would have P6o '2'?"- l r 0911111 be expelled from a lodge for exercising . , floated those of the.. Imperial Parliament. L' g f "electoral tranohlse as he tttl but, After afew further remarks he moved an "rtaf l a"! any man thus expelled from a edge for amendment to the effect that the Bill be re- ./', , "we.I II reason was expelled illegally. (erred tsaoktoC'ornrufttee of the Whole f.ottht q M "if; pod could bo reinstated on "pod _ purpose of altering the preamble and stating J. i (la the proper authorities in the ' that it was political and religious assocla- ., i. LaihE l r". er. ly relorence to the united po- tion, excluding persons of different religions, "cg I I 'd'hl action Jtf orartgmnen, tha hon, motn. i and worked by means of secret oaths and t 'cjii'irPSl . r iorGienviile onghtto remember that the I lodges. J. " Ctt.hoiie ot the, Pmim had takuntrimilar , Mr. MACDONALD denied that the am- 't , action through their league. It the hon. ' elation was a political one. P member M! led his ruletoous acct ho should 1 Mr. FAIRISAIRN held that the amend. , also apply it to the other. But he (Mr. Mao. N snout who out of order, " no notice of it had ' ' I donald said the House had 'tttt todo been previously given. . " " . with that. he merely "hell the case to Mr. FRASER contended that the Bill was -1 , I Vote nponthis measure _'2t1l f is merits m open to ol .jection at any stage. .1 " i; M v', did not think the arms merit of the hon. Hon. Mr. muons imidtutthepreatrtOt ' _ q ' w gentleman amounted. to much True he t ' could not be amended without tho Bill going t Il Pigh.t.hasy dealt more fairly by the Order. by back to the Private Bills Committee. ", 'ii inserts? further particulsrs of tho comma. The SPEAKER ruled the amendment out . i _ tron an oath. but the principles of the Order of order. x M were Inch that they Were not unlit to Mr. FRASER then altered the wording of 'l)) be published and inspected by all. The _ F the previous amendment, and proposed , Mttt .1 House had ttth pronounced in favour of 'lnother one. which read in substance as ' the Bill, and he d not think it would be in. follows :-That there be added to the original lil ilueneed by the frenzied appeals and would. , motion the following wonhr.-" The associa- y T be "gtPyrnty of the hon.' gentleman. ttat. l tion intended tobo incorporated bv the said side poi-ties had been sending him tumesu Bill being apolitical and religious 2ssoeiation ',',at'tly the organizations in connection excluding persons of different 'iriiiiiiii', , [, . i m the Church of Rome, which showed using secret signs and symbols and siting, tIllia':"') ttttte, were "fungi: 'tit which blind byhfcans of associate lodges or 'br"iiii'..ri,", n . Ci" . , ' , sconscienoes or c u are as we as r. MACDONALD rai da . ' - . the past. He did not intend to discuss these which was not Jllt'i2rll,' 1t't,'"i'2Jt,'.,r I NE . matters new,.as htdid not desire.» bring up and the amendment was lthen put and losi. . l 3 I any heated discussion. He hurled back upon on division- AYcas 21, nave fl'.,'.. . Ja ' V . "' the Commissionerof Crown Lands the charge YysAs---Mettiris. Scott (i but ea), (low, Par, 'a i 2 that he wastryinntosowthsseedsofdiscord. dee, Fraser. Barter, Willisuis (Hamilton) Nr " i i , " "efh'ef had claimed that the Orange Oliver, Shiber, Paxton, Christie. "swarm. ".2 i I $5 1 Mtl been disbanded in Ireland, but Gibson, Gibbons, Clarke (Norfolk), Wells, 'r, ' I. F. a con he say it was not new in exrstence Snelsinger, l'mlavmn' Grain iu'e'miiri"fi', , , lthere, and padded tld' by tt', Pt of Caldwell, Calvin 3.2L 5 I " iit 1 mm l on, s nger suit a_ over eon? bis-Meters. Maedonald, Camera ' l . i In 1858 there had been only fifteen votes prison, Williams (Durham), Deacon, Grant; 1 I from Upper cyyda.apt against the Act of Haney, Grange, MtMunus, Luidcr, Hamil: JI , . lncorppration then introduced. Since then I ton, Bykert, Corby, FitrGunoms, Bouiter , 'i' the o jects and working ot the Or- ' Merrick, Meredith, Code. Guest Scott _ , al l der had become. better known, and i (Gm ), (iiilord, Toclcy, Craig illness") Cr " it' l therefore more highly appromsted by the Mauls, Ill-'(i'lu', Fa'rhrsirn, Woid (Victoria). ' ! public, and would now receive a "was" Webb, can)", vast, Crooks, "irrdiii'U.ti"2" ' H I , teppttt. An Act. had. just been passed in The Bill was then read a third time and ' .-~ 3 l how Brunswrck with objects similar to that passed on the iollowime division: , , which was new asked to be pmed. He ap- YEAH - Messrs (Jamel-on, hismlonsld / Hesiod to the living, present for support of Ferguson, Crtig (Russell), Tooley, Mei-rick, is Bill instead of gaing back to former ages Meredith. Boultr r, Code, Guest. i",),;."', as had been done by the memb.r for Grcn- I (Grey), ri'rsirr,moutr, Corby, Rvkert Lauder r. villa. The members of the tre body l Deacon, Vi illinms (Durham) Hamilton i/i'. -. - were not of one political party, but eluded _ it rd, Graham Haney Urdu u- "Alan is G Reformers and Liberals as well as Conservs- Monk, McCall "creche "i)'.',':),'.';',',:,,'.',','."" w. :r,'il' ' I I some should be recognised by all partly. . (Victoria). with, /i/ijiir,'sc'i'i' ti i'. M i R q . I The ppposltion to these Bills was merely, bats - Messrs. Crooks. Paula», Goa, f . ' "y" tttt npanlll feelingwhich wasnot Mt. 1 Scott (Ottawa), Williams (Hamilton) (river, 3 ' K)' t ' IN -tend by the promoters of the Bill, and I Fraser Striker Paxton Cook ini/i/tii.' .. 5: i i whichwoulduethuveresultedif they hsdbeen 1 b2iiiiri'ifiiiii, Blister, bruised. Gibbons, ' b ,3 ' . eghtgg,'atggto,,ti; Thsrehadbeenno I Gibson, WcllCifinlttvtsort Calvin 8aetsirrzcr I il ' reasoufor making up the Order here. No ' craigitNengarry) iiiiriiiUir-1?i.' s, t t l l Actof Parliament had been passed hero, nor ', WE'TFI'N 0 , N t . : '. , . I , i, had "y Legislative atrtion had whioh _ ts u ' RAt Crlu' ASDOCI \TIUN. _ " ,. , Wmembe rs were thencslled luaud divid- The. llill to incorporate the Loyal Ounce i" , U; , ed upon Mr. Fraser's amendment" lollows: "went?" ".f Western OaUrio was thea ',,r F r sd, --Yeatt 2l,nays 32. rt ad n third time on the some division. , . Jd _ 1,33%"; "08$".kaai S091? Pita; ism-molt FALLS murmur COMP): I "Kw _ I " ee,' 19'. I isms ' our} Pt), iver, The Ilene thenw . -) , . 3"" a Cook, shitty, Paxton, Christie, Dawson, the Bill to semend tr/,'1i,forf,h;e't"iiat"'ti',1' 'g fa Gibbons, Gibson. Bruter, li "to. Clarke Fenelon l'alls Railway Company which wasl " ..'3' (Norfolk), Finlayson, Oddw'mi Craig it ',luar. reported with some amendments: _ . I a? T garry), Sucking". Calvin-2|, Mr WUUD (Victoria) moved th t th . ' '/" ' , buss-- Messrs. Macdoncld, Cameron, Fe!" ' Bill be read athird time. ' e l 'rc: 1 teh'h Willi"! (Durham), Ielt,t.t5,1rets, I ' Mr. FAlRBAlllN moved in amendment . a It "WHEN", Haney, Defer, Gutter, Itrkert, l i that the Bill be rercommitted to the Corn: li 1)U' 'gg',1l,thg,ttt gft't,',tr.t rug". I mitto of the Whole House with instructions . l ' " . c r l ' tf h ' "§.( tttV i to add certain clauses exempting the county I v, "i?, E32), fitu'fdt2,t i'tt'uyt,'Jt) tfad,: l of Peterboro' from liability. In moving l I r rxkhet, W odd Vi . a or r, , thesmendmcnt Mr. Fairbalrn explained that f, 't' "th, ere, . g2it'"lidi'i,. I the charter of this Railway Compsuy and " R .3 - , gum, . iNton), amendments contain "grou in clenscs" 'r I McKellar. lattorson, 'tysyir, _Springor. _ similar to the revisions of tile li i ' l . , 'd Clemens. and Smith. "yain't the Trtii,' paired i Institutions 1"2 Under these l "my? _ l: , J ji' wr r rely with I Farewell, Corus, . . . . C mass spoil l . l li". "I: a I Rae 'III':, W cation was made to the County Councilof L, H i c, _ rf P?h tt ' 0 ' .0"! (Brant), Peterlsoro' to euhmitattlaw to be voted _~ I) 'rl , '_ '"i'ir'htiththl2tut2tt22t; upon in the grouped section, and the County ' , Fl / l . mentOWhloh he trusted would 'lf,', 'l1it",ttl.,: Council refused. Application was then made fy, 0 View .or a mandamus to compel the submissio l t ' l" i ' of honourable gentlemen. He did not pro. the bwl w , dth tt . l Ol arr" (a; -. - a pose to make any attempttokiil the Bill no 3. a. , n -' e my: er a new. pending, . t 'ag' Cr " t it. t it b t h is w and not yet decided. '1 hat county " Willing .."- , tld Flag? (1 T! ""9 . bed to. line . to abide by the decision of the Court, but 3. I sprees; e. so are w t the organization this Bill. if it passed. will override the de.. "" N had 'red,t'f,e; as aprecedent for other ' cision if it is favourable to the county. In T 1 . bodies ing incorporation. He would re order to let the House under-stand the _ _ l . c. fer, however, to a remark made by the mom. whole qurstion he rs indeed the character 3 f I ' her for South Leeds in reference to the_Cath. of the dill'erent parts of the cottntr--the pro , ", , " l oho League. Now, there was no 'itnilaritr posed railways. viz, Grand Junction. Peter. .i . , , , between that League and the Orange society, hero & Haliburton, and Ontario & Qoeirtro; F'. [, ' " 9. , for the former was not a secret one _tsttt1 the of the by-lau 9 submitted in aid of each, anl , 3.), , latter was. .Tho Catholics in this l'rovluc-s, the present position of those by-laws: the 'ii: t al 3 ' . though forming about a fourth of the poplin. I position of the Fenelon Falls Railway, its ro. V Ari tion, were only "presented by three mem- lotion to the town of Lindsay Git tho a -,?' iii here in the House -three rrrprossptstivea County oi I'oterboro'. He contended that the j( Eili,t J Mega net seventy-nine; and u could show , present case afforded a practical illustration l, I"? , F A _ , -- . Me unjust and unfair effect of the groun- l . ,- ' _ _. '» W U" _ T'" "Tri"t"u'rcL',tTiTr3ertrtrztxvsr, T" "rl . - - T "7

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