" . 'r' , r". V .q. " _ y,? .." TTC'."'--' 5 h." "V , t Ar o' ., r . l a - ", V. T"W'é','1€§zswxw' .; f "~- . ' ,' " _-' "" . .' . "o'. 4'. I' ships 0! Peterbmugh would be 'iiiieaat'iii' 'w. 'pf',, . "'"liTj3Fa, F ' "ing System, which was wrong In munch . that section. n hid been said thatail the ',rtrifrrr"2'ii:) no thought the Bill was one which the by-lawsinaldof the railway had been voted I Hi" ", _"' Legislature should not allow to become law, _ l ; down in Victoria. The fact was, there was ri' lean-e the large taxation yank! prevent . only one debated and that was because ' settlement of .Crown Lands P the grouped Fenolm was asked ior a larger beans than i s .1 section, because it would interfere With iconld Sth and the bylaw was he, the g l . pending litigation, and because it was wrong Mariposa an Somerville Irv-laws kind with. m principle that a portion of a county not drawn. Mr. Carnegie the examuntior for , . interested in the railway should be compelled West Peterborough and editor of the Peter- . to assume and become responsible for the boron? Review, Md htelyin that paper , debt of another portion of the county nour- . that t 6 back townships OW, county were ' red to aid that. rnilwny, "bent-.3 County . ttrfeetlypooi1 " a bonus of $60,000, and Coupcil are or tpunon that inc grrmps. she Council of "a county would notnutthe sectionwill he one. do to psy, the amour: . slightest risk in issuing debentures to that It. being an n deck, the Speaker let the l amount under "will wqMtrtiiam, in" pro- chair. , , 'vfr ft . V v ' per machinery asked foe by the Review wai- ].L(.I). Aiio(JL1 pin I. i, now provided for in the Bill.' He referred to p I After recess. . 1 a few other points in the speech of the mem- ! lit-n. Mr. MLKLLLAR Mid that u m- ' l ber fer Weih ?.aerttcrotWt, whose amend. l tended on Thursday evening to ask the in i ment, he thought, was unJust in principle to [ _ dnlgcnce of the House tomake his statement the people, of the back country, who had i, respecting the charges made against'him in strong chime upon the House. There was l J connection with the Elgin Association. nothing wrong in the u grouping clause" in ' r, Mr. CAMERON Mid that tho hon. 80111310 the present measure, which was equitably i ' man could not "t aparta night for making framed, and he trusted the House would I his statement. Much would depend upon pass it. l the state of the business ot the House. Mr. BOULTBLE and Mr. READ sup ort- Tho hon. gentleman had not chosen to reply ed the amindmeut of the member foe has: I f to the many demands made upon him foe Peterboro. r'. explanations, and as he had allowed ttv, The House then divided, and the amend- _ ge'-:, matter to stand so long he might " well ment was lmst.-.-Yeaa 27, nays ill. . , allow it to stand over till next session. He y'wwuesm. Bitter. Sexton, Gow, Tarc, .= (Mr. Omicron: bad not formed any opinion ' "one, McCall, Webb, Boultbee, Fairburn, t" " to whether or not the hon. gentleman was Mac-Manna, Ardagh, Ry kert, Deacon, Wil. c, or was not guilty of the charges made against jinn. (Durham), Sinclair, Finlayson, Gifford, 7 L,, him, but he thought that any explanations _ Haney. Harrington, Caldwell, Merrick,Code, ' fs' - made by the hon." gentleman should be nu le Bead, Meredith, Calvin, Tooley, Monteith ' 1 , before a Committee. ---2it ', Hon Mr. MrkTilLLMt said lll'had already Nas ..- afeorm McKellar, Pardee, Fraser, _ _ stated that it was utterly impossible foe him Smith, Barber,Clarke il21i.g-ityi-1t:'ti,tt,'.t T , to makc his explanations earlier in the ses-_ Clemens, Williams (Hamilton) origins, . r sion, because he had been called Cook, Gibbons, Gibson. Dawson, Striker, , upon to prove a negative, and ' Paxton, Wood (Victoria), Crosby, Clarke, , l had to obtain from Britain the evi. ( (Norfolk), Patterson. Cameron, Macdonsld, , , l deuce which. was necessary to disprove , Boulter, Lauder, Sneteinger, Crniw (Glen- , the charges made. Now he was in possession gary, Grahame; Wauerwiorth, Corby, Fitz. ' of such evidence as he thought would be siminons. Granger-M. . satisfactory to tho House. Ho might claim, The Bill was then read a third time and _ . " a matter of ,privilego, the right to' make passed. this statement, bat he did not wish to force WELLINGTON. GREY AND BRUCE that tight. . RAILWAY. Mr. CAMERON saul that the hon . f M SCOTT (tire , a Bill ' gentleman could make his statement at any On motion o F th A t Texas"; to the l time and place he liked, but if he had any "in?" an (gror "I I? c It ilwao Gom- _ evidencctooil'er, he should do so before tb Wellington, trey . .ruce " y . i m ittee . tcd to h it puny, passed this session. was by unanimous , co m Tpop "rm' . . consent of the House read a second time ,. ' Attorney General MUWAI stud his hon. red h tth C mmittee of the [ , . friend had ttd the ttttll of his Tlor" t rouge 0 ' , _ I I innocence more tron once, at now wished l . . . . , i to present to the House evidence which (r? {If 'thiGf,rtti,pt,toiit), $2213.. , would support th.at statement. Charges Emilee he himself had a B21 which had i had been made against the hon. rentlcman 1 . . '- . h d to . . -' i an passed this session, which he wrs e in the House and out of it, and he (Ahonicy- hm . "1",,de but could not do so General) was sure the House would feel it M", " KEPT said the ob'ecticn could not I was a tttting thing that his hon. friend should . _ t ' . J .. . _ . . now be taken as the ff 01168 had _ onsented to , u allowed to inning his statement in the '~usp(bd the rides on the subject. '1 . game manna; "at" bt', le: Fwd)"; foe After some debate the report was adopted. [ l fltd'i1'll,,,'lifli 1:21." UWO t; "x9 ata ' C' "rgc an? the Bill read a third time and passed. , Mr. In KER'l said the charge against the ORILLIA ASYLUU. member for Niagara had been mute in the Mr, AR DAGH asked if the Government, 1lottte and w" very priperly amrrrored in I in view of the statement made on the Huh ' tu. Honse. No .onf' h "do any charge instant, in the House of Commons, by the F ' against the Commissioner ot Agriculture in hen. the Minister of Public Works, that the ' this House. If that hon. gentleman made (trillia Lunatic Asylum property belongs to his statement and brought hu evidence ire- this Province, were still of a contrary opln- , fore the House, those who made the charges ion, as expressed in this House during the V would not have an opportunity of substau- meeictrtssiott: and, in any case, if it was hating 'thcmn the intention of the Government to take ', Th." "EA" MI Wily-Cd from M "Y to show stops at once to settle the question of owner. . ', s that it was customary tonllow members to ship in favour of the Prtnnuee, so that the p ') _ Maire tttttl explanations whenever they said property can be made use of when re. desire to do tto. quired for some public purpose. . After some remarks from Mr. FERGUSON Atty-Cm. MOW Al stated that in ', , and . reply from Ar. McKrlLL.ttt tho (onsequence of the statement made Speaker ruled the discussion out of order. in the House of Commons on the FENELUN FALLS IlMLWAy. '-, subject of the (Mills Lunatic Asylum it was The debate on th hi t . . 1 the 'mhntion of the Government to open cor. F Pcneion Fells Rollers; ,'lili/fc,e,'l,i,'gc,f she ( rerpondrnce with the Government at Ottawa , Mr. WOOD (\ ictorin), who showed L, J on the submct of that asylum. benefits, that would arise to the back coun. l'STOK ICATING LIQUOR. V try from tho e/"e.truetiy.t of the proposedi Mr. FAIRBAIRN moved the following ' railway. The Railway Aid Act ~one o the n sohttiomu--. beat measures 'n'er put forth by the former l Whereas 3133 petitions from upwards of thy."nmentrtyreGii. dd" btits nro. "15,000 inhabitants of this Province have been r, ' "in"? that ttiiwiya extending into' oe in.tho presented to this Assembly, praying f " th 1. .diret.stiteot. the tim grant districts should passage of an Act prohibiting the manufac- be aided. The Fenelon Falls Railway was in rare and sale of intoxicating Moore as bever- 'l',guttrl a road that came under the ages within this Province. prov one of that Act. The southern portion And whereas 39 similar petitions have been of the county of I'aterlroroueh had good rail. presented to this Assembly, item Municipal way faculties, but the northern portion had Corporations within this Province. and not;. and the only chance of the people resld- whereas it has been held and ruled by the A. out In the latter for getting railway facilities Speaker of this Assembly, that this Assem- ., _ was that M'orded them by the Fenclou Falls lily has not, under the provisions of the Cour _ 1" Cong} The .town of Lindsay had given federation Act, power to grant the prayer of 860, bonus in aid of the railway, and the said petitioners. _ 880600 more was naked for from the county of totem, so' that the Company wanted 'd'g,f,i,ellt $140,000 from Victoria before Pei ' tubal-our: was touched, and yet it had been snorted that Victoria wanted the money of V _ V Pet-boron h for its own 1tcm,lit. Whatever C would be Mean by the back town. _