ac f _ ."8 .' And other... it is it. oi,titrcri,""Cii - he .... ,2".- " Nam ll _' ' . _ T _ l _ 'f 'v, .1 g . ', "ri", 5115-" u . . if l ' ' , ., Assembly that a Prohibit"? Bimini: gill: e , v"'."' l: W" ' '-." . . ' "motor. He (the spark") did Prt "mm _.i'i")'":m, Ilil wr " l, " prnses) go, by the said petidoners. irouM . ". "' ' T o / the decision of his predeoelsor in chine, Mr. gig . I be most beneficial in its results tit this Prtt. . - Bland-- lit their." 1853 Mr. Eh WW" 7 3'" c T . ' Vince, . . " J gas. the "the! of Stephenson. 7":3fjg'. -». I And whereas it is desirable to bring the ' _ bought three lots of bind in 1tiity.rrurlf and .. 'r,1f,t!,N I matter under the notice of His Excellencv l .', ' .16in tho 9th. comelsion, and " the. 5th. - fur-fie... tt qoremor.Gunarat of the Dominion of ' . IV sn Order m_Counoil, 'reed promulto imv'ifl'hv' . " Made, and of the House of Parliasnent now . , _ ' Confederation. it was WOW, that Sl. il M, h' t _', " Ottaim mumbled. Therefore, pom who had ipaid mm" . (iiir,%l , . y . It-trid. That memorials be prepmd, ant. upon several lots "I " ee', T if}; Bill It ting forth the hots shove stnted. and ro. _ reapply them tll, gone Taillight" ttbl _ ,' u.,m 'i5a..'irTtiyi, praying that such legielatlon may I his iyatent t e or. . ti 'ii', tint . ("tl iiit b",h&duwill curry out the wishes of the Stephenson made up trli.ea on gate on _ f lit, TN . ie?!. Petitioners, and that one of the said 1iiiiiii"f and Ity.1. had " fan nd w " F3,,t _ t 'nemorialaU addressed to His l-Ixeellenay I . _ those Iota in iii1bur.voonnort . h',' Iota: "at"; la the fipvernor.t1enertt, and one to esch of ttf to thyg?yele,t moneyof artot or This cv'Pi, ',,r the Houses at Parliament of Canada now a, for whichheobteiued the (from ht t '--e"il if _ assembled. was said to have extingukho hia r1g ho _ a : _ crut a Committee. consisting of the Hon. l oreutpttmt to tho T315" Iota, 11,h'gr 2 ' , . Messrs. Pordec and Wood, Meuicurs lure tltfl2 rtynafyt.est.t to " credit m the 63):!" well, Calvin, Mncdonnld, Clarke (Norfolk), l moat. Mr. mounds took this: ,',it',,', I',,, to . ' aud the, Mover, be appointed to prepsrc such _ use when gt,litl to by Mr. top tti ori memorials, "ad that the same, when , consummate " original purchase . m ed " i Mt prepued, be forwarded in the '; ginul price. In the ,t',.t,.e,'i,S'il','i'llll 'e,'ll,' W990! manner for presentation He l Ulnncey hnd been cutting whito 0 . arm :5 r and that some persons did not concur in off the" Iota; tho on"? w" "Fe lah the ruling of Mr. Spesker, that the dispoln'. realized more than the original Pm" It t l) , of this questionqu in the hands of this I low. Wham he (the tnrrakeEl became Como V _ Legislature, although he himself thought the Ilium"? of lhomt Lands, Mr. Stephenson t I i decision WM . correct on°_ m wag ot "lre.d him to boanowed to "mummte In. _ l opinion, however, tut the lent that could origirtal bargain, and I" tths speaker) told " l he done was to take the course pointed oat him he w" We?" to m-eell him "No.15": in these resolutions. With the mean ot interest, ft the origin I, l ' Mr. M. CALI. .uworgcd the resolutions. ttit the value of the lots having necessarily - _ ' ' . Mr. CAMERON said he had been eon dcpmubq by ,the 1oga of tho timber. _ - . churned by a reverend gentleman, whore Them?" no right mun" Mr. Stephenson . , cloth and profession should have prevented to realise [rem the "In. of the timber," . , him from making any Itatunent for which would have been if the enginel'ssle lied been he had not good prooi, with saying that the held to htwe Nuthed vatid. . 1PM _ supporter' of temperance were fanatics and ttser.e.forset there having 120°" 3 iott m eon. l 'l hypocrites. This statement h ul been erection ,rith that transaction. Mr, "tttttqt. . repeated by a temoeranco paper in eon WI! hardly dealt "a when .he . this city. He denied that he had ever in any Watt ttoh yl.oired h gist tiut m" place used such lungnuge --u int he had of the timber tsold. Mr. a"? $V _ sometimes aid was that the temperance eon brought "idetttm tou1rINyttry.Uttt . adi oeutes were sotnetitmxsiatempsratei, their tshow that he WM not In" that the hub" _ veal, sud the statements made by this clergy. . bad been tme Th? tspaahet here M tt.rtrtl ' . _ men and this newspaper showed that this letter! and affidavit. fro- Messrs. Hehelver. I N, - statement was not wrong. The paper nor. BMW". CM"? end otltem to M Ahat N, rrd to had sloo momma the he won not Mr Storrhuson wss'not aware of the he? ', i, hunger-h: in hi" own iorh, and liked to that timber had been taken off these lotr. we; " friends drink. What his n. ,r on the The whole trantaction wss s simple o I". rubieot u is Wk tho: . -t'uati"- was cot right to ard the statement that there had been , cor- in'leinfrc birth the right of the new!» - thtt ruyt largain that Mr. Stephenson should Ir Iti1"T'", srvth).myve hc ahie , ' t' "W01 el'mdm' in. C.mmiuinuer of Public Wore, ' _'t"rrithtty' styy.y,ip,?'u,s,': He 1se!it1c?'. torisr'n.eitsrtolight the 'tg,,)""",'," thctim gt;:;-;;:g';;;;gggt»ij;-:0:331125;}513111;??? , may" without roundouon_ e akoi for , . nine mini . hand . 6.2:») JiiG" ,3: a Lcmmlttee' of Enquiry in the nutter, stained Fr tho sake of we one.y tic :23 ,',h/g,,e,'e't',d, 1tuuiaioegr,'g,tttr11,2,i' him" f i ' _ T . . 1 . . a we: tl'2iU.gItaegptt"tupt1eipti'i 'ith? we; tttlil wit; g'S',.',5, M... not think it right to restrain the rights ot h: 31:33:35.1 Ill"): i.?..". h 0 if, iired hurl any UCI'; With reference to the charge don th be teth: 'l,'f,','U'1'. euth p93" 'lt,5t ' Cl l, that ewes putting himself in opposition'to he not Il high): ,'l' o I; "A" the advocates of temperance, he said that he t L ffl t ry.; t I? no suopi tsit, e" / . would be either a tool or on idiot to declarn opporttrs m t 0 sense that hon. ge itlemen r' against suchalurge body. m did not see upwind to do "111mm," Th, member (y _ why this Home should be called upon to f/rr b't.or.inont Mremed 'to hm taken l .' interfere in this matter st ell. The persons Gurnrieyiorter of, Publis Works lt ider his ' who petitioned this Home could just as "Wm pri, and had embraced tlhs. oppor- l _ easily potltiou the House of Commons, win l tunity simply of declsriug that Lint hon. i had oourol of the matter. l ',ig11etTi;,y"p;"ii, Elmo?) 1,'hue,gg', [ Attorue General MOWAT said he saw I . . . l . "c _ _ I no G,'lle,,'ih1 (humility in the way of the if) anything like a conclusion that the . i House adopting the resolutions or sending coyyristicyer had done any wrong, but the _ V the House of Commons an address, on tl, ciidenee should be submittodton Committee . _ ' l object, It was n more matter of discretion of Emu"? svch as he himself "kw for. ', whether this Legislature shOuld memorialise 1lon. M r. MCKELL AR "id that tht hon. _ q " -. the Government at mum in this or any gentleman who had just nddressedthc House g. '21 l ' other matter. The Government here had m, uouldhnve itthUhehad cometc no conclusion V R' , objection to the address psstsittg. (Hoar in regard to the Elgiu frauds, bat at the "/ , 4 hear.) ' some time, if the evidence were not tre, l , ( l The retoliitlone were then passed. in a certéiin way,he would not be te, It; ' , y - - said, an the action that gent omen or :' 3 TIIE TILM RX LOTS. taken to.night would convince my unbiased I , 'd Tho adjourned debate on the prop my, ad. mind tint he had come to n conclusion; m b, ' dress in reference to certain lots in Tilbury had not made my charge against the mem- , '; East was resumed by her for Lost Tgonto, end he hsd no ogjec- _ _ , Mr. CAMERON, who said that th i 5 tiontothnt gen HP? criticizing his con not. . . r l, had been on the "PM since the 2tth l' 2'3)" i In regnrd to the nthdnvrts read to the House, J bat it had not is" taken up until he ia', there was a letter from _ of _Mr. Stephen< , 'r absent from " seat, when a foul stuck Ind son a own Witnesses advising him when the l been made upon him. He w" prepared to timber was out, and that party go on with his defence now, hut he trusted got th Ic.tter. from. Mr. Stephenson . that the gentlemn who bad emailed him acknowledgingits receipt. There wus evr- would move for noommittee oi enquiry into to thow that Norris & Neeion had l the matter, which would he commend of paid money for the timber. No cash bid , political offing". ot his (Mr. Cameron's) been paid tho Department; the offieiala acid, own, and . he had an 8mm). in the Ilouw I by Mr. Stephenson, as that gentlemen hed T rr he hoped that person would be put "PM it. l stated: and when all the papers were down m hirpsd olgo that the Commissioner of i the mem.ber. for East Toronto might come to r', Crown Lands would adopt the lame course the conclusion that he had been misled in 'w' , when he came to make his oxptanstions about i the matter. ' . the Elgin frauds. In reference to the state. Mr. PAMEP'OI' J lt?po y otl ,rill mltye : merit made by the member for Stormont fora Committee ?t.,1/itytuiry. _ I that Mr Stephenson got the laud on the a". Hou, M r. Mcli tt"oLLAR---h cu on do no fl dorstauding theghhe should abuse the Com. 2,2359% will": state? fveta that 1 am pro. . ' mission" of Pu ie Works the absurdit of T _ I"? my Mne. -, . I ouch a charge was latent, than the faot {has , Mr. In K ERT said that the member for 3, that Mr. Stephenson got the lots before a btormont the other dry had mode charge: 3 word was said in the We" in regard to whet ngnmst thy member for Eat Toronto which . were known as the Elgin frauds- and when he lied afterwards retracted: end now the the facts of the can were stated it would be commissioner of Public Works said he acknowledged by - undid men that Mr brought no ourges against that gentleman, When!" received but M justice in the but at the same time he had listened oppor- M with tai/ttttaction to hie mouthpice