, I _ . '5- - _ - .. ~~ - - . , 6 We: CAMERON --,.1Yo ll C; . - . . maiden, and he would ask why such edigrea- I , f) over, (brighten) t l rebtat it, how l l sion should have been made in discussingA 1.; C; l Mr. CALVIN thoygU that too much l this item. He then proceeded to discuss the . power could not be given the County Coun. _ teti.rn.ate as a. whole. The items for the oils. They were in a position to know bet. I Ineliriate Asylum and other proposed public ter what was wanted than the educational l buildings should not be charged " against authorities at Toronto. l revenue, but as Ittt cugitul account. l Dr. CLARKE thought that ornamental i Mr. YAAl'lA1 y "in there t.lytltl be shade trees ought, to be planted in school- l, the fullest information as to h.ow this money yards in order to preserve the children', i, was f? be expended. If the improvement of . complexions. (Laughter) He made other! the Lindsay harbour was contemplated he l suggestions. " i thought that that town should contrilruic The bill was read a second time. l l towards the iminovcrtt,ent of that lull our. MUNICIPAL LOAN FUND. l l " this Po11ey.,wa'," required for local improve- ti nu . dis al . . "l h . merit it was this duty of the Commissioner of r w 2' i nborde: 'l',"%C2J"if, "dogma!" it i Public Works to have made enquiries as to \lunicip al 'ah'd't1"fdll' 2'd'C." Boring? l whether Lindsay would contribute towards - = .. . o . trt8L'. V '.tvlthotrg ir,-, Mowat desiring to take up other items on r the Birgitfc ' if: Lat" (filing? :11." It "a the paper and Mr Cameron obieetin It 3 I one u. i. re plan is u re p at mm of the was-linallv awrccd'tlmt the 1,l,'l't, shogl d be I i-s'osyrn,ycrtt \vhich he had supported that all resumed 't1,.7,Urii,V I tuw,'aiuforunujott should be given, and he l ' ' ' ' I , rr" , ,. , l muse any that he regarded the demand of the _ . Atib'F'po'b'M h) r ACT. I l hon. member for Lincoln for information as a 1 On motion of Mr. PARDEE the bill to ', most legitimate one. (Hear, hear.) declare-the true construction of certain sec- i Mr. UAMlil'iUN said that the Commis. , trons ot the Assessment Act of 15131! was t SEN" "l Public Works gilve the information read a second time. that the money was required to dredge a I CONCURRENCE LN SUPPLY. l mile {1.11an half a: (/.1,yi,,'rgi,l"t he.r'il not Tl s H l . th _ . ' , . . state In is repor w in. pu he service was WWII;- 0 m on took up concurrence lit _ mtcndedto be accomplished thereby. t On the item $6,000 for tieugog navigation l Mr. A' Q01) 0 rotor-in) hucw of no public g l improvement, _ waters which .rvtircd, improvement more : Mr. RY KERT said ttlat the Commissioner l than the iim'iguion of this river. lustcid , l g of Agriculture had practised to bring down ' or ')?'i?fe.ritj'2Ai"o" ought to "in: l, arr "p- 3 . . . . . iii-(rprrntci . l " 1tt,1.it,','y'tation respecting this, proposed Al r. FAlit'BAlllN cud that the remark of a if "he,', "ii':),, - , _ I the lion. member for Victoria nude in till i ' no as!!!) illggli-lchl'JJAR could recollect of more apparent that further inf hair-nio- was _ C use. I' t '1 i ti is matter. ' i Mr. CAMERUlS said that it was quite "Tilt; and: further remarks from Mr. 3 l 'i',2it,t',"gitre'ultr, Grit f"'".gg,'.',,tt.t, to Wm)", (Victoria), the item was concurred l I , '. , ' P, eccssary in arms ion. in l t [he (toVErnment proposed to .excotsd. their Uh. the item 812,080.73, balance of u'vex. ( revenue y about half a million this your, pended re-votc for Settlers "renew-ad I I and yet they refuse to give information r'uwl. ' - as to these prcposed expenditures. In answer a, Mr. ltvkert, i . Had the previous Government refused or Hon. Mr. i"ii'KEhl:Ali said that s ,cdsin.ur I been unable to give the information now for himself, he was opposed to ','cllf,'illfd"i'i; r br asked for, hon. gentlemen would have been money in this way, because it costmtog T i lgud in their dcelamations about the rights I much. _ i r o the House and the people, and other by MV . , r , . . . ' , ', I critical expressions such as they had plm- i 3 tl ht b1lllilnli,') tsaid it "if? "if" the ""86 i mulgated iaOpposttion, butabandoned when ', fire on. ommi: .oricr soon o her. he askuig ' ' they got into power. l, orltlie reappropi when of the money. He Hon. Mr. CROOKS entered into a lengthy 1 hi". ll' dour," with the li "Pd 1 mid, he 'cd- i l explanation with a View to show that the its. i .'f,1'".ji,et'.'? J an. ocmmmlca'ily "W" 'f tite l, ' crease of Proposed expenditure was not i r1,t,tua/'t1'e',ii."d by the late Government was i I l ' , F , eon inuc . a i 35:38? rtl1)'ht',.""l.i'drl'ct,h2:nctmrtir, . Mr. HUDGISS, in defence of Mr. A. if. I ' estimates for this year consisted of re-votes, 'i'mkblénk "I"; was alloyed 2'i,,'s'i'hirdil'/,' I and he contended that the itremsrepreaeating yy? o. ' HI es tma '95 WPA, p 5 g 1 fl ( its-votes should be deducted fro th ". l oromitteo, read a letter from that gent email " amount . l m e cross drnying that he had a brother in the emoloy . . l, i . ' . of the Ontario Government. With reference . p i I mieuli1vee,'1iit,ihtoht.t,, #3102101; genttle- to n recent allusion made to himself lhlr. " I that his fs'ti I,",,'," 0 iSsIPa tilt 890 I? ilodgins), wrth respect. to the appointtnent , cess of td,',',',,""' 'l' are grey y "1,."- of Mr. Scolilo, he denied that he had used He would be "L, 'lirni'"r,'"l12,i,rer'u1rs any influence to secure that appointment. . , , the Province who would have to announce a Mr. ",1,c.uT1 A ALI) vteni1t2tt"t',n"i',t ' l deficit. By his own admission the hon. gen- her for kw" should have ee e e, lei: l V . tleman proposed to expend this year $3.270.- ture .oi the l,?"'"':),", r t? the J/f'111',r , 000, and all he had to meet it was RR 000 000 of. Ia.corn on (.lgl'eSSIOPS. 1} L so that there really would be a dblicit 'rot: discussion of.tlic estimates in committee he C _ witiustauding the statement of the , hon. has said, and he ltr. fpeated it, thigh: _ gentleman and of the organ. The hon. other: cretted for A r. dth f: {as I"; most _ I gentleman had forgotten may": credit to . for and unnecersnry, ant a 1 was . , ' certain hon. member of this Houc. "hose extraordinary yoinyider.tce. that the appoulitcc tigurcs he had used and whose irratlieruatical should be the 1T,'t1ti/"l,,7c',.', a airy "lld. i V talents he had had the benefit or". H". went l ":1 suppgrltcr hot the '0' ernmen . 'r" p on to point out the many blunders oi uhich l p ause on "W rug Sn) . , if th C .kl . '; i the Treasurer had been guilty in his c-ilcu- l Mr 1))lyy/lh2,'y.,1.1,1,t,) I ' e In" it?" . lations, and to assert that he (the Treasurer) l genitals: Alkali? 1/t,t1,tg1" was any re a- l 5 wash le .; _. ' IC"." . m- 0.1-. '. PW"'," . . . l tion ,hrr'"' l Ill. riioj:-rsty,iee.linedtotqivoanyinim" (t I carry out their proposals of this session the i _ millimnpn Misublf't l . I i surplu; would be reduced to a sum not et" 'I lire ttet", ', as 5735318" d) . f thr re In. ' ' ceeding one million dollars. The li'clw'i'ite _ 0': f.:',',",:,",,'-:'".,?,"')))',"] ii,','."' aries o l e i . Asvl l 'r. . .1 . ' 'YY. ripen ms o" in; l i rd o , _ (),',rQ',C,rn2if,'ti "2:21:11; ,',"1h '_thin '1'""1'" Mr. lli Mill ll dwelt upon the uncalled C ' l so often iiiiiih would n to! Ir"'. . r"."""' for appointment of Prof.Me ennau asathird - " revenue, but ori the 'dlfd.'lrty",""t'd"u"ld"e, inspector. . ihig Professor had bee.n busying , annual and growing charts uni the "rovii ... hirnselr in interfering in the Dominion clec- . When the Cros n Lands heparin; "u had trim ttone m various constitueneies, and had mien i its course it would be found that the revenue 1;?th ll', fill} as it; beeoiiuo'u' vet.",',:?,":,,?,','. w ' anticipated therefrom would not be fortli- cs oroo o. " condo.» ..s "'ij . ith _i coming. Under the oilota e M h I ".l Vesser and stiiniper was iryromp:dit C WI a , men the Province J, 8" hl'ml gen. e. proper discharge of his duty as inspector, a " i direct taxation (Heid- clinic) lg may; tr; and the House should efipress Itahdlupltmf i' l _ . . . '."' t. . ur R ea bation of any such con net on t spar o 1 I i,"v1bli:'n?tt,,iettt,',t', are filing yearly expanded any Government oilicial, cspecinlly one cm- : 'th'l', . g 't,1'l'2,f, great expense, and l ployed in so responsible a position as that l the 1'2'll Clh w 'll. to 'sty.y.eut1sly WWW of a High School oilicial. He would therefore l 3 the ite u Ewes. itnre. "Ml {Bierencc to move In aus..n,lurent that the. tollowmg '. l on th mu: 'ft1'rlllnel', it was monstrous words be added to the resolution, ." An 1 i give Stagnation: t Ive',',',',',',',?, to refuse P _ that this ll)use. while concurring in the , tore t .4. ' 'ld' l 6 proposed expendi- f item, hols bound to express its opinion that . r noon'h; 'it'ytfiad, int'lidc siiimd :1. vigil; ', ihd is Eighth t'g1t,tgstoo, that1 [1t,eg')l, lit -3 '.. .C,U"r/,1 , "Ye. I roucaion attutlruTeetorot..'.y?, or.'."."" l ' treatises.::?:::,ti.;'":"";;W 'l i"sorrows"?We"r'i'cW ( ' . . M ' . , G'll'2 y Pv0llrff cit lei' y can i( a ure or ar iamen or y ' . trndlhoit item was another illustration of iii ' I actively engaging in any political contest." . "ll o tt.) fact. H i Mr. HUDULNS said that the member for f (in r r. _M()\VAl thought that the l, Lincoln waaineomsisteiua,ty.n,ttclt,a,t! he had ' will" ft fur Lincoln ought to restrain him. I advocated the candidature of the Solicitor of i I '"'l . ie was taking Up too much time in his i I the University, who P'as paid by few, and i i er " =» "' s2 aiizv1'?sSS; I '71."? cram ' " ""2 1" d"L'",'iTc1'Th1rr",' l