"q-..-.-. ... "'"'"""""l""ell"el.)lBll. . 2tnr the same relation to the Univer- f Mtg as Prof. McLennan did toth'e High 8r. oola. (Laughter ) Mr, RYKERT- Oh, one. a rich mi . Mr. DEROCHE contended that 'll','e'f,',: 'Poctors were required, and that any fewer l number could not ediciently superintend ' theme schools. He thought Prof. HeLennan 2 Should not be debarred from being a candi- f date for any Legislature, or from stum ing F 0r canvassing because he was employed by the Ontario Government, He was an advo- _ fate.trt all engaged in the work of education, and if he chose e could o back to Socrates . to sustain his position. Ltllh'/'. Mr. MACDONALD then moved, in amend- ' Pent.to the amendment, a resolution ex- I Weaning the opinion that as Mr. McLennan l 1e.,ttiiyfrils to devote a large portion of i '83- ttt his political contest, ere did not I 'txftst any need for an additional Inspector, l and that the. salary of the third Inspector L be struck out. i Hon. Mr. 3IOWAT said that Mr. Mchn- l "Milled been engagcdin his political canvass during the holidays, and therefore had not l ntglected his duties as Inspector. Because ', he had worked against hon. gentlemen ' -~QPDDlitc they desired tohave him censured. l 'l here was nothing in the law to prevent him 3 irom doing what" he did, and therefore it} was not competent for the House to censure l, him. (Lang ter.) ' Mr. GRANGE said he could not see that I there was any necessity for a thitdlnspoetor, I unless it was wanted to pay him for his I political rervicea, or to get rid of theSurplus. (Hear, hear.) 7 Mr. CRAIG Nifngarry) hoped that the Government would repress the political ac- t tivity of any such otficiah, as this Mr. Me. Lennan. As a Reformer he could not ap- prove of this inspector's conduct, still if the Government shouldered the responsibility of saying that three inspectors were wanted he _ could hardly support the amendments. The ; Government should put their foot down up- , on any such political interference inelcctiotia by their llnployt'n, as that attributed to Prof. McLennun. (Hear, hear.) Mr. CAMERON would accept the amend. , merit of the member for Leeds. He had no l doubt mat if Mr. 1lchennan haul been ic- turned for We.,', Toronto, he would have been all that was good with hon. gentlemen ' opposite, zisalso would have Mr. Dodge had l he allua ed himself to be whipped into try. I position in another Assembly. lint (is be resisted, he was called a. forger. This was 1 the policy of men who called themselves I Reformer-s. I The House then divided on Mr, Macdon, uald'e amendment, which was lost. Yeas, , l2 ; nays, 4i. I "aa-Messrs. Bonner, Calvin, Cameron, Code, Craig (Russell). Ferguson, Fhusimmons, Irsthrd, Xacdonald, Mouse, Read, Rykert.--t2. NArts---ttestsrs. Anlagh, Barber, Baxter. Caldwell, l Christie,' Clarke (Norfolk), Clarke (Wellington), Clemens, Cook, Creig, (Gkrtgarry), Crooks, Crosby, I Deroche, Farewell, Ft1tlayroa.' Fraser, Gibson, Gow, I Grange, Hanev, Hodzliis. HcKt-l'ar. Ml'Kim, "e"arot, Oliver. Pal-doe. Paxton, Prince, Scott (Ottawa), Sex- ton, Sinclair, Smith. Springer, Striker, Watterwortli. Wells, Williams (Durham) Williams ("eminent Wilson, Wood (Victoria).-41. The House then divided on Mr. Rykert's I amendment which was lost. Yeas l7 ; I nays 38. YBaa---Mesrs. Barber, Bonner, Calvin, Cameron. Clarke (Wellington), 004mg Craig (Glengarry), Craig (Russell), Ferguson, Fitneimmo: B, Gifford, Mac. donald. Meitae, Rad, Rykert.--i7. . . Nun-Messrs Ardagh, Baxter. Caldwell, Christie1 Clarke (Norfolk), Clemens, Cook, Crooks, "TO-5b)" Deroche. Farewell, Pinhsyson, Fraser, Gibbons, Gibsm,Guw, Grange, Haney, "origins, McKill:ir, McKim, M, nk, Mowat, Oliver, Ptirdee', Paxton. Prince, Scott (Ottawa), Sexton. Sinclair, Sunni, Springer, Striker, Nsttttry.rtrttt, Webb, Welln WW "iuusiHamitton), Wood (Victoria) --88. The item was concurred in on division. _ On the motion of $50,000forUnforeseen _ Un rovided "fd KYKER'I" moved in amendment to the motion for concurrence, that the amount I be reduced to 825,000, ', The House divided thereon and the amend. l ment was lost. Yeas 16 ' nays 3i. I C k . o r, Cameron, Co, e, co , C:§'E$$::j),li dig: (Russell), Derocne, Fugu- sou. 1il.pliiaur2)y Fraser, Gruligc, Mac loiiald, Read, i'terl5ite,ir"Ly,r, Baxter, 9sldwell, Clarke lolk Clarke (Wellington), Clemens. Crooks, (yo! ll ll Finlnyson Gibbons, Gibson, Gow, with 'lll'lC'ltr. Mckim, 'ii nk, Monet. 301"", a ' L Scott. Ottawa. , 'uston, ti,?,,','..?.'.,';, tstpgttsl'ii;'r/"ii"i',tat,ef'd) Well!» Wil. lianis (Durham), Wirli'sms 1t1.,1.tfc." , e item was then concurrc m. (1)2 motion of Hom Mr. Mowat th then at 12:30 o'clock adjourned. --T'