ltr - i . 73*" ' ili1 i - - ' . a ' _ I q is 1' u 1"" . " q . i 22 4 "h "a it" out») had bot-s m" 'pytt't,t,tgTtti,'di,',lit,t,)ib2ie emerald", Jhhd '!lll,lti13, .5 the tsbles the tltr- then nude, end frth0. mee id r tion 'uiGiiii; they hid spent money II itg - that Mr. 'ttht'!iidtstea."otltutetf-iytr6' rut; g, "in" which had tts-ttNil we; _ "I to pcpuleticn stthe reteof one dellsr L',' tsnioi "my; which bed , contri- ae,? t; Ind-hell or two dollerssndequerta- per " 9; fl','llll,Q . but he thought that a}; 'ri, hid. By the one tebleit "shown how butt Il', 'hal not be of opinion in; . the "an of 82,430,333. end by the other hor I the egg" on "mm tad prudent Y, ' thoracic! "545,609, could be more..." F that . m d b, a. 'wed of there!!!" ' The sum silo-ed the echo new devised "ml" trout on , l by no . . of that action The Government had not Pr. two dollers per head sarong the munrer- ' f it it ibl 'to make en showsuce in re- ndition .Tttes great diliicult wee the Muni. e t Tf,'.' 81 r " There were gravel cunt Lona Fund dahts, IQ with regsrd so Irireo , tr m o.." lg the Province end _ thm, d chts the " roblem me how reeds in most counties " , . o G gro p if the Government neve to some amnion)". Ptu9totth-detrti' could be enforced. and I . be h b ilt me. other manic" howmnch ecnldbe enforced that would be ' nee . cease t °y P. dth . if on net. The . . . bor. ' polities might complete; an on Is". " J municlpelrties that had not edet those oountiattiat1utd . rowed from the Fund had to be retislied thst yl?yameti'a.t m uld :lso be binned for those the scheme'dld not do more then was can- "at reeds, it oo.' tt ' ill t tistent with jrutis, and the Govtmttrttmt I that bad not buitt them, tmt 'gt,', a 'dd bad elsote sstl-fy those mpmieipalitUs which I yet to do so. m would Numb? tterl had derived ttenitit from the Fund that there Government scheme wouldI , in m: , : waste he giventhmntltat relief which,under I worthless unless it pro." 1021 or; th ', l the ftrthtmatattetstt, it we: only proper should ' pqrnetst by the mnnnclpe id" J,' tfl',', I I begiven. The scheme did not recognize I I reduced debts, and he bellev t at t: _ more! c'sim on the part of say municipslity I end would be _secured by the system I' I to be free from its obligstions, and it wee , debentures .wlnch. his scheme wow-0,5- very important thet the Government should ', After "fem P, the a"!'? est 'Ropti, Howl . "cognize the principle that e municipality , ton, end budoricb, he end that he believed I x wee morally b mud to discharge its liabilities. that the new tables which had bean revised I I It was of the most serious consequence to under tho kind supenntendence of the hon I this country that there should be e member for Brent were more correct then the I high moral sense preveiling in the old ours, but he wished the decision and , community with rcgsrd to this matter. lotion of the Remote be upon the rcaolu- it " r " one s right sentiment that the country ticns. _ I that id view with abhortence the rNtt.diati.on Mr. llEBOCHl-j pointed out an enor- in j; i " jot debts by a person or a myttiolelitr, tho table which did en injustice to the Conn- . l The poaiu" .r, of the Municipal Loin l and ty Frontenac. I l debthadtud the chest y weekcnmg the In answer to Mr. Meredith, Attorney- I morcl fe ling of responsibility in regird '0 Creturid MOWAT said that the sescsemeut I the payment of municipal iti."ottdee, but of 1872 would. be token es the heels for the i, he iiyrerd tN,? t.,tg"i"g, 13hr "nth: application of the two cent rule I telu- p see on . 0 Btt 150 l"P. tbee Mr. BANNER celled the attention of the vffee, drumming the bsd frroling teat f'Ji Lender of the Government to the csse of ieted The Guvt,entntutt "up? tttfott 'vio some municipalities which took stock in V mt the tet'ys ttt amgd'ciiilmri: 1:31: rsilweys which had fallen through. . t 8 O ' . . 2253:3213. if. "mama their at. imbue Mr. wrunws , municipalities should beer in mind that they "e.t of the (.th of mmiltoa, , in connection were not only responsible .to the .1'rortmt: with the Hum ton end Port Dover Railway ment but to the 'inmispipalities which had Mr. WOOD (Victoria) begin his remsrki not borrowed tom the Loan Fund. his then ls- .lluding to the id given -v the Govern. ' went on to Nltutt " puiet the J".'""""." of nimt of Castle to thei 'rapdTruu1i,Nprttrern, the Government scheme, the first great no and Greet Western nail-my; In Pcie the iluitiun under which'ho told wee the 30- mm of £2,211.30 wen advanced or guarnn- l A m ptomo of the priomple of the stetuto of teed to the Greed Truck Puri1mty,and it was 1859 m permanently determining the smount argsled by the promoters of that road, by F oi liability, What the Government did wee 1ading men in l'crliement and oat of it, aad . b' to esmme that whet the Govt rements in tr the 000910 generally, that in grantiu I ofiiee tor fourteen yesrs hurl failed to do, it 'ihl sum we Von only incurring . nominal was useless for this (mmmment, to _ "an", and tht reilweys would P" attempt .to, do .Some. hen. gentlemen Murat on the cost of 'totritritotimt. I might object to tins basis, bat hou. gentle- Subsequent! the sum of 2000,000 wee . men opposite could trot do so, because it waa greeted. end, in taking security in the Via. ,.heir own fricnus who, for It.mruon WP". eerie Bridge it was hold tint the Province 1 . had failed to make the collections prosidod w" really more secure than before. In hi" I for by the Act of NW. Ira. 80916 ground or or'tr2 thiGoverttuteats sdvcnced the Northern t other - indebted munieipslity tort been Railway £475,000 sterling, or $9.811 666' .tt!iovtd. by . the Government a xhome. smiths money as well as that given i', the ' hetwfthstsndmg the _ relief slimlcd Grand Trunk had been lost to the country. I by the Act oi 1M9, the munl- In December, 1809, the Government unread pre'incs bad bum. allowed to r.?" inte to soeept in. payment of the debt of Si 'iid erreer, end some paid nothing. home of 529 on ecoouct of the aid given to ths'Great than were less able to pay "up others, and Western RellWey tho sum of $3,297 545 I tu.ereat.titeity.t wee ta dccrde what wss thereby writing otf the sun of 'ti'Jiii3h' I their 13ng thirty. A 8"," ve.ri."r of This wee in aeeordanoe with e recommends- I feeling existed ap.rPg 1tit.teiptlictletl, " tion mode by the Privy Goa coil. Further I 3113038 PM)". on this tmhieot. Tho yt than that Sir Thom" Dikin, at the lest F ernment bed adopted the gustatory Prov"".? meeting of the Great Western shsreholders. I on the tetr.jeft. A? 'trortg testitrt.ot.ty " " cleimod thet hythis srrsngement he had been 5 wee possible to receive on say tatrioet had the menus of raving the Compenyequerter of l, but pinto-h" that two ceatta Ott le emillion sterling. The Munioi iLiian Fund dollar ebove school rates wee. so. a rt} tr, wee crested in l854. and " tat time great within the paying ability of municipalities, 'atth was hood in the statements that rail. Md that "my oould "MFA?" trtoto than We IN pay the interest on the cost of tut. Att to th? "min" prooerty, he construction. Acting on' this view e number said that it '88 impossible for the Govern of ymutliitte" borir"rsd from ch. It!" tit . matte send velnstors into each. yPtti'-i,pv'its, I d reilwe . The tmtrt'ot mm was I to re value the property. ft had br-m '_t't v! Modem of Poet 3 end em T " his to have rc-vnluetioui by e . Ms I mil)?" MO . . . , l of $300,000 to the united counties M Lmerk It?! "it" if tty? 'ntmiolpalitits were "W " T end Rsnfrew. It wee still then the opinion tirfied with their own sworn assessment they i of the public menu), that the new hid themselves to bleme. The Government I reeds designed to be built ,routd acid not ottempt to rtmo" all irttgtilari- I " the intend on the out of contention r til e The railwsy policy bed made it neces- F For they had been told not only b "a." . lazy tint some other provmons should be _ eontraotom but by lending men "in"! on); IBM" in the (333;?th tttret, the , of Par1iament,thit interest would berealired f two tara tre tt t Eli th G l K,',",')',' , " 6 per cent. But their expectstlens were Fe" te tu,tii,fi"gT't,i a Jlylll'l, "all; I _ not reclined, and the experience of sny one e d ot at i h d h . ht 'll, to. ' 3 municipality which had sided the new ma. and the Governmmt a t "if: t e " est _ was the experience of the whole The loan rule W" ".5 br, grant ttooo . mile. l guaranteed by those municipslities the' Further Tdtffiot sine; J'"rf1tt: I would not he celled upon to PV, so it "a I was first broug t (own , f ' "I I been held, but the result shamed hoe inao. I to Ttty' an ',r,'d,P',U l)? Cl1L o l curete those ellegetions had been. Bat the I the " clllnd Iuiiwty., df 'fit 2lli n te differenes, so fer es the Government and the , hoe, tyhheyh1yyt,t un Ir tttglth . people of this country were concerned wee trl of the "ell-lid Canal, '"lt, had been that those sections of the county through u lt by the Pub!" money. . he fl"',,',,t2;. which the Northern Grand Irtguk end Greet ' met ill-11$" that some ohyi.thtttion our; " Western Reilweys pulled were not celled to be h for those municipalities " inch upon to give any security for the monies " voted bonuses before the pesuge ot tU veneed, es the whole Province we: respons- 1taiNay Aid Act. Of. oouNs these bonuses ', ible. On the Mr hand, the counties or Cr would have been less lithe Act had been in , towns through which the reeds essisted try I . form. How much less it wee herd to any. I the 1gt',edg,at Fund peered, had in i . I," Governmenthed come to the coll: I guy cases .me security for the "PM" "