I , rumor the -mtntd -itmaud. Tm was $9,723,336 .56, exclusive of the Railway Aid 9 6) l ': a t,trthtt now made not to enforce the ' and Dramegc Fundsz From a calculation he ' , , , l ponn of fait-not t',tt) the machinery ot had made of the estimated receipts and ex, ~~9 l I the law in motion to oroe payment in full pendiinres of the Province for the next ten 1 regaidleas of ,g,'it,ggt " became afair years. he leuud that our total ex ndlture V . _ question for eonai tion what was equit- " annually would be $2,70l.050. milk our re- q I able in arranging the. .liabllities. m as- ' ceipte "',405,918 batting a dAiait at the and ensued, as a lair proposition. 'tet whoa . of that period at 82657 MO, without taking Government had aided roads passing through 3 into oeaasurtstiou the decrease in interest re. T wealthy sections of the country. without any . ceived from iavatmmts Owing to the cou- . guarantee by these motions, and at the same ' stant reduction of over a quarter of a mit. V time the Government had aided other road: lion each year. At this rate We would ulti- running through other sections, no more, merely havotofall back upon direct taxa. , and, in many cases leg. yummy, tion, and the result would be the cutting i and has exacted security for such aid. ' down ot grants tooolonization reads. river. from these sections, and when the and lakes not dredged, andlocks not built. . , aid so scoured had been given to roads devo- Assuming, however, that we were in a fair loping the country to an equal if not greater position to divide this '2,700,000, he prefer. , extent than the roads to which aid was on red that it should be set aside as a tuna, the t tended Without security being "hen, that interest of which should be used yearly for , an equitable adjustment must be based upon common school purposes. This would be ' the amount of and to " the roads, and not ', dividing the money according to population, _ on the security given by the municipalities l with' the difference that the gross sum would C that had aided roads. The Government had not be handed over at once, but the interest ( tt seen fit to make no distinction between the paid out for all time to come. In several oi i), two classes of roads u alluded to. The the States land had been set apart for school Midland Railway, for instance, during tho purposes. California had given 6,915,404 last tire, years carried 3t4,a86,000 feet of acres: Kansas, 3.027,386; Minnesota, 3,172,. raun lumber, 3,29l,872 of square timber, ti,u,ir,buvada, 4,121,508, and Qrogou, 3,465,. and 75,1l6 of shingle timber, on which was 786. If not applied for educational purposes, derived a total revenue of $303,269, and the ho would prefer that a railway fund should _ tract of country tributary to tttia railway be formed, which would induce capitalists l extended over t'tf'y townships, or eve: 2,500,. to invest in railway enterprises. He was 000 acres. It no distinction WM to bo drawn also opposed tea division of the surplus on between the dittoeent roads rtwoiring aid the ground that Parliament should have from the Munioiiral Loan Fund In to "other control over the expenditure of the public they m - or I" in tU public interest, monies. He won also opposed to dividing _ y and the same rule applied to all, he could the surplus according to population, because . ; not understand by what manner of reasoning that '- not an equitable method by the a the aid oou1dbeixe1uded that 1rr1ftvetot? newer sections of country. It the older t I Grand Trunk, Northern, nad SI eitts.tis.sP.d" counties hedheen burdened in the past they justing the debts due by the municipalities have received Nmetita in the IhN" of rail. l on account od "id "a"! infebtisdnt , ways, harbours, public buildings, are. It . The linker then mad e tible moms the ! might be "hithat large sums had been spent A ' amount of aid ttiven to ttte Grand Frank, in colonization roads,but onlyasmall amount Great western/tions-tyd tttl"rrra.i".rN.h per mile was given, and that expenditure . and ths I!" dtto por mile t,' tytott it aid had added to the value of the Crown lands ' "e were now to be giren: "1"", Grand Trunk Dividing the surplus according to population , received 37.215300. tho (treat leur, wouldbeunjust, not only between the old , 8t,M3,9tiA, the Nonhyl, $2,011,666, the. and new counties, but between the older ' . Brtown and Pretty. F300,000, the limck- counties themselves. Good land and dense rr, ville and Ottawa, "V'M'WV the Ihio and poprrutiehyrui.t.yiteolasctho,oPt,tyy, - Ontario, 3300-000- the ("Rafa Guelph, tu1otsuraesandiowtasetr;poorlaMatpdaapil . $30,000. the 1eihe and I ort leer, l population in poor schoolhoum and churches . , $455,100, the Midland, "300,900. &e. l --iu many cases the same buildings behserwd l The o.?yetu, had come down mth three ' for both purposes- and high taxes. hile Y, PWMM."d it had "mok him that thc: admitting that timber dues and Crown lands "' ' iriihtby dis."tded. "My under .tttrms ttttsc- , belonged to the Province as a whole and tlroter of equity, l.w, and. Pam." 1sxpedusntty, 3 that the prcfits arising therefrom should be ' t nder the head oi equity might be placed ) e'; pended in the interest of the people gener- the W.,000 P" P.il.t allowance; ltr that of j ally, the division of the proceeds of the bath , , I.aw the A." ot MW.", and tutdsrr t Pf o eb.. ' country's domain between municipalities l . lio..fyoed.ieeitt the extent to which munu-i- ' could not be jtysu'f1ed. He had advocated _ patities should be "ML Th." Crllt, If.! the sale of the Enron timber limits, having C j 'tet if tho t2,000 pr rude "has U'T, . regard to the settlement of that district; but 'it.,tj1', to agre..autreie,t than tt 't.,t, should it turn out that the sale had been l 1 i'rit, then equity was allows: to mom 0 _ consummated in order toenable the Govern. . the law, and the Bet of MW. JI', not fl?: . 3 meat to divide the Mt,700,000, it would not plied, On the ot.htr. hand, 3 ttytt Act i suit the views of the people in the now see- Wt.dfil greater relief to a municipality than Lions M the l'roiinee. Ile regretted that he, I the "13-000 P.'. mile, then law I'", nlloweu to as a Reformer, shculd have to take antago- g,tipp' tquity, and the applitmtityt ot the nistio ground against the Government in the 1 $5000. per mile " not Ite, iata "in" _ Municipal Loan Fund Resolutions, bat his itderation. Again, if the $2,000 per "'3'" I i, views were such " he had given expression . and the Act of ISM afforded greater relief l l to, and they were the views of olargc nia- . than tho two-cent rule, then law and eguity . joiity of his constituents, and he Would . Tf" allowed to mporrsede imbue expe' robably make some further observations 5 dicncy, ta.4 the "y.rot.nt mit, "5 not up before the debate on the resolutions came to t plied; but if the application at the two-cent . cl use. 3: rule afforded greater relief than the $2,000 , t per mile and the Act of 1859, then public i Mr. ID KERI' said that he udaleasm s. expediency _was allowed to override both , taken the ground in gm, House that the dig. i Itor and enuitr, and the tresent. rule took tribulion ot the surplus _ i the settlementdi ' effect. . The 32-000 per '.eiit Pump" .t.to did the Municipal loan mushroom; were i not think was an equitable one, as_it had all that wasto be desired in improving the trg,te, been based 1tptrr? tho aid g'.!"' to navigation. It was in the public interest that ° Grand Trunk_ and othor tlf/Petit: I the lumber should be broughtasucsr the but the cost of rash ay construction at the front as possiblehy water navigation. . present time should have bcen tation t . into consideration, if it had not been, Mr. EAJBBAIR) thought it was a cool l and the pm: referred to the coat application on the part of Victoria countyto _ T of ecnatmetion of the older railways. The '. ask for a grant of $25,000. I i Great Watt-m coat 370.3%) per who tin [ Mr. WOOD replied that that apollcation l I Grand Thunk 3741753. the Northern Kr6,4l1, I came from Ontario oounty, and when the ! the London and Port ti.tanloy $43,035, the memorial was submitted to the Council of l Cobourg $33,143, the EHO and Ont trio Hi.' Victoria they struck out the amount and left , 647 the Ottawa and Prescott 8TI,20t, the the amountto he given at the, discretion of Midland $55,234, the Welland terms. and the Government. the Frckvil.lt and ttttatm $30,001. The Mt. The item was then passed, as were also eond prppotsit11nt was the .woPt ot 5ti; tad . the follow-inn ..--To defray the expenses of 'i the speaker illustrated this by taking the works at thglock between Mary's and dairy 08808 of two WWW-elm of which .risr1evett1 I lures, swvmo; 011mm" ot works It the. manufacturing rompany from taxation, ereot- Ryereon road, rewotc, nnex nded balance, ed "ne market and too-ull, etc , while I $1 Wi? 04, WWII"! of Tlf/ll works tttlt', with grhd not great; enterprize, l y iT, 270 ii.' n l rave roar s ailing into 0 own, or . o 7 é a will?" benefiting the whole country. The Sht,'ittr, "2l'it)u1 _'li2'i'llel, 003. -,' debt of the latter to the Loan Fand must be nectr ' e nd il 13:11.. omestea nu ' ' i paid, andthe etgmurtrtatttmsstmnauroted with its "r.roto, unexne e 0tk . il" 2,t"hit'tdrg,'gt taken ttt .eonzlfdera- Mr. CAMERON asked for explanations. . ,2 1'ttt,ghtil 35,033? was: Hon. Mr. MoKELLAR '.'gilt1rt1, that tte ' tgf/ll into the future he did not think the work now under contract wo hm to tt ; ooun . . . . . com letsd, but after that he should recom- , . hyowas u . 'tafttton to allow it' iligi, ',',fe',el no further appropriation, as the return i , men " surplus nor was res y ony did not warrant it. . , F 3A," 'rr-------. _ .. , . " 4.. _ . . _ T N u G (p)