theBonre. The conduct of [nth-mi a? the other side was very disinterested. or course they would have taken the same ao- tion it Mr. Help" had.aUrn on their politl- ' eel ticket I Laughter.) Mr. McLellan had C 'uot occupied any of the time due to the I (internment, but had canvaued 22t 3 the holidays. It war utterly absn ': that he should u condemned on l an or pea: judo law, as there had been no rule laid down saying that an Inspector ohould not take that part in politics. b l M r. GRANGE said he would vote for tho l, itemif he understood that citra amounts l were not paid for travelling expenses. Mr. TRAIG (Gleugarry) mid that he i could not support the amendment, but .he T objected to Inspectors engaging In politipe, _ and he kit with the Government the io. enonnihility of seeing that in future they did not do so lie was afraid that too many teachers oi Public Hclwols interfered in politics. Attorney-General Elfd22te that the . Inspectors were not . luv in; expenses a in addition to thoilPNulerlee. He thought there was great weight in the ream-ks of the hon. member for (:longarry. Mr. CAMERON said that the salaries paid were not euilioicnt if they in. cluded travelling expense'. He would eupport "h? amendment art the hit. member for Leeds. No doubt it Mr. McLuhan had succeeded in West Toronto hon. Ygrtcr,tit would have said that it had no pattitttioattr, and would have found an "ou" for retaining hinin oitioe. The Home tho di\ided on Mr. Mo. donald'e amendment, which was lost-13" 12, naya ll. Fhts ~Meeers. Boulter, Galvin, Cameron, Code Craig (Ewell), Pitmimttutne, Hillard, i 'ii'iiiloiiiirt Read, 'Rykesrt---P2. Yavs.--Metmrs. Ardagh, Barber, Baxter, Caldwell, Christie, Clarke (Norfolk), Clarke (Wellington), Glamour. Cook, Craig (Uten- arry), Crooks. Croeby. Dorocha, unwell, i'u'2,"e;t,' Fraser, Giheon, (joey. Grange. Hans n Hedging _Mttra1itt/Mtt1ra,iyt, Mont, Oliver, Pardco, Paxton, Prince. Scott (Otto in). Sexton. Sinclair. Smith" Springer, l, striker Wdttervrorth, Wells, Williams (Igor- (.i2iiirhriiiiiiG (Wm), Wilson, Wood (View . )--tt. Mr. RYKERT'S amendment was then put and ioet--.Ye" I'l, naye 38. Yeuia--hkee. Barber. Boulter Calvin, . Cameron, Clarke (Wellington), Code. Cuts I "haunted. (nu-om. Foreman Fm amazon: GiftorW, deonald, than, Real, '"kert, tram... (Dalian), Wilma-17., fd'g,t Baxter, Oaldw all, Tum-'10, Clarke (Node ), Clement, Cook, Crooks, thy, Douche, Fan-email, Flaky- wn. Fraser. Gibbon. Gihaal, Gov, (hang ', allay, Enigma, McKeuar, MoKim, "out, Moe-at, Oliver, Pardee, Paxton, Prine u Scott (Ottawa); Sexton, Sinclair, Suit t, 'dere Stri er, Watterworth, wa i. "an. Williams (Hamilton). Wood (Mo. We. The item was then concurred in. On the item $50,000 (or ' Unfureseen and Onpeovided," Mr. Rh KER? moved that th, amount be to $25400. The motion us lost. You Is, nsys M. hH11-rBonlter, Cameron, Code. Co k, Craig ("hug-um. Ora g (amen). De- roohe. Fergu-on. Firorumrnnna, I'raacr, Grange, Mntxionald, Read, Rykert, Well), Wiuon--trr. N u _ Bsn bar. Caldwell, Clarke (Norfolk; can? (Wellington), Clemons, Crooke, Urte y, Farrow-ll, Finlayson. Gibbons, (ii) tit n, Gow, Hedging Mckellsr, McKim, 'rutk, Nowat. t,rlixisr, Pardee, Paxton, Prince, Scolt tot',ttss a), Satan. Siuclsir, Spur-{101, Striker, Wutterworth, Wells, Wil. lumu (Mayhem). Williams (uatnutonp--3t, The item was then concurred in. l Ite House adjourned at 12:30.