The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 26 Mar 1873, p. 4

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s Mneeaeia s ie y ---- I kT in relation to the fund. He thougut sna: + ' ~eatiped. ; i l iner hok °C Attorney--General MOWAT sail thore ibth::s;dl:;' E'."{'{fe,:' ::::gh:,:::u ;,:::;:? ) --; { would be no harm in receiving the report at upon a town 'of that size, He thought that PweFs® | present, and it could be adopted or not, as Brantford was the most favoured town of all. l members saw nl"." another occasion. . [t some credit was due to the loader of the \| :::ld not be advisable to disouss the mattor Goveroment in maturing this wl:;mo. Ho 3 A thought that improvements might be suggest-- + Mr. FERGU3ON contended that Montgo-- ed mg: that aoosamiuion mi?lfi issue for the | mery had been a rebel. He had proof of his purpose of enquiring into the cases of some baving been such, aud he dGid not think the of the municipalities vlzsim should be allowed by the House, w id ho prop»s » t# Bon. Mr. WOOD sai propased mak Mr, DEACON hoped that toe reception ing a few observations on the resolatious in ( of the Report by the House wouid not be the hands of the Speaker, more becsuse of looked upcu as giving countenance to a grant the adverss remarks made upon them than of money to Montgomery, 'The claim was for any other reason. He thea went on to altogether too old w'bq considered now, and give tKe history of the origin of the scheme it was --aingular that if it had been a jast one and the action of municipalities in granting it had not been settied before. aid to railways, which at that time wore ax-- | Mr, KICHARDS was sorry to differ with peoted to be paying investments, He enteced the members for South Simcoe and East at length into the history of the manage A tiastings; but he knew something of the ment of our rail way sysatein, the building up t circumetances conuected with what was of the main truok lines, the larga d:videads valled the Rebellion of 1837, and he could that were expected to be realized from them, not zee what objection there could be to the and the utter failure of thoso sxpectations * } reception of the report. The stand takeu Ho eaid that theso _ railways hai by Reformers in 1837 had been looked apon been -- aided to a remarkable extent P werely as a political offence; and even sup-- by the muricipalities and the Government A + | posing Montgomery had been a rebel, he was Upwards of four million ot dellare had been F as much a loyal man now as auyone, -- There given in this way, but he belisved that the j was no doubt that many of the libertios we result of this had been that not less than a now enjoyed were brought about by the men boudred millions of doliars of foreiga capital who bao taken ap arms not against the Gov-- nad been introduced into the conntry. No eroment of the Empire, but against the ad-- province of Great Britain, no State of the inistration of affairs as directed by the Uniop, bad during that ton yoars advanced rulers in the country, The leadersa of that with such rapid strides in every averas of rebelliou even had been long since pardoned industry as the Province of Canada had theo | by the Queen, If Moni%omory'l claim was done. It was true that a'ter that expondi a just one, there would ha no harimn in the ture there had boen a consequent rélapa, House admitting that it was 30. but in 1865 the country recovered itgelf, aad | _ Mr, WOuD (Brant) asked the momber for was now progressing on what, if he was not € North York if the evidence the Commnittse mistaken, was a firm foundation, and | «ad bad before them was of a verbal or was advancing on for tea more ycears of | | docoumentary nature, prosperity unoparalleled in the hbistory | Mr. BOULTBEE replicd that the Com-- | of this or any other country. A great mittee hid had both verbal and documen-- deal of this prosperity, he bslioved, 'ary evidence. was due to the wise raulway aid policy inau-- 4A division was theon taken on the question gurated by: the late Governmont, and he \| of receiving the potition, which was carried, rpoke of the time when he was urging up>a j Yeas, 57 ; nays, 17. the House the advisability of that palicy YXxas----Mesers, Mowat, Craoks, Scott (Ot-- He bhad then done his best to couvince the | aws), McKeilar, Pardee, Gow, Wiillan« | House of the great advantages that would be 8 (Hamilton), McKim, Betbhuue, Clarke (N+r | resped by the conatry from a system of rail-- ( toik), Boultbee, McCall, McLeod, Fairbsiru, | ways rupning transverse to the trunk linss, ) wilson, Oliver, Smith, Fraser, Baxteor, Clo-- | but his appeals had fallen upon deaft ears mens, Farewell, Cook, Striker, Paxton, Tbe bon member for Lincoln did not theun \ Uhristie, Sexton, McKtae, Wood (Victoria), sce the force of his arguments He belisved | . Patterron, Crosby, Gibson, Gibbong, Webb, that the older counties had some tremendous ' Spripger, Clarke (Nellington), Barber, claims"apon the Province. He (Mr. Wosi) ' Prince, G','o"'s"- Lauder, RKykert, Haney, bad at tb't time undertaken to show that | Grabam, Wood (Braut), McMauus, Wattor very great' justice had been done to thess ; wortb, Finlayron, Sinclair, Richards, Ham-- counties, that harbours costing over a mil-- 'lton, Snetzinger, Harrington, Cald woll, lon had been constructed all along the uak» Uraig (Glepgarry), Read, Scott (Grey), Cal-- front, roads ocosting $3, 113 000 had been cean ¢ vin, Craig (Russel). --57. structed, that two millions hai baen spent 6 Nays-- Mesers. Cameron, Macional1, For-- in bridges, and that putting those amounts * Le zuson, Williams (Durham), Deacon, Houlter, »long with that expended on railways, it A Merrick, Meredith, Code, Fitzsimmons, Gor-- wuufd be seen that ample ju«tice had been ; by, Gifford, Guest, Teoley, Montsith, De-- done to the older counties out of the public ' roche, Monk --17 s exchequer, Viewing the matter in this iight Mr. BOULTBEE IIIOV.Od the adoption of the late Government--and the presont on« the report, bn_t on a point of order bsiong had followed it--bad considered that is | raired the motion was witndrawn. would be advisable to aid new reil ways to INTOXICATING LIQCoRS. open up the bcc.k country. The aid given Mr. FATRBAIRN presented the report of wut;ery.emnu indeed, and he had argued the Special Committes appointed to dra'it st de time the policy was fi.:':'t1 tatro-- nemorials to BHis Excellenoy the (Giovernor: '"cl" that if the railways thus aide " wore ' (General, the Sonate and the House of Comn-- 'l:" tat the usual ooet they would briag into mone, wi'th referenceto a Probibitory Liquor the country at least thirty millions of dol-- : + lars. _ He believed that if the country coald Law, which was received. i o On motion of Mr. FATRBATRN, one o' it would pay to grant 94000 a mnilets the said--memorials was orderal. to/ be ad-- thesorailways instead of $2,000. The Govern -- + ment that created the Musicipal Loan Fuad dressed to His Excellency the (Governor-- i tny TuEC 'leperal, one of the Senate, and one to th» indebtedners, deliveratoly in 1459 passed an SJoure of Commons, and forwarded in th: Act stating that no Muanicipality indebted to proper manper for presentation, the Fund sbould be compelied to priy more CR()WPN LANDS. than five per cent on their aunual assoss-- Hop. Mr. 8COTT 4 : ment. The hon momber for East Toroat» j in on. Mr, presented the report of \ would rever be able to get a patent for dis f e Crown Lands Dopartment for 1872, $ covering that tho settlement proposed under MUNICIPAL LOaN FUXNXND. that Act was not intended as fisal . The debate on this subj:ot was Again taken That was apparent on the iase of the up. > * uce Act. It was very easy for hon. mam-- Mr. GTIBBONS resumed his remarks. He bers to pick out a muntcipality and to | sai6 that in the bnortbh of Huron and in Brucs make _ comparisons between the mods t | the l»rds bad cort the settiers abott thre» of dealing with it and with other municipali-- lie. willion and a balf doliarg, The counties had: tiee which would apparently show that it l paid in hard cash to this fund a very larso had been dealt with unjustly or too gener-- euns, . These counties had disdained repudia-- ously, . He admitted the greas industry ' t:ou, and the consequence was that in the sbown by the member for Lincolo and his E:hith market their debentares were worth ability to gather up facts, but he could not two per cent premium., _ If all other counties see that his quick intellect nor that of the had m likewise the House would not no w member for East Toronto had shown what be troubled with this scttlemont. He said either of thom would have been satisied ; that some machinory wonld have to be pro-- with. _ The latter mentioned gentloman had | vided for scttling the points of difference srid that he would be willing to wipe off as f that might arise between countles and the if with a eponge the whole indebteduess. rmaller municipalities within them, He What would he do Wwith some of the munici-- hoped the House would carry the acheme palities which bad paid up their indebted through to a conolusion The (CGHovernment | vees? Would he, for instance, plase thecounty | would at any rate havo the credit of having of Huron, which had always paid up, 01 the settled this question which so rasny other ame footing as the town of St Uathorines ' Governments had been unabla to grapple had never paid a rap since 2858' That woud with, ' be a principle and a rule with a vengeance. Nir. MONTEITA explained the positiou of | _ Mr. CAMERON said that rather than do the town of Strattord and the towso of Parth more than justice to some or lsss than justice

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