236 m m ie tm penmg mheay | 0| ) p *Yo others, be would be to get over <d, ana he dou if ever it put ajsix. S ' ¢ the difficulty by wiping out the whole thindg- pence of tax on the people on that ' lHm!. Mr. WO Dhui«: th:: io mchlgib- »coount. d e k 5 payi f ' culty exis and he thought bo wou 0 r. KERT said been psr ' 'u"y" prot:'ol'w to the BW:- Suppose tive to g,', Rvgellnnd, Ratlwa;'for the 3100.0'53 M men borrowed a thousand dollara eash from they had invested in it. s e en td | -- f 4 one person; that some of them invested that Mr.; WOOD said 'that it wou'ld 'be 'very money better than others, each of the n little sati--faction +o 'the hon. member for : would be equally bound to repay t>e amouns Livooln if be lent a thoussnd dollers to borrowed; would they not? _ But if some of Jobn Smith to know that: although Joha § them showed that they could not possibly | as not paying him anythivg in return that t pay, might not a genorous creditor say -- | '| he war carcfully paying what he owed to oo care "lalt BE stapeg"" on io hoi hoh m mavinar on ; one o supponse ¥ in to law, ils os was ore of {them proved that he could not even | 8[7!,0«' and that of Brantford $184,5914. J pay th"._ might not that gensrous creditor Sinoce th+n the latter town had paid $119,985, OA say--I will release you still fursher from tha on in round nombers, not computing intsr-- ' payment of one h-fi of a half?t Yot each cat, $120,000;, while dnring all that time debtor would be called upon to pay to the Brantford paid uothing. Brantford had in-- f utmost of his ability; and so it was with this verated a large amount of its money in public A -- Musnicipal Loan indebtedness. Speaking of works, and on the whole it would have been the allowances made in connection with the wise if it had not done so to so great an ex-- glugalo and Lake Huron Railway, he said tent, 'l:' woul(;' have been wolllkif .B" th': at no one had dared say that it was im-- wmmtic'palit'es hbad paid up like Brant-- | proper for the old (iovernment and for the foro to wnship, Paris, Moulton and Sherbronke, | ' mnrx:i'crigalitleuh aid thoe Grand Trunk and and Benio.p'St. u:'?af.herinal had not paid | * otker old lines of railway, nor to aid the new anythirg on the $171,000, and onUgbu there-- ailways running transversely; and who would fore to be as humble as over Uriah Heep ':"'l"';y that the same us Tewp agf justice was, and say, "{ am unworthy; do as you ahould not go to those who he to can-- l'ke with me " _ In raference to thoe Bytowa atruct the g:fl"alo and Lake Hurx\)m rail way? anud Pr--soott Railway, the oonstructl{)n of [bhe Hon.umembor h])r London t:ou.'l(lix': th;- | that zomd was andertaken as one of the first & the _ railway _ allowance _ shoul« leacding into the interior of the country, not in _ proportion to _ the _ cost _ of rur.ningg paraiiel with the great line o;y:)om- conatructing the road; but that principle murication between the cast and the west. :onld bo contrary t:'n all th:in priaciples [')a':i' Ottewar had sided that road to the oxtent of Touse was now--a days acting upon. $200,000, and Frescott $100,000;, and to that they tell a railwaycompany ** Spend your ruilway was extended the same measure of mo(;le);,h tell us hw;l much you (l]u.ve apoeunt, relier as to the Raffalo and Lake Huron-- ard then we will rive you ard in propor $2,000 per roile. 'There was no doubt that ton ?' _ That would be a grand principle Prercott bad been ivjured by the Grand x (B.ar, bear.) It was jast because porsoas Truuk Railway. Making a line of road cculd be determined to throw out objas:ions along through atown on the water, like Co-- , which they had not properly weigned in bourg and Kfort Hope, altbough of advautage N ::f: OW: minds dfimi' {':\-'h 'uflxflft}*'fll"i" to the country in the neighbourhood, was of } he ere made. . These municipalities no direot advantage to the townas themsolves, 6| piaved towards this railway the part that and instead of advgancing their prosperity it H the Government of the present time is play-- | bad an oppite effoct. It had boon the case E imy to the new railways, and why shoali with Prescott. Before the coustruction of C they pot _ have | refunded t>o _ then the canal that town was the most important Q ::'::'d :l'::l'l:rr:bb k P::tn.:c'( H::r tl:;:r ;'h"'['; ove on the St, Lawrence, but as soon as | wl h M » * the canal was completed tho towa began to 4 bad been said that when that rule was decay. It might ll)nwe revived a litglo by . applied there were two municipalitics the construction of the ferry to Ogdensburg ou that line of road which were relioved and the Prescott and Ottawa Rail way; but ' :: ; f:;'fi:;;::':hfi:: :&:"Gh:'{"flfl::;(;d if any one would go along the streots by the & [ h 3 water be would tind decayed piers, dilapi-- $ fl':'r::':ert:l"t::t li':':":";d._ r:""fl':':::'f':':' dated stoue buildings, andyf.ho l:vhole plalc):e [A O oo n p C having upon it the stamp of ruin and decsay. :'&?""'hl;"i"::i b:l,:::':rrld ol:;:.r:f;r:idof'lm; There were no manufactories going on to smount $32.000; and he thought they owe ) wih to pef saything like a beary tae " Tae : about $77,000. _ It i8537 the town sold it» Attoruey--Gengral Was porfoott t i i y ocorrect in & bonds, and it ""t';'l': m?l:;v. Tf"yw':f i sa) ing {bat by the r!::lwsyl taken alto-- #\ | f:::;l':f 'b"',?::fi ;m.'er'n,ty o? 3:: ';.::n "dn.'w bet!ner.d ard the oon.pl;tion of '3ho cana{. 1;"; &4 » a A . cott bad been going backward instsa1 of ail-- P :;):ug:' l?w:t:::. 'h;h:;l":'pl;:':f:;'m:::; vnncin!gpilll we;lgtc;: :An Act was passedl ll))y * i he Legislature authorizing the r«il way to be on gravel roads, built a market, and invest=d t ' g in cfiherim n-:.emeuu. The money baing eold, though it was OPQ"M b{ Proscatt P $ F through tLe late Mr. Clarko, formerly a ; gone, the present generation, w')_nuh 'h"l uot member of this Houso, Mr. Shanley also reeponsible for these transaction al to : m s me':t\nt.he want and to tax itself to':'lo ao. Tt took a warm intcrest in the matter on behalf was well known that it was not to the in «f his coustituents and spoke agsinst she terest of the country that the people should l till. If aid had not been subsequently given be tared beyoud what they could pay; but to the railway, Prescott woulid not have anjesse some relief was ofered Stratford thay received any benefit. It was more on the --mld be the case 'The Act of 1859, haw. ground, however, that Prescott was really +r, enabled Stratford and Brantlord to unable to pay, rather than on the account of at ' the Goveroment at defianse _ So legislative aotion in regard to it, thas he ap-- | ;';,,,S as that statute remained unal ored, and proved of the doing away with the debt of | \ not dissented from. there municipalities aud that town entirely. -- The-- hou. gent.lomga | | all others similarly situated could not b= went on to refer in detail to the various rail-- , | made to pay up the principal of their debt wayn, and the aid they had received fro_tn j None of the many ly verements that had municipalities, and the fizaancial position in been in power since 1859 had darsd to inter | which they woere now placed by the schems. . fere with that Act, and these municipalities The municipalities which had aided rail ways | could say: If you choose to remain for ever borrowed $#5.867 400, and had paid back | without having the principal we are wiiling $2,213,434 -- Cortain members of _the House to guou paying you the interest Thsa pr«-- kad attempted to gain popuhntfy by de-- »sent scheme nS'ured a comprom'se. -- Aaerror nouncing «&he Government or _ not that was very common was to suppose thas | giving aid to -- those townships in municipalities lowered their rate .of asso«s OUntario and Victoria which had given went for the sake of redusciog their liabili-- bonuses to railways under circumstances dif-- f ties. _ He believed that every municipality ferent from other townships The townaship in the country w«s assossed at as high a rite of Scott, for instance, was to receive nearly «s it qould possibly be placed. The%prnp(m $8.000. It had aided the Nipissing raitway, tion now was to say that the asssasment but its money had beon expen :'od in the oon-- sbouldnot be reckoned at anx higher rate than atruction of the line to Uxiridge, and it was « in 1859, and whodml:;q:ltb lfio'obj[wfl*""*ll_:; just as m:ch enfi:le{'l to its railw;y allow. | hen to whom does that appoly? & applis arce as the city of Toronto. The hon. gon-- 5, Godericb, _ Brantford, -- Stratford, aad tleman went on to show the very lgrgo Ubatham. 1t did not apply to 86 Citharinas amounts that had been exponded by eounties because of the railway allowanses, bus the | in the construction of gravel roads, showing railway and other allowances brought 4; | that the notion that an allo waunce should be Catharines down from $281,000 to $165 009 mwade on account of these was preposterous He was very sorry that that towa should He had uo authority from the Governmenat diceatisficd with these roles, but he would to epeak about the scheme, but he had voint ount how the matter atood. _ Compari-- studied it all over and explained it as muh ons have been made betweena the mods of as porsible to hon. gentlemen, though he desling with St. Catharines and Braotfardl did not receive many thanks thorefor from Brantford borro we¢ in the first 'place $500-- certain memhers. (00; it paid a large cum to the Grand River Mr. RYKERT--It's your scheme. Navigation Company, aided the Harrisburg Mr. WOOD--In one sense of the word it , Railway Company, built an tror bridge, gas-- wes hbis scheme, for it had been deo-- & works, and. entered into oth--r improve-- * vised _by' the Atitorney--General, _ who Z mpnts. St. Catharioes did not tac itseif one i | c es ce m