Minn his boat attention to mm l thet "Plums Reilwnv to the extent f l , . . . or 314 h Id . ' 0 8 8 a meaaure which would give satiafaJtion PT . of their Damnation, and he to the nonple. and it was just nuc'r ttsouth' it wound-e herd indeed it they were a scheme no he (the apeaker) would wish tor, tttrt gtvNt the 'den',', ello wan-i9. believing that it wan in the true intern!" of It ' motion "I ost, 8nd the Committee the province. The Government had clearly hdie and reporttt! the resolution a! ltdriptod. _ shown that they hadnot been in the leantgul- . , he Mottse adiortrned " two o'otouk. 3 ded by political oonaideratione. [he hon. gen: -.t-...-.... l tleman concluded trrsaruyrt.Uttht echemeol' In the debate on the Public and Ri h l the At'orney-Genoral had given all but uni 90150013 Act on Tuesday, Dr. Chrk (Nora: l vernal natiafactlonto the country. and re- Norfolk) who-lo romarhn were aasideata!l tiected upon him the greatest croiit omitted, ttpoke in favour of the Bill "Kl Were the Attorney-General to learn Wholebut timed several amendmentn to meet i public lie tho day after the question thu views he had formed After In "patience l, wan nettled, he would retire with un- of twenty year-nan truatee of Thuoa Hugh fading lion-ll, no be had had the courage Schooln, an well on those ex pressed to hon ii," and the patriotium oi etrno etateevnan tr the Norfolk Teachere' Aueociation. Hey 2 , nettle one of the moat difficult qricntionn that commended the third clause nhould be had ever bothered any Government. (Ap . 'mondtd hr su1satitutimt the Clerk of the plnnae.) ; "mun in Chancery for the Chin! or any of. Mr. CALVIN raid that since the Act ot Mer in the Ifducation D'yyttntrat an to. 1869 was pared, almont ewry tnuaicupslity turning offiorr. In the eighth auction ho tad reduced ite amount. He inatnnoed splice-ted that 'Pte!. tht thrue tte two of tho Brantlord, the armament of which had been five ouly. of the committee nliould be meni- reduced by 347.000 in fourtmn yearn. Tlaio born of the bounty Council. He teoald likn reduction had been made in order that muni 'tt amend the t'mt'4h tusction by pro- cipalitiee might have lean to pay to tho viding for . repayment of t certain Government, and that wan asurcatrutsaett percrn'ago of tho fttudg to thoge "when "hit mould have been taken into ooaaidora. who 'yltd proprrlr "tented down-neuter lo. ' V n in the preparation of thin schema. t/',r/,'ti,t,t.' ho Pdr,'ut2, t'"ti,a',) from the Dr. BOUL1'ER aaid ht . , "W" " $5 Wet1 PM"? to "n- ' pOhtiu which had tge,,uP')',og"t',it, 20:11? {stunts Dense" to pron-la their Mtmioipal Loan Fund would profit moot al on"; Wt my" an apparatus aurl woald under this eJheme. and that would ban a "no )i'd"l','lh','l' for In" ""1 "r/pop- wry badelfcct on the morality ot the coun ' . r',7i"/i'ld', 'l" ground; Be furthrtrin, try. He thought it would have boon better quiz: l ti,',','.,:,,'",'."'.',','),',',?:,,', yt"t.ey carti- to have dealt with the Municipal Loan Fun! m; 'i'l e.! 'lt he. . oul y.utuptia fareix; lLdeOttduell regal-die" ot the nurplun. auguto, t tttlt,"; thouzht " Would l He thought that countiee nhonld be allowed of, f r tbi TI' "t' permanency .hl' . l for budget they had built. an: if 'l, o . A,', irontPyu!1 hia re. Mr. CODE and that probably no Govern _ 13c' a"?! 1,d','llld t to 0; PM" to the ment could have givon a better echoine to " l, (minim b thin tll' .a.pplittt1 M, tle .thool thin upon the ulna that had been adopted ' , . 1 He did not thin ' however, that it gum uni l vernal aatielactlon Ha own county would i actually have more to pay annually under 3 this noneme than they had " preterit. lie I otd not think that the Government could _ have put that county in a Worse {mitten than they had now put it in. eoaune they could not have collected more (run it than tive per cent. Still he did not cuppa: that the Government had tr 'ated hie muni- cipality an they had becauee he was not one or their anpportern (clear, heir) undid not nuppo-e the Government had acted on that prinoiole in any M Mr. utFFott0 naid that the amount pat downto Uobourg wan more than it could pay and therefore the debentures that would ho received from it could not be put on the market. The motion we! then put and oorriodJnu-d the Home Went into Uonunittoo. Hr. F1830? n the chair. ' Attorney -Gcneral Mo , W AT then inti atatod that his Exallency had recommended the amended Ireiilutlnnl to the douse Mr. Ity KER Il naid it the not in accord- ': anon With parliamentary practice to do that incommittco " millet be done while the Speaker wan in the chair Alter a short discus-non. Ltoroeroenera1 MUWAI' moved thtt the Committee "no, report (program, and air leave to nit agnin. Carrie . 'sttorssrrGasnyral MOWAL' then handed _ [he Excellency'n menaage to the Speaker, who read it to the Home. The Home than Wont into Committee agein. Mr Free" in the Chair Mr. MulMNAlil) moved in amendment to the renolntwn sewn-ml by Mr M "riot, l "'lhat the wooed paragraph of the raid reeolutiou he amcntlm by adding thereto the l aordn "and that it any dutrihahoa in to he made, the muttiuipslittes, not 1sonastited by the statute 2d, Victoria, chap. 15, coin- inouiy coiled the old countien. will have jun; camel-f droatidaottou, nnleee an M. lotmknt of a larger amn than two dollnrn par 1soul of tno population. acoordinig to the cenrnsof lb", in made to nucn muni- cipaliticn " Cho motion won lost. . t Mr. Mc, Kilt unwell, aoconded by Mr. I WOOD (Victoria). " l'hnt in the opinion of ( thin Home injuntice will be done to the 1 townships of Block, Eldon, Body. Summer- i with, Later, Dighy, and Lanavford by the 3 mile-age allowance granted to the tovnahipa oi Uxbridge, Sen". Markham. Scarboro', I and the city ot Toronto without the first I nnurrd towunhipa being alloved topart'ici- ' pan» therein." l Mr. RICHARD" said that be approved of _ the, Government ill-homo g'enorally, but he thought there would in some cues of hard. .hip undo-r it. and that to which thin motion reiomd wan one Mr 'WO()D (Viutorla), thought thin one of the exceptional one" to which the mice .oontainod in the eoheme would not apply. _' Mr CA'MSR'DNqu-utedtignre't"how that hack towmhipe bad anointed the torontrt