LEGPMTURE Ill. b , _ U tte. _ --_--- ' " SE00" nlillMlttT-8im ttttM. -_--- Tumour, Morel: 27. 319 Speaker tookthe chair It t'eiro'oua, B PORT DOVER AND LAKE HUM RAILWAY. Attorney-General HOWAT moved M thud-tonne do ratify the Order in Pound] op- proved by Hi: Excellency the Ueuteoeut. Governor on the 24th March, l873. grouting aid to the Port Dover and Lake Huron mu. we, Company, the term of which Order hove My been pebbled. Mr. RYKERt thought it singular that the mnnicipolitiee through which thi- roilwcy ..otrld pm hozi tin-My been mltured of in. deaneutothe extent of 81.200000. on account of whet named injurious legwo- tion; and now the some municipalitmuthe tmvmmf Wmdptock ard Simcoeend the towe- ulupen Windham, Woodhuu-e, end {Vanish -. withed to get ttooo per mile for o toothy, lie md not think " wu tair to wipe out $1,200.000debt of those mutsicipa1itia one day. end tho next day give them e [ergo ratt. way grant. Be wee oppneed to the aid not? proponeé on mother ground --thst he could nut tumor: any extension of the Rodney Aid Act. The ole-eh" quoted tigurm to pmve that the condition of the Reiltuy Fond mu not each a would admit of the _ propelod grant. to "ilwara by the Govern- ment, on the Fund would not admit of then. lie did not oppneo the not on the reed ba. twmn Strotiord and Ml'lllil'1' but he did oppOIc that on the road between Port Dover and Woodstock. Hon. Mr. CROOKS cxpleined that there woe o attth'uiaest Amount coming in on coconut of the Roilwoy Fund to joeth the op- '; proprietiool to be mode, end there 3 won- o margin long before the Government , were celled upon to pay the cab. . Time was 't00,000 coming in to the Fund from but you, end "other 8i00,000arould be added on thin yoor'e ocoooot Ho ."- ploined the tom of the May Show} Act, aitduttoreird that every (freer In (honed rcletiog to roilweyl had been cerefully coo. steered before being eubnitted to the Home. Mr. MaCALL onuported the resolution. " , the mad to be aided wot one that would be l generouy benotieint to the country. I Mr. LAUDER won not in favour of the , roiiwey policy ot the Government. 3 Atusrnasrfhtmsra1 mown aid. it us the- dut oi the Government to take o liberal new of die Actl pooled to by" railway 00W I prime; and it the reed in caution could be '; built with the aid of the tiiiififditFO, .