4 mEeod thing would be accomplished. Iwa' t is Hip mwite Lake 1 sorvod to commect e .cs F 8 Loke Krie with Lake Buron, an* the roid: ; = _ ¢. could not be constructed without Govern-- alter it once more. The'history of this soneme ' : :nt assistance. The hon. gentleman showed was a moet curious page in the history of tne i | e dissatrous effects of legislation in country. It would appoar to be most fortu-- § | the municipalities through which the rail-- uate that the Opposition had done as they ¢ | way would pass, and their claims for aid on were accused o!p s:i.ng. an1i had taken up so P account of such legislation had boen ad-- much of the time of the House, or else . the | mitted by the Court of Chancery. 1t was Licutenant--(i --vernor _ would: have been | in every respect just that the 'claims of those been knocking at the door of the House for wunicipalities should be allowed by the Go-- the: purpose of proroguing it before this verrment; and if they had not been relioved ypocrlittle bantling bad been put through the 4 ( before is was on account of a technical dif-- ' Houre. . He hoped that this was the last al-- : gmlg'l in dealing with the Legislature as in-- :;uttl&n thc:t 'ouldulfi mbu;ie, or atill b"m;.l E "% at the scheme wo thrown over unti i | Mr MACDONALD moved an amendmeat w# T; 3 to the effect that there was a tendoncy to In anewor | to . Mr. . Farowell, At-- 1 give increased aid to railways, and thas im torrey General MOWAT. explained that R the cpinion of the House that tendency must the ~ proposed _ alteration . would. . not be checked :.fleotf u.thsv ® raunio:fa'ities' along tne Mr. WOOD (Brant) said if the Cfovern-- e o the ty n h ind s10 d -- Galy ment had to nfiort t:o) t;: l?.alilvraye Subsidy [ hi« hoto of thatdife? had been 'id':d Oaly Tund they would have to o Chat moue?, :\_dptzlmon of the Nipmsing lino had been : | so as to be in conformance with the Act of h'dr. ARDAGH & ' Porliament that provided that the greut td 00 i spoke of the position of T | should be made in 'the sttepe of snnust pay-- | the county of Simcoe in connection with the 14 | ments. and he presumaed it was tho intension ' sertlement of this tund. Phat couaty had T of the Government to follow out that Act, | ;l}}mrully mided "the Nomtherd Railway, aud : f He moved an amendment, which said that p" road was in the interest of the whole R: the amount appropriated by * the Bizke-- }l"l'-'Ylnco. :l'}_ue town of Barric and the Scott Government " and the present Govern» "d'g° of Oritlia had Jalso giveh onuwes in R | ment already amounted to two million dol. aid of the Muskoka Juanction Railway, bat lars, being more money for railway enter ho township of Oro refused to givea b>a prise than the fond authorized axy:d that «f $10,000 in aid of that enterpriss; and "i'fi ihe House could not consent to a further »ppeared as if Barrie and Orillia ware to be ucreses of the NuBi. :.Kl'x:mhsd Tfm account of Oro not giving the _ The House then divided with the following NeR h« bouuses given would not nave resuit--Yess IL, Days 56, -flawst(:m:i; tl;:fl hog.ernment ait for rail. | Y ras-- Mesers. Macdonald, Ferguson, Ey-- North \ {ctoria ""I")';'e prott T';:t' !lnel?ber oX kert, Boulter, Merrick, Corby, Giff ard, Mo-- his objection to havi Y oly '_"Pl'yml BXE M a n » & aving the townships in hi anus, Wilsov, Gibson, Graoge--1l. county _ refused a railws a.up arue : Nays -- Mesors. Mowat, Crooks, Saott ud now the Attorney--Gener llybron tlolw_'noe- 1 (Otrawa), M~Kellar, Pardes, Farowoll, Fra-- «mendment by which the demand gf' eves 12 ser, Smith, baxter, Clomens Springer, Vebb towrsbips were pranted. Pc-rhn. onl'h"n Clarke (Wellington), Barber. G.ibbons. tbe diaplay of indiguation by the pe ouls Ior Williams (Bamilton), Cook, McKim Oliver' Victoria that amenament w l:mmb" for . Striker, Paxton, Bethune, Deroche 'Movall, neen brought in; aud ualess (;: osclaaoke s Ulatke (Norfolk), Monk, Boulsbes, 'MolLsod »f the Attorney--General coveug <uo can Ardagh, McKac, Sexton, Christis, Wood -- t Istrie ans tvilis he would be fashaed t§ 8 (V ictoria), Paiterson, CUrosby, Finlayson, f+--<l they were left out becaus i1 waa uol FE. Wiliaros (Durham), Grakham, Wood(Br.nt)' thought _ necessary in 'no' it was not $ Watterworth, Sinclair, Guest, Hgmilw.: wratify bim, _ seeing thag )Y <#29 ; § 9'""}'- Harrington, . Fitzsimmons, Caldwell, not a thick and thin su o -- was * ';'n'hwfifl. Crarg (CGlengarry). Lauder, Code, § the -- Government. _ He al:nport"f. 5T f 0::', Meredith, Calvin, Tooloy, Monteith, (t':r'thg aid granted the Midland R*il':,;":; 57. ertain municipalities in Si ' Hon Mr. CROOKS thenmoved an smond that the resolution :::ve'::;o:h:le thought ' ent to Mis. Masdonnld's serendmont t * A4arie ard Orillia at all events igindt n lfi (x * % O'M ')il'it\fl % °u. ..Of.r..'h. > : ct that the Eousorecognized the great valus pirit of it was concerned. _ The local i 3 :. of the proposed railway being aided out of --f|~alltves of North Simeoe did not e o ooe vhar . the Railway Appropriation under the Rail Government aid would be given wxg;ct es way Aid. Act aud the Act amending the ways to which they votel honuses uen 2e same, and the said appropriation bain !l. wiee they would not have given as on an , D | (l;i'-"' W itbout any * further &ppropfi:uio; exsfl:l tcms as (;hey did wcoh in | being required, that j orney--General M * sat " ' ratiied ';y ie u, Aa :u:o'.mh resolution be now Guvennu.oit hadeg:-na 3'::;" in :l::}'e:r:'i:ho +4 This amendment was carri as was conkixtent with equity, and 4 y L50g ' i6g division--Yeas 56, nays *i(}) on the tollow. ':'fi;:rn;:l:; palities re ferrc-,ym't:y t':xh..e u.;:: "*#1 t 3 rth Si F < ks Yras-- Mesers. Mowat, Crooks, Soo% nto consider funcoa had beon taken fully _ (Ottawa), Mc R n s, Soott ation by the Govera:« * c ilton) Uz' K in:\fléa"-["d"é" iliams (Ham-- hey bad not been dea'lt with exno?l;n;s fl:f (ror}, Slohn it pritiols triker, Deroche, on. gertleman would wi § d t 'Mk, Farewell, Paxton, Sexto ig Nx s¥ not be uld wish, it had certial f \Ecthune, McCail, Ciarks (X ftll.k Christie, C Doi 51. account of the praisiin of theiz JA Mcleod, Wood (Victoria) é':;.u ), Moack, l-;',nu;l{)ntxve, who was not parricular! Gibboss. Clemeps,' B tox. F reon, Cra=by, avYour' ]"{ to the QGovernmeat; aud hy --L ' Clarke (Wellingren), i «ho. Suith, Desove, i sp4 han Lwen given an Toee: nevuspah no C irabam, _ Ardaph, Willians (D «bich bad »id o those municipalities x Oliver, Wasterworth, _F (Durkau), Cailway, sided the Whithy and Port P P | promee esns geoa ioh in e en npimrane 1 ' rington, | Fizimmons, Orsig {iilon .fi.". A minh.mfia:m y |°hl supporters of the > | Guest, Read, Mercdith, Calvin, ?ood,)' that undu« fav i not be charged \ . ! M«_:gtulh, § sod ( Erant), Prince, sad Chris .; i scheme, for 'md':'tfigb::nm un:'. P ue * 1 T ast A self not to 4 ow h:im Navys--Mesars, _ Macdons)d, _ Fergas political eol'::id:"ufion'ed.m fke allthtedt , bs w Ry kert, Boulter, Memick, 4',0r|")y' Mc é.n:':'. pre:ented by both friend Municipalitioes ra 4 :r_lfgrd, Bonitbee, Wilson, (:ibson, and Cod tre;ud exactly similar, and foe had been j # r. FERG gretted ' | MUNICIPAL LOAN FUND. tbs Co. or iarce bat soroy io p xd R Attorney.--General MOW A T stated that the Northern Railway, no ooP;n $450,000 n the " Goyemm¢n§ purposed to aiter the resolution be made to it therefor P""E fioq Was to * as it atood in reference to the allowauce of would have received fair pla uc .E ; $1,000 per mile, and the effect ot the amand of geantlemen op. osite, bl' y at the han i» j ment be would propose was not to increase think that justice woul d" he would n > # the total sum grauted, buat to spread the bim vunic--s Bome furth bs meted out to f 13;.3.00' Te l all':lw.no., over the whols given Sinicce. er consideration w.s v of ratl way instead of particular porti-- Mr PAX . thereof, so that all the municipalities ';;:oo':l' Goven-m:'n): P.O;? strongly supported the j j by the resolution as amended would have an tuents of the C oclmey mike "'dp the consti s equal sbare in proportion to the amouate s not thask hi member for South Grey w l:i l they ha:l«fiven. The other proposed alte T im for voting against it, e ; tion merely gave the Government powe r:-o § th he Hcuee then went into Commi 7 b make the corrections nmecessary in the nol:ed e amendment uf the Attorne (}:' orvnl & ule in consequence of the alseration made il. corm:d.' W cregmoral Sss 1110 resoloation ~tlo had submitted the reso: The Committee rose and reported. M ation to his Excelliency the Lienutenant--Gov Mr., MACDONALD > 4. erpor and bad his command to recommend , x preating o r rek moved an amendment i ' to the copaideration of the House, f sent whem::ha; oltdhe:'c:: d;r No oitie } , Mr. RYKERT eaid that the G ause of complai nties would have 7 fin(h:igththn its friends were n:;" ::[T;"::' illowance. wplaint. against the capitation rounrd their scheme as well as the Th they would, now fan up to the d':g:c':,: $s e amerdment was lost--Ycas, 15, nays | Governor and procured his permission to YEAS h y ert ' C -- Mawra, Boalth»0, Calvia, Cor» raig (Russel}), Ferguron, Giff: m Hanslton, Lanucder, Masd C ie Bvimerine n epald, Merrick, Ry