The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 27 Mar 1873, p. 8

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id C meenvrmmmmnt on C : | P </ 3 -- ~< # 3 s ot sce--pting it, instead of waiting ustil 1 i 0 woney. 1 Imd the interest on it for ewo j alter gh'? ).o'f.omd statesman hldgpalod years, avd 1 promised to pay it in 1863, be-- «way. BHe (Mr. Rykert) had nevor heard ; ceuse 1 felt, as every honouratio man must «ty rearon for any person refusing to jo>in | ieel who bas anything to do with a §rA050" 'bo Hon _ Jobu Bandficld Macionald's \ tion of tbat kind, which results unfortnnate Cabinet, oither on account of his political or 4 iy, that be is at all events morally bound &0 moral character; on thecontrary, be thought byt restcre the money to those who gave it . 1 that apy an might bave thought himself C | promised to pay it in 1863, but financial difi bonopred to be in office under the Hon Johu . j J culues overtook me, and I was nrabls to do Sandbeld Maodunald. The hou. suflomm * ' «; but 1 for one, feelgsus.d to sae those iin seff once supported the Hon. o'an Saud-- «bo contmbured that mai--y far she purpose field Macdonald. 'The speaker weont on to | of a commercial transaction ro rou ped, and if way, with reference to the charges 4 * dis | ¥r. King is not able to o im 1, if is bs 30 t;uz;ion that there were some very extraordi | P years bence,Awill endeavour, if poesible, to . d'increpa.mics Totwe n the «tatams F n' | restore it _ 1 aim bappy, bO#CY8D brdins A moXe by the Hou, Commissioner . of Publio | ' hat Mr. Kiug has heen ablo to ako a very Worke" end tho et tements male 07 *> J | lrge pay ment. _ If ho bad only myta hi# y Ruev. Mr King in bis lottor, | He (MT, BV | icultie= knownp he bas friends en agh in th¢ h-rt') was prepared to sa tuat t=o aft ©r} 9 Jt statea Canada, and nritain «ho wonuld have the Ruxton }.'et:}emmtywera nag oroparty | \ ladiy come to his rescue aud relioved him 0' conducted, _ Jt sormed a most extrarAinar | +viry farvhing of the 6ebt He uhss nusl thing that, alter so many years, t nB aKeir« veen able to rend $5,000 to rclieve any 0% * 'alsde be wound up. u(? the Ass cig im h* } 'hose men who may that h0 monsy N AL fourd slmost in dent. Things hat come 60 i viven as a loan, and he has aureed to pay th¢ bis (Mr _ Rykert's) Lnowledg», which con-- j whole of it off within one yeat. He has baen vicced him ? that the Rev. Mi.o Woaag aas~ | h: unded in a moet oruel and barbarous . \C 4 o es p a ages e + grosely mismansged the affsirs of ths | uer." 'Another word in reference to y$' Rraociation. _ He had beea sea--ching th: | 1 have never befors condescended to reply to records of the, Registry Oflice in Ohat\an | .'.2: '"h»p" D tleve wite" on n n stoss. and bad there found that the Hev Me. Kin« t which I b--lieve will prove m* faultless. had had a lot belonging to the Assaciatiorn-- t It is well kno#wn that whon I was in Oggoost: lot No 9, in the 10th echeession o srayaforred sion to Mr. Sanddeld Macdonald's hoverh to him iu 1854 for the um otf $259, and the ment, altbhough we wore politically appose 1 5 I0 'Thi i same day mortzgaged it for $1,000. T'nis was to each other, we were personally the waraies! anly ome of gimilar instances that s could + ' frienda. le:elievr, even across this room, We poi'nt 10. ¥ sls » uever passed a single hard or improper word * to nct?other, bntswero on the m[:ntp;riendly Hon. ¥r. MCKELLAR""'""!Y !'h" land «1nd intimate terms. I bad served wito ] was vot sold to him by the Assosistion. Was | him and under bim, aud baving Once | was it that sold it? | soted with a man I always feel for him Mr. KYEERT eaid be could not say who | a depree of respect that I noever lose eold it, (Laugbter.) He had majo the ' uplees be does me a grave and gavi>us injary, charge, and bhe was prepared to substantiate ; P i believe no man who knew Sandtield Mac it, The epeakor went on to ray that in his dopald will eay tnat he was a man who wttr the Rov. Mr. King stated that $16 000 f ' would associate {imself with scoundrels and had been subscribed. aud onldy ten per cent. | rogues _ Now, Mr. Macdonald hbeld is bis of that amount paid up. &n yet the rev. | porsession all the paperathat have since heen gentlemon, eaid . the amount prd up@ ' pubhsbed in the Mail. -- He had the fullest was $2,000. 'They fousd that a cer-- opportunity of knowing exactly what was tain gentleman who . was said to _ be * my conpection with the Assoctation ; in emjgration agent from this Proviace ] s11d surely if L were the scoundrel that I am at a salary of $150 a month, and who receiv | represented to be he would not have treato ed besidee, a large amount of pay jor hbailse, | mo as 1 shall now spesak of. _ lo the samm--r was then employed in getiing UP the ori | k of 1871 be made overtures to me to join hi« vate affairs of the Commissioner of Pabiic | \ Governmeont, to become the asgclat© an : Worke in Ecgland. -- He (Mr Rykert) dia aot ; : colleague of the gentl--men who now ask me ' thiuk the country woeuld be satigien with | tor explanations, | Thero are gentlemen in | that, They found, from the hon. goutle | | this city politically opposed to me | man's own orcan, that a me--ting was held | | who -- are -- able #o | bear testimony | in Edinboro' in the month of May, 18059, as to this 1, bowever, declined, 1 told him which £3 000 steling was rawmed for th 4 that 1 bad a ctear record for tke last sixn Buxton missic n aid,and at which "Archibald | ven years. that I bad stood by my party, | Mcheilir, Eeq.," epoke on behaif of the ob arnd that J would not for any consideratiou jects of the Association __ The charges uow destroy mysel( and it. 1 told hun what againat the honourable gentleman amounted was true--tbat 1 had sacrificed time and to this:--that he was comveoted_with tha A«+ % monef that I was in ne«d of money, bu* | «oclation, that he handled the funda of that E + tbat 'had sometbing [ prized more highly -- Association, and that thase funds harl bees © 's wy own reputation and honesty--and 1 de-- ; wisappropriated by some He ( 4r Ry uned joining the Administration. . Now, | kert) sbould be heartily rejoiced it the knowing as well as L did the relation 1w | hop, _ gertlieman | catirely cloared _ mis which | stood to the Association, doés this skirte _ from _ sll _ counection with «how tbat he believed me the man I am now ibe mwatter, -- but" it appeared -- from | represented to be ? Now I am dove Daring Tur Giosg newrpaper, that at A meat-- | my public life of sixteen yeard 1 have ing beld at "Ohistie's house" in 1860, aad at | & heen assailed in every form, bat 1 have which the condition of the negroes io Can | T hitherto -- disdained _ to reply to »s ada was direnssced,a certain a umount of n.ouey | [ 'I inglo attack made upon _ me -- through was raised for the purposes of the CKigta As © ine press, 1. have leit that to _m, rociation, and a pereon naised Archibald .wn character, and to the press which McKcllar was proseut, and gase receip's to & advsestes the cause I bave now sapported the money, and made enga e--ments to repasy 'or maby 3 Car8, and nobly have they de-- it with intereat, paysble hal% yearly._ Iuere ntded me on every occasion, 1 have neve, was direct connecotion between Mc McKellar ncen out of the House of Parliament for ths and Mr. King in regard to lumboring on st 'l :'ast fourteen years, althouyh my opyocent-- ters, -- In August, 1863, thoro was a letter to have used the most energou, and, on som» show that the Rev Mr King blamed M: h uccamions, the most unfair means to defeay McKellar for not sonding payments mors me; and 1 do not fear to again meet my con vegulariy. There was auothc letter from - Aituents. With a clear conscience, [ chal-- | Mr. McKe!iar to Mesers. Haviland & Routh, enge my opponents To meet mo in any con of Montreal, to show that Mr. King was stitueney im the Province Now 1 have vaing funda that be should not use for his cone _ 1 must apologise to the House for tue private affairs, Some tims after Mrc. Millor ze I bave vocoupicd. L hope L shall | wrote to Mr, McKellar and got p»o uever bave occasion to _ again atand reply, and a copy of the letter was also seu' , up _ and defend myself in a matics to Mr. King, who replied that Me MoKeltar af this sort. In making this oxplanation i \ had requested hirs to «tate that the Assorua | bave considered it more dignifGied to mysoli \ tion had commenccc to wind up its afairs | ano more reepectful to the House that [ and that its liabiiti--s would bo sostiod. _ Hs | L r»hould pot touch upon the private reasons (the speaker) dia not charge the hon. Com-- thst induced this n;ta.-.k, and the private w'ssioner . of Crown Lsuds with lmp;OiM' + character of my assailants, although I have w nduct, but it was singular that tho moniss * | the particulars and proof in my 0 wn hands. wbich should have been paid were nat paid {Applavse ) us yet _ Jt required some proof to establish in Mr. KYKERT denied that hehad ever made what way the cuh bid been misavp'ied,for | the charges againat the bou. Commiss oner that it had becon mixapplied there was n> ut Public Woiks. but as they had beea maie | gdoubt -- He thought there should hbe a com-- he thought the proper way to have deslt with mirsion 'pp(\in*.ed to lock into the ma'tec them woulo have been to have had them in-- It was said that there had been a grost de .l vertigated beforo a Commit ee of the House . of drainags work done, but there was no> at the urhenatpatihle gmment Ho (Mr proof of euch. Rykert) was not prepared to gainsay the ob Hon. Mr. Mc ane | ; ..)uvutlon made by the hon | geutlsman, that grntleman's p'rfit"'%fi é o't_':'_gm::':t h.:: , Mr. ua.cdould bad made him anotfer to jJoin ployed their own engineer to overa--e thoss \ his Cabinet, but he thought that if the hon. works, and his report was in the Depart 'ertieman bad received such an offer he ment. 'The Arsociation did not henofit by | «bould huohm:od u& d\n'vlr:h?la:: wx)n tfhe the works, but the pepple who lived thera. | House at the timg, £ 8 as Lor ! Mr.RYKERT concluded by saying that a n . en mt »w~ 0 w'i'.ru_l

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