Ir ' --..---- committee ind the Committee rose I "Mtbh Hones m that "I. tttim." '2lteltl, This reception of the report 'i' i f, tyt2nt', lb" 2: ttt Ttr,t we: fiied for to-morrow. _ reeu ts, es e no o. . I el'cctnel steps hen been Jh"d,turlg"d . 1t'Pu" then, " 1'2M0 Brno " l indesthe murderers of the eeid Ittointa 10'1"e . _ tt ' . y Maroh 28. l "Thet this House elso regrets tut, In Fume ' ' k Tiaw of ttte einmtnatanot, émhbifore The Speeker took the Chelr " one o oioo . 'tetes_d, sdditionel end ester orti en AILWAY. not been mede tothe Mt.t,'lf2'lt end that CANADA CEN PRAL R His Excellency the Lie ut-Governor he! not After muting, i banedvised to recommend to this House e Attorney-Gene"1 MOWAT? moved the i, re-votect the aid sum of 85,000 for the the Canada Gem"; 3mm, gummy, her. , m of tehing such 'Peer legal pro- iug offered to swept in lieu of the land for , eteita'trgs" my be required to secure the . wtiieth that Company his, obteined th decree i Pgtigaitt "d tsonvidsioet of the trtruiUret _ in Chart, against tho Provimm, the m in l the "id Themes 8aott," K gages heldthby the cguntie: leer/ce . IO enfrew e towns ty o 12a . a " l {trams l,"h,",t,'tt'teiiPleplfif, and the, town of Brockville, egemet the . ' suede Lt I: pad f Sign, but he dis. Brockville end Ottawa liailwey Company, l on l . mu I'A' . to 'melse my " en indemnity egsinet the lidbitity oi the i clelmedeny tunetnion H. 2l'IS out mid mttnicipaiitiiik to the Municipal Loan T ' such 'tapital out of by his emen m . Fund: and as well the said maaieipuitietr, " ' I , AttomrrGenrral MOWAT send a" "Y the Brockville and Ottawa Reilwey Cour m 'h7 the Treeeurer hai not ptlt . sum: pony having respectivelv intimated their the unmet" for the purpose wee t't,et," 0 concurrence in the said "are, so fer " the . considered " P" quite "mm ta o '0'. seme effects their interests respectively, and , l, By the suction u. the Rom the . a?" so that the liability of the, municipalities to _ , meat had sir-end, lulled e g't11t,a,t',,'g or e the Province [my be discharged, and that mqraad foe the "pmhw'ion of the inn erer the liability of the Brov,kviite and Octave . "Themes 8oott; and the street chthet wee Railway Cornpsny mey thenoeformcd ba. that the Gouruuwnt and the Prcvmoo were long to the Censde Control Railway Unn- nov bound to w tut. mward to "r Tttl puny, insteed of to the seid municiys1itiea; I qtho should comply with tho terms lqodf , this House is content that the seid com pextclamatiom It iu rowers! wee epp 1-3. romise or settlement so proposed to the the Government would see that 'iuhti, government, or my moditiaitioa thereof m would mmind hon. gtul5Ptrtt . . , "ll which any be more advantageous to the Pro- s V" , PP" ot tra0.000 m the yup-"0' t Vince, shell be mede by His Excellency in u qtplied on .ecoouut of euy lubiujy "a, Council, if His Excellency shell deem such new"! prorieed f.or, end the Th' 02"". compromise to be for the public interest, end tm paid out of .tlyt P" es well es 1 if .910 M subject to such terms and conditions, if any, WW" of $6,0u0 I"."' esked tor. Eta": of es the Lieut-Govarnor in Council shell ra- , "n horter,.th."i? the p resent conhi to" es quire. Be seid he did not wish it on- , attaieM Munwbe, he wes ttrtid t feta' deutood that the Government wee bound to i' "1'! 1ittlo PM" of Riel being ST,,',",. swept this compromise in the terms offered, , The large rewerd charm} for his srl . 'll' or iriany other "y. had not secured the Ihiey:' look d :hb was Mr. RYKERT presumed from this notion I should tthtTi"xttSlSTt,'h' see that on the pert of the Government that it we! 1 $9335" ttte "I, not the inflation offthe 1oat',',?t",',ygt,' upper! . . from the ecision o the Court of T henaery Mr. CAMERON' said thet tU J,'oggt He believed the resolution pleced in the meet, it a?! bed t!t.een le,"",',',',',,;,', o f _ . hends of the Executive e power greater then effort. tottriogtolu"iot the nut orsrs to hsdcver been leoed in the hands of any. &xrtt, would .h.aee not. only eehed or it mid Government in Swede, as it geve them cou- . of 85.000 .tt.tu mm" but they '02:. trol of over three millions of dollars' worth ' have doubled " and "f'ble'l i' "a." T'fe of lend. The House should be given much until they "omreded 1n their e lt; itob fuller particulars than were before it. This will"! should have, M Brad "h 'm lv, a, Compeny had committed e fraud upon the - and then tu murderer wold Gl, "t: country, end had got the better of it, and in brought to Justielt 9' course he '09 ". " settling With it the House should have more eehe did before, holciitrg the seme ol?tautrt " responsible details then were given by ir. 1 he did than, h l ti t th responsible parties. 5 Mr. PRINCE Mid if t 9 N" tt on o.' Q Mr. BEACON thou ht u . if . hon. member for North Leeds We! e sincere . A tt t tltr nines oi , one he should support it, but he thought it ttttt cts fthe Collide Centre! had got i u. merely brought forward ttt "WW . . and." th 'g, o the {mum but he cou- _ the Government. end would turotore vate 'ral'llI'l on the whole the proposed er. _ I egeinet it. d ded M M rri k' Att, (;';'rltf,,,',/l;fc',"t,,, i, soivi on r.eos "ht . " "Emmi? which wee lost-Ya" 27, " that umemo-1k! wh- At., _ ty "putt, hi nus " . 'gliiii; --»-- ' c ..-.... use. meanness he 3 tumour-re Boulter. Boultboe. Code, ":1 impromleo made which wee less prttfta. _ Corby. Unis (Russell). Demon. Bamako, his then giving up this indebtedness, end I . Ferguson, Fiueimmnne. Gifford, "PM". Hut even that wee not greed to on the part .. Benilton. Lender. MoCell, Maodonaid, Mo. of the Government q he Government in- Manur, McKee. Meredith, Merrick, Mouk, teededtodoths best It possibly could for Hontcitb, Reed, !ttt.trt, Tooior, wall". the Prov moo WWII!" (Durham-2;. Alter some discussion the resolution wee _ 1uvs-M-. Berger, 'tt,'gafit?dl, adopted. [ , ti Cemeron Cttrwtus. C he t orto l, er s P " ' (Wellington), Clemens, Cook, Creig((}leu- nMLWAi ORDERS m comma ' . Fm". c?y.e.u, 1Jrorby, "NV": k' ini-on, [Attorney Generel MOWAT moved the . Mr, Gibttons, Gituant, mreington, .Ma. sdopiion of the resolution ratifying Orders in Keller, Melina, [NM Mowat, Oliver, Council aiding the Corning, Petbrhoro', and l F Padre, Pexton. Prince, try.tttotutyh Sex- 'Mermors Bum). Compeuy and the Credit ; ton, 8111011", South, 8_neteinger. Springer, Velley Rm." Uompanr. 1Jtrritrd. . thiker, 15..i1rtye!rnPi9tel, Wilson. Wood Th l) th . c V, oil " totiawi..,... l (Brent), Wood iviautria)--37. e r its in um ere . ' Mr. Mac, may. amendment wee "on The (kmm-ttee of Council heve had under l i put end loston e divu:on-Yeaa 20, neys " Widen?" the swimmer! of tlee lottery. :' ,' Tras-M-. Bonlter. Cameron, Code, tttteg, ,r,rt,h'i'rt,t'MtlWa,t"i,hiiii I g , Corby ' Craig (Rowen), Demn' Ferguson. 1heflle'l'3'flll the advise that eub'eot ' ' , It,'tt""'llt d 2trh, tta? Lima? I', the Jt'l'iUl','d of this Order in (Emmi by l , . no 0 en 1 erric ' . . . r , , . - resolution of the Leguletive Assembl 7, my gawk, Monteith, 'Reed, Rykert, Tools, :3? bu tere', l $2.: 1ttt'rg,1) tf, it" I , we ' un , n e . NNY-leer, Berber, Baxter, Caldwell, fltlll2,'il of the conditions of the set! Act, _ Christie, Clarke, (Norfolk), C.iarlr, (Welling. of e sum e'qtut to two ithouend dollers r ton), 05003". Cook, Crelg (Glonq'trry), mile ofthst portiouol the seid reilwey tr. , _ Crooks, Crosby, J?trocho, throws", 1h).trsr- twren Ashburnhem end Chemony Lake. I eon. Freser, ilibbosu, t?ibte.a, Hfptiitoit, Thet this House doth ratif the o d l i , Barrington, Moketiar, MoKlm, Mobsod, C o il ed , Ri ' ll r " n I '. Monet, Oliver, Perdee, Pexton, Priuno_ 'd,'a"lluylt', . ' th"' '00 01.19!" she l, : we (ottatpk em. Swen-u. SM. of 'll'.',":',',")',)?,.",,")':,,?,.',', 'lil"t','tit,'tdtr i' Snetsinger, Springer, htriker, Jiuttttr.yth, V elle rai , lr, g ex hi :09 u't " , i Webb, Williams (Durham), Williems the t,'l, H 'Wi, .'.n1'"n . It . rare II to , (Hamilton), Wilson, Wood (Brent), Wood mung} bet..- . , _ "ioton'a)---42. . The Committee of Council have had funds! i . . . . 'tttmitUration the epplicetion of the Credit l, T!" original motion wee ttn, put _end Velley Raul-way Company for eid under the t cerned, end the Home went'into _(.o.nmlttee Aots in aid of Railweylend the advise tintl , ot _8upply, Mr. Wool (Victorie) in tee subject to the reti'icetion oi this Order , an". In Council b . the Le 'sletive Assam. . . ' gt l _The thmplermmtsrr Estimates were pessed bl [an dofatftt of which retiticstion