The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 29 Mar 1873, p. 3

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j e h en * * $hX P' _ _ [ _ Hon. Mr. PARDEE then said :-- _ _ § ' An Act to consolicate and amend the laws ;% "Mr, Speaker a:ld .Gmtlemen of the Leostt o al 'paving reference to Mutual Fire Incuranse ~@oee f tive Assembly /-- Go S ' ! Companies in the Province of Ontario. _| -- "It is His Excellency the Lientenant-- ]" s f 4 ernor's will and pleasyre that this Legisla-- § > . . An Act to amend the several Acts relating tive Assembly be prorogued until Friday, the | --__ Cl to the Credit Valley Railway Company. nir:ch 'd':;l o¥ u.p next, to be then here | _ l An Act to amend the several Acts respect-- holden; and this {rovincill Legislative Au-- iA ing partition of real estate. sembly is accordingly prorog'l'lod until Friday, s e An Act to amend the law of evidence. the ninth day of May next | *h e n An Act to amend the Common Law Pro-- w« ) cedure Act. _An Act to incorporate the Dresderm and j » f Oil Springs Railway Company. An Act to incorporate the CGaeliph and : Collingwood Railway Company. e ; s / | An Act to amend and extend the pro: 4 ua' ; visions of the Act incorp»rating the Simcoe Tog Murfcipal Institatio is in unorg:a's d i salee i ard Port Ryerso lram or Railroad and Har-- distr otbs. x J ue oang to ts ts Soage ie oppeten sns | O( An Act respecting Commissioners for tak-- Township 0 Regs y' l y l J %g afiidaviupe ® :rfiighun, and continue certain side--roads in Mkspo~ ! _ An Act to incorporate the St. 's and «ownship. 5 Credit Valls y Raill:o.y "ompluy.u'ry < ExAl Act to incorporats th:» V.i) go of & | _ An Act to incerporate the Erie and Huron \|| Exeter: f Railway Compm:}).o _ An Act to incorporate the London Street T |__An Act to amend the Acts incsrporating Railway Company. 3 ; ' l the Wellington, Grey, and Brucs Railway Aa Aot to ircorporate the Hamiltor s Company. m Guelph, and Orargeville Railwsy Company. || { S _# An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws -- Ar Act to provide for the incorpsration of ' | 'as to Wills. Immigration Ald Societies in the Province of ; * An Act to provide for themakingof double Ontario. f s tracks in snow roads. / An Act t> smend the Aot: reajecting An Act respecting the Administration of ¥Tavern and Shop Licenses. R Estates of Intestates in which the Crowa is \. } An Act for the improvement of WaSer \intuelted. PRrivileges. A An Act Nlp°°finith° property of Religions | An Aot to amend the Agricultnral aod © ) Institutions in the Province of Ontario. | Act. An Act to correct an error in the Act of 'I. » An Act to amend the Aot respecting Mas the present session intituled "An Act to 'ter and Servant. * ' amend 'h:i' Acta mf::'g""fi"." the Welilington, An Act to amend the law respecting . & Grey, and Bruce way Company. Stamps on Law Proceedings and Registra-- ; xc o l An Act to amend the Act intituled "An tions. , * Aot to incorporate the Fenelon Falls Railway An Act to organize the Municipality of ¢ Complny.(;' and the Act ln:i;ule'dA «* Au Act '-{hukoh for certain purposes. i o to amend an Act intituled *"An Act to An Act cting the Municipal Loan incorporate the Fenelon Falls Railway Com-- Fund D:btlmreo?ectinz certain payments p.)nA)n. Act further to amend the Act intitaled to Musicipaltit* * ct further intitule y i $ 1 '%'An Act to secure to Wives and Children A 2 An Aot to continue the Act plllOd lnthe ( | j thai $wenty--fifth year of Her Majesty's reign, | the benefit of Assurances on the lives of their y ; he Regulati Y busbands and parents." chaptered thirty, respooting the Regulations An Act respecting Municipal Instituti o the Council of Public Instruction, f @mprqst P P Loh { ing to Her Maj cer-- | An Act to Establish a School of Practical ack mhice o'}',fo'::;mfequi,,d for 1?.},*'.,-,,,8 _ { Bcience. the expenses of Civil Government for the | 34 w An Act to further amend the Registration year lg;& for making good certain sums ex-- | U of Titles (Ontario) Act. fonood for the public service in the year , An Act to amend the law respecting elas-- , 1872, and for other purposes. . /{fona of members of the Legi--lative Assem-- To these Bills the Royal assent was sever-- i 'bly, and respecting the trial of sich elec-- ally annourced by the Clerk of the Houne as tions n 'OJOWI:-- / An Act for the better administration of *"*In Her Majenty's name, His Excellency | justice in the Courts of Ontario. ;&uentemnt-(}ovomor doth assent to this R | , An Act to organize the munlcipality of ill." 6 | fhuniah, and to amend the Aots for sstablish. | _ His Excellency the Lientenant Governor ; ' **In releasing fronm y6ur legisl resery e following for the assen : i labours i1 this A'::mbly. i h.v:'ffsfifn': ' Excellency the Governor--General:-- {ou for the diligeace and devotion which | _ An Act to incorporate the Loyal Orange ave marked the discharge of your arduous | Association of Western Ontario. duties during the Session, and for the An Act to incorporate the Loyal Orange "':"'lnt'l'm'."&° t..ll:d care '"t:'m "l:_'&: & you ltlk.e: Association of Kastern Ontario. wi e many ma | y j which have come befors you. _ , _ Mrz. SPEAKER then said :-- , : | * I thank you for the liberal supplies 1* May it pleate T faceliones w 3 7 ! | f which you bave granted for the services of "We, Her Majesty's most dutitul and faith-- , ir% } the Jear, and I feel convinced that they will ful subjects, the Legislative Assembly of the | + | tend to promote the several objects which R Province of Ontario, in session assembled, )1 , you have intended to secure. | approach Your Excellency at the close of our -- ? "I have had much satisfaction in giving my | labours with sentiments of unf'oiguod devo(i & ? arsent to the Bill for placing on a satisfactory : tion and loyalty to Her M'J"t{): oi i footing the debts owing by certain Munici-- Government, and humbly beg to pre: . f palities to the Municipal Loan Fund, and for, sent, . for _ . Yoqr . Excellenoy's A""r" t f at the same time, doing justice to the reat of ance,, a Bill intituled . 'An Act for § the Province; and I trust that the settloment granting to Her Majesty certain sums of i 2 + of this long--vexed and complicated question | money to defray the expenses of Civil Gov-- | . 8 will conduce to the increased prosperity of | ernment for the year 1873, and to provide the various municipalities interested. ?":hm lnmll ;7'2[)00::? f'o';'r ?&3'151'1; service | o C ; ; in the year f poses ; t Ohe aid which you bave extemied to Hall: thus plynoing at the disposal of the %rown the | -- d E. way enterprises and to Drainage, and your i 3 means by which the Government may be €l | repewed efforts to secure an increased Im-- ade efficient for the service and welfare of \ migration, will, I am convinced, benefit ail made ocb o | sections of the country. the Province. ) | '"It has afforded memuch satisfaction to give z" thl'uB'n' the Clerk (f'f':lh';,' House, by y myarsent tothe various important measures of Ha Ef" ercy's comman uveie Education, Municipa', and Law Reform which ; 4* gal' Excellency the Lieutenant--Gover. \ you bave passed, and which I do not doubt | nor thank Her Majesty's dutifal and | will prove advantageous in promoting the loyal gubjecta, Qwfififi their benevolencs, and A § public good. uun""phu Bill, in Her Majesty's name." | . 4 "In taking my leave of you 1 desire to ex-- The "Lieutenant--Governor then deliverel press my conviction that the result of your the following Speech:-- labours during the session will show that ** Gentlemen of the Leaislative Assembly,-- f your deliberations have been governed by j a wisdom and prudence, and my conviction /A ef j that the measures which have received your * | approval will prove beneficial to the country, _ the prosperity of which is the common object of us all." * es cmmace y ts Sm ue e ue en s n on s c y

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