{\;"" 4 ; ' w;: [ +. + 'VHA s * # j bfi;'. and continue to 'beci_;ow HWis Divine "leg »bleering on our favoured Province. s > NEW ELECTIONS. 9| . ME SPEAKFR took the chair at 3:10, j R* : -- | upon doi intima V h : had occurred in.:'he representation o'f. the i . following constituencies durifig the racess, *~ _¥iz.:--South Brant, South Huron, South Leeds, City of Otht' County of Peel, South ; w $ | | Simcoe, South Grenvale, and South Oxford, to all of which writs had been issued, and ro-- turns received, except the City of Ottawa and South Oxford. INTRODUCTION CF MEMBERS, : The following new memboers, having taken the pmcribed%ath, were introduced to the Speaker as follows:-- i, Hon. Mr. Fraser, re--elected for South | Grenville, introduced by Mr. Hodgins and _ Hon. Mr. Mowat. _ _ / _ _Mr. Bishop, South Huron, introduced by s 'H'ta.rlr. McKellar and Mr., Gibson, 7 _ Mr.. Hardy, South Brant, introduced by Hon. Mr, Mowat and Mr. Clark», F Mr. Boulton, South Simeoe, introduced b . l Mr, Cameron and Mr. Lauder, * Mr. Chisholm, Peel, introduced by Mr. | Bethune and Mr. Deroche. Py Mr. Giles, South Leeds, introduced by Mr. Cameron and Mr. Deacou., _ THE LIEUTENANT--GOVERNOR ; ; § | SPEEOH. | --1 .. The SPEAKER presented the Address of | o theheutenmt-Govemor, which was takea "" | as read. l (32: __Hon, Mr. MOWAT moved, seconded by Hon. Mr, PARDEE, " That the speech of | o His Excellency the Lioutenant--Governor to *A this House be taken into consideration t>-- morrow," s ofl'M" CAMERON said he Gid not intend to Y y opposition to this motion. 'The / E me:aarla could very weli digest the bill of ' ' fare presented them b:fore to--morrow after-- .' noon. . He assured the Government that any ! measures th:g might introduce, as fore-- ( shadowed in the speech, which would bo for | the benefit of the country, would receive the best consideration of gentlemen upon his ride -- --_'__| of the House, 4 The motion was carried. e [ -- > -- FORMAL MOTIONS, §4 _ _| , Hon, Mr. MOWAT then moved the usual formal motions, and introducel the usual | a Bills, providing for the Administration of | Oaths of Office to persons appoint-- ( ed Justices of -- the Peace, Prinat-- «=--~.4| ing of Votes and Proceedings, Ap-- t m of Select Standing Committees, , £ Elections, Independenco of Mem » | tkers of Parlis.uent, Punishment of Bribory _;' and Corruption, &c, } LIBRARY REPORT, : * The SPEAKER submitted the report of | | the Librarian of the House. 1 | PETITIONS. Mr. Cameron presented a petition from the Lindsay and Victoria Railwai Compauy, " asking for amendments to their charter. The House adjourned at 3:55 p.m.