u . ', oi/Tir""' " 1'5." q ",.%l . 'ret5t,P"-"i _ "F --: " _ - " I T . 1,..o_-et-,:§:.<-ji _ . MI tr?' V " 's8 l" r. "'rj'rd,R _ , l - I . _ . hose no}; wvr,tter.ordiat . 5'" the 92 "fi'ti.' L..j'~. . T -- _ _,' ' . 1"m3,rl " Illt ' _ :3.- B, of the British North 'iltgi',,ti',"id'i'srt1gitt' l "Pf powers bn thi, Lieutenant Governors , _ T? Mll1 Itl ' Ill iexeculivo power; tromr,e'teuct a audio. with irgard. io the y'tieiig.: Assemblies _ ' I " l Il : M, ' tion of Use irt/,L,i' l Jii?ii.' "I, : Gd b 1nd Cor-nails, The ieutemsntArwtsrnot , .'i a IMI,, - .advieing , Tito' Emotion tot-11.; I'rsér'vaziony . had to come down at the close ..et ' " - . ' ' _ all. 'Cl , " ff . "' ' the station to assent :0 the Bills . , "A. " . i 1 nxccllency a ads were home withheld which had because-sad and heildr. Bef'nunh) _ Evil-51V" 'ttii! - item alargo class of Her Msjesty's subjects trotthi k t f 'd . a d enchant llll,6r'?,a ' W, "it" _ ti hts and ,tivile on to which the were cn- & as "Y a"epf e Ir, p. t : lgW.ri" a- El - .3 . 1 . .3 . y , whether there was any other course open to T, of. "Io-,3, It." - titled in tho opuuon of, tine House, and new; the Li t M t-'lrv-inor he havin bees C - "iiiic.csi" IBlEll itsflieted a serious 'o1oe.rvpon the power and told tl to ',"l,iillii" "isif hid be u 1'lh, we; l, int; ' - aathority of the Legislature of Ontario." m" a 'mu'. ar 1 T l? '" . 9 ' : r liEtl1 c, .. by the Imptrial Government, having road - , NI ' , _ Mr. BFTHUNE said that when the Bill the ir.sttooticro, and having read the British _ lNCtii" " (It" Wml;al."1'o the Houselast session, he did not North Amwiea Act, thats to reserve thee , I , .\. M sea my mason why it should not he passed T Buss, Hc would tok any ts.irar.irvled Helm" i ' s', 'Mh' I throrEht'co aouaialtnoatwithtt diminution, l man whether it was incumbent upon the :3 l ' .4 'd,') CI and why so large and respectable a portion .1irycye(over,'ey were he ever so much _ a , if '% of the cc-mtmnity is the Orange body should . Inclined. to pass these Bills As a mitter of ,3 : lil l 42%, not nit-y that right which was gutted to duty. and?" matter of law. he was com. 1 I " 9,"; '1 all societies that were not ill-3081. Meosures polled to retrerV2 them. He (Ur. Bethune) T _ _,a _ 'fkicil " of tie (inductor aid class of the one in ques- syyld be sorry '40 say Sir Joha A. Macdon- I, .- oa",i.a _', Fr, ' tion should not have been discussed with the 1y Wuts" F0 far wanting in the , "N , il _ warmth and amidst. the tyxeibmust+whioh. dieehsrgo of Lis duty, Wren 1857 "r?, a _ , , chaoctcrizod the dirzonSuitm of- this Bill. to the mutant time, as to have ' " r . He was awn" at tho time that diifvoa1ti" inrgmu-u what v. as due to his position, and . - mightl-e four-.1 of no ordinary character in fywryitt', the Li.eu't.cuve'c.1?'ortre,r no in. " : I prncuygwg the assent of the Crown and pass- shunting. "t in truth it would be held _ " Mt - I ing the»: IFii d into law. He was aware it- that tho lllStil'lC-thnS to which he had refer- "' ' . l, tho time, in common with every gentleman 1ed were apph'ial'le to the Lkutonsnt-Gov- ' _'A fiiilllll I in that Chamhor, and with everybody, he crnor: .t,gyod deal hndIbeen sold by his . , _ - ll dam say, out ot it, that the Bill b hom {innit from North York, and he had, T a}: B? when hosed by that 'ugustare, did not Ewe ai] muck upon the hon. member for; " 7 ila become 168W until sanctioned by the NPI'O' . would: (lifelitille. During the dabate lsat .41; - Ill, , tentative of the Crown. Every Petition. of F session. ys,rsi,ti1t:f1a,ie,c,.), Pj:1 mta.ad.estst.td '5?" i N, T Course, "unaware that under the British ttis m'f' ftiarst! irom S.ony? Grenville" msk0 I; Constitution the Crown was, in theory, the any isrta,'ik, urou til" institution Ir? question, rtalm I a . fottntain of all lswsumd supremo over MI the _ and Le y) not think bo, said a single word ,: ' ' ,t,r3ll British Empire. Our very statutes begun 1!,ntcousd oifcnd the most ultro Priteatsat. 3'3," . (_'fll , with ststenuent the that Her Majesty, by and It (M r. Bethune) did not think tu oattgg of "'nr' , M! " with tho advice of the Assembly, enacted us I rotcstsrusm tejey,ytr,.r,'.ttdl'ig'g such _ "s' _ f I j - in; C tallows. For tho purpose ot tieseryiag the appeals on that mad-c by his hon. fnen who " , j . unity of the Empire, from the earliest? time had just taken his seat-! nor would the 1 - Br, inst'uctms had bran given front time to cause he was then w1vootsting be promoted I t time to thevarioas.u'overturrs of the Colonies by the trims hr had used. He (Mr. _Beth- Ill. and these instructions wore given for to; one) Y.grd. upon the. House the nueyit.r.o,t , 'i ampere of asserting the control the Ixnpcriol "gstdini.', the question from a "embludwl'l I 1 . "t overtunerit ard the Sovcrciarn should main- syintrrr.'irte l bo "WWW" was Jn. oon- I J . 'r, train our the. l-.-gisia'oinn oi the Colonies. WWW" of this Ministry for performinqu _ " i e 'a Ik", Cctain iuMzuctions were given to Lord judicial duty, EveryImember bt the MITRE-l _ I, I _ - . Motor in atysordrastye, with" this policy try TWP'""" to co his duty tothe beat of ' , tll . , MI' l K and the G ove1ator.Gssnoral waa no; his tir'iril y, and he would bo sorryto find tivtt '; ' If}; r t'iis',,,?,i:al atlibcrty to ditto-our those instructions. CI' "X Wile-m0"- Whether they belonged to,' t x" , " . g Plowinct t among these instructions. which that or the cishet 11t of tht Home, guilty pf ua, VI ['aal? , would lu, found in the sessional papers of tho the breach of forth with Which they i P. . 1lllllliilil Deminioa,xronld'rra found the taes. 1ntp-r I Lad hem charged, namely. . with having ' ' i I " ' - "That the Governor-G unerol of British _ fcr culpable and impry.e.r.ty.uta' ohogon to " " ' if???) _ ' North America is not to assent to any Bill i "5'3"" th measure of th:ia kind. Such was - "'rs'c'r1% t Illllilll, mhich is of the folk-win! character, but is to ', tho charge, and hit hopad the time would ',P, . s, "1%); reserve any Bill of that character for the i come when such charges would notbemsde, _ , , t!s'r'r'iiii?a (-pcciul tfupiifr.esuon of Her Majesty's plea: l except trpon strong fiiumut.ioy. m would 5,. 3 IIIlIII-I'WI tyre." ll.» found that amongst the class of i aisk what would ys the 'lldlll? formed by - . 29%;; a? 'tl, , :ls "hi "e were rrnpnired to be reserved for . strangers comma to the . ease, when they 1 1" i ithii,tiit' ' rr : the special suuilicvtioa rt Her Majesty's heard "iii2thsiriii."die1e,rpsgPjet.ettr:e,?. 'lx,":',,') , t'ittift . , Pleasure. in sub.sectiw1 eight of section charged, with being Balkan" bnly of hype .: i Blt'iM c'. . . mm oi the instructions, were "Bills 02am but 1ot.rerjartr' own sure that if a Ellis Blit ' contairirg provisions to which our (the his hon. friend from North Y.ork, had 2a , l 1lrsN " " . Queen's) assent trn been once refused." taken the trouble to make enquiries before "1,126,. ilgllRlll, t I , It' If time l its had come up in the Dominion {Inferring the charge, he would not Td , gg "'37" " _ Parlimmt , it (lastly would have been the two made it. The question now w" all I","";,.,:")"' duty " two G'overar.tieneral to have re- whether these gentlemen were "C' to It. _ Li I, "ia ' r comm thvu forklcr Majesty's piarisre,thtrro censure for. hate acted "e' 5 0 in. rd sly-37;: ' being no pressing necessity for their pussge structxons gym? MI Bnglaad or the guido . , j/i", I I? became lit gal Assent had once been refused "00 of caonial Governors. He thought 5: out? I , "1:". t ' a similar bill. There could be no doubt there Wat' not a gentleman on either side ot l 'tNI . 'Ill til , , I, F 715 that, in accordance with the oath the Gov- the 301150 who .ire.1d not come to the cou- l -..s.' M tl Ni 11t I I}; ernvrCccria1 2,8,1 taken tor the proper dis- elation tmheaiutiogly, that they had ' ' , ' , RM,?'" 'il! ' charge of his 1.ty,he would hove reserved do.n? no wrong in acting upon the i : l.?)""- l - ' J those, Billie it they had gone through the two spirit of these Instructions. If any per- I ['l, .~ " Dominion Houses of Parliament, for the EO1t "N Ihe WIODi'AOOP. it Wag the gem 7 i f 1',iqllt ' special siira'tievti:p of mrMtviousty'? plea- tleman who led t 9 late Otmaarmtirtt s . t",- ' V 14, ' sure. Tney would iini, lookingIat the Com i, _ only. because . "leg found it was the inten. -. . it} frc1er.Uitm Act, that by 8, bection 90, l non of the British orth Americs Act that i _ t 3.. "filed: the Prcoiggons relating to the (113.1. l the lili, should be reierredto the Governor. i i if [ii/ . ",3: IE low-mec- of Act; for the tsigttiliyhit?tt C, ("mum to say whether it should become law j ' . if, 'i" F of Her Majesty's pleasure Wersto spplyto or not. _Ho (Sir John A. Mspdowd) did I iv , ' "r, or li ' Legislatures of the Provinces, with the sub- ', mottayirt expre" terms that K Ihimld not - , 'lriilK if" stitulicn of doV,vsruor.Cacrdral for the 1, 1wotmo.law-nic.e tsaid, imply, It is none of , ' T Ili F:'t1/ Queen and the 1:eut..thrveraor for the I 1)ur Iratitteets, wtthanutter disrgsrd ot his q M, t' Governor. 's aoreiore the Governor-General ' 4"."t duty. Ihyn. gentlemen, it, seemed to I "g . . 1: occupied the same position with regard to him, should have hidden their heads in i '-f: - ' /i' Legislatures of the Provinces " did Her "mm" on the commission of that breath of :4 ark-5.5 Majesty with regard to the Dominion Legis- duty en ly! part of their chief, for '- i, . " "i'ir! , -t luture. The instructions to which ho had it w83 nothing else. " John A, 1 i 1,7,1 referred were included as a part of the con- l ?ltc/loel,t,1 .lrnew ','t that by returning _ , e, " ' i; :,it stitutionnllaw oi tho land, and there could that Bi)) it could not batinntt law, ", b' l .. . " be no douthin the nutter, if the Lieut,-Gow Itfiteytlt had to be assented to by the l di i . 'E'?'" " emor was aware that the Bill had been once (town m the presence of the Legislative t o, f» f IE -. ' ' ilira11owed,it was his duty as mutter of law Assembly. It we: the (tt of " ohn A. i _", " . F , to reserve that Bill for the signification of Macdcnaldto have yy Ria Excellency l ' . F ", , :he pleasure of iheiovtsrnor.Gerrtrsu. Hon. tt.' tttyatad to the Bah 99d, tumfore upon 7". . ', M8, i,1 L gentlemen might say no instructions him rested the 'a't'yil'llit of the dissl- ' I . If r. ' _ were given to the Lietttert.vtbutwernot: ', towannce of tht Bil B. Att. (Ur. Bethune) I ~ 'l? of Ontario. bat he (Mr. Bethune) happened i had} better right tf. complsmt " the dual. 1 h t 't; f: _ to have examined tho Commission, which " lows-nee of the Bill "the hon. member 1 r ti' . " _ spoke of certain instructions, and there could i for North yor.?, he (Mr. Bethune) having i , byl. f" r be no question, in a matter of low on this _ moor-ted it throughout a.l1..tht 'tgit',', aid ' C" I; point, that these instructions could not con. having been anxioui' that it shoal curry, . I: l," _trovene the Imperial instructions. The 6th "PM the honourable member for North ,: ' " J) ill clause of the commission of the' Gov'ernnr- York would be found to have oi?" rjig " _ii& General gave him power to exercise 3:: ttmsd them " - . trtatte, exetspt "aatrl " tl il Ct-, V _'" ' time to time all the powers belnnging to or one, end tint we! when it cums from We a , "(if Majesty, in respc.;tto the assembling and tit Committee. With what uirrtests GOT-d the 'i'1N Bt 'il' _ rowing vi 1'ciliumetst, and it also gove he - hon. member for North York expect hon. ' -' : 7 . F -- 1: V . " 'gentlsmen to believe hisindignstion snared. "T I