WRA _ _ cmd e----p LECISLATURE OF ONTARIO, upmnnstsmeantil@memme ww en SECOND PARLIAMENT--THIRD SESSION, puommmmmatifmmamcco s TuEsDAY, Jan. 13. j The Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock, PETITIONS. > Mr. Boulton--Of Ogle R. Go wan and others pnyi:g:lht an Aot may pass to incorporate the _ Orange Association of Western Oa-- *--a--Of 8. 8. Pack and others for a simi-- ; _ a Castern Oatario. | lar<Act for ». * _--Of Thompson C. Wileox Hon. Mr, Mowat---- ~vich, for certain and others, of South. Nor...._ -- * amendments to the Railway AMQ &« . _ > > pf Also--Of Daniel R. Freo and othore, » . | Oxord, for the sams parpose. #. \ 'Also--Of G. Gardon and4 others, of Oxford, | for the same purp9se. J Also--Of Robort Loak anl others, of a ford, for the same par99S¢-- JK-- Also--Of Thomas Abraham an? Oxtord, for the samo purpase . others, of . Mr. Wilson--O} the _ _ ? Railway Compary for L\{flll'it Southern fheir Keot of laoor coertain ansadm»ils to KAF *T poration, Al'.'° y «e County Connsil of Bigia for czl'::jn uendmsnts to thoe Canais Paistle »Ir, Sinclair--Of W. A Thvnson and others, of QQuesnston, for an Ack to incorpor-- ate a cortain Rolling Stock C»mpany. t Mr. Bethuso----Of Beagrlort Heury Vidal, <of Toronto, Barrister at Lov, for aa Ast to enable him to practice as aa AStornsy and Bolicitor. Mr, Wooi--O! the Osanty C sincil of Vis-- toria, for certain amendimeats to the Asssss-- . ment. s Hon. A. Crooks--Of Joha Masionald and others, of Toronto, for the same purpose, ; Mr. Seott--Of Peter McKeliar an1i others ' for an Act to incorporats the Sacsbandowan Mining Company. Also--Of Caarles A -- Tcowbsidg: and 'thors, for an Ast to incorporate the Nesvish Mining. Company. s Mr. McCali--Of J. J. Vickars aud others, | for an Act to incorporate the Highlaad Mining Company. Mr. Baxter--Of the County Council of Haldimand, for certain amendments to the Tavern and Shop License Act. j Mr. Gibson--Of the Conaty Council of Huron, for an Act to unite the north and south ridings of the county of Huron for registration purposes. Mr. McLeod--Of the Town-- Council of Bowmanville, for certain amendinéuts to the Act consclidating the Act of the town of Bewmanville. BILLS INTRODUCED. Mr. CLARKE (Wellington)--To require owners of threshing and other machines to guard against accidents. Hon. Mr. MOW AT--To amand the Puablic High School Law; also to amend the law re-- specting escheats; also respe:iing beaevolont, provident, and other societies; also. respact-- ing the incorporation of J oint Stock Com-- panies by lotters patent. STANDING COMMITTEES. Flon. Mr. MOWAT then moved theformal motion for the appointment of a Committee to nominate the memabers for the Stanling Committees, sUPPLY. Hon. Mr. MOWAT announced that he had received a message from His Excellency which he handed to the Spsaker. Mr; SPEAKER read the message, which was as follows :--*"The Lieut.--Governor transmits estimates of certain sums re&mred for the service of the Province --until the estimates for the year 1874 are formally pa'laod. and recommends these estimates to this Assembly," Hon. A. CROOKS moved that : supplies be granted to Her Majesty. Carried. . On the motion of Hon,. A. CROOKS, the House resolved itself into Committeeo on this resolution, and the %n'tion of the Lieu-- _ tenant--Governor's speec which related to gupply. The resolution was carried in Com--