The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 13 Jan 1874, p. 2

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\ A agr® + e ":.', eC m e C es e t -_'79",!. e _ Noxh * o 85 . ' (=. »Aedininepaie e e "mittee, and on the Uommittee;" €-- _ 'weport presented was adopted. ? ; Bcongider what course to take. « C Hon. A. CROOKS then moved that the | < a T a a 5 =. k House do on Friday next resolve itself into | f - vaLUATOR3 OF LAXNDS. f Omn:ugg of Supply. _ Carried. t Mr. LAUDER moved for the various r6-- -- Hon. A CROOEY also moved that the | ports of valuators of lands in the different message of His Excellency, and the supple-- | counties of the Province, together with the mentary ostimates transmitted therewith, be names of valuators appointed in the differen: ref to the Committee of Supply. -- Car-- counties, with the dates of their several ap | ried, _ &Otl'l'tmentl and dllchu(-lgu, andh. lislitame an : uk 4 & y o various sums paid to such v. uato 's i QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS, ' and co%es of the accounts furnished by th :m y Mr, LAUDER--Whether or not any, and to the gmrtment of servides renderod. J what, authority or instructions were given to Hon. Mr. PARDEE said the papers wou'd ( F. T. Jones, Accountant Agriculture and e brought down. * | a:blm \';'orkfs, :o sign, print, ?r circnhtz il; CANADA GAR COMPANY. + county of Simcos a special statement 0 Revenue {.nd Expenditure of Ontario since .L'Og the ? rder for an address, moved by M. Jat of July, 1867, including the year 1873, or Ca:t;:'c orognpera is sohngsction SHSH MQS a statement showing dispouly of Surplas ar AompPAnt> : Revenuc of Ontario up to 3lst Daoe;&er. Hon. Nr. FRASER asked the hon. goatle: 1872, or s Statement of Estimated Expondi-- man to let the motion stand until the Com-- [ ture of the Province of Ontario for 1871,1872, missioner of Public Works should be prosent, | and 1873. f i he had any remarks to offer in connection f Hon. Mr. MOWAT said he understood the therewith. -- Hon. Mr. McKellar desired Mr. Jones t> The order was therefore passed over, _ / make out for him a correct statement of Rev-- The House then adjourned at 4 p:m. ie:l;o d'illl)d ftfil}\xpeuditurlo _Is'i;noe {at July, 1867. o C ncluding the year 1873, and statemen t [ showing the disposidl of _ Surplas Rovenne of NOTICES OF MOTION. ' Ontario up to 3lst December, 1872, &¢ Afr. Barber, on Thursday next--Bill inti-- M:i g;l.\x.«;u made out those statements, taled "au Act to amend and consolidats the } an ey were afterwards printed and | Acts relatin i To | ulnq:uhtcg fut.- tt;ze informatifon o;f, the people and aurgeryi.z"to Fhe pisisqion ocfasduihs f of Simece, at the expease of parties interest : } d in the late elections, and paid for by thom. ' me i ie 4 Ti Pprresnce noxt----Ad dross . | | Mr. LAUDER--Hear, hear or & copy of all oorrespondence with the | J | k es , hear. -- _ Dominion Government with reference to the | Hon. Mr. MOWAT said that, if these Acts of Itcorporation of all Orange Associa-- f witi-e mlny res;xma;bflilty M];fsch'mg ';(1) the tifins of Fastern and Western Onturio, and action, he was perfectly willing to share it all Orders in Council and papers injeonnection | with the hon. Commiaaioncx? of Pablic therewith, P Lo poven;| ' Works, (Hear, hear ) % Mr. Clarke (Norfols), on Thursday next-- I © ADJOUR-NMENP or T IG HouU sK. A'ddreu to His E:'cc_ellency the Governpr- . % ie 4k 4 £ A <-- General of the Dominion of Canads, praying Mr, SCOTT askod if it is the intention of that His Excellency will cause to be laid in ' the Governmont to adjourn the Qim'g' of due course and form before the Parliarzont | tlfu(l: House until the Elections for the Houss of Canada the desive of this House that the | | of Commons have })eec held. British North America Act of 1867 may be. | Fion. Mr. MOWAT sail the Government so amended as to enable the Legisiatyb of: ; had formed no intention upon this subject the different Provinces, or the Legislature ~* cither way, and they would be glad to know the Province of Ontario, to enaet #=~ _ ; the wishes of the House, If it were thoughi as it their wisdom may msom ° n 1&W8 by members to be in the interest of the coun-- the regulation and r{m':l t 'f try that it should be done, the Govern-- tion and supyygaaior -- "e.m"{'-}?-' , ment bad no objection to the course; neithor making an A ¢»~ ~ . or entire prontMt | had they any desire to take it. As the had sptrits ar * _ . of the use. and of the | as yet formed no intention upon the lngjoet. sgaw" .uding of ardent or intoxicating t perhaps hon. niembers would express their _ --u'beverage, On the ground that the 'opinions now ; the Government desired to L.e is detrimental to society, aS weoll as { hear them. i being the most prolific source of idieness, ; Mr. SCOTT said, as might ba seon from poverty, and erime, | the numbers prssent at the division last | night, there wore a great many of the mem E. bers already absent, and as the coming con-- i Kteat in the country drew nearer, the i[ouse P -- would grow much thinner. Ho thought it was the wish of members upon that si?le of [ ' the House generally, as Wefl as that of the | | mj}(:rity in the Hoase on both sides, that § | euch an ajjournment should take place. P Mr. GRANGE thought that when dual [ ' representation was abolished, a pledge had | been given that Provincial and Dominion &?l i | itics would be entirely separated, and if that I % were the case, he saw no reasorm why the sit $ | ' tings of the House should be suspended on account of elections for another House, The t members would probably have to be in at-- tendance here nearly two montbs, and as | many of them had business urgently re-- 1 quiring their presenco, he thought it would [ not be well to cause an adjournment [ < Mr. DEROCHE said there was a gecrot in 1 this matter, The bon. membor for Lonnox A was aware that the Finance Miaiater was %.. M Ing to bo roturned for that constituency by § | acalamation--(hear, hear,)--and, therafore | f he did not require to go dow n there (Laugh: (| ter.) . As constituents of the Dominion Par-- * | liament, he thon%ht members of this Hous both did take and ought to take a deep in-- terest in the character of their reprosantativas there and he for one took as mych interest ' I in Dominion as in local politics. He thought ' this Hougse should be adjourned over these [ | elections. ' $ Mr. MCCALL said he was opposed to the ' | idea of adjournment; and in the interest of 1 \ the Government itscli--(bhear, hear,) --he ' 1 would say, don't adjourn, because a ory against £ them for so doing woulid be rsiserg in the { country. ; Mr, MERRICK opposed the adjqurament, as also dit.l Mr. McLeod, C 2. [ § Mesers,. Boulton, Farewell, Fitzsimmons /( ' Bexton, Baxter, Laude?, and Clarke (Norfolk}) t | favoured it. i Hon. Mr. MOWAT said that after the in-- 4 timations they had received from both Sides v __of the House, the Government would ny» \.! « M S ie aereeaeaa e ~"'M

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