» * avour of a chauge, the matter would be -- 3 lronght before the House, which would be LE UC ifi[' | rm 0 | at litorty to accept or rejoct the proposgL ' (,l'SLAI U!{E OF GL\'A.ARI ¢ Mr, LAUDER said there had be'eg more | - complaints respecting the rule he Had r0-- | ww ~----s@z--_--_~-- 'crmed to than any other. j £EQCRD PARLIAMENT--TUIRD SESSHH, The motion was carried. ! woos uin nrornbig Nee mmicasten 1 ' ESCHEATS. { Fnipay, Jars 18. | Son, Attorney--General MOWAT moved > in af Murad the second reading of the Bill for the amond-- _ The Speaker took the chair at thr@9 ment of the law respecting Recheate,. _ Altor ------ O'clock, having explained tho provisions of the Bill, PETYTIONS. Mr. LAUDER asked that fue Bill mxlg'fl; j Mr. Williaws (Derham}--Of Trinity Col-- afiglllo{:'?sieto stand over, as thore was only e t h i + * (he Dhheol, praging for an Ast to amoni Mr. RICEARDS thought that sams of tho flres ud 'k provisions did nat meet the necessivies Of_ L. Pnd m ied windiiiel t faas aad that the second wadiog shoald be (School Act. + is postponed. f > 4 Mr. HODGINS3 having «poken in favour of BILLS INTRODUOED. the 13i1), id Kr. BAXTER----T, onA mantle 4 o Mr. RETHUNEF expressod his bolief that "tha Acts':}lgting to"; '}'a:}f:l :gd '«irmwn(lil'f{'xca the Bill provided : | the provision#'necessary,. nd surgery, is P nenicias My. MEREDITH desired that the second {EVISIOX OF TSR RULEY ox mm reading should be deferred, and thought that HoUuSEK, " _ Y THBE the third clause was xzcndcrcd unnecessary is 1s. MOWAr 3 . by the Land Act of 1850. Ome mun uns on n ap lt i Aplamed Ao _ _ Hon. Mr. MOWAT thought the secoa ie members of the Jln_v.:- that thore wore reading raight be proceeded witi, and that :';fi?gfil lh_'; }x}ul:isanl ordeys which mi.;'.u'z' bse the details of the Bill might be considered in this (-'-n"g:';? :" ')'élt:t'-':'% and in order that Com.mittee of Whole. i SW ho fook an int;;g-;:;: o5 in vl':;':' \{:1,11 'L"'u's:; The second reading was thea carried, to wmike -- the following imotlon, *' Taak ADJOURNMENT FOR THE ELRCFIONS, :' _ Select Commfi.tcg be appointod to A torney--General MOW AT said that the evise the reles,Zorders, and resulations pext orcer of the day was with regard to tho of the Hoxxso, to be composed as folloyvs:-- adjournment of the House; he had been en-- Hoa. A;foruey-(};~;3}~;;7' Mre. Camsron, Hor desvoviing to ascertain what the desire of Mr. ('.tr,mks, Mossrs Holgins, Mor »lith, and both s'¢cs of the Honge was on this subject, Hardy," . | ard what courso it would be considered Mr, LA&UDER said some yoars ago a Com:-- | most convonient to take with a viow to the mittee was appointed, on the m~lion of the | despatch of business. . When the question of Into M+, Seodfield Macdonziid, for the con-- | the adjournment of the House over the D: * sidcerstion of the matter, and he (Mr Lan-- | mimon elections was first mentioned, it der} would like the hou.gontiemun to tell --| seemed to him that that course would not be the House what particular rules be objecteadl / e nf e io l/un' l}o was well oo on that they §0.. The Committss hs had relorrad io 32 would have a thin House while the elections tempted to yevise some of tho rules, bus were going on. At the same time it occurred their revision was objected to by Mr. Blaks to him that there was some business that One rule was, with regard to p 'titioning th they could d'-' mx.hopt a full Houss It oc-- | d House, If any pelition were l)x"\.J('slt",ll curred to hbim To t hnv_vever, th&p they | affectins the revenue of the incomoe of tho could not get on with business well in the | Province, it was held it skould hok bare. n?"-'-'f"'h say, 'Of the hon,. member for South seived. * & good many people in halk'te ' (.rey--(laugh.erl--uml he (Mr, . Mowat) were anxious to petition the Housg for s ro-- would not feel at home if ho were not at-- duction of the pri es o Crovn La as e on tacked two or three tunes'a day by the hon. d ol ps"'i';.,nn' a 'V""\'-' f 'M, P :"." member for Lincols. _ (Renewed laughter.) believed the neoms of the meuntry Rhaxm He (Mr, Mowat) would also foeel the absence believed the psopis of the country should of _ hborn. _ gentiemen on _ this side pave free access to the Doase by pesitioning. of the House. In view of all the cirecum-- A great many petitions lis! buon objected to, stances, the Covernment had come to the simply because the; Fuveolved the expendi-- conclusion that business would not be effactu-- ture :;i a ewall wam o 1ey, and he did not ally advanced by the House continuing in see the force of this iu!s in this Assembly. rcssion during tho Dominion elsctions with He admitted that sgicvlar rules existed, all their cxcitement. (Hear, khear.) Believ-- but ho coold posee tho nosestity 0 Pb in' ing this, and believing that it was tho general this Chomger, and he tuought the Attorncy desire--although & desire not ontertained by Gerersl should indicats to some extent in | cvery member without exception on either what direction the ruilcs wa~ :o be amonde14. iide of the House--that the House shouldad-- Hon Mr MOWAT sail with regard to journ, ho pn'pnscd moving that the House do the particalae Bill to whick 130. member adjoum: (Gear, bear) Then, with rogard objscted, wamely, that no pstition for any | fio the time, he thought, perhaps, from Tuss-- tharse upo®g the public revenue, howover I:{ next until after the elections were over. sma'l, could be recoived, the hon. maunbsr ad been strongly represen@d by goantle-- must verceive that if they r: ) petibtons T o OR both sides of the House that, if the in rcepect to a small charga «yon ths public adjournment took place to-- day, a great muny (revenne, they cou'd not exclade petitions for gentlt';m(n would go away and bo absent on } * »re charge upon the public reveaue, 'The sat'ifffl)'}u For these gentlomen to come id been found, as tho bon. :~ember u';'c {"' ancay Md,l"esday would ba for asted, to (be_ a propoer anile to { en oul!dcrng; considerable trouble without | be :«i'v;.lr'(i and acie. upon in Enajpiand flYy COrespOonfiititt advantage. On the whole, and ia the Dowojnioa Pyliaments He thought ?hercfore, the Government propesed to ad-- they stight very wa!l assume that what for | journ from to--day, and he intended to ask go many years had been found to bs a bous-- the House to do this, Than the question ficial rale in Houses similarly constituted to was, how long that adjournmant should con their own wou'ld bo a boneficial rule hero. | tinue? _ Hon, gentiomen were aware that There was nothin;; mors neesssary to guard l ,'l"'f'" ('f the elections would take place on tha against than this point, for which the Con-- | * l.nm-ay" aiter next, and, of conrse, they stitution provided | 'The 51ith Soction of eould not expect hon. gontlemen to be bee Confederation Act provided that is should on the Friday, He thought it would miset | not be lawful to adopt or pass any. resolution, }'!':v:r':;:? :fd.'(';"t hon. gentlemen if the | address, or bill for "the appropriation of any t,h ir b ent did not require tham to loave ' part of the public reveane, or of anytax or Thel(!:" ('-mmhnnhl the Monday afterwards _ import to any purposo that bas not been fiust th eoner.annf.; proposed, tharefore, to ask / recommended to t}xe ]}L)ll(xc\(; hj{lMesq)age luil e House to adijourn unatil Pasiday, tho 3rd the same session. e {Mr, Mowat) coul pot see why the rule that had been go loug established -- should boe _ broken,. -- Dar-- ing fl.;: ln ceas tha ,llmd 5))0!-.lcn to | ibe Cletk -- of he vuse and . cer-- tsin merabers, -- and it was thought scme revisions should be made, He thought . _ thero were some things not provided for _ which would prove | an advantage, aud would rather uok go into details upon the present occasion, but would rather have the reattors discusscd hy goutlomon who wore familiar with the subject, andif they were in