'..3}' i:u ; ing as far as may be the number of sor-- F"f;i{_\ '"mg,'p)om by the Government of the #3F). inion and by the Government of Quebec, -- i Dominion and g ~ M ; f r and aleo of the ouseof!Ogm;mm*:; T | P | 6 mbly 0 ro --(RECISLATURE oF ONTARIO Leglatiye Assombly of # *E ------smnta----«< Toup| c Mr. MoCALL s.ud b:t $ m&':h diup; ue i vernmen W ) BECOND PARLIAMENT--THIRS SESSIOH--, pointed with the conduct of the GOYernmeqy f ' s suuinnditercetifgeiscsnts | -anduthonmethin%:;d been done by the £ . Wroxgsvay, Feb, 4. | Dominion andi Q:: Governments, that i o ; | was no excuse for them. s {;'dl'::k anuins a ty * Mr. CAMERON characterized the proposi-- . s + { tion of the Premier as most extraordinary, Mr. SPEAKER aunounced that he had and the comparison asked between the other Frecerved the writ for the return of Mr. | Covernment expenses and those of : this Pro-- 'O'Donohue, a representative for Ottawas, an-- j vince ont of consonance with the principles «nouncing that he nad been returned., 4 Kndvoc.ted by hon. gent(liemen in Opposihfion. . i IN oL that was uired was a comparative (a6 BILLS INTRODUCED, eteruent of ther:(xlpe nditure in this partion. ! Mr., Ardagh--To amend the Assessment lar way by the present Government and that | 3:11: of 1869, in respect to the Land Tax which they sn;;fihnted, m&d whether :he , o rinciples they then advocated were not a | Hon. Mr. McKellar--To amend the Act flollovfr) mockeg'. He contended that the ' «respecting the Public Works of Ontario. g:endment'wg.ukaece-;ari.a:l:l calguht:él, by . F its exten eep bac e information Also--To extend the Franchise. | sooght f':;r < grcl:, $. Tength -- of -- yime-- l * NORMAL SCHOOLS. ' certainly beyond t,hia p}:;eser.:d se;:io:; G?nd IF, -- T sal : to this he strenuonsly objected. the Gov. 3 &'Mr..TOOLE\ Ed whetl(xler w 't'h'. e ernment had increased the salaries of deserv-- fiipintention of the Government during the pro-- ing officials, so as to put them on an equal _-- Pasent Session to make provision for the erec-- l & § M s + #~ t o in W f footing with rgercautile and commercial n O-f a Normal School in Western Ontll'lo, j clerks he was qnite ugreed with them: bat C.n:le d.lf so, where the school was to be lo-- } if thei also increased tge number of ({)flicials, § s then ho entirely differed with tham, bocause | _Hon, Mr, MOWAT desired that his hon. l he did not see i?hat such an increaso was at ! Mriend would allow the matter to stand over. | all necessary. TAVERN AND SHOP LICENCES, ' be;lf: BOUL('}I'BEE obje:tiddto the motioz, rark 11 ise the Government had no power to Mr. WOOD moved for & P on 6f atl cor. order such returns from either thep%'rovern- wespondence between the Government and [ ment of Quebec or the Dominion e o A + -- | ¥he diScrent issuers of Tavern and Shop Li-- | Mr. LAUDERK raised int of order.-- H 2 Wfifl.t VI',l'th refe;ence to the working of the 'arguad that the Togon as. pr:po';ed"éo e "A"" 5 ,'m_'? ob | amended took for granted that the Govern-- | Hon Mr. CROOKY said that a roturs,-- ment had the power to order these returns Wwhich would, he believed, contain all the in-- | from Quebec and the Dominion, whereas no lol_'matlon th}e bou. gent:::imn sought to ob-- ' %owe; ::u gnake such order existed under the #min, was being printed. _ Therefore he e e oL :fid ask the hon. gentleman to defer his . Mr. SPEAKER said he could not | ¢, on. f assume that the Government could _ The motion was withdrawn. not get{ this inlformnfion th::telfmr lfiy BP NX commission or . otherwise; ore he GOvERNMENT EMPLOYES, ruled that the motion was in order. Mr. LAUDER moved for a comparative Mr. LAUDER said it was a most unusual -- pstatemert showing the number of officers and course that the Premier pursued in regard to «_ |servants in the employment of the Govern-- this matter. _ He had no objection to the t nt of Ontario in the different Defart- flro&mal so .far as it was itself concerned, but ments, with their salaries, for the years 1868, he thought it would have the effect of delay-- 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, and 1873 respective-- ing the arrival of the intormation, and on [ifRerrand rervante of this Hovgs. -- He sild he "Hon. Ms. FRaSHI sid the h @ s and servants of this House, He s € | on. Mr. ASER sai e hon, mem-- de this motion becauso a great deal had ber for South Grey asked for a comparative 'been said with regard to the number of em-- statement, in order to show the countr P 'g)':yes in the Government offices. It had | which was the party of economy, and whic{ e n stated that the salaries of eimployes had | the party of reckless expenditure. The true }been largely increased by the prosont Gov-- i way to give the House and the country that . g'ff l:xc w it.hl:mthm\lfigoianthx;ea.:on, and also czin;g-br:tivedlsg:tem;ni wtaa to shg:rtl:gw &heir e number kad been ely increased. n urs did, and that was w e Gov. 'This had been denied by thge (govemment. ernment were going to do. They desired that He asked for this statemcat so that they the people should know the whole eould compare one year with another, and truth, _ not merely _ a part of" it; see what were the facts with regard to the and the wayito show them l;ow the friends 'cnployes. He hai no doubt himself that of _ hon. gentlemen opposite conducted in one of the oflices, at least, the employes similar affairs under their control, as well )lud been increased very larzely in numbers, as to show them what the Government and he desired to sse what salaries were paid did, was to tell them the whole truth, When \thero. He also asked for a similar the hon. member for South Grey was before lmtement with regard to the oflicers of the people lately--and he was afraid bein \the House, and when they had that be-- before them on that occasion afi'ordeg ::fie th 1(1"m} they w'{uhl be betier able to him no great satisf:ol:ion---(hear, hear)--%e which was the party of econom was not so anxious as he now appeared to be and which the party of extravazance, Hg to consider parties in the Govex?nment of the xonldmreaerve afly x'utrlih('ir remarks until Doniiniox;handinthh Prodvi:lxee, respec&ivel'{a 6 e returns were brought down. as altogother separate and distinct. He to Hon. Mr, MOWAT said that the return the people then that the afl',h:s of this Prov-- peliy O o ioi moton, except se related | fromnt Cormminmt. _and Sracinacs. ow was alre i s » House. He comic{sre:il that, in"m{:g th: f that fact that the new Government at Ottawa 1 comparison it was desired to make they -- should not be sustained. 'The proposition ilhouggnot only haveinformation with regard / which the hon. gentleman had laid down to '_io the employes of their own Government, the people was one which applied both ways, \Imt;lsothh rc%nd to other Governments,. arnd the same inference which the hon. \(Hear, hear.) He desired to know what gentleman was so fain to draw from the con-- |officers and rervauts his hon. friend's party | duct of this Government when he ':Xt;yd anghen ht: e huli 198 °"§'L§; mghtgoodit mz:?dahodobe l:il:awnfn::g: what _ cone | eame to with regard _ to u:;f: ul:riu the conduct of those friends when they of such officers, He had not the slightest had the power. But the hon. member for objection to the comparative statement, but South Grey fOT%Ot' when he charged this he thought it should he as fall as possible. '«Government before the people with in-- &fdt sure that his ron. friend would re-- creasing the salaries of officials, to inform mhu suggestion that they should have them that the hon. member for East To-- sndthime wl the epidtuiive Agut svery member of the Sandfield Aiaodouatd a Le = m Quebec. He would fil", n:'objooti:x Government in the House last year, voted for 'n;u:?lgftit:: 113" g_entlemp m't'h ihs :::gtl:noz.'":é)e:or hear. l)>y %:e(;c;v t.l? 18 :; P n. goutie-- 3 motion: *' Ala h man complained that thore might bog:iolay &4 in bnngmg down the papers in lt'i:e form pro-- «\te posed by t'he Attomqy-Genoul. As a mat-- S ter of fact,it would snit the hon. gentleman's ~ ; rmme quite well it they were brought down _ wI a year, because, as overvbogy know,