' q i lailiuftaM illfrilllt . ------_--- A SECOND .nituMmiF--Tllllll1 SESSIOI- l _------------ f The Sccaker took the chair at three o'clock. r M ' f r homers PRESENTED. Mr. DEROCEE presented the seventh and eighth re rt of the Committee on Standing 'dft'e,'l'lltf, werereeeived, read, and adopt' ed. b Mr. CLARKE (Wellington) presented the re rt of the Select Commuttee on Bill No. 2, width was read and adopted. BILLS INTRODUCED. The followmo Bills were introduced '.-- T i, Mr. Prince-- To incorporate the South. l, Westem Rail way of Canada. Mr. Wilaorr--'N vest certain lands in the St. Thomas Cemetery Company. Mr. Bethune --To authorize the machine and Ottawa Railway Company to issue pre- ferential mortgage debentures, and for other purposes. Mr. Robinson -_. To extend the time for re- pairing the Brockville and Auguste Plank loads. T Mr. 1Nsroehe--. Respecting the Oaieatee, Bobcaygeon and North Junction Railway. Hon. Mr. Primer-To authorize the Court- of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, and Chan. cery of Ontario to admit V. B. Elliot to prac- tice " Attorney. and Solicitor. Mr. Oliver-To legalize certain try-laws in the County of Oxford ' Mr. Graham-1o authorize the Courts of Queen's Bench. Common Pleas, and Chan. cory to adapt Henry William Delaney as Attorney-at-Lev'r and Solicitor in Chancery. Mr. Doroche-- Respecting tho Midland Railway Company of Canada. . Mr.Sinolair- po enable the Corporation of Scuthanqmm to (impulse of a certain portion of the public Square of the town of South- ampton. T Mr. Willunv, (thtrutn)--'1'o enable the Co ration of the town of Port Hope to in ef'r'tfl'l,','dli'la1 2n connection with the con Etmction of Wehrmnks. . Mr. Meredith --'N amend the Act incor- porating the low". 31".. Huron, and Bruce Bail- wly. . Hon.Mr. Cranks -To authorize the church. wardens of on. JasLea.Ciu1reh to issue debcm truce. - Also-To amend the Water-Works Act of the city of Toronto. Alao-To incorporate the Homo-apathic College of Pb; sitiattg and Surgeons of On- tarlo. Mr. humditlv-To'autturra theiCov'" . tion of the City t.f,'i,'rg't to cohetru _F, and l operate an "or in e dtxor ed oin'eo 2'llltMl'lul' J I Mr. Clothe (Wellin J-Ht9ttng to u incorporation of the att of Clifford. i l Mr. Williams iinrrultonh-'ri, amen-.1 the, l Act moor-Emails the Hamilton and N ortl. Western way Company. I Also-To arrange the debt of the Bint'dton and Lake Erie Railway Company, and nor-- l clearly to defiva, the leasing power: theer , Mr. IIo_dgims--To incorporate the Loni n i and Eric Railway Company. , 2,t; tthp/seat',',,',,? are" a... a pi e to "one" to the South whiny)! Enron for rein-tra- " tion purposes Mr. Bhshop- To ooniirm the inoor retlbn of the village" of Wingham. po, Mr. Wood-To authorize the Law Society to admit Arthur O'Leary to the in aetiee of aw. , Ahso-To authorize the Court- of Queen'a Bench. Common Pleas, end Chancery, to ad. mit Dominic Slade to practice an attorney. and solicitor. MUNICIPAL INSTITUTIONS. Mr, ("Lenin-z (Wellington) moved that , the Bill with regard to Municipal Institu. tiona he referred to a Select Committee, con- sisting of the following gentuertent-hott. t Memo. Crooks and Prater; Moore. Mch ' I . er, In hymn and k h'7hi,1'lt'o"nel. Carried. ' vin, ar e