The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 19 Feb 1874, p. 1

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Hon. orii"iro'rrrar approved of the pro- posed machinery no far on the future was: concerned. but was not in favour of -legsliz ingput transaction, pmfetrittg rather to let the low take its roam The Bill woe read . leaond time, mi re- fund to o Ielect communes. REMISSION .Or' SUMS T0 SETTLERS. Hon. Mr. PARDEE moved that the?" will tomorrow resolve itself in a Committee toconoidcr the following resolu- Ye'. WEN}!!! opiniglg of this; Tsuse, it in exgedien'e that this i2duiGGtarvG'. not in ou,nci1ysttt11 te" au.tlio.ritr t? _remit the wine due to the Crown by Lona-1M» set tiers, still in the oooupation of their lands, in the free grant,torslsipa of Alice. Grattan Wi1tnrforee and Minded , end to piece and! settler: in the ume petition as those who settled in the free great! tomhipe an der the free grants reguletione. Thet it is expedient to provide" that the Lieutenant- Governor in Council my, by on Order in council. confer urn the Oommm' inner of Cm Land, ent ority to make Inch re- minion- an eforeeeid, subject to the provis- ions of these resolutions, and Inbject to ouch protitifrnh if Any, not ineosuiateni with these Fesotutitrms, u may u embodied infeny Order in Council. Carried. JOINT STOCK COMPANIES. that a charge wu undo for l .. tying the grounds, and the monument. m (Mr. thtrrio)3hottght the matter would be on aired into, and the surrender of the l",',,',',',',)',' to the Provinoo obtnined. m Wtbu sure the people would be glad to assume the core of this property, and was of opinion tut the Government should have control of it, so that our on people could enter the grounds free, and so thpt strangers comin% to this country would be treated " they a ould bo Hon. Mr. CURRIE moved the second tending of thr BH respecting the Limitation of Actions and Sui", relating to mmtgagu sales. and to provide I mode to conduct a. ture mortgngo styles. he understood; now iarika- a/Ui-ii; y.1oryunent - and the Alla', . , Mr. FAREWELL was surprised the mat ter had not been brought u matter. He did not know whether the squect belonged to the Dominion or the Province, bat he was sure the Province would be glad to undertake the control of the ground and the mammary expenditure it would entail. Re thought It would be dgcided who should have the care of theee grounds. The motion was Carried. MORTGAGE " LES. the Province ot thstano - ""?".",,"tl'e1" , meat and grounds. He 'i'miiha in tugu Ctrmt t , the (iitrtlitguultsd, bravery of the haunted I {xenon}. to the destruction of the flrst I"" and to the mace-Jul offerh " . "u" monument. _ as . l. . .o ruse another the trustees . . nelxeved that only one of ' Pointe' of the property, u originally lying" N wee_ now living-c-Mr. Dixon, of G' aa, During the Bandii'eld Mocdouald 'ii/JE,','.',.',',',',', an yproprietiou we: mode bv o Province, an a considerable amount of gooey was expended in the improvement of Pf' 11nd.~ - , 'Thenlou of tlys iorayir oaretaky, E Hon. Mr, MOWAT aid the Bill Is intro. dnood by him originally was the Act of the Dominion Parliament. He had . announced that the policy of the Government In: to ham no private legislntion, add the announce- pent had the effect of uniting nttontion par- On the motion for Gnoarranes 4n the Hill for the incorporation of Joint Stock G.) n- eeie " amended in Committee of he Hon. Mr. CURRIE moved for copies of all correspondence, if any, between the Gov. ernment of the Dominion, and the Govern moat olthis Province, since the let July, wr, teeming the monument of the Into JitaiimtAiiij irhaao Brock " Queens- - and the bade connected therewith; be... '~* of the amount expended by sydpertttemoa., VA _ . "Won inch menu. SECOND Mtljll8tlir--rat SESSION? Ttid " ira, o'clock. LEGISLATURE mama, ole, BROOK'S MONUMENT. Trnutsoav, Feb. 19. I the chuk- at three ticulnl revisions for the incorpora- tlott ot Ct,'l'tie which would not exeotly coma within the limits of the old generel law. It we: necesury, when there w" to be no Prime Bill legislation in the t1.out/h that the genenl law should be so full 1n its "which: as possible, it there were-to be no "5rptiotus an to the mode in which. moorpor- ation- we: to be ua Upon exemnetlon he 't,tttty.1 that the propoeod clauses were not as and" as they would require to be to order to .edmit some companies to yt.oorprtey.P, , whiish had contemplated obtsining special T Acts. m therefore proposed to move the Home back into Committee of the Whole for the Purpose of considering the changes he hed "Wight it necessary to make. The Enghsh law. afforded the greatest latitude to cun- Dunes desiring incorporation, and while they Were empowered to hold property in their "WI! namemnd so on, they were not shacklei t.o any greater extent than lf they were not Ptttme1 at all, but were eimply print: iadiviiualss. They had therefore the prece- dent ot tho English law for the changes yhich he proposed to introduce, and {mm the history oi the measure "Due its enactment there, he was sati.stied it led been a most tasmefioiul one An objec- tion had been made to the system on account of the many fraudulent compeniee which had 9btamed commute powers under its provis- Ions. T he some comple'tnt could inst as ryromsbly be made against ordinary partner- ship/s, and the objecuon was, therelore, not "kvllcahle to the policy of tb law. By the Bill on it stood when it mind through Ca mittee, it was provided tt:'fry"i"' tho (Erectors of a compm: a" 1 m . pore Ion should! -r. _ F . Ae. "."i' can'- lubjocta of .1916 23:23:;13 ittl'failo aad 'oe inch limitation in the I", fir. M" We; no trought no such lt . Pi,' uh lair, and he 'L' ' . _ '- aytation Should etitt in Mn thufVIN seconded the amendment. Be asserted that the poorer clam principally v u - -"' - T"""?"'., "_Uor0u DSDK bond! and xuqrtngel in this Province, shall hereafter be labia to monument " their ao. tual value, under the 35th section of the Assessment Act of 1869. " lion. Mr. MOWAT mid he had no "desire to preea tho motion just now, and cr.r si-nted to change, the last word oi til" anti-m from "forthwith " to "to-morrow. , The motion was carried as arrottdtr,1 THIS At'seii?sco'MFa'h't',Atrt . Hon Mr. CROOKS, mo 78d that the report cf the Committee of the Whole on l'ull No. 18 to amend the Assessment Act be received. Mr. Ml'CALL trnmplaiaed that the propos- ed amendment Would exempt from taxation m large 'proportion of groperty in the Pro. vince which he thong t it wee only just should be fully taxed. Ho contended that the feeling of the country we: ngeinet my cump tion whatever, and he moved in amendment to the motion that the Bill be referred back to Committee of_the Whole, with instructions to expanse Sectmn 8, and inert the followin- word! 'c-".", ' ' That the sham held by any par-on in"? beading}? hun oocioty. chartered bank - "V "___--- __.....uvu ouvzuu CKI'J 1n the 13w here; therefore he proposed to re- move the restriction Thom was a restric- tion in the old law in regard to the amount of stock that had to be taken up before the Company became incorporate It was re Iguired, before they could apply for incorporation. that tize per cent of uthelr stock should be actually paid up, it their capital did not exceed $500 000, and two per t out. if it did exceed 8500,t)00. m proposed to remove that restriction else, and leave that matter with the oompani s themselves. The Bill Is it stood required ltd applicanta_ for incorporation should be persons of 'e'lrii.cttt reputed means to warrant the applioetion mm- -.-a-'., L _ ' ' - Mr. RYK Kill' com Rained that the tmend. manta had not beon minced in the hands of members, and no opportunity had been given for their orasaideration Couuidering the number and importance of the chmges pro- poised, he thought bum an oppm'tumty tsho abl be given. _ m, -_- "it'"""'"""'" This provision he: been found ' to be of no practlcal value,. it had been found unnecessary in Ihtglaad, and ' , proposed to abolish it. He likewise thought it was proper to provide that share- holders in an incorporated company should L.. "ss, "rly statement of their affairs to the In. olio,a copy of which would be required to be lodged in the hands of the Provincial Secretary, and one forwarded for the use of the House, it accessory. He also propoaed to do away with the necessity for publication ofnnotice of incorporation in the t).fteial, (harm, and would so amend the Act that after a company had seemed the letters pr tent their cor ornte powars were fully cm. ferred. m tgerofore moved that tho Order for tho consideration of the report of the Committee be, dianlurged, and that the Bill be referred back to Committee of tho W hole forths, ith. .

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