' was $22,063. 'Vhey arose chielly from the add'&ional amount addced to the Foblic and _and Separate School fund. _ Last: year the Chisf Superintendent of Education desired to have ©%2,000 addea to 4zis fund. $200,000 was given in 1872, and the addition _ rscommended by -- the Chicf Supcrintendent _ of Education. incressed it to $250,030. This year he (Iilx.: Craopks) y pn:nud to increase it by a similar: arount | to that added last year. ~It appeszed to him ' that the principle mpon which thoy should contribute to tiin object was that of giving l one-- tenth of the ooutribu:ion of the municr-- pal ratepayers. During the yaa 18]3, $24,. 000 was ra sed by direct local taxation for Separate and Public Schools, and having regard to this rateis, it woul:ilnok be excessive to contribute the amount he had proposed !for that purpose. Under the head of Public Institutions they had increased the appro-- priations $32,913. That arose chicfly from the erection of the Central Prison, but the expenditure of a considerable {xrtlon of this sum was rendered necessary by the admis-- sion of an increasod number of patients itio the Lunatic Asilum.- 'There had also been an increase in the expenditure in Tespect to the Public Works De rtment, amounting to $41,504. For a detu'iuo! that amount he re-- ferred hon. gentlomen to page 25 af the esti-- mates, where it would ap that tho jn-- d roke ezfl only i nominni one, hecause it 2y oo & bovete for HanpDllcd services last thore ha Lueu 4 0 $3%59"," 1y other respoots involved a revote for ":""::""7!"':"7'" Faalld toup year, amounting to $3G.39% Pl Sua services iast thore h2 ----= * .. n other respects -- ...@ua & decrease in Civil Govern-- ment of $1,8$22 ; legislation, $5,500 ; ad-- ministration of ijustice. $27.530, and emigra-- »Ation, $20,520. He refiud'cd this as on'fya nominal diminution, because $18,160 was charged syainst emigration last year, This year he had taken that amount as a re--vote. The estimates for public buildings was $340,-- 919 lees than last year, and for colon'zation roads $46,300 .less, ~while the charges in Crown lards amounted to $54,633less. He bad touched on the material points which the estimates of this year showed in com-- Euiaon with the estimates of last year, and e next proposeéd to submit to the House the probable 'revenues for the year 1874. In doing so he had a right to refer to the amounts available to meet the expenditures which would take place during the ear, Starting wich the amount of cash on {nd, he had $277,048 05. He had also to rely upon interest to be received, which he estimated at $150.000, making every allow-- ance for losing a large portion of our invested funds, which would require to be converted this year in order to pay some three millions of dollars to the Municipalities and the Rail-- way Aid, Fund, He, therefore, calculated that from these two sources--cash on hand and interest--he would have $427,948.05 He had been furnished with the items from the Crown Lands Department, from which he estimated the items of revenue as fol-- low:--Crown and Grammar School Lands, 5195,092; l)aat year t'l'xe eat'mnj:e was $220,-- C00. Woods and Forests, $444,288 ; last year _ the estimate _ was _ $800,000. Clergy _ Lands, $80,000, and Common School Lands, $10,000. The total from this Department he estimated at $684,288, Mr. RYKERT asked what the revenue would be from immining lands, Hor, Mr. CROOKS said he had not been furnished with any estimate with regard to them, and it was impossible to make any re-- liable estimate. The third item to which he would refer was casual revenue, which he es. timated at the same figure as last year, $22,. 000. _ With regard to dicenses, he took $80,-- 000 as the estimated amount, although last year upwards of $90,000 were 'received from that source. His view was that the amount | _ Hion. Mr. ORGOFRS amd Beimflfoo?"" 'Q?ltm.n for the aigfwant cver expon "r{f year 1873 bey ond the apecinc apprUup tion, 'The efl'm)uta now ubmifle! to the ! B use won'!d show that the requirements for thi« yeer, fer which a voto wguifll be ..'*kfi I® snpply, wou'd amount, firstly, Carre u'ut.d,;):'w, 31,701,513; &wndfir. Capital | actount. $6132,740, and thizdly, for other Pinmjoser which did not come within the other desemptions of expenditure, $262,244, m'"'f the uross amount estimated $2,06%7,-- 495.. 1f the refund account were deducted, the true erpenditure of 1834 would be $2.40:%;25:}. 1# they referred to the differenze | between the sppropriations asked for, it the satimates of 1873, he was baund to say, that there ww an increase with regard to > few items, und that with regard to othes M_ dsof the 1Pnblic _service, twre was & dimization. 'They had only the Education Department and Public Works an excess,, except, he skoald mention, in segord to the waintenance of Pubhe Institutioxe, Inothcr respects, there was a very larce decrease: Thke increase for the Kducation Departmernts | , Would be actually *nearly. & proper observance of the IaW ®7"°° '.__ fail to increase it without any M crease in the charges for licenses, _ Th° taxes from Algomarie estimated at $5,000, and the revenue from law stamps at $40,000, although last year it amounted to $95,000. He believed, however, that although he had put it down at $40,000, that the actual ro-- sult. would show nearor $60,000, From Education he expected having a revenuo , of $50,000, which was made up from deposits. The probability was, if the 'Act introduced by the Premier came into operation, and was taken advantage of, that amount might not be paid into the Treasury. It was im%outble to say what the reduction might be, but the actual amount last year being $50,000, he made the estimate the same for this year. When we came to the amount payable by the Dominion we would have the full allowance | undiminished, and he was entitled to receive this year a subsidy, accordiag to the popu-- lation, of $1,116,872 80; allawance for Gov--~ eroment, $80,000; interest on 'trust fands,; $89,258; five--ninths interest on Common School Fund, $47,438 62--making A total from Dominion sources of $! 333,5009 42. All these might be taken as quite correct, inas-- much ss his figures wore taken f:;(lnn th?' INUORH OB AMR CUB OO C2 statement furnished by the Auditor--General of the Dominion, There was, in addition, the item of: 230,000 from public institutions. Eie femarked that ho felt certain the gross tfotel was quite an under--estimate. Accord-- wg to his estimate the total revenue for the ; yimt would be $2,672,805 47, but he felt quite ; certain it would be _ much ncarer three mil-- lions than that. However, it was best to make the estimate on the safe side. This was less than his estimate for 1873, which was $3,090,391, the principal diffarence arising _ from _ the woods an% forests items of the Crown»Lands. The position | of affairs in connection with this Depurt-'\ ment had been such duin<be past year, that he was justified in making this low 64-- timate for 1874, Taking for granted that the same tendencg would continue, no positive estimate could be arrived at, and he consider-- ed that in order to be safe it must be low., There would be--an estimated surplus of $100,000, although he felt quite certain it § would actually be much larger, It only re-- g:ained for him now to summarize. The i'f:a.nclnl position of the Province would be "ind at the close of the present year, with a cash invested lu;plns----mnming that all de-- mands are met,and all charges which are pay: able for the year fully met--cs.zl,632, 7 87. {f there were added to that the nfount of £2,009,407 08 in the hands of the Dominion last year, which belonged ?oct unquestiona-- | bly a)Ione' to Ontario and Quebec at the time | of Confederation, The half of 'the value of the library at that time, with interest tothis time, or an amount of $200,000, was due to this Government, Hon, members would.find, on referring to his financial statement of last year, a full explanation ofdl:hn_. amounts de-- rived from the special funds arising from the Upper Canada ~Grammar Scho~', the Upper Canads Building | Fana, and cur five--ninths share of the Common School Fund, and also of the accruale from uther assets amounting to over £300,000. He had ; likewise explaired the $135,000, which is | 1867 was our share of the library, The ./ cdifticulty of the Treasurer in deaiing with that as an asset had arisen from the fact that : they were obliged to pay almost an eqaiva-- lent amount on the interest of the excsss of debt,. The oneclaim, balanced the other, In addition to that upwards of $4,000,000 worth of assets, they gad expended $2 000,-- 000 in the shape of permanent improvements which remained, such as public buildin gs and other public works, frrespective of any experditure on the colonization roads. This expenditure would obviate very much further expenditure on the capitalaccount. They had paid over to railways. $800,000, the benefits of which payments they were now en joying. Last year be got the Engineer of the Public Works Department to prepare a statement relative to the growth of Provincial railways during the year 1873. This statement, which was submitted to the | House, referred to the increase which had | taken place from Jan, lst, 1867, to Jan, lst, 1873, and showed the great impetus which had been given to the progress of rail ways eince Confederation., -- The mileage of the new railways,it appeared,amounted to $1,500 in the aggregate, _ This statement had been wpgltmented by one showing the progress made in the year now closed, Daring 1873 5443 mi}ea had ll'lmsu constructed, and up. «w tive milli wards of five millions and a balf expended i; Govertment belongi.ng to this Province, the total surplus at the end of: the present year would probably hbe ~about $4,332,000. (Cheers ) There was also the matter of the (Cheers ) There was also the matter of the Public Librarv, to which he had referred the building of it, In addition SA 1 ucudnd Miit C W -- law could not to this,