The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Feb 1874, p. 3

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ji. ll ... 'e,e,tsy:ttil,ii,t reglrd to the _ l 'i' .' I r tn when an A variety of other I b. " ' jiirf 1')1!N R . . He considered that the policy of 'lt l THE ESllMATES' c, ' li I Ital C I . :mmetnt with rapid to this lam Wei the 1 det. In" ggooi's moved "m Boara. in _ " _ ("i"ifjif: ,3, one o Tjltr8tte. mmitteo o app y. - . . TIr i "We?" Ir on. Mr. MOWAT asked if the hon. gen- Mr. CAMERON obfocted to the tati.. ' t: l F 2 il ' on would Accept his suggestion, mates being gone into. They 1nd _ . a, I . r. vam'r desired tome the whole not ali the i.ltttmntfee they domed _"il1 MI ' , '. . . '% motion naked for, and said it wee quite reppecting tU PM)!" Aaoounta. Ture "a" 3 ,5. ' 5'7 V 'i ~petent for the Printing Umnmittee to other mengures which the Government might ' I ' s,% - V I 2 that portion out ii they thought it Tttfr/ti I i . _r,.iir,rc.r' one my, . on. Mr onooxs mid ho tower on - - . 'f, ', Boat. Mr. MOWAT "id h . deratood the objectionof the hon membz f . I I 'Y ' C, "titled in making public 'll,, utl,'"t til, that Toronto. The mvoetigntlon of the ht' t , 'ft,', Firm" rmscctiag tho title. & e. ll (decays we: on: thin'ghand the conelder- .li' . s-.,' r. CAME ' f . . 7 no eestuna seno er. Hamel 'H , -g 2tiLe,!,rgee,'t1.elit2t,t'y,t1t1i',',tT, sesrsehrturahtmldnot,goe dnot il' . . . '3 a? eptttspondenas except in relation 'IN',', Mr. CAMERON chin-d that it was . I l " F) t F It.", would be mailed. ' 'ettttgdr. tt Paglia Accounts who fieat I 3 j, , , c," on.Mr.MOWA' . ... '.. a In rusrrutoMr.Merrittlr; I: , ". in 1'i'lidlrio' at: A f' taid tut lyvtrry thitrg I 'JJeit?l2'fl'rl'j"2dt when he was m meta r/i' , I . down, question should he brought to that a quorum might be (UQ I" ii; ij. ' " . . 51 s . 4 n" The motion _ _ . . farmed. It 'waaaP.iffioult matter to get a " - o; T T _ ment 'dl'ld'l'h.'""' carried with the amend. quorum of the Public Accounts Ottnmitttrtr. a .. . t' ' ADI'CL'mVF x 390?,igl,"J,l"' always may to gat , ',% F. , -? . I b - 'd IACDONAL'), . I." - "i ' I J " _ Mr. Iin'E . . Mr. MOLEOD denied that he was d . I 'l I," P. ., mytmgm.§'2nm::::ezttz"l' tsad _i',f,igatsidd,,,o,,t t?" t,'g"giftgt and $3333 l I gt 1' m 0 .agaiatat Augustine Mead 1 u, "g3" .. ' mee tng WY trisenaditsurnpd 7 , , 1% . f3uyerint"end . "a d, D If. , 4'09 on wcount of want of (not " I. , MI. be';';)',',,']";!,',',',,.")!),,"')),',;:"),')",:', 'N t: '.t't,.1gr,plf, "W oould s'lll Ita/e i, l _ iettttttiryns given to the, Com . . I 'h . 1'SI. u ttt oomttrr, shtmld resign '1 jr' to1tdx,tlTi',tvitt'i "id Chg??? It, 'ttu""""" as "mime" of that Corn-. :4 I .4, I report if,,'t','o'il'. y and fhnmstiaaiorustr, and his . h girl RYKERT spoke of the trouble they , r ', . The up . .rNeq ..., - . . , '3 0 gettint to th . . ii I tty:rtiott "at: t 4.1le without discussion I 'they had yetg 138:0 1'i,iplti1tl"'Jiu"a1i1 /eigl . 1. M EMILEATION AGEN I [ "my requisitions. g ea ', , c. . LRYKHRT . _. . Mr. HARDY w... . i i" " , irotrnc.tiors given, 'g'tvtl2,',Nf,g'h of the hon. gentleman "90.15 'gt'frlt,', beer the l _ " .k, I "minted. Njecial agent to 'htl'dt dwelt? it" 't.som'eg. did they J,nlll22ls'"lfl tp. [i Ik' j attest aha???" iuiiii'lii"tiii, ttfit',' '1 the? 8, S,','),',',',',',; l Skflt of the member; of l I J Y . t a. - e . , . . l . . . e l? tr" I possum of n portion tt"1itc,r,',t,f,i,'ittfg,trt'g- E tlightly Incorrect in his IT. gentleman wat, I '. "it 'now that Mr. Edwards was sent toEnO)! ( Co . Ar. LAUDElé complained of the h , " " -. -hqir,t's ul for the purpoae ot enminig l "Mme on 1:?th rest. or . a some " __ - V l' =. I nut " . o . C . 'i N "c" it}? l Qt,' "rt,',' k 'Pill, t "News: I p1tt."g',t Joint Stock 'a'l'fti,'221" m o ad never be J . Fr, new . Hon. r. . . . " R ticker" the, duty ot means 'dtd Egon: tive Which 515371133030. 9315mm; ths mo- nttee until th l, 7 . l nth out! ration angle. th h . the Bill and him to Ui7iiiiiit had given 1 I land. It. with.» 'ltttltihie,t tto'lld','i'l'dl2i't't',d2t'go,r,tt J'"icii'ii'iii'ifipat,(ft't,t " ' t whet instructions were given to u , M 0 out. ' 'ommittec 1 r', , r. m. r. 0AM . . , Irtth,yf. the yholo perttoulu-I of that ten. . amendment 3R2?! said the eftdttt of this pied 1n that I s". It) I " tlunanz prooeedingr in Englnnd. g 7 bdventuren 2'lf on?" to enable America; ', 1 IE . I Pe.. Mr. MCKELLAR "id there w" 11.. rations to the 'lf212,'ht magnate Jorpo. that the 1.lty " ' "New bring down the up". asked for at n. Bill m. 'll',', ot the pubhe inter. o so on we f . "' V' 2,'dt, tfn',',",',?',',',?,',' 'i'irui'r"iiiiii"ii'%iiil "tatt1Uhmentot English d',gl'drg for the WWW" I . " I m ouno a report. Mr. MERRIOK one. It 'llltk ' Mr. cwmm "m homo mi 1hoygln there oooph, when the I a: I Wild. l(fl'l,'l'fat'l they wanted the ' of r't'r'e"c1',i,d"" of than" on the iiiiriiiit?t Wat, " , on lr . The motion wee agreed ta. Hon. Mr MOW . .lJonrned until i'i,'; (s, i, FI . w _ this would. 1 AT did tttth °°nlider that, I Mt _ t M RE INSURANCE COMbANIES, l tional 'let1dt1'J,l2t',rftes,, a): no midi." merely'utat I. - -, r. Cmt18TD', . . . . . . " " 5 I I . regard to 'til" 'i1'e"rate,112,'212Pio" with dt. {Eli-Eggs]? and that if any foreigner .f.lortrnment _ 7's r SUBS , . render themael runder this Aot,thssy i7i'iiiPth the 00n- l it M I .IDIL'S T0 RAILWAYS. He thought 'tlgug,trlft to our laws, ,t - r. m KERI said that bet th their we, to y t ouid do vermin; inthateincehnn , $113333? e twisty-c celled he t,'l% t: I capithto this counts" the "Noumea: tletzMtined the I Ion " f . l, F . I I r asehed for withers 0 act t.h.atturoturthtluyd . Tho firstt section of the 1ti "g (gunmen, I I I . gun! to the bo d 11 was a , Ws; mlweye did not show the "he. ' ' rte ",.' _ ur- bi',fr,1'0Y,.t,'t..t _ Elf:-: had been forfeited. amounts whioh . rdih,ctt'ti/2'f sections of the Bill New car Eposing ttts,,' 'iii. I Hon. Mr. 01200st said that . . "to will y.eruiatn.emtm.eotty, the Bill ','.'l'irfleatt tsstt. _ ' I"; . had there been a iotteiture. In no case "Edith" ret fl)?" reewivod, and the th rd. and g , on I I _ I a' t"; 'IHJ'ESEIM MACHINE ACOIDENN The. Puyerte, trl,,',0a1"if'C'r,'),'s at c 332177er t x" f' / Mr. CLARKE (W Ili - . __.__._ ' ' Ftn. f' Q" li _ ' - st Bouts int ' . ° melon moved the '" I l T II x? 2',te"r',,tttotfiodlti,,tt1' oatlw Bill torequire "(MOM ()l" Mnl'lON. . . r', " reehmg and other t hi e .,he "Gunter " _ I stand agnimtacuidcnts. Mat? m" ti, Mon Mr ' -.- J I! pF _ c' I I On the timt clause, to malts lh 2Plttfd, 2ht,t,ihtii'1ilil, It I 2 , I . l sdtJleefu' G hoped it would not inter. ' m tossv,tt not sepu'ated Y/f,',," 22:31:: of [mils I itk1, ": 3 ti iy..ely.1i,o.t oi My novel i . Mr. Bcdnins_ On W d . I: . A . MI on by an) m! -. . n , . D e notsdtsg tt t _ .',' V t . "I! C F , gamma mealtime, . . I the petitions of the Count 0 P -.Th If. t g; Bi r. 1AIIKE and it would not i t I and ot the Townehi (Jung, " tyell of will! railfii, c; . a , , any new and useful i'i7iiti,"i' u arterc 1 plus has! that thot 'du/ell..'.',"'. of §2§§hW01 i, I '.f,iii'i'f', ' r -; ,' elecond third and t, . . f , -t A -----"e"' man ruad A '.. " . gr _ "a Giiai 1r,1l'u'l'lfd,'i.urth clause; Wen: 1i2'r",,7i')pg2i',i'i'tmti'gT,1'Q as to '.ill'l1l,,?rl', / " Mr. MEREDITH magneto] that th . of the 'itet,i'i,titi'tlit"'rt'r12, their gltat'rasi I ' t" . a 't the Billto come int-.0}, I L2 . J" a tirun "Motion of th . _ ... and surplus in 1. " " t ."ed. p .r aana should be dcbt.e be gLhhht 'ht for Ooriktmtion r,' I-.' "it T t " C Ar.. CLhitliy,ss.vuhe,h.v1 x. , i/ri 'Ririliii' with 2',"'rtt/iioyf',', oemittrs . 3- _ . If the time l-cing. ll); " tV, '1 "I; 'll, 39.50140? to I name printed for the use of 'r'n.J,'fu'll,.""g the t " . / , T , r . I |Hu'ul".Ir; . ll "'d ' B., 3 o W. ' Elk»; F "Woe. should "t' too "mum grid mt .yr. 1%tharte--0n WedncssGy--Bili. to to l! It? t " IK vide for allowances, to trustee-t A ' pro- ",C t" , 29g? 'igd; l ' the? sunr- tli l . th and ttdminitstratorm U CKOCIIEQI'S' _, p I. . P ouH _.. . . iutl . 'i. ',C,'1f,'C,1'b at Mr. it l rt-- y r ir, W' hat. ' ti" 'r' on let " slmctwiz'zthe tratlztméanof 'lite:;,':',',' - Address V . I lb, Commitlcn t.. a acd m r t . yhich have not complied 1',:itlg"i,',"',11'ite) . I,eqltttryitd, and rm 3.09,." "lair? the1 Bill inlat with the conditions ot J/ttit: r I I l T ir mum and Council ratiiiad by this House. CMM'A tt _ I i , r" P T . ..., - .7 - ~ t1!!!,P'l itl Tdr, cr.usirsiaroiHrp, O , - . _-----....-, v..- . ck, rv'ailt'l M AURIUL LI'L'm' - ' l .PUBI'IC At'ANWN1N.003rliit'iNa V Ct& , A, si,i' a r. Fr'.1s',F.'It l i, " l q - J,, * tca , [of "have oi Jf1c,gtr,.., the table Mow-W. Feb 23. . r e'j, " a" 11.0. Dildelouer of "new" no quorum at th " rr T this Committee to-da d 0 "Wang of . transected. n In no human wes '

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