Mr. CAI\'IN also supported the amsnd. ~ _ ment, -- Mr.BETHUNE np%omd the amendment, on the grothl}-L under t&o 2'2nd section of Mr, OLIVER considered the"assessment law, as it stood, was a very fair one, He had heard no--complaint with regard to the asgessment of towns and villages, He did not think the hon gentleman should en-- deavrour to force his amendment on the whole Province because it did not work well in his county. Mr, WOOD thought all the power neces. sary to regulate assessment should be pos:-- gessed by County Councile, and was in favour of the law as it stood. He thought the equal-- ization system was a fair one, and the County Councils, he asserted, had always shown a dispesition to do what was right and proper, Mr, BOULTBEE said that, theoretically, the last speaker was correct, but he was not in favour of the views held by the mover of the resolution, and would vots against it. Hon. Mr. CURRIE thought the equali-- Mr, DEACON was of opinion that appoals to the County Judge with the permission of a judge of the Seperior Court were desirable. Hon. Mr, MOWAT had nevor heard of a case in which tho want of an appeal to the Superior Court had given inconvenience, ----, the County Council of ,_Mr, RYKERT thought a clause should be inserted t., ecnable assessors to arrive at the amount of personal property possessed. . Hon, Mr. CROOKS did not consider that it would be expedient to provide any ad-- ditional machinery with regard to assess-- ment than that provided for in the Bill be-- fore the House. -- Mr, MoMANUS3 could not seo the | invidi-- ous distinction which it was desired t; draw hbetween townships and villages, an thon%ht the clause had been too long on the statute books, and should be repealed. SECCND PARLIAMENT--THIRD SESSION. Nr, GIBSON moved as anamsndment that the Bi"l be not now read athird time, but that it be referred back to a Committse of the Whole House with instruction to r?qal gub-- segtion ? of section 71, cap. 36, 32 Vic. Mr. CHISHOLM thought the amendment would be unfair to villages throughout the Province, as villages were assessed to their fqll value, Hon. Mz, CROOKS nted the report of the Committes on Rdfvrv?;s. THE ASSESSMENT ACT. ,_ Hon, Mr, CROOKS moved the third read-- ::Rt.Of the Bill to amend the Assessment c : LRCISLATURE OP ONTARIO, or townships thought th aomie .Vs' CC C C Sa% TE County Judge, who would see that justice was done to thom. He Pointed %o a case PZ # L / Ack anmts af Huron. P\ 22 4 M C frarainainbti ccminininet 'of u. NOC POV this question was brought before the House in the session of 1871--72, and when, t1e gon-- tleman who introduced it having refused to withdraw it, Mr Blake moved the six mornths' hoist, which was carried again:t the votes of some supporters of the Government. He was one of those who voted for the mo-- tion of the hon. member for Brant upon that occasion, and be would vote for the amend:-- ment of the hon. member for' Huron now. Mr. BISHOP supported the amendment, and thought County Councils were quite as likely to do justice as the Legislature, if not more 80. TuzssoAy, Feb, 24. ?he Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock. ' PRIVATE BILLY COMMITTEE, | Hon, M¥, CURRIE presented the secord | gi"]:l:t of the Standing q°mmittee on Private | ' Ramway coffmurrics. I e MEBDR CRA CCC CCA O l2 0 wal on the ground that under the 72nd section of the Act injustice was done to towas as com-- pared to rural districts, and he held that any unfairness that might arise from the decision . CC i _ AMZ _3A ha anvultntad ho Uunaluese? 220C 2 C0013 g2 00 Councils, would be corrécted by 2%3:3" t? the County Judgs. . Mr. PATTERSON said 'l'xk experience "l: .HODGINS_roferqu to the time tvrvhen York was that the the County of TdQiCHVO 28 eR & § 20 _and rural property, and he thought the in-- j ustice complained of under the presont law had no foundation in fact, He hoped_ the amendment of the hon. member _ for North Huron would not pass. _ He thought there should _ have been A general amendment of _ the assessment -- law by the Government" this session; but he did 252 Clszawa af civing the !'igh'-' Of .Dpeil fi!&teat pains were taken to make an 440 e azsessment as between towns and town* thips, -- He would support the amendment. Mr. RYKERT said the assessments 0( towns and townships were comparatively most unequal, It was because there was A teelmg to this effect that the Commission@t of Public Works bad originally intr030004 j the clause to which exception was now taket. _ 'The towns and villages were too huvilg assessed, and the townships too lightly, & he did not approve of the repeal of the clause, Mr., CRAIG (Glongarry) said, so far as his memory served him, the clause referred to had been inserted in accordance with peti-- tlons presented to the House when the Assessment Law was under discussion, -- and * if it were repealed he was quite sure that the same dissatisfaction which had {ven rise to the petitions bafore would again be created. Mr. HARDY gave the history of the facts which led to the motion of Mr, Wood in 1872, He was opposed to the principle of the clause, which he thought could not be defended, but he did not know that there was any t hardship attaching to the working ofit.. HeLwould, howiver; vo&e 53'1.' \, 1 . 8 O h cciattr e was any T-ut hardship attaching to the working of it He would, however, vote for the amendment of the hon. member for North Huron. f Mr. CAMERON pointed out the difference of the qualifications for thefranchiso in cities, towns, and rural municipalities, showing the difference in assessable Vfl"fL betaeex:k town J y C 2c O4 mot approve of giving the right of appoal from pthe decision o% the (§onnty Court Judges to the Superior Courts in matters of di:;.'uted assessment. _ He thon'ht the de-- *' Aaunty Judge should be final, Aa ane pa §E GWVC PE d ciston of the County Judge should be final, and had always found that the expenso of appealing more than counterbalanced any benefit which a man might derive from even a decision in his favour. He was opposed to the amendment. Hon. Mr. MOWAT said the matter under dizcussion was one towhich his attention had not before been specially called, and he had not observed his hon, friend's notlce of the | amendment His hov, _ friend _ had stated that the County Judge of Huron decided that in order to make the assessment equal under the meaning of the Act, the towmhlsl and villages were on-- titled to a further deduction of 40 per cent, 'That certainly was never the intention of the Act. He was also informed that some thres or four other County Judges besides the one referred to had given similar de-- pisions, -- Then there was the difficulty raised by the hon. member for Lincoln, fie (Mr. Mowat) would like some time to consider this matter, and would, therefore, move the adjournment of the debate in order to give him an opportunity. Ho might, with the »ssistance of his hon, friend the Treasuror, be able to arive at some solution of the difii-- culties which had been referred to. 'The adjournment of the dsbate was then agreed to, > Hon, Mr. CROOKS then moved the Housa into Committee of Supply. Mr. LAUDER said it had been ruled by the Chairman in Committee of Supply that members were not allowed to spear except upon the itent under discussion, and it there-- fore became a matter of difficulty to refer to some extraordinary expenditures on the part of the Government, He would therefore %ake this oprortunlty of contrasting the ex-- penditure of the Government for the past two years with the last two years of Mr. two years with the last two years of AMr, Sandfield Macdonald's Adminiatration, The total expenditure of the Government of On-- tario for 1870 was $1,580,663 21, the expen-- diture on capital account being $407,734 29, In 1871 the total expenditure was $1,816,-- 866 78 ; the ::senditure upon capital ac-- count -- amoun to $432,071 65, be. ing gveater than the preceding year, 'The unext year, 1872, the expenditure was largely increased, and amounted to $1,847,-- 956 57, while the expenditure upon cavpital account only amounted to half that of the previous year--namely, $206,764 55, -- Last -- td in e 0 "eust * € M "le ear, 1873, the total e diture amounted. ¥o the sum of §2.460.gl2 03, while the ex-- Yienditure on capital account was only $554,-- 's9 71, leaving such an increaso of the expense of Government as noboily examini the figures could mistake the meaning :E He would then call their attention for a few COMMITTEE OF SUPPLY, ulte«