eAplained that that Company, in Order %0 6a* pedite the progress of tga work, had offsred to do it for the sum placed in the estimates, that is, for some $23,000. They were willing ©to allow the _ Government to _ "send _ their _ own valuator after the work was finished to estimate what was the worth of it, and if it were found that it was worth less than $25,000, then the Com';;my would refund to the Govoroment the difference out of the $23,000 Ho ex pected to have heard the hon. gentleman complain that we were going soon to raturn to direct taxation, and that we were even now taxing the people hneavily,. It was truc the Covernment was taxing thoe pseople heavily, but it was by putting money into the rockeh of municipalities, and not by taking t out of them. (Hear, hear.) Every day there were d:gntatfonn from municipalities waiting upon the Government with their by-- laws wEi(;h had -- been .Ksssed, in or-- der to obtain~ their are of the Municlpal Loan Fund distribution, and they were all very happy when they got it, as.--well those who were opposed to the Government as those who wers in favour of it Heconcluded by saying that, so far as the Opposition was concerned, theso ware the days of smail, moau things, Mr. RYKERT charged the Goverament with reckless expenditure, and said thae Op-- position were quite justified in looking after the small things, notwithstanding 'the snsers of the hon, the Provinsial Secretary. Howoat over & preat portion of the Public Accounts, from wiriech he showad that the Commissioner of Public Works was debited with $12 for a card table; also that he had pad some $58 tat cab hire in connection with the Central and chro> hang * *pon UP aAlso we hmonts at i Mr. RYEERT said it appeared on the Pablic Accounts, dated Marsn, J873,andthey bad had cvidencein the Public Accounss C# imittee to--day upon the point, when this housekecoper stated that the card tably was! in the rocm of the Commissioner. Hon. Mr, MCZELLAR asked whors the entry of 'the card--table was to be found. i0 the eame firm without advortising ; A10, besides, it would be found that the work had been done cheaply and well, and at the best 'dv-ant%ge to the country. _In regard to the work done by the Canada Car Company, he explained that that Company, in order to ex-- Hon, Mr. McKELLAF, quosod from ths eyiderce given last ye--, by Mr. May with regard to ',h?f"""f.'.uro account, from which Central Prison Works, the Government had ' I€ceived tenders from the only two comp®: tent firms in Toronto ; they had given it, 0f course, without advertising, but so had the h" Government given work on the Asy_ljl"t'n malip «o ar ce ,.) Td In BC WR CT: +4 r:which ho tignured of «which--h»s was unable to give a good account of himsolf, _ There was at least one entry which hon. gentle-- men _ would not find against him in the Public Accounts ; they would not find any rscord of his having sold himsel{ to one railway oomfnny for $14,000, and then transferring himself to anothor fo: €5,000. (Loud cheers.) Mr. CAMERON desired that the Commis-- aioner cfi Public Works should name any ntleman who had been guilty of so selling fimfitfl. and there were cries of "Nams, rame |" from the Oppcsition benches. Hon. Mr. McKELLAR said hoh. gen-- tlemen opporitehad just as well be cantious, g(. ntiem mu1 l-) Hon. pon He did zo¥ ask any favours at thoir hands, and would have none from them. Mr, CAMERON said--I require the hon, gentleman to state whethor I am the gentle-- man to whom ho reters. Th C' are _ rAEEBIT.ADB usld that Hon. Mr. > McKELLAR said 90%" the honourable gentloman _ was *M!S taken, _ He had _ not said that any hon, gentleman had done anything. He | only said that a certain entry could not be found l?i.fllf his (Mr. McKellar's) name 0D the Public Accounts. If there were ADY one in particular whom the cap fitted, ho was at perfect liberty to put it on. He gz'ntod out, with regard to Immigration m Euarope, about which hon. gentlemen wore making so much noiso, that $143,000 had been put in the estimates to meet the *':[::dituro, aud that there had been & balance of $9,764 to their credit at the end of the year. * . e Mr. RYKERT said he did not know whether the Commissioner of_ Pablic W orks had referred to him or not, If he did make such reference, ho stated what was not the case, He defied the hon. gentleman or any other hon. gentleman to make such a state-- ment concerping . him (Mr. Rykert), and if they did make such & statement it was not true. He rose for the purp93® of oorraoting tho statement of the hon. Commissioner 0: Public Works with regard to the azcsouats. 'Those referred to by the Commissionor were not of the same date as tho accounts from which he (Mr. Rykert) bad quoted. Mr, WOOD deprecated the firwnal turn which the debate had taken, which he con: sidored degrading to ths House,. He poiatod out tho ease with which it was possible for hon, members to lump certain small expaudi-- tures together and make a very largo sum, and without showing that it really ar>se from similar increases of the busimz?a of the e vdchautbs val YA :R rari io9T C 44 UARE AMRARRARN MNRC P C Department, make the people believe that the Ciovernment wore extuva{:nt. It was unfair, for instanc», to take this item for ad-- vértising; and as regards the whole of the chnrgeliid by hon, gentlemen, they were 'Y:!u unfair both to the Goverrment and their supporters, bacause no particular itam of expenditure was ob{'oofied to, anod it was impossible to reply to the general statements cof_ _ honourablo _ gentlemen. They should object to that portion of the expenditure to which thay took exsep; . tion, or which they thought was unnecesaary, (Hear, hear.) The itoms of furnituro out of which the hon. member for Lincoln made so muoh capital were at prosent under investi-- gation by the Public Accounts Committes, where the whole matter would be thorough!y tifted, and he did not think that the hon. member, baing also a member of that Con-- mittee, ought to have referrod to the mattet in the Houso while it was undor fnvostiga-- tlon, _ Evidence would bo taken as rogard:« every item of it, and the Committeo inteaded to visit every room in the building to ses whether or not the furnishings in then were extravagant or unnecessary. . Thars were certain charges which wroniod the person who made them rather than the per-- son against whom they were made, and hs initanced that made in connection with the item of $100 for glass wars in the Spsaker's diaing--room last year' He would bo ver sorry to charge the hon mambor for Sout(x (rey with making his chargos under similar circuimstances this (fyesr, because the fact: were not yet elicited, but a similar result was rnot beyond the bounds of possibility. The kon, member for Lincoin had told the MHouse of the liberality of Sir John A. Mac-- doual!ld's Government in adding a sum to the reverus of the Province by. assuming the whole Provincial _ debt -- of the Dominion He was not about to cbject to that particular portion of Sir John Macconald's policy, but he would object to its being called liberality, Did the people of this Province not pasy every dollar of that money in taxation; was not a similar amouat -- given to cach of the other Provinces of the Dominion, according to their indebtedness; was the propositionfrom which the itom arose nct originated for the purpose of favouring the Ea:tem Provinces, anso:!id not Oatario }o;o 8-;0.0%0 ort$-tg,003 by the transaction ? cheers) and ye e hon, memb liberality ! 7 er called it Mr, CAMERON rose to a question of pri-- vllese. He <glot9d the hngnslgo of the Inl:le. Fen ence of Parliamont Act, which declares t a high crime 'and misdemeanour for any member to aco'e%t any money or other con-- sideration which may influence his vots The hon. Commissioner of Public Works ha1l charged that an hon. member of this House had given his services to one railway com. pm"_for $4,000, and transforrod it to another for $5,000. He called upon Mr. Speaker to require the hon gentleman to retract tha statement, or name the person, (Oppositiy, -- cheers.) t .R llid in -- was said that anything. that