RI' tra u know "he; 21° 2t,yggtrc',)ttle, , ' . T ,v gt . "P', . , I entral Prison, w ic w" ME .Thsthe will otttttttqeqtat ll' q I commencement of the session, would be Jame. debate onthe ma Mug ot iirf e , , brought do n. Bill to amend the "new! L?! 'e" ' A AA , mo. Mr. FRASER "s'.mi ho would haw "the Bill be M m g attired time, ' . :; ll, tunsttsm dorm in day or Mro. It P" but that it hardened has! to ttttt 0". tnits ': . " been delayed because he in: won tee of the Whole, with instructions to l [l A _ to "amend that tho mformehon amend section 14 ttttr ottt tite words l ji? li was contained ina re art which yes to com u of the timid!) ity by. any Pe"' com; I ., Ai It, A ' dorm to the House. 3n reading that report, plalning M a.rt error itrhmtwtolt inthe 5.011. l w: 1 j ' however, he found that it di not contain iM)tiirddiitg after yy word under salt, _ ', , ttt, information, and he at on? gaze lustrm- n tier: one and two oi, T , ':: I 'lh't 'hee/I', btt IN?" i Mr, Bod 'utr.-Ort motion Gr the third il ll '" he Home "Named a. W: ". l eadin ot 'lh'l (No, 18),to amend the Asseu- _ A T.-:--::,",, ' _ meet ism he will move that the same be .1 , NEW MEMBER I rife red back to a Committee of the Whole ,.'1' Mr. Thomas Mains Dal , the nawl molested i 501199 withaninstruotion tonmend theee'oeby A si,", l number foquorth Faith, having 'talnn Providing that the live stock owned by " tr. : , the enthuses introduced to Mr. Speaker I mer, an med by tup on tfo farm._ b' P' I A': hidden"; Meredith "a Merrick, and took ' eluded amongst "thetrxetnirtltrt" mentioned in . a "A " seat on the floor ot the House during the i the 9th section of tho Assessment Aat tr A " debate in the afternoon. A 1800, _ i , u.------------------- I' ' tiMITTEE _ A l NOTICES' or MOTION. l PUBLIC Among" 00 l il - i Tima, u' Februar " , C i , f Mr. Carrie-tht Thursday next~~Will ask A . ' ' '. . y ' A l, A , A leave to introduce a Bill entitled, "An cht The Public AcumutAJorivuiiMts m): off-.14 ' A {A "tttf Mnncipul Franchise." A ihis mornmg ll d l . d l ;' ' P Fate a-ty Tht d - g q Mr. Lsxciurliz was ca. e. u an quee- q: A A House "if," , .r. 'eel.'.'.',,,',",'?,-,,',',)'; ti? l tioned as to his expenses. Ele stated that he , f A rtt Into a Committee to consider the follow. A made memorandum of all his expenses, and A A Mtg "esitttitu.ec-, ' dd not (in: any I??? on a§citii1hnt of r'i'u" A. A . " . i, prunes not he a noun-e: em. LI i A A "?d2ta"yA,e,t),pihttti'i..,st),ii.e off go, A statement was regarded as satisfactory. A I A A i, late Province i? Canada 1'fllti' 1'i'id,l, tn: ', Some discussion took place with regard to . ', E c, I A "hundred and ten of the tJle,'o'lfd.,t.,lh,rv,','-'d'rl', A the furnishing Of the Departments ' l i :A I I of Canada, it was provided that itron1er to i' Mr. Linton: s.tetrrtlPt,flEi10 had been l T " I A aid the (hunt Councils in Upper Canada in ' expended in furnishing during the past your, ' 1 A making the situations "a "among ttrest' A nearly tourtimes as much as that expended A ', I embed in the "id Act, in the gsols of their by Mr. Baru1fieit1 Mscdouald. by 'wnozn the A l A s',Q,',e,.t,t,tt counties, that the Governor of the t Departments were furnished f'"', 'l, t i ' CT/fe, of 9,tttdp, will." I"? trout out of A Mr. Page" cemplsined particularly * I .i l . 0 Upper Canada Building Fund," to the A i the accounts relating to the Department of 'g . t t Treasurer of each County, a sum not or: 'sd. A i the Commissioner oi Public Works, and ob i, f mg one-half of the expense of the some, and A L jeotedtothe furnishing of bedroom: in the i l, gf exceeding the mm cfslx tltoamaddollara I A l)epartmente. . A A "If!" one County. ; Mr. Woo" suggested that an inspection of A A l Te , L. That by an Act passed in the thirty. the rooms should be made for the purpose first year of Her Majesty's reign and chop A of ascertaining it the furnishing was extrave ' A 'ggl "yen. tii?, mud "PrUoii and Asylum 'gunt. . . 's',, A nepcehon Act WM "Pedal A Mr FARE" um. luA'J'l the: this inspection . A I 3.. That previous to the repeal of the "still i l should bemade.. 1"- reclted section, various County Councils in i, I Mr. Wooo seconded the motionmhich was 111 Ontario were aided under tho provisions I g csrricd. 1 thereof. A A On the suggestion of Mr. Wool, tit. Eek. . 4. That other County Councils which have l ', hart was tmrth' for and qaastioae) '" ti the ' A not 3330 to aided have made alterations and ' ' tstato of tht, Provincial "o'ceretary 'a ro "I" ter, 1 'i. additions ll; tliefir goals indurder to meet the l, t the time they were relurnisho '1. ', V .1anan s o the sai Act, and of the , -te- t ' . e . ' ai Pm ea'pad2githinsaitiidfi"j.trte,ti.itil, Wweir;catheter;more; , and 1tteratioN.aty.1. ditions are required I the. one covering the Provmeial Secretary's A _ bymotgler seals in the Province in coautien i radar was materially the worse for wash, but I _ w e have not received aid under tho said 5 was utilizal in furnishing another room '_il, rectum . . . q There was previously no carpet in the olor'ra' l A _ d 6. Wt? the f,'/tfl,f1' ogthis Hub!) it is , m m, A . A esira e revivet e mi sect-ion, and in Pt .. . , ' L order to place the various counties in On Jie, 'i'tt,tt'tgti2,tid that t'a.o (ilovuvaavsue . . . . . o bandne d no and furnished bedrooms I Lane on Bn sqrtal footing, pr JV100tt should Mr.LacDER said the member: of that Gov- , bo made that to aid the County 0min- eminent paid for " ah furnishing themselves oils in Ontario in maklng the alters C l G J . " tiers and additions required by law 1 f o hi [km]? explained Moral hours in the in the pols of their res active counties. ' 1ra'1ti,'g,t"i'i1'l1 1"ii'Wgt,','ght,',"aJg'et',: A the Lieutinant.Gorernor in Emmett any, by t out :we 1 . m ti I,,',',":':",',', "if? Cror.e.rty A ( V Order in Council. direct that out of the 0 in A "A" ""3" a; y tl'l','t',"J,',f lb ?J,15'h',t, which I t l solidated Revenue Fund of Oat trio thorn A o a , no or b "clam" m 1867. l if , i thall be P'id to tho frown." of a", such I Mr. 10'5er pointed oat that the Cavern 1 1 l " county which has not been aided under the I meet paid theboard of the M intrcsl Tele-' ' said "The Prison and Asylum Inspection graph Company ' operstrr. , Act" of tho_late Province of Gouda, a sum Col. thioron stated that he received in i I not exceeding one half of the expense of attractions to certify the board of that Ocm- k, V making such alterations or additions, and pan/s operator from Hr. Carling. . l ,,' not exceedmg the sum of in: thousand dol A Mr. lineman did not see the necessity of V "5 In! for any one, county, 1 g mahing this payment. and thought it was . , . 6. That, inthe opinion of this House such l A giving the hroytmal Company . 1nothetrr f l , provision should take eti'ect as if the same , Am" the Dominion .Oompany, "m" 995' A ' . had been on the twenty-eighth day of Febrn- . 2 "to. was not BO provided tor. "r, A. D. 1868 (that being the date of the ' 1 An mount ms reduced. stasis-must repeal as aloressid of said Section twenty. ', _ Ron. Mr. McKellar grad credited the? Gov I one of phapter one hundred and ton of the A emlrgent with 8163 M, the amount ot some _ ' tymtoyd,a,tisd,.liloe? of Canada) marl.) and ', fttmitttre for him, chargodtothe Government provided": lieu of the and section so re. ! last year. . u Vated. . l _ Some time was noon led in use F. A s") . . . f . _ . P ' n 7. That, m u, opinion of thu House. tth how the furniture named in the l, I! _ every sueerrder in Council should, as so " _ bill, ad been disposed of, and an order was A ' r as conveniently tlt be after the making _ given for fuller iidormWon upon tho "b. 1 , l that be laid betore this House for it: A ject. . q I ' 'sl rati ion or ruse ion, on that ' A , . ' . . - ' order tee lib; (el,',',',',,','") tuthma 33:33 ; Tho Commrttoe adiourqod at 12.3,. A. . the some ti a we eon ratified b . ' ' lution of this Home. ' r a rem A _ Mr. ArdAghr--On Thursday "Kl; --- bl , A . for a return of copies of all dean-amt, £321: A J , stifiet, of ttus Depsr.trnont, of Pabhe Works l A ", or in the possession of the Governmmg' A: , lungs reference to the improv 'trt m; of ii,-', l, ' '3; L k Nottnwassgo River, In the conmyofsm. A "A '1; ' cor. A I a" i Aletr--0o .Thatistity ntrzt--1trk . . . . A r:"" ,1 lathe intention of the Gavel-null 'R, in}: x] , " " exit for the approval of the Home, dthiog i _ J I ' I ieigrd,','lpiaut "at" otooti4ated i J, rt n . or so 9 , ' t _ , . 'h, ,i _ ogiirLt3. Province. "y'"ho1ding; . _..'." 'tie'