fqflnpcf the bon. Premier could give them some informatio c lece k ms sds n as to the cloge of the ses. Hon. Mr. MOWAT c .. with regard to this 'onl(? ll'}o :nym:::m THE SCHOOLI LAWS, Hon, Mr. MOWAT --'moved the reduction of the quorum of the Committee appointed to consider the Bill to amend the Public and High School Laws of Ontario. Mr. CAMERON said this was a matic? which ought to have been reported to thé House, _ It was not J:irable that irregular _ proceedings should take place in the House, although they were getting a little slip--shod in their way of doing business. He fi.d no doubt that in this instance it would be in the public interost if tho reduction were made. The motion was carried.* _ GoOvVERNMENT BUSINES3. Hozn, Mr. MOWAT moved that during the remainder of the session Government orders should have precedence on Thursdays, and -- be called on Arondayn and Wednesdays after . the other orders of the day bad been callod. . Mr, CAMERON said thore was a good_. deal of Private RBill legislation before theo / country, and it was very desirable that those ° who sought relief or other advantages from . the House should reccive it. Hs was not . aware that the buciness of the House render-- -- ed it absolutely necessary that this motion should take place, and maintained that ;the Goversment should not interfere with the time allowed to private members. _ They had had no explanation from the hon, Premiar as to the necessity for this motion. he would see that overiy opportunity should be given before the close of the session for their being brought forward. Mr, CAMERON said of conrse the carry-- ing on of Private Bill lciislation in a hurried manner was objectionablo, Sometimes Pri-- vate Bills were of great importance, and they should not be crowded into the end of the session,. He was not aware that the Govern-- ment had a great many measures to intro-- duce. * Mr, MOWAT said the motion was cus-- tomary, and the House would have every opportunity of giving duo consideration to Hon. Mr. MOWAT presumed it was de-- airable that they should get througk the buai-- ness as rapidily as possible, and ho bslieved the Government business would be delayed unless they bad the advantage which the mo-- tion proposed to give the GGovernmont. Thore was plenty of brsiress to ocoupy them con-- atantly until the close of the session. As to Private Bills, he did not think there wore mapy of a strictly private nature, bat Mr, CAMERON did not think the motion bhad been asked provionnl{ before the Go-- vernment measures were fully before the House. thAa soo:lxd ;: the l:::llm.ta vlvere passed, they wou completely powerless, and would {ave no control' over hon. gentle. men as to the continuance of the session, papi 0tb Report of the Committee on The Reports were adopted. BILLS TINTRODUOED, Mr., Bethune--To provide for allowances to trustees, executors, and administrators Mr. Meredith--To prevent fraud and fraudulent practices upon or by hotel-- keepers, tavern--keepors, or others. Mr. Farewell--To amend 35 Vic. cap, 49, entitled an Act for the improvement of water privileges. Hon, Mr. Pardee--To make valid certain tales for taxes of lands in towns not separ-- ated from counties , Mr. Bethune--To amend and estend the Registration of Titles (Ontario) Act. OBA BDLLL 1 1.1.3, REPOR" V= , AX s ""'"d Hon. Mr. CURRIE presented the .« -- Report of the Committcs on Privato Bills. ;, Mt: OLARKE (Wellington) also prese=ted LRCTSLATORE oF oNFRIO. |-- . SECOND Paruiament--tnino sesston. Speaker ~"~" COMMITTEES, Wrpxrspay, Feb, 25. ok the chair at 3: 15 '; O Vn en rP "Sutnizes: 1 I(Illllil)ll"cn nvolve any avoida e ex-- ..pmw":onldmzot at the same time an-- every purpore in view, Alterations -mm made to the plansand spoclfiaationl, aud still the amount was too large. . 'The (1q, ernment had now determined upon a furthor soon as possible. _ The motion was then carried. THE MONTGOMERY CLAIM, _ Mr, CLARKE (Wellin )ukodvgheflm' the Government haddb.s?:ndor dt:! con® sideration the report of a Select mitte®e of this House, which report declared that | fim of the value of one thousand five | and eighty nine dollm':hO P"g?" l ty of John Montgomery, was from him for the use of tha Government of Canada in the year 1837, on the understanding _ that lometm'rt., .t.leut.otltllwnld be paid for; that this claiin was investigated by the Of ficial Board for adjusting such claim® and ordered to be paid to the wife of the said | John Montgomery, but was not £0 paid in | consequence of her death, and that Sir (George | Arthurs 'approved of the decision made by such Board pf Claims; and which report tar-- ther declarod that during the same yo°ar (1837) the hotel and other property and fur-- niture of the said John Montsomery, of the value of filteen thousand doliars and up: wards, was burned by the troops of the Gov-- erument; and, if the Ministry had takensuch report into consideration, whether they had determined to recommend: the paymont to the said John Montgomery of any portion of such losses sratained by him. Hon. Mr. MOWAT said the Government had, duripg and since last session, under their coosideration the report of the Select Committee of the House. From that report it appears that the official Board adjusted the claims,and ordered the first sam of money to be i:id to the wife, _ Sir George Arthurs, then Lient.--Governor, approved of the decision of the Board. In consequence of the death of Mrs. Montgomery, the mone was not paid, and bad not yet been ';:dg He (Mr. Mowat) wis not satisfied with the verbal evidence given of what had takan placs, and considered . the official documents should be produced showing that this report had been made by the official Board. He He would rejoice pointcd this out to the gentlemen «who inter-- ested thomselves in this matter, and in conse-- quenceof that, since last session there had been placed in his hands evidence that after a diligent search for the books in which these entries were made, and the papers relating to that examination, khad been made in ofii cial quarters where these books ought to be, bat somehow they had cither been 5estroyed or misplaced, for they could not be traced. He was satisfiocd that a sufficient case had been made out, but from the time that had eugsed they might plead the statate of lim-- itation, He did not think, however, it would be proper to plead the statute of limitations ; and, therefore, was of the opinion that the money ought to be paid, _ He referred merely to the sum reported by the official !io.n{ With regard to the largo claim of $15,000, ko did not think it possible to recogniza it, however true the facts might be, conaldering the very long time that had ohsued since theso transactions took place, ard that the claim had--not been recognized during that time, _ He was of opinion that it would be impossible with any. propriety to recognize the claim. He thought the claim which had been the subject of formaladjadi-- cation should be paid, perhaps with a small addition for interest. 'That was the utmost extent he considered to which it would be possible to recognize the claims, OTrawWA NORMAL SOHOOL, Mr, ODONOCHUE asked when it was the intention of the Government to proceca with the erection of the new Normal School in the city of Uttawa, and what was tle cause of the present delay * «** Hon. Mr, MOWAT said it was the inten-- tion of the Government to proeec_d with the :;oofion of a new Normal School in the city Ottawa. What delay had arisen was from two causos,. In the first place some dif-- ficulty with rogard to the conveyance of the property, and secondly of the amount o' the tenders buinf such that it would be im possible to build the Normal School for the amount voted by the Legislature, The Gov. ernment did not think they would be jasti. fred in asking for any addition to that amount, The sums named in the lowest tendor, to-- gether with the expenditure the erection would necessarily involve, was such as to zendor it impossible to build the school with-- out exceeding the amount which the Houss voted. Then it became necessary to make rarinklans Fnninm kla cecl..* + P P voted. Theon it became necessary t. variations from the general nlan w';{ht-o Rorets Planrwith a view of itureleas, It was desired should be plain, and such qs c SCs d