m "%ott-.orho was 103:1 gentleman of high repute, and who discharged mayo! the done; 'devolve u n the Hon Eitimrtutttrat: Com hint t'l been when: justico hail not gem done to Mr, [Ion-is, and he (Ur Wm) showedtm that gunman] "my had been inoreued 50pm- cont. After refer. ring to the malaria mm to the Inspector ot thai Central Prison and the Clerk of the Crown in Chantry. he went on to deprecste tho oonatunptitrn of the time of the Home hy the reconsideration of this qn-mtinn. He couidmd it would be advisable for the Go. vernment to tix tbs salaries of tfyiithof. the g ', --_- -.a-- ...co Mr. RICHARDS said he had voted with to Government upon the increase of sale- 'iu,and he would do no tomorrow if the question were to come up. m deprecaued the bringin up of this matter no fre qmmtlr, "dudefendod the payment of the elm-y to Mr. Scott. Be iirdintatmvt that 'Wen" W "A Inv 'M.-."----" _ country, and make oftidnls understand what an to be their subtle! when tho, took "1509. If that. me uything which am 90nd aGovornment more than auuthcr it w" tbs hoe-Int appeals from the pages up. 'tttds, for more guy. . In gadget behave the "moth were Giiiibaid, It junkies were ttot, done to them the? weak! leek otier smoky. ment. Ho cone nded by rugmthug that so much time had been occupied in discussing these inauue of "tarty.'... - . . . st- In. in the public interest to secure 'he cerviccc of competent person, and to den] liberally with them, rather thin secure he". dozen incompetent per-one ct small salaries. He thought they could fairly claim that the Govarnment had inoreased the numberol emcers in some of the depurt Iron aniktothtahs objected. He did not u " "good policy for members of that ai e of the once to be "orttimrslly taking 11) this question of the increase of mlnrius. The newer that would be given would be that members of the Opposi- tion bad voted with the Government on the "abject, end this to a certain extent would neutralize the charge. There ware runny other questions to which he thought hon. gentlemen should devote their attention. . Six o'olock being c.1166, . .. . 'the SPEAKER slid he would give the Home the can to which he bod rotated upon the question ot order raised. m woe awn. that on opinion pre waded that them won a difference betwem epithet' opplied to the conduct of wombat-s outside of the Home Ind Inside of the Home. There w" no such diff-moo. He referred tn the debate upon the "Negotiation' at "also." Buzzard, Vol. 139, p. 1,844. Mr. Pttiilitnoro "id..-.,.") the Right Hon Barorot (Sir Wm, Moleoworth) prostitutes his high onion at the hastings. om) ende- mnda to gross sud scurrilous abuses of menu here a honourable as hi-lt---" (Called to order) Mr. Phillimoro proceeded: "I In): with great mpeet to the Choir. tint any -.L- -....... .... an the hunting: of wnn great ""'e'" - -.___ -e - _ . .. person who eccuiee me on the hunting: of l, ethylene deeigne, utters vuloar and ecurrilom shone." (Called to order.) "I hope toha in order when I eey that he will do well on mother occuion to amulet himself with the facts before he metal such easel-time." The Home then men for recess. _ ' . ADMISSION TO TUP. "All. l Mr BET ttUNL' moved the second rest. mg "nth: Bill to enable the 1.313201" o' Int-no to admit Mr. John erght I a If". later-lt-la'. Thu gentlemen, he idadi an! pvnztieed in the loge! profusion-t Port lope " some yen", and the Lew but.-. , did not ' hjcct to the use: of the Bill Thr Home than had to 1ufgi'l, the meme l fron a public palatal view, end " it were t f, and that Mt. Wright were competent to l w I "we the duties, he did not eee why the momma should not pm into law. Mr. CA NERO} Lia he regarded the pro- po-uuun ccntained in the Bill " m audacity . -- ~_-A:-.- an h':.ngl' "I Wright _'.-',iriirioariL" is know Mr. Wright wits ' mmpetmnt 'mp, my! would Omar. noob. j mm: m the mom! reading of the Bill; bu: he did not co lid" it wu in the public in avert that barman should be made by the " (991mm. The Bill me lead a second time. . TBIIESHING MACHIN E My IIDIINTS. Mr. CLARK r, (Wellington) moved the How a into Committee to consider the .11ch dmrn ta made to the Bill requiring own on of thruhirg and other machine to gun! agait " to cidrnt. . -httte §mudments were passed In Com mittee. and on the Committee reporting the ty11 as 1mem1ul. it was adopted by the Home. JOIN!' Sl-K'K RUAD COMAANIEB Mr. SF NTOY moved the second resdmg of the Bill to amend the Act mapoctin 2 J oiat Stuck Road Companies. Havin tsruhy " phined the pronaionu of the 'lllf, T l [ 1869 Ks L sstatedt i the Bill tho Lie ch»! Bl Guam meat , town-1 The b settle) the ls TI , . "ads. I vomit been l _ meat would be cum: up'" u: . '. ..-- - fawn-hips we: between $49,000 to $50,000 The hon goeturay' Uturmsd that the early settlers in these townships had pnrohused the licd before the mankind been opened np. my] bad assisted in t 0 construction n' made, and bad awe some nt,'.',,": on to want of the land. These wnshipe 1nd 1 been converted into Free Great townlhipl. and, consequently, the old set%rrtrwort' not. [ on the name advantageous foothill In the 2 1Mer arrivals. m considered the tt',fi,ii,',',' of these resolutions would be t wise am just Yul-Vl- Mr. CAMERON did not consider pummt thet the people in these t, were entitled to relief because t spent money on the grounds 3 good it were adopted in this instance it , en argument for the extension of I relief to All old settlers. --- _ e, I - ' l adopt, I Unite 1 Micki h eatid body l the worst " bk '_M1 Cii'irTG induced to rum the represtsa.urtt,P, that the would deal Mun-.1131 with them. . - I LL_L t would deal Hour-u, m..- _ Mr. READ considered that It would he s l, grout horduhlp if these new settlers were I compelled to pay the remainder of the poy- I memo, and thought that in justice the reso- i lotion! should pose. Tho motion was carried. l The Home then wens into Commits-so on the resolution, which ware adopted. The Committee rose and roportod the re- solutions without omendment. . THE LIQUOR T11 ADE. "on. Mr. CROOKS moved the noon! l wading of the. Bill to amend and oozisolidve I the lane for the-tale of fermented and spirit "7 -siA Huh Aha nbiect of vending ot we pm in mu--- --- the law for thmale of fermented and spirit i noun Moors. He stated thst the object of f this Bill wos ehicil y to oonaotidate the exist l, ing laws upon this subject, to make mora i clear these Inws, sud arrange them in s mm I nor that they could ho more easily under- l stood. lie had .abro introduced certain l amendments which were not in my way novelties, bat rather to provide tot" the statute law being more ethoiently ontoreed t than to make it more stringent it In; in the interest oi the public and liuuor denim that the law should he more rigidiv enforced. In connection with the :0de amendments he might stow that he ll'al'i been in communi- tion with and had obtained the views of not did not consider the ttr' ople in those township relief because At? hail]: mugeattsi,1, that " l to . 89801" L time. "I re Mk "mini mg of r. m. Farewell, over. ON CROWX loved tht irotse Giiiierfatio, H2 thh House. r, is "gnaw"!!! in I "161 "mu-3v --. Eronndsa good one. It u instance it would be extension of the same /'iiiriUGii; them in . mm could be more easily under- Al .al <0 introduped certain H td if! ii